Chapter 198 The King's Banquet ([-])

King Robert and Duke Ed went to the tomb of the Stark family, leaving only the sullen queen and a team brought by the king. Fortunately, Caitlin had already made preparations. Before leaving, as the queen said, the servants of Winterfell had already arranged everything for the guests who came from afar.

When the crowd began to disperse and the members of the Stark family began to return to the castle, Gao Yuan noticed Jon who was still standing there, as if he had something on his mind at the moment.

"Don't think that your training can be avoided when the king is here today." Gao Yuan patted Jon heavily on the shoulder, pulling him back from the daze.

"In order to welcome the king, there will be a grand dinner in the city tonight. If you finish training early, you can go back early to take a shower and change clothes to attend the dinner."

Facing Gao Yuan's ridicule, Jon took a deep breath, turned around and pretended to be relaxed and said: "Mrs. Stark came to me just now, and she thought that if the bastard was allowed to dine with them at the same table tonight, it would be a good idea for me." Royalty is an insult."

"You can think on the bright side, at least she didn't keep you out of the hall, didn't she?" Gao Yuan couldn't understand how much Jon resisted his illegitimate child status.

"Even Theon can be with them!" Jon was a little unwilling.

"Let an adopted son with a broken arm and a bandage sit at the table, is Mrs. Stark trying to tell the king how miserable this proton from the Iron Islands is in Winterfell?" Gao Yuan joked.

Gao Yuan's words immediately wiped away the unhappiness in Jon's heart, and he laughed along with Gao Yuan.When Gao Yuan was talking and laughing with Jon, he noticed a vicious look on himself.

When he turned his head, he saw Theon Greyjoy, whose left arm was heavily bandaged, looking at the two viciously from a corner.Obviously, the conversation between the two just now was overheard by this unlucky guy. Gao Yuan's golden pupils looked directly into those vicious eyes, without any sense of guilt for his words.

Maybe it was because of Gao Yuan's golden pupils, or because Gao Yuan's previous fierceness left a shadow in Xi En's heart. When Gao Yuan looked at him, Xi En immediately lowered his head in awe, and turned around in despair left.


"Today, when I was discussing with Robert in the crypt, I had already conveyed to him the news that there are White Walkers in the north of the Great Wall and that they need the support of the Seven Kingdoms. It's a pity that he is also being arrested by Jon Arryn. I'm so overwhelmed that I don't have the mind to take care of these things." After the conversation with Robert in the crypt, Ed immediately found Bunyan on the school grounds, which showed that he was very concerned about Bunyan's problems .

"The current situation in King's Landing is very tense, and he also came to seek my help this time." Ed continued, "Robert told me that he needs someone who is as trustworthy as Duke Arryn to serve as the Prime Minister, so He found me."

"You should know that if there is any mistake on the Great Wall, the northern border must be the first to suffer. At this moment, there is a change in the north of the Great Wall, and you have to leave the northern border." Bunyan was a little impatient. Doesn't this mean that he was on the verge this time? The trip to Winterfell was a waste of time.

"I don't know what you think, Ed! Even if you help your old friend in the kingdom manage the Seven Kingdoms well, your family territory is in crisis at this moment." Bunyan tried to calm his mood, " Do not forget that you are the Warden of the North first, and an old friend of Robert Baratheon second, and do not forget your own duty."

Ed Stark smiled wryly, he didn't know what his responsibility was, but when Robert, who grew up together and experienced the War of the Predator together, asked himself for help, he really couldn't open his mouth reject.

The news of the ghosts and the savages in the north of the Great Wall are nothing but illusory rumors. They don't have sufficient evidence to prove that what they said is true.

"I have already contacted other lords in the northern border and asked them to send a proportion of private soldiers from their own troops to accompany you to the Great Wall for support."

Although Ed grew up in Eagle's Nest City, he and Bunyan have a close relationship with each other, so he also understands his younger brother's temperament very well. After all, among the members of the Stark family of the same generation, Now it's just the two of them left.

Knowing that he didn't intend to offend, but out of consideration of the duties of the night watchman and the interests of the family, he seemed a little impatient, so Ed was not angry because of this, he just sighed and said.

"The weather in the northern region is getting colder now. According to Maester Luwin's judgment, this summer is coming to an end. The lords of the various territories are busy stockpiling food. Don't expect them to be able to provide much support, but if If the night watchman is lacking in supplies, I can try my best to help you find a solution."

