The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 190 Heading South to King's Landing Winterfell

Chapter 190 Heading South to King's Landing Winterfell

When the morning came, and the sun had not yet appeared on the horizon in the far east, Gaoyuan and Benyan Stark set foot on the road to Winterfell on the horse provided by the night watchman.

Ever since they walked out of Castle Black, the sporadic snowflakes falling in the sky quickly disappeared. Although the road under their feet was called the King's Road, it was actually just the road that started from Storm's End in the south; It's just part of the extension of the [-]-mile King's Road.

From the north of Winterfell, only dilapidated dirt roads remained on this avenue. When the rains came, even horses could not pass on the muddy roads.

Starting from the northern end of King's Road, when they reached Houguan Town, the first small town south of the Great Wall, Gao Yuan couldn't help turning his head to look in the direction of the Impassable Great Wall behind him.

At this moment, the whole picture of the Great Wall is almost completely displayed in front of Gao Yuan. The giant towering soaring into the sky as if it would divide the sky and the earth into two parts, now in Gao Yuan's eyes, it has become a huge mountain range across the northern horizon.

No matter how far you are from it, you can never see the end of the Great Wall as far as you can see.The last time Gao Yuan saw such a majestic landscape was when he looked back at the misty mountains that cut across the north and south of Middle-earth.

Although the Misty Mountains look more majestic in comparison, the Misty Mountains were forged by the divine power of Vila Oli, and it is unknown how much time that Vila spent.

The Great Wall of Despair was built by humans on the continent of Westeros. It only took a few centuries to build an existence comparable to the creation of gods by manpower.

"The Great Wall will not disappear just because you don't look at it for a while. It has stood there for thousands of years, guarding the people south of the Great Wall until the end of the world."

Benyan Stark, who was walking with Gao Yuan, looked at Gao Yuan who was staring at the Great Wall and joked: "If you want, you can come to the Great Wall at any time, and we even have the opportunity to become brothers of the Night Watchman."

Gao Yuan withdrew his gaze from the Great Wall of Desperation, glanced at the chief ranger beside him and said, "Nothing lasts forever. No matter how great and indestructible the Great Wall was once, it will eventually collapse one day. Time is the limit of this world." worst enemy ever."

"I have no plans to join the night watchman, and I don't think anyone in this world can force me to become a night watchman."

Benyan Stark pretended to be a little disappointed and said: "That's such a pity. Both Commander Mormont and I think that if you join us, you will be an excellent night watchman."

The two who walked together did not stop to rest in Houguan Town, but chose to continue on their way.The communication between the two during the journey was very pleasant. Under the introduction of Benyan Stark, Gao Yuan, who was unfamiliar with the place, gradually had a preliminary understanding of the geographical environment and family distribution of the entire northern border.

During this period, Gao Yuan also heard many familiar names from the chief ranger, such as Lonely Mountain, Long Lake, and Oak Shield Fortress.

The Lonely Mountain is the current territory of the Bolton family, that is, the family with the skinned man as the family coat of arms, and their castle is the Dreadfort; the Long Lake is a long and narrow lake that the two will pass through on their next journey; Oakshield Fortress is another Night Watchman's fort not far to the east of Castle Black, which has been abandoned for many years.

Mr. Martin, the original author of A Song of Ice and Fire, paid tribute to the names and place names of the Hobbits in many classic fantasy stories when writing this book, which is why Gao Yuan feels familiar with it.Perhaps the languages ​​used in the two worlds are different, but Gao Yuan, who has a translation system, has the same meaning in his ears.

Ever since the two left Houguan Town, the scenery along King's Road has been changing. The snow-covered wasteland has gradually disappeared, replaced by verdant forests and grasslands.From the moment he set foot on this land, Benyan Stark recalled that it is still a long summer on the continent of Westeros.

When passing through Last Hearth City, the territory of the Umber family, the vassal guarding the north, Benjen Stark told Gao Yuan that the Umber family and the Stark family jointly defeated the Red Beard, the king beyond the Great Wall who went south through the Great Wall. Raymond's story.

Speaking of rising, this member of the Stark family, who is proud of his family history, also talked about the story of Ed Stark, the guardian of the north that he admires today.

