The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 208 The Old God Is the Green Prophet?

Chapter 208 The Old God Is the Green Prophet?

Since the last contest with the cold god in the ghost forest, Gao Yuan has improved his perception of divine power out of a cautious attitude.When the divinity of ice followed the prying eyes of the Green Prophet, Gao Yuan, who was talking to Caitlin at the time, immediately raised his vigilance and hid the divine power in his body.

It wasn't until Gao Yuan ended his conversation with Caitlin pretending to be nonchalant, and walked out of the main castle of Winterfell seemingly calmly, that he breathed a sigh of relief.However, Gao Yuan did not relax his vigilance. He did not forget that he was still in Winterfell, less than 500 meters away from him, was the Godswood Forest in Winterfell.

The Green Prophet can see everything in the world through the weirwood. Although Gao Yuan walked out of the main castle where Bran was, the gaze that was watching him disappeared in his perception, but Gao Yuan believed that he was still under the gaze of the other party.

When Gao Yuan returned to his room, he began to seriously think about the relationship between the God of Cold, the Green Prophet and the divinity of Ice.At this moment, there are many doubts before Gao Yuan. After sorting out these doubts one by one, Gao Yuan began to seek a reasonable explanation for these doubts based on his understanding of the plot and background of the original work.

The ice divinity controlled by the cold god appeared on the Green Prophet, which reminded Gao Yuan of what he called himself when he met the cold god in the ghost forest - the godstealer.

In fact, the gods believed by the ancestors of the northern border and the children of the forest are a form of religious belief developed and formed based on animism. This form of religion believes that everything in the world has a soul or a natural spirit, and the soul of all things is related to The unified existence of the spirit of nature is the old god they believed in.

In the belief of the Old Gods, the unified being has no specific name, you can call it the Old Gods, or you can use any other name to represent it.The Old God has no subjective likes and dislikes, no independent thinking ability, and no self-awareness like the God of Cold and the King of Light. It is more like the basic laws of nature.It's just that its operating rules will continue to change as the social ideology and moral concepts that believe in it change.

This is the original appearance of the old god belief of the children of the forest, but I don't know when, all this has changed, and the old god began to have self-awareness.This also led to the belief of the old gods in the later invasion of the Andals, because the belief of the Seven Gods, which was more just and more detailed in moral treaties, appeared, and was gradually abandoned by the people who believed in it on the continent of Westeros.

In the end, only the free folk in the northern region and north of the Great Wall remained, and today they still retain their belief in the old gods.

This is like the relationship between banks and depositors. Only when you establish credibility and credit in people's hearts, will people deposit their property with you in an endless stream.The same is true for people's belief in the old gods. When you no longer conform to people's universal values ​​and lose fairness and justice, you will be abandoned.

All these changes in the old gods were all blamed on the Green Prophet, the "shaman" of the old gods.According to Gao Yuan's speculation, perhaps at some point in ancient times, a god-stealer appeared among the green prophets who served the old gods.

The old gods, who have no self-awareness and have not yet been perfected, are easy targets for stealers.It may not even have the consciousness and action of resistance, so it was stolen and replaced by the God Stealer who is the Green Prophet.

This means that today's Old God is actually the Green Prophet.

At first, the children of the forest living in Westeros, and the ancestors who came across the sea later, did not find that their beliefs had changed.It wasn't until the Andals who also came across the sea brought new beliefs to this continent. People who realized that their beliefs had changed gradually abandoned the old gods they originally believed in and chose the seven gods brought by the Andals. God belief.

This point has also been verified by the inconsistency of the power possessed by the Green Prophet.

When the First Men first landed in Westeros, the Green Seers were still very powerful.In order to prevent the landing of the ancestors, they cast powerful magic, shattered the Arm of Dorne, and formed the island chain of the Stone Steps today.

After that, they have never shown the great power they possess in front of the world.The power of the old gods who have lost people's beliefs, that is, the green prophets of today, gradually began to weaken, until now they can only hide in a cave in the land of eternal winter.

