Chapter 205
Ten days have passed since Bran fell from the building. Just like the plot in the original book, the second son of Duke Stark has been in a coma during this period, and his condition has neither worsened nor improved.According to Maester Luwin's speculation, Bran still has a good chance of overcoming this difficulty. After all, it has been ten days since Bran fell from the building. If he couldn't survive, he would have died by now.

As for when Bran will wake up, only the Seven Gods that Caitlin prays for day and night know.Bran's direwolf has been howling continuously in Winterfell since Bran slipped and fell from the building. Maester Luwin once shut him down in order to reduce the noise and prevent the howling direwolf from disturbing Bran who was recuperating. Windows in the room.However, when Maester Luwin and the others closed the window of the room, Bran, who was originally in a stable condition, suddenly began to deteriorate. It was not until they reopened the window that the crisis was turned into safety.

This strange incident was widely circulated among the guests and residents of Winterfell. People speculated that the old gods or wolf spirits were continuously providing power to the unconscious Bran through the direwolf to support He lives.

The impact of Bran's fall from the building soon passed, and for the other residents of Winterfell and the guests who came from afar, life seemed to have returned to its former peace.As time went by, it seemed that the only members of the Stark family who had suffered misfortune were left in grief. Catelyn waited in front of the unconscious Bran's bed all day, and has never left that room.

Bran's misfortune caused King Robert's original plan to return to King's Landing to be postponed. Robert's new Prime Minister is the father of the child. Now Ed's second son has stumbled and fell from the tower and has not yet woken up. As a king who is compassionate to his vassals, or as a friend of Ed for many years, he should not take this grieving father away from his child at this moment.

Therefore, the sympathetic King Robert not only did not return to King's Landing as planned, but also accompanied his old friend to enlighten him. He felt the same for Ed's grief at this moment.The deep friendship formed between the two in the Eagle's Nest City during their childhood was vividly reflected in the ten long days. Robert had already regarded Ed as his biological brother. His closeness and trust in Ed was even far away. Far surpassed his two ineffective younger brothers.

After another three days passed like this, Ed, who hadn't seen Bran wake up for a long time, finally decided not to wait any longer.For Bran who was lying unconscious on the bed, even if Ed stayed in Winterfell, there was nothing he could do. The kings of the Seven Kingdoms had already delayed his trip to Winterfell for more than ten days, although Robert did not say anything about it. Something, but Ed felt a little sorry for it himself.

What no one knows is that Eddard Stark made the decision to leave Winterfell and head south for King's Landing for another reason.The night before Ed made this decision, the Duke of Winterfell, after visiting his unconscious son, left Bran's room in a hurry and found a newly promoted Sir.

Gao Yuan was deeply surprised by the late-night visit of the Duke of Winterfell. After welcoming him into his room, Gao Yuan carefully checked whether there were other people outside the door, and confirmed that no one was following Ed Star. After Ke was behind him, he carefully closed the door.

"You seem very cautious, Sir Gao Yuan!" Ed said first, "Since we met each other in the Godswood last time, it seems that we haven't had a good chat."

"I just don't want to get into trouble." Gao Yuan frowned and began to wonder what Ed's purpose was when he came to find him, "Master Stark, your sudden visit in the middle of the night is probably not just to chat with me, is it? "

"I just suddenly remembered that Sir Gao Yuan, when you were canonized as a knight, I hadn't congratulated you yet."

Gao Yuan didn't like these polite words, and the Duke of Winterfell in front of him didn't seem to be good at them, so he was interrupted by Gao Yuan before he finished speaking.

"I'm just a newly promoted knight. I'm afraid it's not enough for Lord Stark to come here late at night. Besides, it was more than ten days ago. Lord Stark doesn't think it's a bit too much to congratulate now. Is it late?"

"Master Stark has something to say, so you don't have to go around here."

"I can assure you that not a word will leak out of the conversation between you and me tonight."

