Chapter 180
Picking up the Evening Star Blade that he had dropped from the land of the Ghost Shadow Forest that had turned into black glass, Gao Yuan condensed a fire element magic ball in his hand, and integrated it into the ice-filled sword of the Evening Star Blade.

With the injection of the fire element, the elven sword quickly melted the frost attached to its body.When all the frost had melted, the Blade of the Evening Star was ablaze again.

After extinguishing the flame on the Evening Star Blade, Gao Yuan gently inserted it into the scabbard. The Evening Star Blade in the scabbard kept trembling. Gao Yuan knew it had something to say, but he ignored it.

Right now, Gao Yuan is still in the ghost forest north of the dangerous Great Wall, and he is not afraid that those direwolves, giant bears and strange ghosts will attack him.Not long ago, an earth-shattering battle took place here, and those wild beasts would not dare to come here at this time.He has also wiped out the nearby White Walkers.

However, Gao Yuan still intends to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. Who knows if Hanshen will send a stronger avatar to trouble him next time? On the skyline, stands a majestic and impenetrable Great Wall.

Just when Gao Yuan was about to re-transform into the rune dragon and leave the forest under his feet, he inadvertently looked up into the moon-shadowed sky, but this look made him unable to move his eyes away.

However, he was surprised to find that at some point, under the dome under the shadow of the moon, there was a blood-red comet that appeared in the low eastern sky. Underneath, it seemed that burning flames were flying into the sky.

The comet dragged a long tail in the sky, and the shining stars surrounded it, as if the stars were swearing their allegiance to it.The appearance of the red comet seems to be heralding something to the world.

Why does it appear at this time?Gao Yuan looked at the red comet that suddenly appeared in the sky in shock. The comet should not have appeared at this time.

The appearance of this comet should be after the dragon mother Daenerys hatched three little dragons in the fire.

At the end of the first season of the original book and the movie, Daenerys, the mother of dragons, suffered her son's death in the womb, and her husband became a vegetable because of the blood magic of the witch Miri. Daenerys gradually became Disheartened.

After ending the life of Khal Drogo, the horse king, she chose to be buried in the flames with her husband. Because of the dragon blood of the Targaryen family, Daenerys stayed in the flames all night without a trace. No damage, and accidentally hatched three little dragons.

"After the long summer, when the stars weep blood and the world will be covered in icy darkness, a warrior will draw a flaming sword from the fire at this terrible time. That sword is the 'Lightbringer', the hero's red sword. The one who has this sword is the reincarnation of Azor Ahai, and he will drive away the darkness." Gao Yuan murmured to himself in a low voice.

Gao Yuan involuntarily read the famous prophecy in the original book.The star weeping blood in the prophecy refers to the blood-red comet that appeared in the low sky today, and the long red trail trailing on its tail is like the blood tears of the stars.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at the Evening Star Blade, which was still trembling, and Gao Yuan pulled it out from his waist. Even without Gao Yuan's instructions, the Evening Star Blade ignited a raging fire immediately after it was unsheathed.

"Good guy, isn't this talking about me?" Gao Yuan couldn't help shouting.

After being amazed for a while, Gao Yuan gradually calmed down again.

After thinking about it carefully, he still found some unreasonable things in it.

This legend and prophecy about the reincarnation of Azor Ahai and the Lightbringer exists even in the original world without Gaoyuan, and it has existed for 5000 years.

And I have just crossed over, so how can the prophecy that originated in this world 5000 years ago be related to me?
Could it be that among the children of the forest, those green prophets who have the ability to spy on the past and predict the future, saw themselves coming through the future 5000 years ago, and then made the prophecy?

No, the prophecy about Azor Ahai was not announced to the world by the children of the forest and the Green Prophet, but was recorded in the ancient book of Asshai in the easternmost part of the world.

Gao Yuan, who couldn't figure it out, couldn't help looking at the burning Evening Star Blade in his hand. It wasn't a red sword either!

A knuckle flicked heavily on his sword, the huge force made it tremble non-stop, and a few sparks burst out from the sword.

"Are you going to change your name?" Gao Yuan asked.

Gao Yuan suddenly remembered that the appearance of the comet seemed to happen at the same time as the anomaly of the evening star blade just now. Is there any secret connection in it.

"What's the name change? Didn't you name my current name?" The dull voice of Evening Star Blade came from the blade, "What? You finally realized that the name Evening Star Blade doesn't sound good!"

"Want to change? It's too late!" Evening Star Blade said angrily.

Gao Yuan, who was stunned by his own sword, was a little annoyed, and couldn't help cursing: "Then what are you going to do with the shaking just now? Also, who told you to light the fire? Did I make you burn?"

"Turn it off!"

As soon as the words fell, the fire that ignited on the blade of the evening star was extinguished immediately. It seemed that Gao Yuan was still a bit majestic in front of his sword.

"Say, what happened just now?" Gao Yuan continued to ask.

After a moment of silence, Evening Star Blade replied: "I don't know, it's just as if something has entered my body, making me feel very itchy all over."

"You still feel itchy?" Gao Yuan seemed very surprised by Gao Yuan's answer to Evening Star Blade.

Regarding Gao Yuan's teasing, Evening Star Blade did not respond, but fell into silence.

In fact, he wasn't really surprised that the Evening Star Blade would feel itchy, but that something mysterious had entered the Evening Star Blade, and he didn't know anything about it.

Since that mysterious thing can quietly enter the body of Evening Star Blade.

So, could it have entered his body silently?

In other words, it was already in his body, but he didn't realize it!

Thinking back on all the battles tonight, Gao Yuan felt terrified.

He hurriedly used his mental power and divinity to check his body. After carefully checking every corner of his body, Gao Yuan did not find any abnormalities in his body.

Undeterred, Gao Yuan gave Evening Star Blade another body check, and found nothing unusual.

Unwilling Gao Yuan finally gave up on this issue after trying several times, but he did not forget it, but chose to put it deep in his heart, reminding himself to be vigilant at all times.

An unknown thing that neither his mental strength nor divinity can perceive entered, anyone would feel uncomfortable, but there was no way, he couldn't find any trace of that thing in his body.

In the ghostly shadow forest illuminated by the flames, a huge dragon with golden light all over its body jumped up and rushed into the moon-shadowed sky.

In the sky under the sky, a blood-red comet attracted the attention of everyone who turned their eyes to the eastern sky.

(End of this chapter)

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