Chapter 206 Seeking the Valley
"Lord Stark, helping you investigate the truth about the death of Duke Jon Arryn is of no benefit to me." Gao Yuan directly and flatly rejected Ed's request, "This may actually cause me trouble."

"I thought you were a brave ranger who would never be moved by profit." Ed said, picked up the gloves on the table, and turned to leave.

Ai De wanted to play hard to get in front of Gao Yuan, but he didn't know that as a time traveler, he was the patriarch in this regard.Faced with Ai De's irony, he was unmoved at all, and even unconsciously, Ai De had already fallen into Gao Yuan's hard-to-get trap.

"I'm not your subordinate, Lord Stark!" Gao Yuan stood up with Ed, and made a gesture to send Duke Stark out of the room. "As a ranger, I have no intention of participating in this game of thrones."

"Game of Thrones, this is really an interesting description!" Seeing that Gao Yuan had already walked in front of him and opened the door, looking as if he was about to see off a guest, Ed, who was not deep in the city, was finally anxious at this moment: "What the hell are you doing?" How can you help me?"

"A reason that can convince me and yourself." Seeing Ed took the bait, Gao Yuan took advantage of the opportunity to close the door that had already been opened, "There is another request that will make me feel safe."

"Master Stark, the struggle for power is extremely cruel, please do not participate in it if it is not necessary, otherwise it will be a mistake that will cause eternal hatred."

"In case we fail, I have to fight for a retreat for myself!"

Ed frowned with some dissatisfaction: "Isn't letting the truth out to the world enough to convince you and me?"

Gao Yuan didn't answer this question, but just quietly looked at Ed who was still wrinkled.

The two of them were in a stalemate at the door, and after a while, Ed said in a deep voice: "Winter is coming!"

"It seems that you haven't forgotten this motto of the Stark family!" A bright smile appeared on Gao Yuan's face, "I like this sentence very much!"

"Remember this sentence you said today, and never forget to take precautions before they happen!"

Ed couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then continued to ask: "What's the other request?"

"I heard that the king has not yet decided on who will be the guardian of the east!"

As soon as Gao Yuan's words came out, Ed was taken aback. He looked at Gao Yuan standing in front of him in astonishment, and marveled that his appetite was too great.

He rejected Gao Yuan's request without hesitation: "You are simply wishful thinking, the guardianship of the Eastern Realm has been held by the Ayrin family for generations, and besides, Jon Arryn is my adoptive father, and his son will inherit his position in the future. "

"I don't have the extravagant expectation to hold this position forever. When the new Duke of Eagle's Nest City becomes an adult, I will return this position to him!" Gao Yuan explained, "Master Stark, you need the support of the forces in the East. You need me to help you lead the army in the valley."

"In this way, even if you lose the game of power struggle in King's Landing, the enemy will not dare to act rashly in the face of you who have the support of at least two forces in the Seven Kingdoms. This is not only the way out I asked for, At the same time, it is also the escape route you have prepared for yourself.”

Ed fell into silence, and he had to admit that what Gao Yuan said was indeed reasonable.I am alone and weak in the south, and if I am helpless, if I fail in the power struggle, the forces in the north that I have will definitely be beyond my reach, and the distant water cannot save the near fire.

Although he can still get the support of Caitlin's natal family, the Tully family, the rulers of the riverlands, but in the seven kingdoms of Westeros, the Tully family's influence and strength are not too strong.Especially in the case that his opponent might be the Lannister family, the Lannister family, which is the guardian of the western border, is much stronger than the Tully family.

Through the ever-changing expressions on Ed's face, Gao Yuan knew that Ed's heart had begun to shake at this time, so he decided to add another fire to Ed: "The orphans and widows of the Ailin family have no influence in the East. They can neither command the army nor provide you with support, and they have been living in King's Landing, so I'm afraid they won't even be able to collect taxes from the territories under their command."

"How can you guarantee that after you control the power in the valley, you won't take over the magpie's nest, stealing the territory under the Aylin family and the position of guarding the east?" As soon as Ed's words came out, Gao Yuan knew that he had been captured. He was persuaded by himself, but he was still worried about morality.

"As long as you are still the Hand of the King, King Robert will still be the Guardian of the Realm and the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. It is absolutely impossible for me to snatch the territory owned by House Arryn and the position of Guardian of the East."