Gao Yuan's direct approach made Ed look a little tangled and worried. Not long ago, he had a secret conversation with his wife in Bran's room.First of all, he had to make sure that Sir Gao Yuan, who came to Winterfell with his younger brother Bunyan, was trustworthy, because what he was going to say next was of great importance, and once it was leaked out, it would be easy to startle the snake, making him and his family were in trouble.

"Sir Gao Yuan, what do you think of my son Bran's fall from the tower?" Ed looked a little tired when he mentioned Bran who was still asleep.

"In view of Lord Stark's late-night visit, you must have doubts about this, why do you need to ask for my opinion?"

Ed looked up suspiciously, glanced at Gao Yuan and said impatiently: "Don't try to analyze my intentions, what I want to know is your thoughts."

"It was just an accident, no one deliberately targeted you or your family!"

Ed was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard Gao Yuan's answer, but he suddenly changed the subject.

"The accident I'm talking about doesn't mean that Bran stumbled and fell."

"What do you mean?" Ed suddenly raised his voice and asked, "You also think Bran was murdered when he slipped and fell?"

"Right now, many people in Winterfell are concerned about whether Bran can wake up. Some of them are sincere, while others have ulterior motives."

When Gao Yuan said this, the corners of his mouth involuntarily turned up to reveal a secret smile, which made Ed frowned, and he didn't know whether it was because of Gao Yuan's words or the smile on his face.

"Compared with Bran's life and death, I think they are more concerned about whether Bran can wake up from a coma. This child accidentally knows something, and this is probably the real reason for Bran's misfortune. reason."

"It's just your guess." Although Ed denied it, he actually believed what Gao Yuan said in his heart.

"Lord Stark, did you persuade Mrs. Stark in this way?" Gao Yuan asked, "Or, do you just want to convince yourself?"

"You knew all this a long time ago, but you didn't tell us!" Ed stood up abruptly from his chair.

Faced with Ed's angry questioning, Gao Yuan was unmoved at all: "Since the truth guessed by Mrs. Stark is quite different from my judgment."

"Lord Stark, please tell me why you didn't tell King Robert these speculations, but chose to find me in the middle of the night?" Gao Yuan looked up at Ed in front of him, his golden pupils flickered glowing.

"Because these are just our conjectures!" Ed, who was powerless to refute, looked like a wilted eggplant at the moment, "We have no evidence in our hands to prove that Bran was murdered, unless he now To be able to wake up, tell the truth and identify the killer."

"Lord Stark! That's what worries me now."

"Those who murdered Bran thought the same way, so they cared about whether Bran woke up." Gao Yuan reminded.

Ed's face suddenly turned pale when he heard the words, and the candlelight reflected in his gray eyes turned blue, like a hungry direwolf lurking on the snow in the dark.

"You mean, they will find a chance to attack Bran again?"

"Do not rule out this possibility! For some people, it is worth killing a seven-year-old child in order to cover up the truth and some filth."

"This is not a difficult choice, especially when faced with a child with disabled legs who cannot move in bed. Even if the child survives, he will not be able to walk again in this life. Instead of letting him live like this Let me help him get rid of it as soon as possible, those guys will definitely comfort their condemned conscience like this."

"I know!" Ed said in a deep voice.

"Did Mrs. Stark deduce who the murderer of Bran was? Forgive my curiosity." Gao Yuan asked curiously.

Gao Yuan is really curious about this, Caitlin doesn't have Gao Yuan's foresight, so how did she infer all this at this point in time?You must know that in the original book, Caitlin determined that Lannister was the murderer of Bran through various clues after Bran was assassinated for the second time.

'Kaitlyn thinks someone doesn't want to see me leave the North'

In the room flickering by candlelight, Ed began to tell Gao Yuan in detail the deduction from Caitlin, which also included the secret letter from Lysa Ayrin, which accused the Lannister family of killing her husband .