The Green Prophet, who has gradually lost the believers' faith and divine power, will eventually usher in his own demise.But how could the Green Prophet, who is a god-stealer, be willing to perish in this world by himself?
Therefore, the Green Prophet, who was able to steal the power of the gods, set his mind on his neighbor, the cold god who was sleeping in the extreme north of Westeros.He wanted to imitate what he did when he stole the power of the old god, taking advantage of the long summer season to steal the ice divinity or power controlled by the other party from the sleeping cold god.

According to the deity of ice that Gao Yuan felt on the Green Prophet just now, the plan of the Green Prophet to steal the power of the Cold God should have been successful. It was a complete success, because the cold god still controls most of the ice divinity and has awakened.

Every time the angry cold god wakes up from a deep sleep, he will search everywhere in the extreme north for the hiding place of the god-stealer who dared to steal his divine power.

This is why in the original book, the cold god and its army of aliens have been chasing and killing the Green Prophet north of the Great Wall.To a certain extent, God Stealers should also be regarded as the natural enemies of those gods. After all, they can take away the expressions and authority they control from the hands of those gods.

The nature of the opposition between the God-stealer and the gods determines that even if the Green Prophet did not have the audacity to steal the divinity of the Cold God, after the gods learned of the abilities possessed by the God-stealer, they would kill them all .

The divine power that the Green Prophet stole from Hanshen successfully prevented the Green Prophet from completely dying out before the original plot began.The Green Prophet, who was in his dying years, used his ice divinity to forcibly renew his life, and at the same time brought some new changes to the Green Prophet who had the ability to explore the past.

What kind of changes the ice divinity has brought to the Green Prophet, Gao Yuan, who has never really contacted the Green Prophet, is still unclear, and this was not reflected before Bran succeeded the Green Prophet.But at least it is certain that after Bran became the Green Prophet, the opponent already has the ability to influence the past timeline.This is not Gao Yuan's random guess, but he deduced it based on the plot in the film and television drama. In the original book, when Bran went back to the past to explore the past, it had affected the past history many times.

When Bran entered the heart tree for the first time to go back to the past, he saw Ed Stark sitting in the godswood and wiping the ice. The father and son were in different time and space, but under the heart tree. A simple line of dialogue, which negates Brynden's conclusion that the Greenseers cannot speak to people from the past.

The former Greenseer Brynden once told Bran before he entered the heart tree that they couldn't talk directly to people through the heart tree, whether it was when he explored the past, or with the person standing in front of the heart tree now. "All he hears is the murmur in the wind, the rustling of leaves, no matter how hard you try, you can't talk to him."

When Bran observed the Night King and his army of white ghosts through the green vision, the Night King grabbed his arm and left the ice divinity on it, and the cave where the Green Prophet and the Children of the Forest were hiding was exposed.Just when Bran and others escaped from the cave, Bran was still trapped in the past time and space, Meera led Bran away, and shouted at Ardo who blocked the door: "Hold the door! the door)".

Bran, who was in the state of green vision, brought the call of Meera beside him to the past timeline, thus causing some kind of mental harm to Hodor, who was still young at the time, and since then he has lost the ability to speak, and can only repeat Incomplete syllable "hodor".

Only one skinchanger in a thousand is born a skinchanger, and only one skinchanger in a thousand is qualified to be a greenseer.And Bran is undoubtedly the most outstanding of all the skinchangers, otherwise the current Green Prophet Brynden, who is far away in the land of eternal winter, would not regard him as his successor.

A gifted skinchanger, the best successor of the Green Seer, on the day he learned that he was about to follow his father to King's Landing, he stumbled and fell from the tower by coincidence. This cannot be explained by accident. clearly.It shows that behind this tragedy, there is a leader who promoted the incident of falling from the building. It is the Green Prophet who wants to prevent his long-awaited heir from leaving the northern border and leaving the influence of the weirwood.

