Chapter 176 The Ghost Forest Explosion

In the sea of ​​flames, beside the two rangers, the body of the huge golden dragon was shrinking rapidly, and it soon changed back into a human form. Gao Yuan in dragon scale armor reappeared behind them beside.

"Stay by my side, no matter what happens, don't leave!"

Gao Yuan stared intently at the white figure who was wrestling with the Evening Star Blade, and warned Will and Sir Royce without looking back.

The two rangers who didn't know why had no choice but to nod. Although they didn't know what Gao Yuan would do next, they both knew to follow Gao Yuan's orders, and there would be no mistakes in the designation.

Soon they will know what Gao Yuan will do next. Seeing Gao Yuan's eyes fixed, the blood vessels in his temples on both sides throbbed crazily, and golden rays of light passed through the veins, and soon spread all over Gao Yuan the entire forehead.

Dense golden blood vessels like the roots of a big tree appear on Gao Yuan's forehead. If you observe carefully, you will find that they all flow together to the center of Gao Yuan's eyebrows.

In the eyes that originally shone with a faint golden light, a golden light burst out suddenly. Although it was not as dazzling as when Gao Yuan was angry before, it should not be underestimated. Every trace of the divine power contained in it was enough to shake the people around him. The two rangers who were there were completely wiped out.

An invisible wave started from Gaoyuan's body as the center of the circle, and quickly radiated to the surrounding forests, soon completely covering the burning forest where Gaoyuan was.

The fire that was still spreading wildly to the surrounding forest seemed to be pressed for an instant by the pause button. Even in the already burning forest, the flame that was dancing like a fire snake spit out a letter stopped in an instant. .

The Night King, who was fighting with the Evening Star Blade, obviously also noticed the powerful thoughts and divinity emanating from Gao Yuan. After dodging the slashing of the Evening Star Blade, he looked around at the people who had "stopped burning" In the forest, there was a trace of doubt in the night king's blue eyes.

"Time Stopped" didn't last too long.Soon, those scorching flames resumed their actions again.

But this time, they no longer spread outwards by the power of the north wind, but quickly gathered inwards as if going back in time.

The mottled sparks are as bright as the stars in the sky. Even when Gao Yuan did not apply thought power to them, the countless fire elements floating in this limited space, under the collision and convergence of each other, Condensed into one fire mass after another.

Under the action of Gao Yuan's thought power, whether it was the flames in the forest or the fireballs formed by themselves, they all began to rotate in a clockwise direction.

It wasn't until this moment that the Night King realized that something was wrong. He hurriedly used the power of ice and divinity to condense an ice crystal spear in his hand, and threw it towards Gao Yuan who was controlling the terrifying flame storm.

The ice crystal spear came out of the Night King's hand, and flew towards Gao Yuan's chest with a powerful momentum. Gao Yuan was trying to maintain the flame storm around him, and obviously had no energy, so he went to create a mental shield to stop it The ice crystal spear is dead.

"Should I choose to give up the flame storm that I finally condensed, or keep my life?" This is the purpose of the Night King. He is forcing Gao Yuan to choose between these two dilemmas.

If Gao Yuan still has the energy to answer at this time, he will definitely tell the Night King: "I want it all!"

Since Gao Yuan dared to use almost all his strength in front of the enemy, he condensed this terrifying storm.How could it fail to consider that the security of the main body may be threatened by the enemy?

As soon as his mind moved, the Evening Star Blade, which had been waiting for a long time, instantly turned into a flaming meteor and flew straight towards the ice crystal spear.

"Ding dong."

A crisp sound of metal collisions rang in the ears of everyone present. The tip of the flaming sword and the tip of the ice crystal spear collided fiercely in the void like a needle point against a wheat awn. This was a fierce battle. A confrontation between ice and fire.

Countless ice crystal shards and flames splashed and scattered between the two, followed by an earth-shattering explosion that resounded throughout the ghost forest.

When the dust falls.

"Bang dang."

A silver-white meteorite sword fell to Gao Yuan's feet, and the ice crystal spear had disappeared at this time, leaving only fragments of ice crystals stuck on the ground.

The Night King still wanted to take some action, but it was too late at this time, and the flame storm condensed by Gao Yuan had been completely formed.

