Chapter 189 Letter from Winterfell

This inexplicable duel ended with Sir Alliser Thorne, who had lost his right hand, being carried away by the Night's Watch.Some people may feel sorry for Sir Thorne because he lost his right hand, but it has to be said that this recruit coach asked for it.If he hadn't confronted Gao Yuan tit-for-tat, and launched a shameless sneak attack after the duel failed, he wouldn't have fallen into such a fate.

After Benyan Stark dispersed the night watchmen around the training ground, Gao Yuan, Jeor Mormont and others returned to the hall where they met before.

In the hall, Gao Yuan decisively expressed to Commander Jeor Mormont that he wanted to leave Castle Black as soon as possible. The excuse was naturally to help Wayma Royce fulfill his last wish.

Of course, Jeor Mormont also wished that Gao Yuan would leave sooner, because not long ago Gao Yuan cut off the right hand of their night watchman recruit coach in front of the commander-in-chief of the night watchman.

Jeo Mormont is quite magnanimous for not turning against Gao Yuan immediately, even if it is Allisa Thorne's own fault.

Besides, after this incident, it is not suitable for Gao Yuan to stay here anymore. On the way to the hall just now, he has noticed that the night watchmen passing by him and standing in the distance look at him with something wrong. .

Although most people in the Night Watch Corps don't like to see Alliser Thorne, the recruit coach, but it is not surprising that there are one or two guys who share the same stink among the night watchmen who are mixed with fish and dragons.

Seeing the dangerous eyes of those guys, Gao Yuan was worried that they might plot against him afterwards when he relaxed his vigilance.Gao Yuan was aware of the existence of these miscellaneous fish, and so was Commander Jeor Mormont, so when Gao Yuan proposed to leave Castle Black as soon as possible, the two hit it off.

Gao Yuan is not afraid of revenge from those Alliser Thorne's companions, but he doesn't want to cause too much trouble here, even if he has already caused a lot of trouble at this moment.

If those who hate Gao Yuan dare to retaliate against him, Gao Yuan will not show mercy this time.If the matter develops to that point, then Gao Yuan will completely tear his skin off with the Night Watchman. In order to give an explanation to those dead Night Watchmen, Jeor Mormont will have to be an enemy of Gao Yuan,

When Gao Yuan asked Jeor Mormont how he should go to Runestone City in the valley, Maester Aemon, who was still stained with blood, pushed open the wooden door of the hall and walked in.

Seeing Maester Aemon walking in, Benjen Stark hastily pulled out a chair from under the long table to signal Maester Aemon to sit down, but this respected and gentle old man just shook his head lightly.

"Maester Aemon, how is Master Alliser Thorne's injury?"

asked Jeor Mormont concerned.

"Thanks to the exquisite swordsmanship of the gentleman opposite me, the wound he left on Sir Thorne's shoulder, I don't even need to sew it up, they are already closed together. It's just that Sir Thorne's right hand certainly cannot Pick it up again, it's covered with too much dirt, and taking it back by force will only kill him," Maester Aemon replied.

Among the many Night Watchmen, Maester Aemon has joined the Night Watch Legion for the longest time; he is the most knowledgeable; he is also the one with the most exquisite medical skills.Even though he is now an old centenarian; even though his eyes have lost their light for many years, his hands are still steady.

Hearing that Alliser Thorne was safe and sound, Commander Mormont was finally relieved: "Thank you, Maester Aemon!"

Just as Lord Commander Mormont sat down again and was about to continue telling Gao Yuan how to go to the valley, Maester Aemon took out a volume of letters from his arms and handed it to Mormont.

"The raven that flew over from Winterfell just now brought us a letter, saying that the Prime Minister of the Seven Kingdoms has passed away, and that king is on his way to the north with a group of people. Ed Smith Tucker begs you to let Lord Benjen Stark take some time to go back to Winterfell and welcome the king and his courtiers with him."

Lord Commander Mormont couldn't help frowning when he heard that, he opened the letter he had received from Maester Aemon, and after confirming that there was no problem with the direwolf's coat of arms, he looked at the man beside him with the same serious expression. Chief Ranger.

"Bunyan, it seems that your trip to the north this time may have to wait until you return from Winterfell. I have to let you return to Winterfell to welcome the king with your brother."