Since the incident in the Ghost Shadow Forest, whenever Gao Yuan came into contact with these gods from other worlds, he always speculated about their motives with the worst malice.Gao Yuan guessed that what the Green Prophet wanted was not just to prevent Bran from leaving the northern border. He believed that even if Bran did not follow Ed to leave the northern border, the Green Prophet would still use similar cruel methods to make Bran suffer an "accident". into a coma.

Only in this way can the Green Prophet help Bran to stimulate the talent of the skinchanger in advance; and while he is unconscious, pull him closer to the green dream he created, and turn into a three-eyed crow to talk to him directly , Instilled in his dream "the reason why he survived is because he shouldered the mission of preventing the arrival of winter and the invasion of aliens." Such nonsense.

When Gao Yuan woke up from the warm room, the sky outside the window was still dark, and the whole world was silent. The direwolf, who had been disturbing their sleep for a few days ago, was surprisingly quiet last night.Looking curiously at the falling snowflakes outside the window, Gao Yuan stretched out his hand out of the window, palm-sized pieces of white goose down fell on Gao Yuan's palm, which was icy cold.

Gao Yuan, who was neatly dressed, put on the elven cloak and walked out of the room, and then went straight to the stables in Winterfell. He did not forget that today was an important day for the king to go south and return to King's Landing.

The streets of Winterfell were full of people, because of the heavy snow last night, the city was covered with a thick layer of white quilts.Although the team going south was ready to set off before the heavy snow came yesterday, the sudden heavy snow caught everyone by surprise, and many carriages got stuck in the ankle-deep snow.

It was about eight o'clock in the morning, and the members of the royal family who had breakfast in the main castle of Winterfell arrived late. King Robert and his best friend, Duke Stark, finally appeared in the sight of everyone. The convoy heading south It also happened to be ready to go at this moment.Without too many farewells, many nobles who followed King Robert to the northern border had had enough of the harsh weather in the northern border and resolutely rode on their horses. Members of the royal family and the children of the Stark family Also set foot on the carriage.

The mighty king's team left from the Hunter's Gate on the west side of Winterfell, passed through an open field outside Winterfell, and reached the edge of the wolf forest, and rushed to the King's Road.Along with this team, there are also night watchmen who are about to go north to the Great Wall of Immortality. They will part ways with Gao Yuan's team at the north-south fork of King's Road.

After the majestic 400-person team walked for a few miles, King Robert and the entourage and flags of the new Prime Minister turned left at the fork of the King's Road and began to go south along the King's Road.Tyrion, who was about to follow Bunyan and Jon's uncle and nephew to the Great Wall, turned around and set foot on the muddy road to the north together with his two Lannister family guards.

Different from Bunyan and his party's short journey northward which ended at the Great Wall of Desperation, Gao Yuan's team will spend more time in order to reach the end of this southward trip - Junlin City.Gao Yuan once asked other knights in the team how long it would take them to reach King's Landing, and the answer he got was about a month, if everything went well.

Fortunately, since they set foot on the smooth King's Road, they no longer have to endure the torture brought by the rough road. Gao Yuan has seen the spoiled queen more than once, jumping off the carriage and squatting The side of the road vomited.

As King Robert's team slowly moved south, the road on the King's Road became smoother, and it could even catch up with the concrete road before Gao Yuan crossed.The surprise brought to them by being away from Winterfell is not only that the road surface has become smoother, but also that the climate has gradually become warmer and more humid.

Where the King's Road passes, the towns gradually become more numerous and densely populated.Whenever the king's team passed through these towns, or was stationed in them, many curious civilians and merchants would stop and look at this well-equipped and heavily armed team.

The snow and ice they saw in Winterfell has long since disappeared, replaced by a vast wilderness beyond sight, in which there are patches of bare gray except for the sporadic narrow and low hills. Brown plains.

It was getting late when we arrived here, and the team going south to King's Landing was still dozens of miles away from the next nearest town.Therefore, they had no choice but to stop and choose to settle down on this barren plain.

(End of this chapter)

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