"I can make a promise to you here. If you are still not at ease, I can also swear to the gods." Gao Yuan assured Ed, anyway, his goal was never as simple as the protection of the East Territory. What I want is the entire continent of Westeros, "whether it is to the old gods or to the new gods."

In the end, Ed, who was worried, let Gao Yuan swear an oath to the new god in front of him, and then he agreed to his request to temporarily serve as the guardian of the East Territory and manage the valley instead of the orphans and widows of Eagle's Nest City.

After Gao Yuan sent Ed Stark away from his room, he still couldn't calm down even after a long time.Gao Yuan never thought that his bold attempt would be so simple and successful.The idea of ​​persuading Ed to let him temporarily serve as the Guardian of the East came to him after Ed Stark visited his room late at night.

This is a bet set by Gao Yuan against Ed Stark's character. At the same time, it is also to allow himself to own and control in the shortest time before the arrival of the War of the Five Kings, a team that can support him in that battle. A colossal adventure vying for the power of the Iron Throne amid civil strife on an unprecedented scale across the Seven Kingdoms.

However, given Gao Yuan's familiarity and understanding of the plot and the character of the characters, he believes that his probability of winning the bet is still very high.

Because, he knew that Ed had experienced during the War of the Reavers, after his father Rickard Stark and his eldest son Brand Stark went south to King's Landing and were killed by the mad king Aerys II , has regarded the south as a place full of poisonous snakes and beasts.At this moment, he is full of worries about his trip to the south, especially after listening to Caitlin and Gao Yuan's analysis of the situation, otherwise he would not have come to him tonight.

At this time, there is not much time left for Gao Yuan. The outbreak of the War of the Five Kings and the civil strife affecting the Seven Kingdoms are almost in sight. The Tero continent has developed its own power and territory.

The continent of Westeros in the future will fall into chaos. The major powers of the Seven Kingdoms will attack each other, and the status of each family will be reshuffled through continuous alliances and submissions.At that time, if he still wants to develop his own power, he will have to choose to attach himself to those powerful forces that already exist in the Seven Kingdoms, which is not what Gao Yuan wants to see.

He longs for the Seven Kingdoms to become chaotic, but he does not want to see the chaotic Seven Kingdoms gradually become a chessboard where several powerful forces compete with each other.He is unwilling to be a flag in the hands of those forces, at least he wants to be a chess player on the chessboard.

And if he wants to become a chess player, he must have a force that is exclusive to him and can rival other chess players.No matter how powerful an individual's power is, if he wants to become the ruler of this continent, it is absolutely impossible for him to have no power and power belonging to Gao Yuan.In this way, the Eastern Territory, which lost its original ruler and left only a pair of orphans and widows, became Gao Yuan's only choice.

The valley where the East Territory is located is located on the east coast of Westeros. Because it is surrounded by the Bright Moon Mountains, its terrain is very dangerous, and the surrounding areas are easy to defend and difficult to attack.The outside world is basically half-isolated from the valley, and there is only one road leading to the riverland. As long as you guard the entire valley here, you can sit back and relax.

Moreover, it faces the Strait Sea in the east, and there are many port cities that can conduct foreign trade in the south. Sir Royce, whom Gao Yuan met in the Ghost Forest, whose father is the lord of the coastal port city-Runestone City; There is also the famous Three Sisters Islands. Even if the road passages in the valley are besieged, Gaoyuan can also choose to attack the enemy from the sea. It is an excellent strategic location that can be attacked and defended.

Wheat, barley, and corn are all produced here, and the pumpkins they produce are even bigger than those from High Court, which is known for its abundance, and the fruits it produces are also sweeter, so there is no need to worry about the food problem after the valley is besieged .At the same time, the valley also has the most respectable and honorable loyal soldiers in Westeros, so this is also Gao Yuan's best choice as a base camp.

Now that Ed Stark has agreed to his request, the only thing Gao Yuan needs to worry about is whether King Robert will agree.

He believes that Ed still has some say in who to recommend as the guardian of the east.

Now in the Seven Kingdoms, only Ed, who is King Robert's close relative and friend and the new Hand of the King, still has some weight in front of the king.The most important thing is that Robert trusts Ed very much, and he regards Ed as his own brother.For the person Ed recommended, even if Robert would agree to it for a while, he would at least seriously consider this issue.