Now that Ed said that, Bunyan finally understood that Ed was helpless, but he still hoped to get more support: "Is there really no way to persuade him from the king's side?"

"You can have a face-to-face chat with him at the banquet tonight, and he didn't refuse your request, just don't hold out too much hope." Ed replied.

"I'll go talk to him," Bunyan said firmly.

"It's getting late, and Caitlin is leading people to prepare for the dinner tonight. She is busier than me, the guardian of the north, in order to welcome the king these days. I have to see if there is anything I can do to help her. " Ed Stark said and turned his attention to Gao Yuan and Jon who were training in swordsmanship in the school grounds.

"Let Jon and the others stop first, go take a shower and change clothes to prepare for the dinner. Robert is an old friend of mine, but he is also the king now. If we are casually neglecting each other because we know each other, even if he doesn't care, The queen of the Lannister family next to him will inevitably attack us."

"I made the queen angry today when I took Robert to the catacombs."

Ben Yan couldn't help complaining: "When you brought Jon back from outside, Caitlin was just like that queen!"

"To this day, Catelyn is still angry with you, and she forbade Jon to sit at the table with his brothers and sisters at dinner today."

"I know I'm sorry for Caitlin, let her be a little self-willed!" Ed sighed and said, "Let that ranger go to the dinner with Jon, I can see that Jon likes him very much, the dinner There is a partner who can talk, which may make him forget about those unpleasant things for a while."

"He is a very good swordsmanship teacher."

Ai De looked at Gao Yuan, who was brutally torturing Jon on the school field, and couldn't help but admire.


After Ed Stark finished talking with Bunyan, he turned and left the school grounds without even saying hello to Jon.Maybe it was because he felt guilty about his illegitimate child, or because, as he said before, he was in a hurry to help Caitlin who had been busy for more than half a month.

"That's the end of today's training, Jon!" Benyan Stark shouted as he walked into the school grounds.

Jon, who was fighting Gao Yuan in swordsmanship, was attracted by Bunyan's words, and the rhythm and movement of his feet could not help but pause, Gao Yuan seized the opportunity to lift the long sword in his hand.

"Uncle Bunyan said today's training is over." Jon looked at the Evening Star Blade on his neck with some reluctance.

"When you are in a life-and-death duel with the enemy, they don't care whether someone called a timeout outside the court." Gao Yuan held the sharp knife in his hand and gently scratched Jon's neck, "Remember! Before you confirm Never relax your vigilance until your opponent has completely lost the threat."

"It's getting late, go take a shower, change into clean clothes, and prepare to go to the dinner party."

Bunyan gently removed the sharp blade in Gao Yuan's hand from Jon's neck, then turned his head to look at Gao Yuan and said, "You too!"

"Am I going to participate too?" Gao Yuan was a little surprised, "I'm not a member of the Stark family."

"Ed ordered." Bunyan nodded and said, "As Jon's swordsmanship teacher, to some extent, you are also a guest of Winterfell, aren't you?"

When Gao Yuan entered the hall of the Inner Fort of Winterfell, the place was already full of voices.This is the place where the Duke of Winterfell used to entertain guests and the family of the owner of the castle. It can accommodate up to 500 people at the same time, but it is already full at this time.

The inner walls made of gray stones around the hall are covered with the flags of the families of the two protagonists tonight. The gray and white flag with a direwolf embroidered in the middle belongs to the Stark family, and the one with the crowned stag embroidered on a gold background , is the banner of House Baratheon, and scarlet is the roaring lion of House Lannister.

Winterfell City is located on top of a hot spring, thanks to the hot water transported through the pipes between the walls, compared to the biting cold outside the larger gate, this hall seems to be a bit hot, with waves of heat hitting high and far coming face to face.The servants who were constantly coming and going between the eight long tables were presenting the freshly baked bread and the fragrant roast meat to the table.

Gao Yuan's arrival made the originally crowded hall quiet down instantly, and everyone turned their attention to Gao Yuan who "broke" into the banquet in full armor.

Different from other nobles and young attendants in fine clothes, Gao Yuan, who had just entered the hall, was still wearing the dragon scale armor he usually wore.At one time, the guests in the hall wondered whether the Stark family wanted to take this opportunity to attack these nobles from the south.