"Catelyn believes that the reason why those behind-the-scenes murderers chose this time to murder Bran in Winterfell is to give a warning to me, who is about to succeed the Hand of the King, so that I can retreat. In this way, no one will investigate, The truth about the death of Lord Arryn"

Gao Yuan pretended to ponder for a while, and then put forward his own opinion:

"Mrs. Stark's deduction is indeed very reasonable, but there is a doubt in it!"

"The secret letter from Lady Lysa Arryn was smuggled into your hands, Lord Stark, just after King Robert's team arrived in the North."

"Among the king's team, are there any nobles from the valley, or nobles who have a good personal relationship with Lord Jon and Lady Lysa in King's Landing?" Gao Yuan asked.

I saw Stark shook his head and said: "The nobles in King Robert's team are all from the king's land or King's Landing, and there are no nobles from the valley to follow. As for whether there are any nobles with whom they have a good personal relationship I don't know."

"Then, there must be something wrong with this secret letter from Madam Lysa!" Gao Yuan gave his own judgment.

"That's impossible! The contents of this secret letter are written in cipher text that only Caitlin and Lysa can understand." Ed retorted, "I have known Lysa for a long time, although she is usually very Impulsive, but she will never make such a random accusation, she must have some kind of conclusive evidence to choose to do so."

"This letter was carefully planned and carefully hidden by her! When she wrote this letter, she must have been very clear that if the letter fell into the hands of others, she would definitely die. It can be seen that this is definitely not groundless, otherwise she would not be willing to take such a risk." Big risk."

"Is the Eagle's Nest far from Winterfell?"

Ed wondered why Gao Yuan would suddenly ask this: "It's not very far, at least it's much closer than King's Landing."

"Jon Arryn's death has passed for a long time. Long before King Robert decided to come to the north, Madam Arryn had already fled to the Eagle's Nest City with her children."

"During this period, Madam Ayrin has enough time to deliver this letter to Winterfell, and to Madam Stark and Lord Stark. If she is afraid that the raven will be hijacked, she will definitely You can send your cronies in Eagle's Nest City to hand over this letter to you."

Gao Yuan calmly analyzed: "It is obvious that this secret letter can be handed over to you before the king's team departs from King's Landing or arrives at Winterfell. Why take a huge risk to send this secret letter Send it to someone in King's Landing who might betray you, and then follow the king's team to the north and hand it over to you?"

"Isn't this superfluous?" Gao Yuan sneered, and then continued, "And there is a huge risk of being betrayed!"

"There is only one truth! That is, this letter did not come from Madam Arryn of the Eagle's Nest City at all, but from the hand of a despicable villain in King's Landing who wished to stir up disputes between the Stark family and the Lannister family. .”


The Duke of Winterfell in front of Gao Yuan couldn't help but gasped after listening to his analysis carefully.

"Sir Gaoyuan, I need your help!" Ed suddenly stood up and said, "Help me investigate the truth about the death of Duke Jon Arryn."

Eddard Stark is a very traditional and rigid person. If you ask him to abide by his honor and handle various affairs fairly and strictly, there is no problem, and he will do a good job instead.But if you let him fight wits and bravery with those ambitious power game players, you will think too highly of him, and he will only be eaten to the bone by those evil dragons.

Ed wasn't the kind of ambitious schemer, but that didn't mean he was a fool either.He already knew that the city of King's Landing was full of dangers, so he wanted to investigate the truth about the death of Duke Arryn, or find the murderer who murdered his son Bran. Generally, it is necessary to rely on the help of people with political sense and political experience.

As his former Prime Minister, it is too conspicuous to investigate in King's Landing in person, and those people who are paying attention secretly must be staring at him all the time; and those Stark family men who brought him to King's Landing, I believe that they will enter King's Landing City , will immediately be noticed by those powerful players.

As a duke far away from the center of power and in the remote north, Ed knows that he has no one trustworthy in King's Landing except King Robert, so he needs help from Gao Yuan even more.

(End of this chapter)

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