Chapter 203 Bran
The king's hunting party will start at dawn, and King Robert hopes that when they return from the hunt, there will be an extra bear meal for the dinner at Winterfell.Even if no giant bear was hunted, it would be a good choice to bring back a few wild boars, but Ed told the king that there were no wild boars in the wolf forest west of Winterfell.

Their hunting trip this time will last for several days, because the hunting team is about to set off to the hunting place, which is deep in the wolf forest to the west of Winterfell City, and it will take more than half a day even to rush there.

Because Prince Joffrey will be traveling with the king, Ed also allows his eldest son Robb to go with the hunting team.In addition, Bunyan, Jory, and Sir Gao Yuan, who was just knighted last night, were also in the team. Even the dwarf Tyrion from Lannister was also in this team.

To everyone's surprise, the queen who had followed King Robert to the North was not with the hunt.People speculated that it might be because Robert had gone to the Stark vault yesterday, despite her objections.

The queen's younger brother Jaime also did not join the hunting team. He was left in Winterfell by Robert's instructions to accompany his sister and the king's children.

"I'm afraid there will never be a better chance to have an affair!" Gao Yuan, the only one in Winterfell who knew about the special relationship between the siblings, couldn't help sighing secretly.

The young children of the Stark and Baratheon families were also left in Winterfell by them, including girls like Sansa and Myrcella, anyway, they didn't like them at all. hunt.

But among them, Arya Stark is probably an exception.When Gao Yuan came to the square early in the morning, he saw this little girl who had a masculine personality since she was a child, pestering her father Ed to go with them, but Ed sternly refused.

Gao Yuan hadn't seen Jon since the banquet last night. Perhaps Gao Yuan's acceptance of the canonization last night had hit the illegitimate son deeply.So much so that his uncle Bunyan didn't know where he went. Gao Yuan also learned from Bunyan that Jon decided to go to the Great Wall with him to join the night watchman army.

This can't help but make Gao Yuan silent for a while, it seems that history has finally come to its original track.

Jon's decision to join the Night Watchman Legion, although he has his own wishes in it, but the main reason for his decision to join the Night Watchman is that he has been excluded by Caitlin in Winterfell because of his status as an illegitimate child. .

Coupled with the excitement last night, Gao Yuan is not at all surprised that he will make this decision.

Of course, there are some deeper reasons for this. Thinking of this, Gao Yuan couldn't help but focus on Ed Stark, who was chatting with King Robert.

Presumably, the Duke of Winterfell had already received the secret letter from Caitlin's sister, Lady Lysa Arryn, after having sex with his wife last night.The secret letter was brought to Winterfell by Raven in the film and television drama, but in the original book, Littlefinger secretly ordered someone to put it on Maester Luwin's desk.

The content of the letter was written in a cipher text that only the sisters Caitlin knew, so Caitlin believed in the content of the letter. It was claimed that Lannister killed Lysa's husband, the former king. Hand - Jon Arryn.

At the same time, it was also because of this incident that Ed, who had just been awarded the position of Hand of the King by King Robert, became suspicious of Lannister ever since.Originally, after receiving this letter, Ed was unwilling to go to the dangerous and unknown King's Landing, because his father and elder brother were killed in the first trip to King's Landing, but under Caitlin's persuasion, finally He still accepted the canonization of King Robert.

So after Ed decided to go to King's Landing, the couple began to make some arrangements for their children.As the eldest son and first heir of the Stark family, Robb should stay in Winterfell.

Rickon was also kept because of his young age.

As for Sansa, Arya and Bran, Ed decided to take them to King's Landing because of the marriage relationship with Prince Joffrey, the need to learn the rules and etiquette of the southern court maids, and serving as a bridge for communication between the two younger generations.

Among the many children of Ed Stark, the one with the most miserable fate is Ed's illegitimate son Jon. He could neither follow his father to King's Landing, nor could he stay in Winterfell because of Catelyn's exclusion. .

