Chapter 196 Direwolf

That's Eddard Stark's voice
No one knew exactly when the lord of Winterfell appeared on the school grounds.What is certain, however, is that he must have come here after the battle had begun.

Only at that time, everyone's attention was attracted by the battle of the three, so they didn't notice Ed's arrival.

Can Ai De's intervention stop Gao Yuan's revenge on Theon?

The answer is no, in Castle Black of the Night Watch Corps, Commander-in-Chief Mormont and Chief Ranger Bunyan could not prevent Gao Yuan from taking revenge on Sir Thorne; Neither can gram.

After cutting off the longbow in Theon's hand, the sword blade of Evening Star slapped Theon's left cheek fiercely, Gao Yuan's blow directly blinded Theon's whole body.

Theon, who was paralyzed all over, was dragged out of the stable by Gao Yuan by his collar, like throwing a dead fish, and threw it in front of Robb, covered with mud and horse manure.

Seeing the muddy Theon lying at his feet, Robb quickly squatted down to check on Theon's condition. Fortunately, Theon was just passed out by Gao Yuan's photo, and he is currently fine.

Gao Yuan looked up at Eddard Stark who was standing in the attic with a cold expression: "Lord Stark, on my way to Winterfell, I have always heard that you are a lord who follows ancient traditions."

"Then can you tell me, according to the ancient traditions of the Northern Territory, in a fair and just duel, participants who use despicable means to attack their opponents should be punished?"

"Following the ancient tradition, those who attack their opponents from behind in a duel should be judged by the person being attacked or their lord, and the person being attacked has the right to decide his life or death." Facing Gao Yuan's inquiry, Ed was serious Finally, there were some fluctuations in his expression.

Although he didn't want to see Gao Yuan kill Theon, he still answered Gao Yuan's question truthfully.


Robb, who was squatting in front of Theon, immediately begged his father to save Theon's life.

As Gao Yuan knew, Ed was a person who followed the ancient tradition very much.Facing his son's plea, Ed just opened his mouth, but he didn't open his mouth to intercede with Theon.

Ed believes that as long as he pleads for Theon at this time, under the pressure of the Stark family, Gao Yuan will definitely spare Theon's life.But if he really did this, there would be a sense of oppressiveness in it, and in this way he would violate the creed he had always followed.

"This matter is not that serious!" Gao Yuan said with a smile, "I never thought of taking his life."

Robb, who was originally nervous, couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief when he heard this, but then Gao Yuan changed the subject again.

"But sometimes a mistake is a mistake. In order for him to remember the mistakes he made today, he must accept the punishment he deserves."

"This is your right, what kind of punishment do you want?" Ed Stark readily agreed to Gao Yuan's request. Compared with losing his life, it is not difficult for Theon to accept the punishment from the attacked accept things.

"Not long ago in Castle Black on the Great Wall, there was a person who made the same mistake as he did today, and I cut off his right hand." Gao Yuan glanced at Bunyan not far away, and then raised his head again Looking at Ed, "I asked to break one of his left hands today, shouldn't that be too much?"

Ed standing on the attic pondered for a moment: "Let's do it!"

With Ed's nod in agreement, Gao Yuan walked towards Theon who was lying on the ground.

In fact, whether Ed agrees or not, it doesn't matter to Gao Yuan.He didn't need Ed's consent to take Theon's life or amputate his limbs, and no one present could stop him.

He was just showing courtesy before fighting, and he didn't want to get into trouble by completely turning against Ed.

Gao Yuan walked in front of Robb who stood up again, and the two looked at each other.This can be regarded as helping Robb to teach Theon a lesson in advance. You must know that in the subsequent War of the Five Kings, Theon betrayed Robb's Stark family and bloodbathed most of Winterfell. city.

After that, the angry Robb didn't even have a chance of revenge, because the appalling Red Wedding incident happened immediately, and both Robb Stark and his mother Catelyn died in that wedding.

Seeing that Theon Greyjoy, who was still lying on the ground like a lump of mud, was still in a coma, he didn't even feel the pain of his arm being broken.

"It's cheaper for you!" Gao Yuan murmured to himself.

