Chapter 204 Caitlin's Guess
Feeling guilty, Gao Yuan followed the king's hunting team slowly out of Winterfell, and when he passed by the second son of the Stark family, he gave him an apologetic look.Even Bran, who watched the team leave behind him, might not understand the meaning of his eyes.

Turning his head to look at Winterfell City behind him, a dilapidated tower suddenly appeared before Gao Yuan's eyes, and countless crows were circling above the dilapidated tower.This towering ruined tower was once the tallest building in Winterfell, and it was originally built to prevent Winterfell from being attacked by enemies.

But later, with the two thick walls inside and outside Winterfell, the watchtower, which was built during the period of the builder "Brandon", lost its due function.Now it has been completely abandoned for many years. The original tower was hit by a thunderstorm more than 140 years ago and caught fire, causing the top third of the tower to collapse into the tower. It has not been rebuilt since then. , so it became what Gao Yuan saw now.

In many people's cognition, the appearance of crows often means that bad luck is about to come. Coupled with the ruined tower burned by the fire, all these ominous omens seem to indicate that misfortune will soon come to this city with Among the thousands of years of history in Winterfell.

In fact, the misfortune represented by these omens happened much earlier than Gao Yuan expected.The king's hunting party had only left Winterfell for half a day, and was caught up by Ser Roderick Cassel, the coach of Winterfell sent by Catelyn, at the edge of the Wolfwood.

The panting headmaster of Winterfell nearly fell off his horse as he stumbled to the heavy-faced Lord Eddard Stark with sad news for all.

Duke Eddard Stark's second son, Bran Stark, was found to have fallen from a towering tower shortly after they left Winterfell.Maester Luwin at Winterfell and the doctor King Robert brought from King's Landing are trying to save the Stranger's life.

It wasn't until late at night that Ed Stark, who received the unfortunate news, rushed back to Winterfell in a state of anxiety.In addition to Gao Yuan, Ed's eldest son Robb, Bunyan, the king's old friend Robert, and Winterfell's guard captain Jory followed closely behind.

When they entered Winterfell, the place had already fallen into unprecedented chaos.Bran, the second son of the Stark family, fell from the ruined tower, and it was the second day after King Robert visited Winterfell, which is a bit intriguing.Because it is still uncertain whether Bran fell from the broken tower himself or was deliberately murdered.Therefore, Caitlin, who was heartbroken, immediately angrily demanded that the entire Winterfell City enter a state of martial law.

In every corner of Winterfell, you can see heavily armed Winterfell guards patrolling around. They were asked by Madam Stark to prohibit anyone from entering or leaving Winterfell during the martial law, except for the king and his party who were out hunting. outside.

Bran likes to climb around in Winterfell, which has long been known in Winterfell, and every member of the Stark family has been afraid of Bran for this.A child under the age of seven, clinging to the high walls and rock walls that adults would feel soft on their feet, anyone who sees it will feel worried.

Whether it was Bran's father Ed, his mother Caitlin, or the Stark family's Bachelor Luwin, they all tried their best to stop Bran's adventurous behavior, but with little success.Even Ed, who couldn't do anything about it, had to acquiesce in Bran's climbing behavior, as long as his mother didn't see it.

After that, it was the turn of the guards in the city to worry about Bran. For a long time, as long as they found Bran on the roof or high wall, they would yell and chase him, hoping to drive him from a high place. down.

But the guard's chasing behavior was regarded by Bran as a cat-and-mouse game he played with his brothers.It's just that this game ends with Bran winning almost every time, because those guards don't have the ability to walk on the walls and rock walls like Bran.

Therefore, the residents of Winterfell were not surprised that Bran fell from the ruined tower today. It was just that the worries in the past had finally become reality today.In this Winterfell, except for the heartbroken Caitlin, no one, including Ed, connected this incident with King Robert's visit. unfortunate accident.

But Bran's mother, Caitlin, doesn't think so. She firmly believes that her son Bran didn't fall from the broken tower because of a mistake.It had not been a day or two for Bran to climb between the walls and rock walls of Winterfell.He knows every place in Winterfell, where he can climb up and look far; where there are bricks or platforms that can be grabbed and stepped on, he knows it even with his eyes closed, and he has never appeared before. experienced falling from a height.

So Kaitlyn suspected that someone threw Bran from the ruined tower. When she learned that Bran had fallen from the ruined tower, she immediately ordered the entire Winterfell city to be sealed off.Caitlin didn't know why the black hand behind the scenes chose to attack Bran, and she didn't have conclusive evidence that Bran was murdered, but Caitlyn's intuition told her that this matter would definitely not be that simple.

The day after her husband's old king's friend Robert took people to visit Winterfell in person, his son Bran fell from the top of the ruined tower. How can there be such a coincidence in this world.

As for why the other party chose to do this, it is not difficult to guess:

This starts with King Robert's trip to visit Winterfell in person this time. He came to invite Ed Stark to King's Landing to serve as his King's Hand.

It seems that in this team that followed King Robert to the north, some people were unwilling to see Ed Stark accept King Robert's invitation to replace the dead Jon Arryn as the new king. hand.So on the second day, when they knew that Ed had agreed to King Robert's invitation, they chose to lay a black hand on Bran in order to warn Ed.

As for why they didn't choose to attack Robb, but Bran, who seemed insignificant?This is probably related to the fact that those guys are not ready yet, and the fact that the Stark family is completely tearing their skins apart.

Robb is the eldest son of Eddard and the first heir to the Stark family.If they chose to attack Robb, it would be tantamount to declaring war on the Starks, regardless of whether he made a mistake or not.This Duke Stark of Winterfell, who is deeply supported by the major families in the north, will not let it go if he does not find out who is behind the scenes.

