Chapter 207 Goodbye Ice Divinity

"I already have one"

Lannister's rash approach made Jon, who was chatting with Gao Yuan, a little confused. Although the king's team had stayed in Winterfell for a while, he was not familiar with James, but he Still exposed the fine steel long sword at his waist.

In the king's team, the only member of the Lannister family he knew was Tyrion, who suffered as much as he did as a dwarf in the family.The two will go to the Great Wall together, the difference is that one goes to join the night watchman, while the other wants to climb to the top of the Great Wall and piss towards the end of the world.

"Very well, have you ever used it, I mean has it been stained with blood?" James' words made Jon speechless for a moment.

"I believe anyone will have a first time, I think this kid is ready." Just when Jon didn't know how to answer James' question, Gao Yuan stepped forward in time to help him, "He is very good at swordsmanship." Very talented."

"I heard that Sir Gaoyuan taught your swordsmanship. You found a good teacher!" James strode up to Jon and stretched out a hand to him, "When you killed someone for the first time Then you will understand that a human being is nothing but a flesh and blood bag supported by a skeleton."

"I hope to have the opportunity to compete with you in the future. I am very glad to see a strong and good man like you protecting us on the Great Wall. Please convey my respect to the Night Watchmen Legion. Thank you for helping us resist threats from outside the Great Wall. I'm safe from the wildlings, the White Walkers, and other monsters."

"Sir Gaoyuan, I heard that you are going to King's Landing together, don't forget our agreement." After shaking hands with Jon, James extended his hand to Gaoyuan again. After the two shook hands, he turned and left .

Looking at the back of James leaving in a cool way, Jon, who was a little confused, looked at Gao Yuan: "What's wrong with this guy? He came here and left a bunch of inexplicable words and then left."

"He almost put on black clothes to join the night watchman." The two looked at each other, then Gao Yuan shrugged helplessly, "Because he killed the king he swore to serve, so your father, Ed, asked the new king Robert suggested that he should join the Night's Watch in black."

"This time, I should come to provoke you."

After hearing Gao Yuan's explanation, Jon became even more puzzled: "Then why did he leave again?"

"Because he found that he couldn't please me, and what happened at the dinner that day kept him in his heart, so he hoped to regain some face in the martial arts tournament in King's Landing."

Jon nodded half-understood, and at this time the blacksmith Mikken had already wrapped the dagger that Jon was going to give to Arya: "Teacher, I have to send this sword to Arya. Excuse me."

"Have you visited Bran?" Gao Yuan asked suddenly.

"Mrs. Stark has not been waiting by Bran's side. She is a little suspicious now, and even suspects that I am the murderer of Bran. She probably won't want to see me approaching Bran at this moment." The illegitimate child is a little lonely. .

"Well, let's take a last look at him, after all, you don't know when you will see him next time." Gao Yuan sighed, "You are brothers anyway, and the blood of the Stark family also flows in your body. It has nothing to do with what Lady Stark thinks of you."

Jon nodded solemnly, then turned and left with the dagger in hand, leaving Gao Yuan alone in front of the blacksmith shop.

"My lord, do you need me to make you a fine steel long sword?" Mikken from the blacksmith shop suddenly asked.

Gao Yuan shook his head dumbfounded when he heard the words, then turned and left.

Before leaving Winterfell, he wanted to visit Bran, who was still in a coma. He hadn't visited Bran since he slipped and fell from the building.Go and offer sympathy to the grieving Lady Stark, as it is my duty as a guest.

Gao Yuan slowly climbed up the stairs leading to the top of the main castle. At this moment, snowflakes were floating in the sky of Winterfell, and the square was bustling with people.But in this castle surrounded by thick stone walls, it is still so warm and quiet, so quiet that one can hear one's own breathing far away.

When the guard outside the door helped Gao Yuan open the door of Bran's room, what he saw was the thin Mrs. Stark sitting in front of Bran's bed.For the last two weeks, she had been with Bran almost night and day, and people said she had never closed her eyes, and had been taking care of him herself.

Hearing someone enter the room, Caitlin turned her head and looked at Gao Yuan with her tired and red eyes. At first she didn't recognize him, and it took a long time before she realized who the person in front of her was.

"Sir Gao Yuan. I'm sorry to let you see me like this." Caitlin's tone was particularly haggard. She stood up in a hurry and wanted to thank Gao Yuan who came to visit.

"It's okay, Mrs. Stark!" Gao Yuan also quickly signaled Caitlin not to be polite, "This is your home, I just came to visit as a guest, Bran, a poor child and a heartbroken mother That's all."

Gao Yuan walked gently to Bran's bed, and carefully looked at Bran who was lying motionless on the bed at the moment.It's hard to imagine that this haggard, bony patient lying in front of him, with his feet curled up under the blanket, was a lively and lovely seven-year-old boy not long ago.

At this time, his eyes were sunken and blackened, like two black holes, and his eyelids were open, but it looked like a corpse that had lost its vitality.He looked like a fragile dead leaf hanging on a branch in late autumn, and any gust of wind would be enough to blow him away.

"They will attack Bran again. After the king and Lord Stark leave Winterfell, you need to be more vigilant!" Gao Yuan reminded suddenly.

"Those who murdered Bran were afraid that he would wake up." Gao Yuan continued, "This kid knows some secrets that he shouldn't know. They are afraid that Bran will tell these secrets after he wakes up. As long as Bran There is still a possibility of waking up, and those despicable people who murdered him will not let him go."

"Sir Gao Yuan, thank you very much for your reminder!" Caitlin's face was full of sadness, and her fluffy reddish-brown long hair was already tangled into a ball. Now she is only in her 30s, but she looks like a 50-year-old woman Generally, "Last night, after you and my husband had a secret conversation, he strengthened the defenses in Winterfell, and the guards in the city are now guarding the main castle day and night."