Gao Yuan raised his muddy dragonskin boots and stepped on Xi En's left arm resolutely, only to hear a crackling sound from Xi En's arm, and Gao Yuan's left arm was trampled and broken by Gao Yuansheng up.

Coincidentally, Xi En, whose arm was trampled by Gao Yuan, woke up at this time. I don't know if he woke up slowly by himself, or was awakened by the pain of Gao Yuan breaking his arm. In short, he is waking up now coming.


The severe pain from his left arm made Theon, who had just woken up from a coma, let out a heart-piercing cry.

Theon, who clutched his broken arm and howled like a woman, was taken to the bachelor's tower by the guards called by Robb for treatment.I believe that Maester Luwin will fix the broken bone for him. As for when he will be able to recover, it will be at least three months later.

After what happened here, no one in Winterfell would dare to provoke Gao Yuan anymore. The news that he defeated Theon and Robb and stepped on Theon's arm quickly spread throughout the entire Winterfell. city.

However, to Gao Yuan's surprise, even after this incident, Ed still arranged a small room for Gao Yuan in the castle of Winterfell, which saved Gao Yuan from the trouble of finding an inn in the winter town .

This made Gao Yuan couldn't help but sigh for the generosity and broad-mindedness of the lord of Winterfell.

In fact, in the winter shelter town of Winterfell, there was such an inn, but Gao Yuan had seen the appearance of that inn before entering Winterfell, and its dilapidated appearance seemed to be made of a few wooden boards. piled up.

Let Gao Yuan live in that kind of dilapidated inn, it is better to let him bring a tent and sleep in the wild, anyway, he is not afraid of the cold.

Of course, he can also choose to live in the women's branch outside of Winterfell, as long as he has money.However, Gao Yuan thought that if he lived in the women's branch all the time, his reputation might be affected.

Gao Yuan was not without money. When he came to this world from Middle-earth, he brought a whole box of gold and silver from the Lonely Mountain with him.This is a huge amount of wealth, enough for Gao Yuan to buy the entire Winterfell, if Ed Stark is willing to sell it.

After all, on the continent of Westeros, things such as castles, territories, and titles cannot be bought with money.

So that night, Gao Yuan lived in a hut in the inner castle of Winterfell. After enjoying the dinner delivered by the servants of Winterfell, Gao Yuan lay on the bed in the hut and began to prepare and plan his next plan. journey.

It has been a long time since Gao Yuan traveled from Middle-earth to Westeros, but during this period, his system has not seen any movement.Even after I got in touch with various important characters in the original book, I still haven't seen the main quest.

So Gao Yuan was about to start planning his next itinerary. He planned to stay in Winterfell to try his luck, waiting for the arrival of the green hat king Robert Baratheon.See if you can trigger the main task of the system after contacting it.

If after contacting Robert Baratheon, he still can't trigger the main mission, Gao Yuan will consider crossing the distant strait and going to the continent of Essos on the other side to find the famous dragon mother — Daenerys Targaryen took her chances.

When Gao Yuan was thinking about how to go to the mainland of Essos, there was a sudden knock on the door outside Gao Yuan's room, and the hasty knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

Who would come to my door in the middle of the night to bother me?

With a hint of doubt, Gao Yuan came to the door, and asked the uninvited guest outside through the door: "Who is it?"

"It's me, Benjen!" Benjen Stark's voice came from outside the door.

Gao Yuan opened the door directly. Although he just beat up the eldest son of the Stark family during the day and broke Theon Greyjoy's arm, Gao Yuan was not afraid of their revenge on him at all.

After opening the door, I saw Benyan Stark in light clothes standing at the door of his room with a smile on his face, holding two jugs of fine wine in his hands.However, Gao Yuan's attention was not on the flagon in Bunyan's hand, but on the young boy standing behind Bunyan who dared not look directly at him.

The boy behind Bunyan was none other than Jon Snow, the illegitimate son of Eddard Stark that Gao Yuan had seen on the school grounds during the day.

"I think if you come to me late at night, you definitely don't just want to bring a 14-year-old child to me for a drink." Gao Yuan could tell at a glance that there must be something wrong with Bunyan coming to him in the middle of the night. Sotu, "Come in and sit down, it's getting cold outside!"