Fortunately, under the guidance of his servant, Gao Yuan quickly found his own seat in the corner and sat down. Only then did the nervous guests of Winterfell secretly heave a sigh of relief.

As a condition for the guest's right to take effect, it will be considered valid only after the guest accepts the bread and salt provided by the host when he comes to be a guest under the eaves of the host.

At present, the Stark family, as the host of Winterfell, only provides them with bread.

That's why when they saw the fully armed Gao Yuan appearing, these guests dressed in fine clothes were so panicked.After Gao Yuan found his seat and sat down, the nobles present began to ask the busy servants to bring salt to their table so that the rights of the guests could take effect.

Gao Yuan, who was sitting in front of the long table, obviously noticed the panicked eyes of those nobles, and he expressed his helplessness.Because he never thought that he would attend this dinner party, he didn't prepare a set of fancy clothes suitable for the dinner party in advance, and now he doesn't even have a set of casual clothes for changing and washing.

So, he could only wear the dragon scale armor brought from Middle-earth to attend the dinner party.He didn't expect that his outfit would scare those cowardly nobles, even though he didn't wear weapons all over his body.

Jon Snow was arranged by the servants to sit with Gao Yuan. At this dinner to welcome the king, there were many illegitimate children like Jon Snow who could not be treated like other brothers and sisters.Whether his father is Prince Rhaegar of the Targaryen family, or Eddard Stark, Duke of Winterfell.

As long as their father did not legalize their status, even if their status as his heirs was recognized by his father, they would not be treated the same as natural children.Just like Jon Snow, although he already has the qualifications to enter this dinner at this time, he cannot dine at the same table with his half-brothers and sisters.

In fact, for Gao Yuan's illegitimate son who was feeding the cut chicken to the direwolf under the table, this kind of dinner was actually more like an insult.Stark, who was playing and playing not far away, reminded him all the time, the distinction between high and low status between himself and those brothers and sisters.

Of course, apart from a small number of illegitimate children, most of the people sitting at the long table where they were sitting were some young knight servants.Some of the knights they serve are loyal to the royal family, and some are loyal to the Lannister family of Casterly Rock City. Among these people, the highest status are those knights who serve the Kingsguard. They can already be regarded as the backup of the Kingsguard. Chosen.

In this welcome dinner held for the king to cleanse the dust, the long table where Gao Yuan and the others are sitting is probably the most equal among all the people present.Here, there is no distinction between direct descendants and illegitimate children, and there is also no high-low relationship between knights and attendants.

Everyone can speak freely here, and other people will listen carefully to the stories they tell, happily finish the wine in the glass, and then refill for others.Gao Yuan is very happy to be with such a group of people, which makes him seem to have returned to the dwarf dinner in the lonely mountain.

Even Jon, who was a little sullen before, was moved by the warm atmosphere on the long table at this time, drinking glass after glass of fine wine, and listening with relish to their stories of war, hunting and adultery.Jon believes that chatting with this group of partners is definitely more interesting than chatting with those princes and princesses.

This group of young servants from all over the world can talk about a lot of topics at the table: for a while, they talked about the different customs and habits in various regions of Westeros; full.In their mouths, it seems that there is never a shortage of topics.

Until they changed the topic to the armor equipment owned by their lord, everyone present couldn't help turning their attention to the dragon scale armor worn by Gao Yuan.

They have never seen such an exquisite armor like Gao Yuan's. Its magnificent casting style makes it difficult for everyone who sees it to move their eyes away, and they will never forget its appearance from then on.

Every line direction and bending angle on it seems to have been carefully designed, and the whole body is full of artistically processed beauty.The connection of each scale is so natural that it fits on Gao Yuan's body as if it grew out of him naturally.The looming elf runes on it add a mysterious color to this set of armor and Gao Yuan.

When a young attendant asked Gao Yuan about the origin of this set of armor, it immediately attracted the interest of everyone present.They all wanted to know which master blacksmith made such exquisite armor.If possible, they would also like to ask him to make such an exquisite armor for themselves.

The young man's attendants surrounded him one after another, for fear of missing the master's name.Even the people at the next table put down their wine glasses and barbecue, wanting to get closer, so as to hear Qing Gaoyuan explain the origin of this set of armor in detail.

(End of this chapter)

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