In words, Gao Yuan finally understood why Benyan Stark chose to put on black clothes and join the Night Watchman Legion shortly after Ed Stark triumphantly returned to Winterfell after the War of the Reavers ended.

Because, now this seemingly serious and mature Chief Ranger, Benyan Stark is actually his brother, a loyal fan of Ed Stark.

The reason why he admires Ed Stark so much is not only because Ed Stark overthrew the Mad King's rule with his brother Robert Baratheon in the War of the Reavers.There is also the reason why Ed defeated the "Dawn Sword" Arthur Dane alone on the border of Dorne.

So when Ed Stark, who returned from victory, returned to Winterfell, he felt that he was not as good as the respected Ed Stark, so he voluntarily withdrew from the competition for the heir of the family, and chose to put on black clothes to join the night watchman army.

Hearing Benyan Stark brag about the Guardian of the North, Gao Yuan gradually became interested in Ed Stark, who received a box lunch in the first season.

Even Gao Yuan has already known this character from the original work, but often when you are facing a real person with flesh and blood, it is best to know what kind of person the other person is from the mouth of the familiar person or personally.

"What kind of person is your brother who guards the north, Ed Stark?" Gao Yuan asked curiously.

Seeing that Gao Yuan was interested in his idol and brother, Benyan Stark immediately started talking.

"My brother, Ed Stark, is a typical northerner who doesn't stick to red tape." Benyan Stark grinned, "but that was when he became the Guardian of the North and Winterfell The Duke of the City, after all, is now the ruler of the entire Northern Territory, so he has to abide by some basic etiquette and taboos."

"The blood of the ancestors flows in the body of our Stark family. Although the old gods did not set up as many red tapes for the ancestors as the seven gods, but in the tacit understanding of all the ancestors, we have a set of rules that belong exclusively to the northern border. , and ancient rules passed down from generation to generation."

"And Eddard Stark is the most persistent and just lord among all the lords in the northern border who abide by and implement these long-standing inheritances."

Gao Yuan nodded thoughtfully: "It sounds like a lord who pays more attention to tradition. If he can be absolutely fair and strict, he will be respected and supported by many northern families."

Benyan Stark patted Gao Yuan on the shoulder happily when he heard Gao Yuan's evaluation: "The fact is also true, Ed is indeed supported by most families in the northern border."


Gao Yuan didn't know much about these contents that were not mentioned in the original book or were just skipped over, so he was a little puzzled. The Stark family, which has ruled the northern border for thousands of years, still has some people who do not obey its rule. The family exists.

"For example, the Bolton family I mentioned to you before. They are one of the oldest, most powerful and notorious nobles in the North. The biggest competitor for the title of king."

"Even in history, the Bolton family has defeated us several times, and they were also one of the northern nobles who finally expressed their surrender to our Stark family, but that was a few centuries ago. The Boltons have always been loyal to the Starks."

"However, Ed once mentioned to me that the members of the Bolton family are still undecided. For thousands of years, every patriarch of the Stark family will remind his successors to be careful of the ambitions from the Bolton family." Benyan Stark explained with some regret.

The Stark family's control over the northern border for thousands of years has made these Stark family rulers understand the nobles under them very well, and Gao Yuan also fully agrees with their concerns and defenses against the Bolton family.

Facts also proved that their worries were not wrong. In the subsequent War of the Five Kings, Earl Roose Bolton, who had already secretly preserved his strength, believed that Robb Stark's campaign to become king had failed, and saw Stark After the Ke family declined, they immediately chose to stand on the side of the winner.

Roose Bolton and the Frey family planned the famous and notorious Blood Wedding under the alliance of Lannister's old lion Tywin, which overthrew the rule of the King of the North of the Stark family in one fell swoop, and was ruled by His own family ascended to the position of guardian of the northern border.

Gao Yuan and Benyan Stark's trip to the south of Winterfell was very smooth. After all, the Seven Kingdoms are still in a very peaceful period, and the northern border is also the place with the least disputes among the Seven Kingdoms. It hasn't been long since King En took the throne, and everything seems to be slowly developing for the better.

