Chapter 195 The Long Night Has Come
After Bunyan made his request to Gao Yuan, the whole room fell into a dead silence. The astonishment on Gao Yuan's face hadn't dissipated yet, he forced a smile and said, "You must be joking with me."

After saying this, Gao Yuan glanced at Benyan Stark's solemn expression again, and confirmed that the other party was not joking with him.

"Benyan, you should know that I won't stay in Winterfell for too long. I can't teach this child anything in this time." The smile on Gao Yuan's face also disappeared.

"Do your best, as much as you can teach during this period, this child can learn as much. He is very talented in learning swordsmanship."

Bunyan's words made Gao Yuan raise his head involuntarily, and looked at Jon who was sitting beside Bunyan.The big boy who was a little cautious in front of him just now was able to look directly into his eyes.

In the original book, it is indeed mentioned that Jon's swordsmanship talent is quite good, but that will not be known if it is true until Gao Yuan personally inspects it.

But that is not important, the most important thing to learn swordsmanship is not talent, but self-confidence.A swordsman who is timid, no matter how talented he is, will only become a coward who can use the sword in the end.

In this regard, whether it is the Jon in front of him or the illegitimate child in the original book, he is still satisfied.

"Jon is my brother's illegitimate son. There is no place for him in Winterfell. Before I brought him to you, this kid came to me and said he wanted to serve in the Night Watch. He is only 14 years old now, and he doesn't know How much does it cost to join the Night Watchman, he thinks it is an honor to join the Night Watchman." Bunyan told the real reason why he took Jon tonight to find Gao Yuan.

"It is indeed an honor, but at the same time it also bears a heavy responsibility." Gao Yuan nodded in agreement.

"If possible, I want him to study with you until you drive him away!" Bunyan made another request to Gao Yuan that shocked him even more. Continental, fight for his share of glory instead of joining the Night Watch Corps."

"There is no place for him beside me. I am not a certain lord or other big man, so it is impossible to give him the glory he needs." Gao Yuan tactfully rejected Bunyan's second request, but did not directly reject the first one. a request.

"Then will you teach him swordsmanship?"

Bun Yang was not surprised that Gao Yuan refused his last request, but was surprised that Gao Yuan agreed to him.Jon is indeed an excellent child, but not good enough to impress Gao Yuan.

The reason why he made the second request was actually because Bunyan wanted Gao Yuan to agree to his previous request.

On Earth, this psychological tactic is called the closed door effect.

Under normal circumstances, people are embarrassed to refuse others twice in a row, and the second request will be easier to accept against the background of the first excessive request.

In fact, Gao Yuan had already seen through Bunyan's thoughts, but he didn't expose Bunyan's little thoughts.Anyway, during the time he stayed in Winterfell waiting for Robert Baratheon, he was idle, so he might as well find something for himself.

"That depends on whether his talent in swordsmanship is really as good as you said, and we will find out when we go to the school tomorrow." Gao Yuan pretended to be angry, picked up the bowl of wine in front of him and said, "As for whether he continues to choose to join the Night's Watch or has other better choices after I leave, that's none of my business."

"After all, I'm not his father, nor his chief ranger uncle!" Gao Yuan specially bit the accent on the word uncle, and then drank the wine in the bowl.

"Hahaha, as long as you agree, I believe Jon will not let you down!" Seeing that Gao Yuan agreed to his request, Bunyan laughed and refilled Gao Yuan's wine.

This "reception" in Gaoyuan's room lasted until the three of them drank all the wine brought by Bunyan.When the slightly drunk Bunyan helped the fragmented Jon out of the Gaoyuan room, the whole Winterfell seemed to be an isolated city.

The sky in the northern region is always gray in the early morning. Even when summer is not over and winter is not coming, people walking in Winterfell City in the early morning still feel a bit of coolness, which implicitly indicates that summer is coming to an end.

When the fog that shrouded the land cleared, people could see the precious sunlight shining on the land not far from the castle.In Winterfell, no one except Maester Luwin noticed that a blood-red comet suddenly appeared in the sky above their heads at some point.

On the school grounds of Winterfell, two young men were fighting with their long swords. This battle has been going on for a while, and now it has entered a fierce stage. I believe it will soon usher in a battle. end.

Among the two teenagers who were fighting in the arena, the one who looked a little immature had already gained the upper hand at this time, while his opponent was struggling to cope with his attack.The juvenile's tricky attack angle and impeccable attack rhythm made him a bit difficult to parry, and he had no time to launch a counterattack.

As the long sword in the opponent's hand was lifted by the young man, the young man who lost the long sword fell to the icy ground, and the competition finally came to an end with the immature boy's victory.

"Jon, your recent progress is really too fast, I believe you will be able to surpass your swordsmanship teacher soon." The boy sitting on the ground recalled the process of his battle with Jon just now, While admiring heartfeltly.

"Robb, your progress is not bad!"

Jon stretched out his hand and pulled the boy sitting on the ground up: "My teacher is much better than me, I dare not compare with him." It turned out that the boy who was defeated by him was the eldest son of the Duke of Winterfell. Burr Stark.

Gao Yuan, who was standing in the crowd of onlookers, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth as he watched the two teenagers brag to each other.While Gao Yuan was thinking about how to teach Jon a lesson later, Bran Stark, the second son of the Stark family, squeezed through the crowd and ran to Jon and the others.

"Jon, Robb, my father asked me to tell you that the king's convoy is coming soon, so you should be ready to welcome it."

Robb, who just got up from the ground, patted the dirt on his body, then patted Bran's head and said: "Got it, Bran! I have to change clothes, you go to meet the king with your father and the others first." Bar."

Hearing that the king was coming soon, the crowd on the school ground scattered and started to busy themselves with their work.