Even though his relationship with his eldest son Robb is very good, Ed originally planned to leave him to assist his eldest son, but in the end, under Caitlin's strong request, Ed arranged to follow Bunyan to the Great Wall to join the Night Watchman Legion.

"I also know that this makes you very embarrassed, but I still have to thank you for agreeing to my request."

King Robert is expressing his gratitude to his old friend for accepting his invitation to go to King's Landing as his King's Hand: "Believe me, if I am not forced to, I will not come to the North to disturb your peace You have been my faithful old friend throughout my life."

"I have no choice but you!" Robert put away the smile on his face and emphasized emphatically.

Ed, who knew the danger of King's Landing well, could only nod heavily in the face of Robert's trust: "I hope to be able to take on this great task."


"Oh, let's see who's coming!" King Robert's sonorous voice suddenly sounded from behind Gao Yuan who was preparing the horses, "This is not the dragon slayer who was most popular with the girls at the dinner party yesterday ?"

Gao Yuan turned around and looked at the king who was riding on a horse like a mountain of meat: "Your Majesty Robert!"

Robert, with a red face, came to Gao Yuan, and looked up and down the newly promoted jazz last night.

His black mid-length hair was neatly combed behind his head at this time, tied together by a golden ribbon.On the face with sharp water chestnut angles, there is this pair of impressive golden eyes.The supple and delicate brown cloak almost covered his whole body, but it could not conceal the stalwart figure under the cloak at all. The looming dragon scale armor on his chest made Gao Yuan look imposing.And now there is another tall and handsome Sir Gao Yuan who is comparable to the Kingslayer

"Seven Hells! I already have a beautiful Lannister by my side, and now there is another tall and handsome Sir Gaoyuan who is comparable to the Kingslayer." King Robert couldn't help but turned to his side. Ed complained: "No wonder he was welcomed by so many girls last night. God knows how long my Myrcella pestered me after the banquet last night, just to find out the name of this high-ranking Sir. Know that she is only seven years old now."

Facing the complaints and ridicule from King Robert, Ed Stark and Gao Yuan just looked at each other awkwardly, and then showed a helpless smile.

You must know that 15 years ago, when Ed was still fighting side by side with Robert for the throne, the current king, the former Duke of Storm's End.He was also a handsome man with a clean and delicate face and clear eyes, the dream of countless Huaichun girls.His tall and mighty figure, like a towering tower, made all enemies who had seen him fearful. Robert must be jealous of him now.

"Sir Gaoyuan, did you bring the sword that slew the dragon that you said yesterday, did you bring it with you today?" Complained, King Robert did not forget his real purpose, "I remember it has a name Well, what's its name?"

"Your Majesty, its name is the Evening Star Blade!" Gao Yuan untied the sword belt tied around his waist, and handed the Evening Star Blade to King Robert.

When King Robert took the sword called the Evening Star Blade from Gao Yuan, he couldn't wait to pull it out of the scabbard.As a silver-white light flashed in front of Robert's eyes, the silver-white elven sword was fully presented in front of his eyes.

Its shape is different from the usual cross sword in Westeros, with a slightly shorter hilt and guard.The body of the silver-white sword is painted with faintly visible silver flowing moiré patterns.When Robert turned the hilt, it shone silvery like stars in the night sky.

"Good sword!" Robert couldn't help but exclaimed.

As a king who cut a bloody path from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, Robert could see the extraordinaryness of this sword at a glance. Although the weapon he is best at using is actually a warhammer, this does not prevent him from being familiar with other swords. Weapons know something.After all, during the tragic Snatcher War, Robert also encountered many bad situations, such as lost or damaged weapons, which forced him to learn to use other weapons to deal with the enemy on the battlefield.