But no one knows that under this seemingly prosperous peace, the undercurrent has never stopped flowing, especially in King's Landing City as far away as the king's land.The open and covert struggles of several forces have begun to take shape, but at present, everyone has not torn their skins and put it on the bright side.

On the way to the south, Gao Yuan and Benyan Stark did not encounter any accidents except that they occasionally encountered and stopped a group of sneaky savages suspected of crossing the Great Wall.

The group of people in animal fur coats didn't even have a decent sword, bow and arrow, and they were as dirty as if they hadn't bathed in months, and most of them were women and children.

Even though Benyan Stark has almost confirmed that they are wildlings who crossed the Great Wall and came to the south, facing those women and children who look very miserable, I am afraid that he can't bear to raise his long sword to them.

For these free people who were called savages by the people south of the Great Wall, Gao Yuan had no intention of embarrassing them.

He was neither the Night's Watch nor one of those northerners who were wary of and hated wildlings, so why should he kill those who had nothing to do with him, unless they were some very bad and evil thugs.

Even if Benyan Stark wanted to attack these innocent people, Gao Yuan might even try to stop them.

Perhaps in the face of those heinous guys, Gao Yuan can choose to stand by and even help Benyan Stark deal with them.But looking at the trembling women and children in front of him, Gao Yuan would not let them die in front of him.

Even if this group of people in front of them were indeed free folk from the north of the Great Wall, they are just a group of poor people who want to take their children and families and flee to the warm south.

Benyan Stark, who didn't want to cause trouble, warned these suspected wildlings not to kill, burn and loot in the south, and then let them go.

Even before they left, they pointed out the direction of the wolf forest. There is a large forest on the northwest coast of the northern border. Only one Glover family exists. Many of their people live in the wolf forest. Orion seldom go to the deep forest to search for poachers and savages.

The savages, who were afraid of the black robe on Bunyan's body, rushed into the dense forest next to the King's Road immediately after getting permission to leave, and quickly disappeared into the shadow of the forest.

As Gao Yuan and Benyan Stark gradually approached Winterfell, the road on the King's Road gradually became wider, and there was a scene full of vitality everywhere.

More and more farms and villages appeared on both sides of the King's Road, and there were more and more traveling merchants and local people, and even many houses made of bluestone and wood appeared slowly, and they were distributed in twos and threes on both sides. on the plain.

At this time, more than a week had passed since they left Castle Black, which was quite a few days later than the time Bunyan expected to arrive at Winterfell.

After this journey, Gao Yuan and the others had a really hard time. The sudden light rain or heavy rain would always make the King's Road muddy and slow down their steps.

Continuing along the king's road, when they passed through a dense forest, they finally saw the capital of the north, and also the ancestral castle and power center of the Stark family-Winterfell.

Winterfell is not actually a city. It is different from the various buildings and facilities in King's Landing. In fact, it is more like the castle in King's Landing—the Red Castle.

This is a complex and huge castle covering an area of ​​several acres. It is mainly used for the Stark family to provide housing, protection, hoarding troops, storing food and storing weapons and equipment. It mainly consists of two to three thick walls and a gate located at the gate Composed of winter towns.

It is said that Winterfell was built by the famous "City Builder" Brandon with the help of giants more than 8000 years ago, which is longer than most castles on the Westeros continent.

Although its size is not the largest in the Seven Kingdoms, it can be regarded as the most luxurious castle in the northern border, and it was built by the famous "City Builder" Brandon, which made it famous With the entire continent of Westeros, second only to the Red Castle in King's Landing.

Of course, we can’t compare it with another building called the Great Wall built by the famous “city builder”, both of which are not enough to be compared in terms of scale and construction time.

But it also has its own special features that are different from the Great Wall. Winterfell itself is built around an ancient godswood and a hot spring.There is still a weirwood in that godswood, the only one left south of the Wall.

The criss-crossing pipes in the castle can transport the hot water from the hot springs to the various rooms in the castle, making Winterfell warmer than other castles in the northern region in the extreme winter of the northern region.

 The author has been busy recently, so the plot may be a little watery, but it is not useless, mainly for the convenience of readers who have not watched the TV series, so there will be a lot of setting and foreshadowing,

  During the beginning of the year, various meetings were held non-stop, and I was secretly using my mobile phone to type.
(End of this chapter)

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