"My sister Lysa thinks his husband was murdered by the Lannister family," Caitlin continued her accusation against the Lannister family. The queen's sister did not take part in the king's hunting activities, but stayed in the city"

Before Caitlin finished speaking, Gao Yuan interrupted the other party's accusation softly: "Mrs. Stark! This is exactly what your husband and I are going to King's Landing to investigate. What we discussed last night and now is just speculation .”

"It is none other than the current queen and her younger brother who are being accused. The Lannister family behind them is not something the Stark family can provoke now." Gao Yuan gradually raised the volume of his speech, "After we have mastered Before conclusive evidence, these accusations and suspicions must not be said again, in case it reaches their ears.”

"As long as any part of our suspicion is true, Lord Stark and your daughters in King's Landing will be in danger."

"Some people don't want to see Ed leave the Northern Territory and go to King's Landing as Prime Minister, so that no one will go to investigate the truth about the death of the former Prime Minister." Caitlin said with dull eyes.

"That's just what the enemy wants you to see, maybe his real purpose is to let Lord Stark go to King's Landing." Gao Yuan analyzed, "The guy who designed all this, the relationship between King Robert and Lord Stark At the same time, he is also very clear that Lord Stark will never let him go after he learns that his adoptive father was murdered."

"The other party has predicted that Lord Stark will go south to King's Landing to serve as King Robert's former Prime Minister. Whether it is King Robert's strong invitation, or to investigate the truth about the death of Duke Jon Arryn, Lord Stark There is no reason to refuse."

After listening to Gao Yuan's analysis, Caitlin's eyes became even more dazed. She felt that she could no longer see the current situation clearly, and only knew that they had more than one enemy.

"As for the secret letter delivered to you by someone in the king's team, although I don't know how they knew the secret language between you and Lysa, there must be something wrong with it."

"Maybe Lysa was still in King's Landing and was forced to write this secret letter, so she took her child and fled from King's Landing in a hurry; maybe the secret text between Lysa and you has been leaked Go out and be known by others; maybe she has become an accomplice of the instigator, first conspiring with the instigator to kill her husband, Duke Arryn, and then writing that secret letter to help him drag the Stark family into King's Landing In the political quagmire, it is used to fight against the Lannister family." Gao Yuan slowly expressed his bold guess.

"This is absolutely impossible!" Caitlin stood up angrily and yelled at Gao Yuan. She didn't know if she was angry at Gao Yuan's accusations against her sister, or at her sister colluding with outsiders to design her husband's family, "They do this What is the purpose of messing up the whole of Westeros?"

"All of this is just speculation. The truth of the matter will not be revealed until we go to King's Landing and the Eagle's Nest City to investigate clearly. This is why I asked Lord Stark to be the guardian of the East Territory." Gao Yuan said, "Only in this way can we Only then can we go deep into it and investigate the truth of the matter.”

"If Lysa is coerced by others, then we can better protect the orphan and widow; if Lysa is really an accomplice of the perpetrator, we can also help Lord Stark in King's Landing , leaving a way of retreat that can retreat completely."

"Ed was worried about his trip to the south from the very beginning. He regarded King's Landing as a place full of poisonous snakes and wild beasts." Caitlin took a deep breath, "And when I received Lysa's After the secret letter, but still trying to persuade Ed to agree to the king's invitation, it is simply pushing him into the hell of the Seven Gods."

"Sir Gao Yuan, even Ed and I are amazed by your foresight." Caitlin looked at Gao Yuan gratefully, and said kindly, "Ed's trip to the King's Landing will be accompanied by you. I feel much more at ease."

Facing the praise and trust from Caitlin, Gao Yuan shook his head: "Mrs. Stark, I will not follow Lord Stark in King's Landing!"

"According to your husband's request, I must keep a distance from them and cooperate secretly to investigate the truth of the matter."

The noisy square was in chaos, and the entourage heading south was yelling loudly, loading the goods into the carriage, putting the reins and stirrups on the horses, and then leading them into the stables.Tiny snowflakes were still floating in the sky. Seeing that the heavy snow was coming, everyone was anxious to finish the things at hand as soon as possible.

Gao Yuan walked out of the main castle of Winterfell, but his face was ashen.Because just when he was talking with Caitlin just now, he felt a peeping gaze from the unconscious Bran.

It would be fine if it was just a peeping gaze, and it would not make Gao Yuan take it so seriously. After all, he is familiar with the plot and knows that whether it is Brynden Hewen as the last Green Prophet, or his successor, the future The Green Prophet Bran Stark, they all have the ability to explore the past and predict the future.

Behind that gaze, Gao Yuan has no way of knowing who is watching them.However, whether it is Brynden who is trapped in the land of eternal winter, or Bran who will succeed the Green Prophet in the future, Gao Yuan does not need to worry about their appearance.

Because he knows that the Green Prophets can only be spectators of history, they cannot intervene in everything that has happened in the past or will happen in the future on the continent of Westeros.Even the past and foreseeable future they explored were limited to the weirwood.

What really worried Gao Yuan was the icy divinity he felt in Bran.

The icy divinity emanating from Bran is exactly the same as what Gao Yuan felt in the ghost forest.Gao Yuan was extremely impressed by the ice divinity on Hanshen's body, because in that contest with Hanshen, his body had been eroded by the opponent's [Ice divinity]. Almost lost his life,

Even to this day, there are still traces left in Gao Yuan's body when the [Ice Divinity] eroded his body.These scars caused by the divinity of ice are extremely difficult to heal. Even though Gao Yuan has used his divinity of fire to wipe away all the remaining divinity of ice in his body, their recovery speed is still very slow.

(End of this chapter)

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