Chapter 179 Rune Dragon
As Gao Yuan's body continues to swell, it is difficult for you to see Gao Yuan's previous appearance in this huge monster in front of you.

With a tail with thorns, a body like a hill, and the head of a train locomotive, its size has far exceeded the length of the golden dragon that Gao Yuan transformed into before, reaching an astonishing 80 meters in length.

The dragon scales all over his body were shining with a dazzling red light, and mysterious runes could be vaguely seen emerging from time to time. Each dragon scale was as delicate as a shield carefully forged by an elf craftsman.

This is why Gao Yuan can still maintain such confidence when facing the cold god, and it is also the only way to solve his current predicament.

When Gao Yuan was invaded by the god of cold and ice, the fiery dragon heart was about to be extinguished; the spiritual power and divinity could not help him get rid of the alien divinity in the critical moment of life.

Gao Yuan used the [Skill Upgrade Card] to upgrade the active skill [Dragon Transformation].

[Rune Dragon] (Cannot be upgraded through experience.): After using this skill, you will transform into a rune dragon upgraded from the magic dragon in Middle-earth.After transforming into a rune dragon, your physical defense, magic defense, strength, physique, and life recovery speed will be greatly improved.

Obtain limited skills after transformation: breath of dragon, skin of runes, scales of runes, core of divine magic,

[Limited Skill: Rune Skin]: In the tough flesh and blood of the rune dragon, you are born with the power of runes. Based on the original magic defense, your magic defense ability will be greatly improved, and will be against the [divine magic core] 】The restrained divine power has strong immunity.

[Limited Skill: Rune Scale]: The scales of the rune dragon have blessings from runes. On the basis of the original physical defense, your physical defense ability will be greatly improved.

[Limited Skill: Divine Magic Core]: After possessing this skill, you will be able to choose the magic attributes you need for your divine magic core before you transform into a rune dragon each time, as your The source of power for the body of the dragon.

The core element types of divine magic that can be selected at present: light element, wind element, fire element, earth element, water element, dark element, thunder element.

[Limited Skill: Breath of Elements]: When you activate the divine magic core in your body, you can spray out from your mouth dragon breath flames with different magic attributes and divinity. The strength of the divine power of this skill depends on Your own divine power.

Weakness: The corresponding restraint attribute strength of the selected attribute of the divine magic core.

The crimson rune dragon stood up straight in front of the cold god, standing in front of him like a tall building. He bent down to grab the cold god at his feet, and easily captured the ghost Roy Si's body was held in the palm of the dragon's claw.

The strange thing is that although Hanshen was caught in the palm of the hand by the rune dragon at this time, there was no panic on his face.

Even in front of the mountain-like rune dragon body, and the ghoul Royce occupied by the cold god was as big as an ant, he still maintained a calm expression.

In Sir Royce's blue eyes, what Gao Yuan saw was the endless contempt of the strong when they looked down on the weak.


In the two huge crimson vertical pupils of the rune giant dragon, angry flames were burning in them. Gao Yuan didn't choose to talk nonsense with the cold god. Attribute divine flame.

The fire attribute divine flame that seemed to be able to burn everything in the world instantly drowned the ghoul in the hand of the rune dragon. Sir Royce's body could not survive even a second under the divine flame. In a short time, he was wiped out, but now he is protected by the divine nature of ice.

After the body occupied by the cold god turned into ashes, there was only a strange white mist floating in the palm of the rune dragon's hand, still continuously receiving the calcination of the divine flame.

At the beginning, the cloud of white mist was desperately trying to escape from the claws of the rune dragon, but Gao Yuan's spiritual power and divinity re-transformed into a cage of thought power, trapping it tightly in it.

Whenever the weird white mist gnaws a gap in the cage of thought power and wants to escape from it, the turbulent elemental breath will block it back, and then Gao Yuan will repair the gap again.

The strange white mist, who knew it was hopeless to escape, gradually stopped struggling after struggling for a while, and was still continuously burned by the flame of divinity.

Under the continuous calcination of the divine flame, the strange white mist was quickly annihilated by the lofty divine power, not leaving a wisp of smoke, not even a single sound.

As Hanshen said, the white mist in front of Gao Yuan's eyes is not his real body at all. It's just a medium used by Hanshen to control his army of alien ghosts and the Night King, or to put it another way. A clone of the God of Cold in the mortal world.

Although Hanshen didn't care about this little loss of divinity, from the moment Gao Yuan annihilated his divinity, the hatred between the two was over.

Even though the divine power contained in that strange white mist is only a small part of the total power of the cold god, it is still part of the power of the cold god after all.

This part is enough for the cold god to create countless ghosts as powerful as the night king, even after transforming a dead dragon into a ghost, it is more than enough.

After eliminating the strange white mist, Gao Yuan was ready to attack the Night King, but when he turned his long neck, he couldn't find the Night King in the forest.

The leader of the White Walkers transformed from the No. 13 commander-in-chief of the night watchman had disappeared without a trace.

In this ghost forest after the battle between Gaoyuan and the Night King and Hanshen, the nearby forests of more than 100 kilometers fell to the ground because of the big explosion, and many of them were even burning.

The rune dragon incarnated by Gao Yuan stretched his neck, stood upright in the center of the forest, like a lighthouse standing in the ghost forest, emitting a dangerous red light from the two vertical pupils, looking out In the entire forest, the night king was not found in the area of ​​more than 100 kilometers.

"Humph! You run really fast." Gao Yuan snorted coldly.

After the search was fruitless, Gao Yuan had no choice but to vent all his anger on the ranger Will who was transformed into a ghoul, and took a breath of elements to turn it into the nourishment of the forest.

It's not that Gao Yuan has any opinion on Will, on the contrary, Gao Yuan is helping Will to get rid of the slavery of the cold god, and let his soul be permanently liberated.

"May your soul be embraced by the Seven Gods as soon as possible."

Gao Yuan, who had reverted back to human form, came to the place where the two rangers died, and picked up from the ground that Sir Waymar Royce took out the family coin from his arms with his last effort before he died. coat of arms.

"And you, Sir Waymar Royce, I will personally pass on the news of your heroic death to your family." Gao Yuan looked at the Royce family crest in his hand with some regret.

Ranger Will didn't leave anything behind. The only steel long sword he owned was also shattered into pieces due to the extreme cold in the battle with the White Walkers.

And those fragments have long since disappeared in the battle just now because of the aftermath of the battle, and they may have been melted by the high temperature generated by the flame hurricane explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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