Chapter 199 The King's Banquet ([-])
"The materials for casting them are cast from the dragon scales that I personally took from the dead dragon." As soon as Gao Yuan's remarks came out, there was an uproar among the young attendants immediately, so that Later, when Gao Yuan talked about the casters of the armor, those elves who were blessed by the gods, no one was listening at all.

"My God, I thought dragons had long been extinct in this world." The young man who claimed to be a servant of the Kingsguard exclaimed, "Since the death of the last dragon of House Targaryen a century ago, there has No one can hatch a dragon from a dragon egg."

"He must be lying. How can there be dragons nowadays? They are creatures that only exist in legends." Some people in the crowd began to question Gao Yuan.

"But... this set of armor does look like it was made of scales of some kind of giant creature." Some people firmly believe that Gao Yuan is not lying, this set of armor is indeed made of dragon scales, "except for the long-disappeared Besides dragons, can you find other creatures with scales of this size?"

"Since we all think that the dragon is extinct, where did the dragon scales on his body come from?" Someone asked loudly.

"He must have seen the dragon with his own eyes. Didn't he just say that these dragon scales were picked off by himself from the dead dragon? Maybe he is a dragon slayer."

"Dragon Slayer. By the seven gods, you actually believe such absurd remarks."

The young attendants around Gao Yuan kept arguing about the existence of the dragon, whether Gao Yuan was lying, and the dragon slayer.They each have their own arguments, and no one is willing to obey the other.The sound of the discussion even overwhelmed the kings and adults who were singing and dancing on the high platform.

At this time, the lofty goal has actually been achieved.Although these illegitimate children and young attendants still don't believe what Gao Yuan said, heavy news like the reappearance of the dragon will continue to spread among people.

These illegitimate children who were able to travel with the king's team to the north, as well as the knight's attendants, had different backgrounds.

The illegitimate children who can participate in this dinner are at least heirs recognized by the patriarch. Behind them are the patriarchs and heirs of various noble families in the south.

The attendants serve all knights from various territories, and some of them are simply the first heirs in a certain family. For example, before James Lannister was officially named a knight, he was Sumner Sir Crakeher's squire.

The forces behind them and the influence they will have in the future are unimaginable, and even more advanced.They are the cornerstone of the nobles in Westeros, and they control a lot of resources.I believe they can help Gao Yuan well and spread the news through various channels.

When these news spread widely enough, as long as Gao Yuan appears in front of the world in the form of a real dragon to confirm the authenticity of these remarks, they will have to believe that all of this is true.At that time, when people mentioned words such as real dragon, they would subconsciously associate labels such as real dragon, dragon slayer, and owner of dragon scale armor with Gao Yuan.

At that time, Gao Yuan will gain unprecedented prestige in the aristocratic circle of Westeros continent.This is also the first step in Gao Yuan's plan to become the ruler of the seven kingdoms of Westeros, and slowly establish his own personal prestige and legend among all classes.

But what Gao Yuan wanted was more than that. Overlooking the illegitimate son and young attendants who surrounded him heavily, he set his sights on the king who was singing and dancing on the high platform——Robert Baratheon.

The turmoil he caused among these illegitimate children and young attendants had already attracted the attention of the "big shots" above, and Gao Yuan also felt the attention of people from different identities and classes from those curious eyes.

Cersei Lannister, who looked indifferent, was looking at their group of noisy guys with disgust.She couldn't wait to get out of this dirty banquet. The chaos Gao Yuan and others brought to her made her head with beautiful blond hair almost burst.

Ed, who looked embarrassed, and Bunyan, who was frowning, paid attention to him while discussing something. Ed seemed not very interested in this celebration feast, while Bunyan, who was frowning, obviously In the recent conversation with the king, not much progress was made.

And Sansa Stark and her best friend Jenny Poole stared intently at Gao Yuan who was the focus of the crowd, and the two seemed to be discussing something.The distance between them was so great that he had no way of knowing what the two girls were discussing.

But Gao Yuan could be sure from Jenny Poole's eyes full of spring that they must be discussing themselves at this time. When Gao Yuan's eyes met her, she even lowered her head shyly.

Of course, the one who pays the most attention to Gao Yuan is naturally the king who originally sang and danced with the cook in his arms, Robert Baratheon.At this moment, he had let go of the little cook who he had been holding all night, and set his eyes on Gao Yuan who was in the crowd.

The smile that had hung on Robert's flushed and bearded face all night was gone at this moment, replaced by a face that was gradually livid and cold eyes.It seems to have returned to the appearance when he raised the flag to overthrow the rule of the Targaryen dynasty during the War of the Reaver, and sat on the Iron Throne in one fell swoop.

For God's sake, Robert couldn't believe his ears. What he heard from those damn bastards and knight squires: Targaryen, news of the dragon's resurrection and so on.

This caused Robert's originally happy mood to fall to the bottom in an instant. Whether it was the Targaryen family or the dragon family, the symbol of their family, these two were the most taboo in his heart as the plunderer who overthrew the rule of the Targaryen family. The presence.

Even now that he overthrew House Targaryen and sat on the Iron Throne, and has ruled Westeros for 15 years, Robert still hears from time to time, those who still insist that House Targaryen is Westeros The people who are the only legal rulers of the Luo continent call themselves the snatchers.

Whenever he heard similar remarks, it would make him feel very angry.Especially when he learned recently that Daenerys Targaryen and Viserys Targaryen, the legacy of the dragon, appeared in Pentos, the free city of Essos.

He once vowed to kill every Targaryen family with his own hands, but now he heard news about Targaryen at the dinner in Winterfell.

The angry Robert rudely pushed away the vassals surrounding him, and found Eddard Stark who was talking with Benyan in the corner.In full view, he pointed to Gao Yuan surrounded by illegitimate children and knight attendants, and asked Ed: "Stark! Can you tell me who dared to mention Targaryen at the banquet where I was cleansed?" Who is the guy?"

(End of this chapter)

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