In the vast ghost forest, a flame hurricane with a diameter of one kilometer wide and a height of more than 800 meters has been fully formed.With the size of this flame, even if it is placed on the lonely mountain battlefield in Middle-earth, it is still a strategic weapon-level existence.

Let alone 50, Gao Yuan is confident that it is an army of [-] orcs, which is not worth mentioning in front of this hurricane of flames.

Wherever the hurricane of flames went, everything in the world was reduced to ashes, and even the soil in the ghost forest turned into a layer of flowing magma. This hurricane of flames was still being compressed under the influence of lofty thoughts.

However, even the most powerful hurricane can't hurt the nimble Night King.Therefore, what Gao Yuan has to do is to completely surround it and continuously compress the living space of the Night King.

As the range of the flame hurricane continues to shrink, the fire element in the area it passes through will be emptied by the hurricane formed by the fire element.

This also led to where the flame hurricane passed, the flames that were originally burning in the woods and land were all miraculously extinguished, not even a trace of sparks remained, only some incompletely burned substances remained exist.

Among them, the green smoke was the most, and the billowing green smoke almost covered the new moon in the sky.

What controls this hurricane of flames now is the mind cage that Gao Yuan used to cast on those stupid wolves in the forest at the foot of the Misty Mountains.

So far, no one has escaped from Gao Yuan's cage of thought power, let alone the blessing of divine power.

Of course, it doesn't mean that no one has ever escaped from the cage of thought power, it means that it is absolutely unbreakable.As far as Gao Yuan knows, there are still many strong men who can violently crack the cage of mind power, but these strong men definitely do not include the Night King.

If there is no accident, the Night King will be trapped in this thought power cage and burned to death by the hurricane of flames.

The hurricane of flames is still under the constriction of the mental cage, crazily compressing the range of the Night King's activities, and the temperature in the center of the flame is also continuously heating up as the range shrinks.

The flames in the initial flame hurricane were orange-red, and when the flames passed Gao Yuan and the others, they had turned golden yellow, which indicated that the burning temperature of the flames had reached a terrifying temperature of 1300 degrees Celsius.

Gao Yuan himself is fearless, because of the existence of Dragon Heart's passive skill, these flames can't cause any harm to him, but Will and Sir Royce, who are wrapped in his mental shield, are already feeling unbearably hot up.

Even with the protection of lofty mind power shields, there was still a little heat wave that penetrated through the soil on the ground, burning their eyebrows and hair in an instant, and the skin of the two became red because of the high temperature.Seeing this situation, Gao Yuan put another layer of shields on the two of them, which completely isolated them from the high temperature.

After the flaming storm swept past Gao Yuan and the others, Gao Yuan could no longer see clearly what the situation of the Night King in the center of the storm was, and there was a high probability that there would be no bones left.

The contraction of the flame storm did not stop until it was about 300 meters in diameter. This is already the limit that Gao Yuan's mental power can shrink. The plasma gas in the mental cage has turned into a sky-like azure blue color. .

If it continues to shrink, then his strength will not be able to withstand the huge pressure in the storm and will collapse, resulting in an earth-shattering explosion, the scope of which may not be smaller than that of a small nuclear bomb.

Even so, Gao Yuan was still a little worried.

Although Gao Yuan could no longer narrow the scope of the flame storm, Gao Yuan could add something new to the cage of mind power—divinity.

Gaoyuan's spiritual power and divinity have always been a state of me in you and you in me, probably because these two powers have the same root and origin, and to a certain extent they are actually the same existence .

It's not that Gao Yuan has never tried to separate the divinity from the spiritual power in the past, but he has never succeeded.But now, Gao Yuan took this rare opportunity to make a bold attempt.

No matter how Gao Yuan uses his mind power, usually his divinity and spiritual power emerge from Gao Yuan's body together and transform into mind power. At this time, his mind power also possesses both spiritual power and divinity different nature.

Whenever Gao Yuan cuts off the connection between the mind power and the spiritual power, the divinity and spiritual power in the mind power will disappear at the same time, but when Gao Yuan condenses the elemental ball, he finds that his divinity can actually be integrated into those Among the highly condensed elements.