"I only have two bowls here, besides, children are not suitable for drinking."

Gao Yuan turned around and went into the house to search for a while, trying to find a container for drinking wine, but in the end he only found two small bowls.

"Jon is 14 years old, and I remember being younger than him the first time I got drunk," Bunyan said with a smile.

Gao Yuan turned around and put the two bowls on the table, and then looked at Jon Snow who was standing stiffly behind Bunyan. The snow-white little wolf he held in his arms attracted Gao Yuan attention.

Looking at the direwolf in Jon's arms, Gao Yuan had to sigh that the inertia of the plot was too great.

In the plot of the original book, the ghost forest took place. The three-member ranger squad who went to patrol the ghost forest was attacked by a strange ghost. Originally, one of the rangers should have escaped across the Great Wall.In the original book, it was Gary, but in the film and television series, Will fled to the south of the Great Wall, and was caught by patrolling soldiers.

And because of the appearance of Gao Yuan, the plot has undergone a major deflection. The three-member ranger team was wiped out in the ghost forest because of the appearance of the cold god.Then at the beginning of the original plot, the scene where a night watchman fled to the south of the Great Wall was captured, and then executed by Ed Stark himself would not appear.

Since Ed Stark didn't lead his children to the execution ground to execute the night watchman deserters.Then the story of the members of the Stark family picking up the direwolf who was born with death on the way back to Winterfell from the execution ground, naturally shouldn't appear.

After the plot changed, how did the members of the Stark family pick up these direwolves?
It was different from the gray-black direwolf that Gao Yuan had seen north of the Great Wall. It was a direwolf with fur as pure as snow, and its eyes were as red as blood.

"If I'm not mistaken, what you're holding in your arms is a direwolf?" Gao Yuan tried to relieve Jon's restraint, "It's not easy to see them south of the Great Wall, where did they come from? "

After teasing the direwolf in Xue Nuo's arms, Gao Yuan was surprised to find that the direwolf in front of him was not afraid of him at all, and raised his head to look at him curiously with its blood-red eyes.You must know that when Gao Yuan was in the ghost forest, he killed a lot of direwolves. When they met him, they all seemed to have met their own natural enemies, and they were afraid to avoid them.

"Yes, it's called Bai Ling." Jon raised his head happily, and when he talked about Bai Ling in his arms, he was no longer restrained before, "We found out on the way to hunt in the forest with my father. its dead mother."

"They were born to a mother who had been stabbed in the neck by antlers while hunting bucks, and gave birth to six of them before she died."

While Gao Yuan was chatting with Jon about the direwolf, Bunyan had already poured the wine he brought on Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan sat down and looked at the Bai Ling with great interest: "This is a very special and bold wolf, which is different from the direwolves I have seen before."

"Mr. Gao Yuan, have you seen many direwolves north of the Great Wall?" Jon asked curiously.

Gao Yuan smiled slightly. He has not only seen it, he has also eaten a lot of direwolves: "I have seen a lot. In the forest north of the Great Wall, you can often hear their howling."

After finishing the topic with Xue Nuo about the direwolf, Gao Yuan set his sights on Benyan Stark who was sitting opposite him. He brought the bowl of wine in front of him to his mouth while thinking What is the purpose of the other party's trip to find him.

After seeing Gao Yuan pick up the wine, Bunyan picked up the bowl of wine in front of him and motioned to Gao Yuan without saying a word, and then drank it down in one gulp.

Seeing Bunyan like this, Gao Yuan didn't dare to touch the bowl of wine in front of him. He put the wine that had already been brought to his mouth on the table again. The other party must have asked for something to do so.

So he just sat quietly in front of Bunyan, neither touching the bowl of wine in front of him nor speaking.

Seeing that the two looked at each other silently, Jon, who was sitting next to Bunyan, didn't dare to say a word, but just looked at the two people who were "confrontation" silently.

In the end, Bunyan's patience was superior. Gao Yuan couldn't help but sighed and said, "Tell me, why did you come to me tonight?"

"Otherwise, I won't be able to drink this bowl of wine."

As soon as Gao Yuan's voice fell, seeing Bunyan sitting in front of him, a simple and honest smile appeared on his face: "I want you to be Jon's swordsmanship teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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