According to Gao Yuan's speculation, if Robert wants to help his brother, Ed, the new Hand of the King, establish his majesty in King's Landing, he will most likely agree to this request.As the two adopted sons of Jon Arryn, it is very reasonable to send a trustworthy person who does not belong to the original power of King's Landing to go to the valley to take over the position of guardian of the east and take care of Duke Arryn's poor orphans and widows. No.

As for whether Robert appointed him, whether the princes in the valley would agree to let him take over the position of guardian of the east, and whether they would support and obey the orders issued by him as an outsider.I believe that Gao Yuan will have many means to subdue them before the war of the five kings, and let them fight for themselves during the melee of the seven kingdoms.

Ever since Ed Stark left the lofty room, thin snowflakes floated over the pitch-dark Winterfell, until the gray sky lit up again, everywhere in the city was covered with silver. Pack plain.

When Gao Yuan reluctantly walked out of his warm little room and came to the hall in the castle to have breakfast, he learned from others that the king's team would leave Winterfell tomorrow and head south back to King's Landing news.Ed Stark, who is about to succeed the former Prime Minister, and his family members also went together.

After Ed Stark left Gaoyuan's room last night, he announced the news to his family members who would accompany him to King's Landing.After breakfast, everyone started to get busy. Whether it was the nobles who came with King Robert's team, or the family members who were going to King's Landing with Ed, they were all preparing for tomorrow's departure today.

In Winterfell, which is full of snow and mud, it looks extraordinarily lively today.Gao Yuan met Jon who was preparing a farewell gift for his sister Arya in front of the only blacksmith shop in Winterfell.Gao Yuan has not met Jon on the school grounds for quite a long time, since that king's dinner.

Jon was holding the sword that Arya named the sewing needle carefully at this time, even Gao Yuan walked behind him without noticing it: "Such a light and slender dagger, It doesn't look like you made it for yourself, do you have a present for some lady before you go to the Night's Watch?"

Jon, who was taken aback, turned around and saw Gao Yuan standing behind him, and he showed a bright smile: "This is for my sister Arya, I believe she will like it very much."

"Well, you are about to go to the Great Wall of Desperation to become a night watchman, how do you feel now?" Gao Yuan nodded and continued to ask.

"To be honest, I'm very excited!" Jon said, clutching his chest, "My father told me that for thousands of years, the Stark family has always been stationed at the Great Wall. There, although I don't have Stark as a surname, I have his blood in my body."

"I've been there before, and I'm afraid it will be different from what you imagined." Gao Yuan slapped the second-year boy on the shoulder, "I don't intend to belittle the Night Watchman and the Great Wall, but I just don't want you to get there when you get there. So disappointed."

"Thank you, Ser High!" said Jon. "I've prepared myself for it, and it couldn't be worse than here."

Gao Yuan glared at him angrily: "You grew up here since you were a child, and there are your brothers and sisters here. Is it really that bad?"

"For bastards, yes!" Jon smiled bitterly.

"Forget it! The next time we meet again, you will be an official night watchman." Gao Yuan put his arms around Jon's neck and said, "Boy, after arriving at the Great Wall, I will teach you sword skills. I can't let it go to waste, otherwise all my painstaking efforts these days will be in vain."

"Remember!" Jon nodded solemnly when he heard the words, and Gao Yuan continued, "If there is a guy named Alliser Thorne who dares to bully you in the night watchman army, you can report my name and tell Him: If you let me know that he bullies you, I will cut off his other hand, even if he escapes to the ghost forest north of the Great Wall, I will find him!"

"Who is that person?" Jon asked suspiciously.

"That guy is the new recruit instructor of the Night Watchman Legion. You will meet him after you arrive at the Great Wall of Immortality. I chopped off one of his right hands. That guy is a bastard!" Thinking of Thorne who had his right hand chopped off by himself , Gao Yuan couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, this guy probably doesn't know how to use a sword with his left hand. If he dares to bully you, don't worry about being retaliated, just beat him with the sword skills I taught you .”

The delicate and slender short sword that Jon intends to give to Arya has been forged. At this time, Mikken, the blacksmith of Winterfell, is carefully sharpening it. Standing in front of the blacksmith's shop, chatting with each other.

"Are you going to build a good sword so that you can go to the Great Wall to kill the savages?" A slightly magnetic voice suddenly came from behind the two of them. They turned their heads to follow the sound and saw Zhan with a beautiful blond hair. Tom Lannister walked towards them with a happy face.

(End of this chapter)

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