Therefore, after Gao Yuan throws the magic ball, there will always be a trace of divine power in it, and what Gao Yuan needs to do is to constantly extract the fire element in the cage of thought power, rewrap it with thought power, and re-wrap it again. thrown into a cage.

One after another, the fire element magic balls were thrown into the mind cage by Gao Yuan. Although the temperature and terror level have been greatly reduced after being repacked, each magic ball contains a lot of Gao Yuan's divinity Therein lies the power.

It wasn't until after throwing more than 100 magic balls into the cage of mind power that Gao Yuan stopped drawing the fire element in his hands. His divinity value has been consumed by almost half, and the divine power contained in it is already extremely terrifying.

Looking inward from the outside of the daunting huge blue-white fireball, from time to time there will be a lightning-like golden stripe surging, that is the divine power injected into it by Gao Yuan.

Looking at the fireball with a diameter of 300 meters that continued to burn, Gao Yuan could almost conclude that the Night King had been burned alive by himself. No one could survive in this situation, even as the leader of the White Walkers The Night King.

Just when Gao Yuan was about to leave here with the two rangers, and then detonate this extremely powerful fireball, suddenly a cloud of white mist appeared in the blue-white fireball.

The sudden appearance of white mist could not help but stop the curious Gao Yuan from leaving. He looked suspiciously at the white mist that was scurrying around in the fireball. It looked like some kind of living body, which was constantly impacting Holding the cage of thought power maintained by Gao Yuan.

While he was still observing the actions of the white mist, Gao Yuan's mind power cage was suddenly broken through a huge gap by the strange white mist.

Gao Yuan didn't even have time to fill the gap that was pierced by the strange white mist, and the blue-white flame that could destroy everything in the world poured out of the cage of thought power in an instant.

The gap in the mind power cage appeared, like a newborn avalanche moving the whole body, but within 0.2 seconds, the entire mind power cage collapsed instantly because of the appearance of this gap.

It was at this time that a huge explosion occurred. Gao Yuan only had time to wrap himself and the two rangers with a mental shield, and was instantly swallowed by the terrifying flames and shock waves.

In the originally dark and gloomy ghost forest, because of the sudden explosion, a fireball brighter than the sun suddenly appeared, and it illuminated the entire sky beyond the Great Wall as if it were daytime.

The dazzling white light and mushroom cloud produced by the explosion can be clearly seen in the extreme north and the Great Wall hundreds of kilometers away.In the ghost forest where Gao Yuan and others lived, a vacuum zone with a diameter of about [-] kilometers appeared. All the trees within this [-] kilometers were uprooted by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

I don't know how long it took for Will and Sir Royce, the two fateful rangers, to wake up under the wings of Gao Yuan's transformed golden dragon.To be able to survive such a terrorist explosion, I have to say that the luck of the two is really against the sky.

Although they barely survived under the protection of Gao Yuan's incarnation of the golden dragon and the shield of thought power, they are lucky to be able to survive.

Gao Yuan was unscathed in this explosion. Neither the hot flame nor the powerful shock wave caused any harm to him who transformed into a golden dragon!

Gao Yuan, who became human again, stood up and looked at the mess around them. Under the horrible explosion and flames, the land around them had turned into a large piece of obsidian or glass, and there was nothing else.

In the sky, white ashes and dust were slowly falling, landing on Gao Yuan and the others.

It's hard for you to imagine that before the explosion, there was still a gloomy snow forest here.

Just when Gao Yuan turned his head and was about to check the physical condition of the two rangers, he suddenly saw the two rangers in front of him with a sudden expression of fear.

Gao Yuan immediately became alert, and set up a mental shield around him. When he turned his head to look behind him, he also showed a surprised expression.

The Night King is still alive!

The Night King, whom Gao Yuan determined had been burned to death by the flames, is not only alive now, but standing in front of Gao Yuan intact at this time, and his body is surrounded by a layer of the strange white that Gao Yuan saw in the cage of thought power before. fog.

Before Gao Yuan could make a move, the strange white mist on the Night King's body rushed towards Gao Yuan's front door.

 Orange red: about 1000 degrees Celsius.

  Golden yellow: around 1300 degrees Celsius.

  White and blue: above 1500 degrees Celsius.

(End of this chapter)

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