"Blade of the Evening Star, what a good name!" King Robert's gaze has been deeply attracted by it, and he is unwilling to move away for a moment.He widened his eyes and wanted to see every detail on the Blade of Evening Star, "Is there any origin for this name? Is it the name of the evil dragon you killed, or does it have some other meaning?"

"It is named after the brightest star in the twilight of the evening." Gao Yuan denied Robert's guess and gave the answer directly, "It is also the name of my lover."

"The brightest star in the twilight."

After mumbling something to himself, Robert fell silent, as if caught in some kind of memory.It wasn't until Ed came to his side and called his name a few times that he was brought back to reality from his memory. Robert may have thought of the "Evening Star" that belonged to him—Lyanna Stark.

"She must be a very beautiful woman, beautiful enough to make even a dragon slayer like you fall in love with her." Robert came back to his senses, and resentfully returned the Evening Star Blade to Gao Yuan's hands.

Gao Yuan pinned the Evening Star Blade on his waist, with a bright smile on his face: "That's true! Apart from her, I can no longer tolerate other women in my eyes."

"Lucky boy!" Robert looked at the bright smile on Gao Yuan's face, and patted him on the shoulder enviously, "I really want to meet the beauty you mentioned, and when you two get married, you must invite I'm going to attend."

"How about having me, the king, as your officiant?" asked Robert tentatively.

"That can't be done! I have already promised to let one of her elders be our officiant." Gao Yuan laughed and rejected Robert's request.

Gao Yuan, who is familiar with the plot, knows that the king is not far away from his death at this time, so how can he wait until the day he and Arwen get married, besides, Arwen is still far away in another world at this time.

After being rejected by Gao Yuan, Robert did not continue to force: "Let's go, boys, let's go to the forest to hunt some wild boars and come back. It is best to hunt a giant bear."

"Sir Gao Yuan, you are by my side today, I think we will have a lot of common topics to talk about."

Following Robert's order, the hunting team followed his footsteps and left Winterfell neatly.When Gao Yuan was about to step out of the gate of Winterfell, he accidentally saw Bran standing by the gate alone.

When Gao Yuan first followed Bunyan to Winterfell, he also thought about helping the poor boy to avoid the bad luck of falling from the tower. With Gao Yuan's ability, he could do all of this.But after Gao Yuan carefully analyzed the plot of the original work, he still gave up his idea.

His goal of coming to this world is not to save everyone in this world.Instead, he wants to become the ruler of the seven countries on the continent of Westeros, gather the power of all human beings on this continent, and jointly fight against the army of white ghosts hiding in the north of the Great Wall and eyeing the living.

Bran's fall from the tower is the most critical plot node in the original Game of Thrones plot, and it is also a fuse that detonates the conflict between the Stark family and the Lannister family.

In Game of Thrones, chaos is the ladder of power, if there is no incident with Bran as a fuse.Then it is impossible for Petyr Baelish to use the failed assassin and the Valyrian dagger in his hand to place the crime of murdering Bran on Tyrion Lannis of the Lannister family special body.

In this way, it will not appear. On the way back to King's Landing from the south of the Great Wall, Tyrion ran into the angry Caitlin and was arrested by him in public and escorted to the Eagle's Nest City at the bottom of the valley for trial.If the incident of Tyrion's capture hadn't happened, the siblings of the Lannister family would naturally not have chosen to tear themselves apart from the Stark family.

It is precisely because the Lannister family and the Stark family have completely torn their skins, and Ed Stark, who is vengeful, began to investigate in depth the cause of the death of the former Prime Minister Jon Arryn, and finally passed Robert. The king's illegitimate son found evidence that Cersei and his brother Jaime had sex with each other.

The evidence in Ed Stark's hands is what made Cersei jump the wall and decide to kill King Robert; launched a coup to seize the throne for his son, imprisoned Ed Stark and finally triggered the War of the Five Kings the real reason.

Moreover, Bran who fell from the tower will not die because of this, but this is the test he must endure on the road to becoming a green prophet in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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