Even with the efforts of Ed's old friend, King Robert, to stop him, Ed will turn the whole of Westeros upside down, and there may even be a new "snatcher" war.This is not without precedent. The reason for the outbreak of the last Marauder War was that the mad king "Aerys" killed the current patriarch and eldest son of the Stark family.

So as Bran Stark, the second son of Ed Stark, this innocent child became the target of the black hands behind the scenes.This can not only achieve their goal of deterring Ed Stark and forcing him to give up going to King's Landing to serve as the Hand of the King, but it will not make Ed Stark retaliate against them desperately.

Caitlin's first object of suspicion was the Lannister family, which had been at odds with the Stark family for a long time. Combined with the secret letter sent to her by her sister Lysa Arryn, Caitlin had reason to believe that this incident had absolutely nothing to do with The Lannisters are inseparable.

It seems that the death of the former prime minister, Jon Arryn, was indeed not that simple. Perhaps, as Lysa said in the secret letter, her husband, the Duke of Arryn, was murdered by the queen of the Lannister family or someone else. Murderous.

Considering that her husband is about to go south to serve as the Hand of the King, Caitlin already regrets the fact that she persuaded Ed to go to King's Landing last night. The Lannister family dared to attack their son in Winterfell, so if Ed He really went to King's Landing, where the Lannister family is all over the place.

So, what else can't they do?

Thinking of this verse, Caitlin decided to tell her husband all these speculations after he returned to Winterfell.She also thought about persuading Ed again to let him cancel his decision to go south to King's Landing as the Hand of the King, but because Ed had already agreed to King Robert's invitation, and she had no evidence in her hands to prove all this, she finally canceled it. own this idea.

Moreover, it is not only the Lannister family's unique temperament to repay their debts. No matter whether the black hand behind the scenes is really the Lannister family or something else, since they dare to attack their son in Winterfell, then The Stark family must also let them know what will happen if they provoke the Stark family.

And the best way to get revenge on the mastermind behind the scenes is to let her husband Ed go south to King's Landing, relying on the power held by the former Prime Minister to investigate the real cause of Jon Arryn's death and finally bring him to justice.

The other party is now in Winterfell, even at the risk of being exposed, they want to prevent Ed from going south to take the position of Prime Minister, which means that they are already afraid at this moment.In this case, they should do the opposite. The more the other party is afraid of something, the more they will do this.

Ed, who returned to Winterfell, did not visit his son in the main castle immediately.Even though Ed's heart was burning with anxiety at the moment, he still didn't forget his responsibility as a lord. He was the Duke Stark of Winterfell first, and then the father of an injured child.Facing the messy Winterfell City at the moment, the first thing he has to do is to stabilize the chaotic situation in the city.

Ed knew that even if he rushed to the main castle at the fastest speed now, it would be of no avail. The worst thing had already happened, and no matter how much he grieved, it was irreparable. He believed that Maester Luwin would do his best to save his son. .

So Ed, who had just entered Winterfell, immediately sensed that the atmosphere in the city was not right, frowned and gave an order to the guard captain Jory beside him, asking him to lift the martial law order issued by Caitlin, leaving only some The guards continued to patrol the city, disturbing the guests who came to the north with King Robert.

After explaining all this, Ed hurried towards the direction of the main castle. Robb, Bunyan and King Robert followed closely behind. Gao Yuan did not choose to follow this time, but He went back to his room silently.Even if you want to express sympathy to the heartbroken Mrs. Stark, it is not a wise choice to go at this moment. Not only will it not be consoling, but it will deepen the pain of the other party.

Bran's direwolf wailed in the fence of the main castle of Winterfell all night. The howling echoed over the ancient castle, like a flag of mourning, hanging above everyone's head in the city. In the cold night, all the people lying on the bed were tossing and turning sleepless.

When Gao Yuan, who had not slept all night, got up from the bed, the sky of Winterfell outside the window was still gray, as if the entire northern sky was mourning for Bran's misfortune.On the way to the inner castle hall, Gao Yuan met Benyan Stark with red eyes. The chief ranger obviously stayed up all night yesterday.

From Bunyan's mouth, Gao Yuan learned about Bran's current situation. Maester Luwin and the others had been treating Bran who was dying all night yesterday, and it just ended not long ago.

The good news is that Maester Luwin and the others have temporarily snatched Bran's life back from Stranger's hands.The bad news is that this poor child is still not completely out of danger, and he will face an extremely dangerous stage next. Only after passing through this dangerous stage can Bran truly be out of danger.

But even if Bran is lucky enough to survive, it is still unknown whether he can finally wake up from the coma.What is certain now is that he may not be able to stand up again for the rest of his life.

The heartbroken Caitlin has been waiting outside her son's room since Bran's accident, praying to the seven gods she believes in.Ed Stark and King Robert waited by Caitlin's side all night. While expecting good news, they were also worried that Caitlin would collapse because she couldn't bear the sudden blow.

It's icy cold in the corridors of the castle late at night, especially in Winterfell in the north.Although it is a castle built on hot springs, the hot water transported through pipes can only reach the various rooms in the main castle, and it cannot provide a trace of warmth to Caitlin and the others who are waiting in the aisle of the castle. .

Bunyan, who also stayed in the main castle overnight, waited until Maester Luwin and others came out of Bran's room, and carefully asked about Bran's current physical condition before choosing to leave.

Bunyan had already got the answer he wanted at this time, so cold and hungry, he came to the hall and began to have breakfast.They hadn't eaten anything since yesterday's news of Bran's death at the edge of the Wolfwood.

(End of this chapter)

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