Seeing the departure of Robb and others, Jon Snow, who had just finished the battle and was covered in sweat, began to pack up the weapons on the school field with some disappointment.

"Aren't you going to go with Robb and change into clean clothes to meet the king?" Gao Yuan's voice sounded behind Jon, interrupting Jon's hand movements.

"I'm just Lord Stark's illegitimate son. I'm not qualified to stand at the front of the line with Robb and the others to welcome the king. Anyway, the king won't notice. Am I the illegitimate son standing in the back row?" Joan En said in a flat tone, for a moment Gao Yuan couldn't tell whether the other party was laughing at himself, or whether he really thought so.

"If you only care about these formal things, your swordsmanship may stop here. Now, I don't see in you the confidence you show when you wield a long sword." After the recent paragraph Time's observation of Jon, Gao Yuan knows the relationship between Jon and his brothers, "Even in form, you can't stand with your brothers and sisters, but Robb and the others have always been, put you Treat them like brothers."

"They also treat Theon like a brother," Jon retorted.

"Blood from the same father is not the same as brothers from other blood. You will understand one day, Jon!" He laughed when he heard Jon mention Theon. In the future, he will betray the Stark family.

"So what's the difference between an illegitimate child and an adopted child?" Jon said dejectedly, "I don't even know who my mother is, but at least Theon knows who his own mother is, even though she's dead. gone."

"Jon Snow, you don't understand anything!" Gao Yuan patted Jon on the shoulder, "You may not understand now, but one day you will understand that outsiders are outsiders after all, even if they were once as close as brothers! "

"Why do you think Bunyan has such a good relationship with you, but he is like a stranger with Theon." Gao Yuan shook his head, then turned and left the school grounds, leaving Jon standing there alone, thinking about what he just said If you pass.

He also needs to meet the King Robert to see if he can trigger the main task.

The king's team visiting the northern region was very grand, like a winding dragon made of gold, silver and steel, it poured into this small winter city mightily.

The total number of this team is about 300 people. Except for those ministers from King's Landing and vassals of the king's land, most of them are composed of fully armed sworn knights, which naturally include the guardians of the whole territory. The proud Kingsguard exists, and people often poetically refer to them as the White Knights.

Among the Kingsguard's team, the most dazzling one is the blond and tall and handsome Jaime Lannister.He is the younger brother of King Robert's queen and the Terminator of the previous king, Aerys Targaryen.Those who looked down on him called him "Kingslayer" because he personally killed the monarch he served.

The howling north wind blew into Winterfell from the city gate, flapping dozens of golden banners held high in the hands of the knights, with the crowned stag symbolizing the Baratheon family embroidered on them.

In this team that entered Winterfell, Ed saw many familiar faces inside.In addition to Ser Jaime Lannister, who is more dazzling than King Robert, there is also the knight Sandor Clegane with half of his face burned, and the handsome boy with blond hair must be standing next to him. It is the eldest son of King Robert, Joffrey Baratheon.

The tall and tall Gao Yuan stood at the back of the team, watching the arrogant prince pass by him, he almost laughed out loud.If this prince, who has always been proud of being the heir to the king, now knows that he is just the product of incest between his mother and his brother, what kind of expression should he have on his handsome face.

Just when Gao Yuan was teasing the Emperor Joffrey who loved the people like his son in his heart, he saw the "little devil" Tyrion Lannister behind Joffrey, this wise and ugly dwarf in the original book , at this time, I am afraid that I am looking for the location of the Women's Branch in Winterfell City.

When the king's team all entered Winterfell, the chubby king on a warhorse stopped in front of Ed Stark, but the Duke of Winterfell, who had grown up with the king, But he didn't recognize King Robert at the first time.

"Ned! It's a pleasure to see you, especially when your face is blue with cold."

It wasn't until the other party stepped on the wooden box built by the servants and jumped off the horse, and the familiar voice sounded in Ed's ear, that he recognized his king brother with a face full of disbelief.

Robert stepped forward and hugged Ed, and after hugging him, he looked at his old friend carefully, and then said with a smile: "Except for a little fatter face, you really haven't changed at all, Nai De!"

Just when King Robert, who had just arrived in Winterfell, was reminiscing with his old friend Ed, Gao Yuan, standing behind the welcoming team, finally triggered the main task of the system as he wished.

Character: Gao Yuan [Dragon Ranger] lv1 (Reputation Point: 1350/10000)

Traveled across the world: "Super Power Out of Control", "The Hobbit 1, 2, 3"

This world quest:
[Main quest] (After completion, you can freely choose whether to travel to the next world.):

[Winter is coming, long night is coming]: Death and darkness are the eternal enemies of the living in this world. You need to lead the humans and other races on the continent of Westeros to fight against the invasion of the cold god.

Task completion conditions:

1. Kill the cold god who provides power to the alien army.

2. Become the real ruler and guardian of the whole territory of the seven countries of Westeros, and get the wholehearted support of the seven countries.

3. Obtain the support or surrender of the power on the other side of the strait——Daenerys Targaryen.

4. The power of the alien army and the power of the cold god must not extend to King's Landing City.

5. Kill the leader of the White Walkers - the Night King.

Mission rewards: 5000 character experience points, [Ice Divinity], [Death Authority]

[King of Light - R'hllor]: As the enemy of the Cold God for thousands of years, the King of Light has been watching the cold god's divinity of ice and death authority.He will be an important enemy for you to kill the cold god and seize the divinity of ice and the power of death.

You are the prey of the Lord of Light, so why is the Lord of Light not your prey.

Task completion conditions:

1. Kill the Lord of Light - R'hllor.

2. Capture the divinity of flame and gain the power of light.

Task rewards: 5000 character experience points, [Fire Divinity], [Authority of Light].

 Ned is Ed Stark's nickname
(End of this chapter)

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