"It just so happens that you are heading to Winterfell this time. You can bring the news to our King in the North for the Night Watchmen that the White Walkers have reappeared north of the Great Wall, and ask the King to help the Night Watchmen solve the problem of lack of manpower along the way."

"We don't have any definite evidence of the appearance of the White Walkers. I'm afraid my brother and the king won't believe the news I brought. After all, people haven't seen the appearance of the White Walkers for thousands of years." Benyan Shi Tucker is not optimistic about the task assigned to him by Lord Commander Mormont.

Mormont also fell silent when he heard the words, and then he looked at Gao Yuan opposite him.

"The members of the Stark family are always preparing for the arrival of winter. I believe Lord Stark will help us. It is not difficult to say a few words for the night watchman in front of the king, isn't it? Can you?" Mormont continued, "You can also bring our new friend, Mr. Gao Yuan! He just happens to be going to Runestone City in the south, and I believe Mr. Gao Yuan is very happy to have someone to accompany him."

As soon as the words fell, the two high-level night watchmen cast their eyes on Gao Yuan.

"It's a great honor to be with you, and I also want to visit Winterfell." Gao Yuan perfunctorily agreed to Mormont's proposal.

At this moment, his mind was not on the conversation between the two of them. The conversation between the top night watchmen just now made him fall into deep doubts.

Gao Yuan, who is familiar with the plot, naturally knows what the three high-level night watchmen are discussing. The adoptive father of the current King Robert Baratheon is also the former Hand of the King, and the death of the former Prime Minister Jon Arryn is the whole The beginning of the main plot of A Song of Ice and Fire is also the root of all subsequent chaos in Westeros.

As Littlefinger of the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Imperial Council, Petyr Baelish was born in a small and insignificant family. He was once adopted by Duke Hoster Tully of Riverrun City as an adopted son. King Eddard Stark's wife Catelyn Tully is a childhood sweetheart.

Petyr, who admired Catelyn Tully since childhood, hooked up with Lysa Tully, Catelyn Tully's younger sister, who admired him by chance.But because the Baelish family he was born in was too weak to marry the Tully family, Petyr was expelled from Riverrun by his adoptive father.

After that, Petyr Baelish became the big man he wanted to be in order to elevate his humble class.Thirsting for power and status, he controlled Lysa Tully to poison her husband, former Prime Minister Jon Arryn.

After the death of the former Prime Minister, he asked Lysa to write a letter to her sister Caitlin, accusing Queen Cersei Lannister of poisoning Jon Arryn, which triggered a series of subsequent power disputes game.

Petyr Baelish, who is good at using intrigues and tricks, seems to be very comfortable in these power struggles. His ambition is extremely huge, but no one knows what his ultimate goal is.

But what is known is that Petyr Baelish stepped up the ladder of chaos in these games of thrones.As Petyr stepped up the ladder of power step by step in the chaos, he continued to control more power and gradually climbed to a high position.

The occurrence of the doomed event in the original book has always been expected by Gao Yuan. After all, he has just traveled over now, and it is impossible to affect what happened in the city of King's Landing thousands of miles away.

But to his surprise, the time when this news reached the northern border and the Great Wall was a bit too early.

You must know that in the original book, Ed Stark, the lord of Winterfell, received this news, but Will (Gary in the original book), who was a deserter, was captured near Winterfell and was captured by Ed Stark. What happened after Stark's execution.

According to the plot of the original book, Will, who managed to escape under the hands of the White Walkers, was caught by the guards of Winterfell after crossing the Great Wall alone.Unlike Gao Yuan, Will can fly in the sky, from the Ghost Forest to the Great Wall, and then around the Great Wall to Winterfell, which will take at least a month.

At this time, only three days had passed since the fire in the Ghost Forest, and the letter written by Ed Stark had already reached the hands of the Commander-in-Chief of the Night Watch.

He didn't know what forced Petyr Baelish to choose to kill Jon Arryn ahead of time, perhaps because the Prime Minister discovered that Petyr had committed adultery with his wife.

But at the moment, all of this has nothing to do with me.So far, Gao Yuan's main task has not been triggered, so he has no interest in these power struggles.

The only one related to him, that is, the dead Guardian of the East, the ruler of the valley, and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest, Jon Arryn, is the lord whom Waymar Royce's family is loyal to.

Gao Yuan has no intention of participating in those disgusting power games, and the fire ignited by the power struggle cannot burn himself.

When you have absolute strength, you will find that in front of absolute strength, no matter how supreme the opponent claims to be, they are nothing but paper tigers in front of you.No matter what machinations and tricks the opponent plays, it will all be in vain.

Anyone who dares to cast ghost ideas on himself, plot him with intrigue, and hinder him from completing the main task, Gao Yuan will let them taste what the flame of his rune dragon is like.

Gao Yuan will be those guys who play with power and tricks, a terrifying nightmare that will never be forgotten.

I believe that after seeing their true strength, everyone will know that the so-called black and white, right and wrong, life and death are nothing but lofty words and thoughts.

Just like when Aegon the Conqueror rode the giant dragon under him and landed on the continent of Westeros for the first time, everyone will surrender under the mighty power that is far enough to sweep the seven kingdoms of Westeros.

It's just that Gao Yuan still doesn't know what his main task is, so he has no ambition to seek the Seven Kingdoms yet, but just wants to experience the original plot and the style of Westeros with his heart.

When Gao Yuan and Benyan Stark walked out of the hall, Benyan Stark led Gao Yuan to find a night watchman's affairs officer and arranged for him to stay in Castle Black tonight.

"Mr. Gao Yuan, take a good rest here tonight. I will set off with you for Winterfell tomorrow. I will go and prepare the horses you need." Benyan Stark led Gao Yuan to the arranged accommodation.

Gao Yuan, who had secured his luggage, turned his head to thank Benyan Stark.

"After arriving at Winterfell, I need to report to my brother, Ed Stark, the current Guardian of the North and Duke of Winterfell, about your experience with the three rangers in the Haunted Forest, so that Let him persuade King Robert Baratheon to aid the Night's Watch."

Benyan Stark, who was about to turn around and leave Gao Yuan's room, suddenly turned around and said.

It can be seen that the chief ranger is very distressed at this time, how to prove the existence of the White Walker to his brother who is the king of the North and King Robert.

Before Benyan Stark could say the following words, Gao Yuan interrupted the other party's speech.

"The Night Watchman Legion has provided me with a lot of help, whether it's helping me enter the south of the Great Wall, or providing me with a lot of dry food and horses, for which I am grateful." Gao Yuan said solemnly, "Even if something happened in the middle It’s a little unpleasant, but I’ll still try my best to help you persuade, your Duke of Winterfell.”

"I will tell you and Lord Commander Jeor Mormont exactly what I told them today. As for whether they believe what I say, it is beyond my control. You have to Prepare yourself, Mister Benjen Stark."

Although, Gao Yuan didn't think that King Robert Baratheon, who had become a sack after the War of the Reavers, would believe what they said about the Stranger, but in order to express his gratitude to the Night Watchman , he will still try his best.

Hearing Gao Yuan's assurance, Benyan Stark forced an ugly smile on his face: "Mr. Gao Yuan, this is enough!"

"Thank you for your understanding and help. If we can get some assistance from King Robert, I, Benyan Stark, owe you a favor."

In the original book, there are not many descriptions of Benyan Stark, but among the few descriptions, the author Martin clearly portrays a character full of honor and dedication.

Benyan Stark originally joined the Night Watchman for the same reason as Sir Waymar Royce, in order to avoid competing with the family's high-ranking heir for the position of patriarch, so he chose to join the Night Watchman.

But I have to say that the thin man in front of Gao Yuan is indeed a respectable person.Gao Yuan admires Benyan Stark's sense of honor, which is the same as that of all Stark family members; at the same time, he also admires his dedication to fulfill his responsibilities year after year in the bitter cold place of the Great Wall , which is a very rare thing.

When Benyan Stark left the room, Gao Yuan closed the decaying door of the room, and a trace of cold wind blew into the room through the gaps in the door and the window, even Gao Yuan, who had the heart of a dragon, felt a chill.

"This Great Wall is really not a place for people to stay, damn it!" Gao Yuan cursed secretly.

Stretching the flaming Evening Star Blade into a pile of firewood, he lit the only fireplace in this room. The firewood in the fireplace quickly burned violently, and warmth and light soon filled the entire room.

(End of this chapter)

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