Chapter 209
The long north is vast and boundless. From the new land of the Night's Watch on the Great Wall in the north to the Neck in the north of Greywater in the south, they are all territories ruled by the Guardian Stark family of the North.It occupies at least 40.00% of the land of the Seven Kingdoms, but it is very sparsely populated, and there are large areas of wasteland, forests and snow-capped mountains all over the territory.

The place where the king's southward team is currently stationed is the largest wasteland in the northern border. People call this place the barren graves of the ancestors, so it is famous for the large number of graves of the ancestors left behind.

In the early morning before dawn, three knights were riding war horses galloping over this vast wilderness and hills. The dozens of guards who followed them and left the king's camp had already been left far behind. The trio showed no signs of slowing down yet.

It was not until dawn, when they climbed a low ridge, that King Robert stopped slowly, and they were miles away from their original camp.When Gao Yuan and Ed, who were walking with King Robert, followed his footsteps and climbed up the ridge, they saw the burly king riding on horseback with a flushed face and looking at the newborn. the sun.

This can't help but make Ed seem to have seen Robert Baratheon, who was in high spirits and magnificent during the War of the Reavers.

Gao Yuan was inexplicably drawn to participate in this wilderness chase. When he woke up from his tent in the camp early in the morning, what he saw with sleepy eyes was King Robert and Shi, who were fully dressed, standing in front of his bed. Duke Tucker.

King Robert, in thick brown leather gloves and a heavy ermine cloak of bearskin, looked like a giant bear breaking into a tent high up.

The dazed Gao Yuan hurriedly put on his armor and followed the king and others out of the tent after being reminded by Ed Stark.After he rode on the horse that his attendants had prepared for him, Ed told Gao Yuan that he would go out with the king to discuss state affairs.

When Gao Yuan asked Ed why he didn't discuss it in the camp and why he brought himself with him, Ed answered him like this: "The king thinks that there are too many idlers in the camp, I'm afraid that the walls have ears, and he I want to go out for a walk, and take you to experience the scenery of the Northland by the way."

"Damn it!" Admiring the beautiful morning light on the eastern horizon, King Robert only felt that all the unhappiness in his heart had been swept away at this moment.In a happy mood, he couldn't help laughing and cursing, "Like a real man, riding a horse in the wild for a while is really a fucking joy!"

"You don't know, Ned, that plodding along the King's Road these days is driving me crazy," Robert complained. Quack looks like a troubadour moaning without illness, encountering a little pothole on the road is like climbing a steep cliff If that ghost dares to break an axle for me on the way, I promise to be set on fire Burn it, and let Cersei come down and walk with the baby."

"I'd be happy to hand you a torch," Ed said with a smile.

"At that time, don't forget to prepare another barrel of kerosene for me, so that it will burn faster." Robert couldn't help sighing, "I really want to keep riding like this and leave them all behind."

"I used to have such thoughts!" Thinking about his days as the Duke of Winterfell these years, Ed also sighed a little.

"I knew you had the same idea!" The king patted him on the shoulder, "Ed, I really know you too well, you have been bound by those so-called responsibilities, and living like this is really tiring. "

"It's just the two of us knights-errants traveling through Westeros with swords, and when we meet those nobles and scum who bully the weak, we will go up and teach them a hard lesson, and at night we will find a farmer's daughter or a maid from a tavern to help Let's warm up the bed and abduct a noble girl who is in Huaichun, what do you think?"

"It would be great if that was the case," Ed said. "It's a pity that we are all responsible now, not only to the entire kingdom, but also to our children, not to mention me and mine. Ma'am, you and your queen, we are no longer the young lads of Eagle's Nest City."

"Hey, Gao Yuan!" King Robert suddenly turned his head to look at Gao Yuan, "I heard that you were also a ranger before, you kid, come and tell us your adventure story, how did you kill that dragon, and how did you kill that dragon? How did you meet the girl you like?"

Ed heard the words and set his eyes on Gao Yuan curiously. Like Robert who grew up in the Eagle's Nest City, he was once a passionate young man. Adventure is especially yearning.It's just that they were born as nobles, and they were all bound by the responsibilities imposed on them when they grew up.

Seeing that the topic suddenly turned to himself, Gao Yuan also showed a helpless smile: "This is a long story. I'm afraid it's time for lunch after I finish this story."

"We came out of the camp today, isn't it just to relax and pass the time?" Robert exclaimed excitedly. "Besides, we are also very curious about it."

"This story probably has to start from another continent, where a city named Lonely Mountain was occupied by an evil dragon. In that city, there used to be a group of races who were proficient in mining and forging technology."

As Gao Yuan began to tell Robert and the others about his adventures in the middle-earth world, the guards who had been left far behind by them slowly followed up at this time.

They sat in a forest in the barren tomb of the ancestors, with the cool breeze blowing over them, listening to and immersing themselves in the stories Gao Yuan told them, oblivious to the rush of time, and waiting for Gao Yuan to finish telling the story And when he came back to his senses, it was already noon.Robert's entourage had already prepared for them, all kinds of exquisite food and drink.

"This is truly a heart-pounding tale of a grand adventure to help displaced dwarves reclaim their homeland; devising siege and slaying a vicious and ravenous dragon; and winning the heart of a beautiful princess as a ranger ; the young prince who died heroically for his people and the kingdom; and a large pile of treasures in the end!" King Robert picked up a wine glass in front of him, drank the wine in one gulp and laughed heartily, "This This is the life I really want!"

"Sir Gaoyuan, what you have experienced in the past 20 years is much more exciting than mine. I have lived for the past 36 years like a dog." King Robert couldn't help but feel sad when he thought of his life, "What if If I am 15 years younger, I will definitely choose to leave everything behind and follow you to that legendary continent for adventure."

"Robert, you are no longer young, you are now responsible for your kingdom, queen and children." Eddard Stark reminded him aloud.

Although he also yearns for the adventurous life in Gao Yuan's story, if he is asked to abandon his children and family responsibilities and choose to go out for adventure without thinking about himself, he will never be able to do it.Everyone's ideals and personalities are different. Ed's personality of valuing responsibility and honor determines that he cannot be as willful as Robert.

"Ned, you don't need to remind me!" Robert muttered. "Twenty years ago, we were all involved in a war that had to be waged, and we had to marry wives and have children after the war, so we were gone." A chance for youth and recklessness."

"I remember, we were impulsive a few times." Ed groped the thick beard on his chin, and said a little embarrassedly.

It was rare for Ed to say such indecent words, and Robert and Gao Yuan couldn't help laughing wantonly.

"Hahaha, I remember now. What's the name of that little girl who fascinated you?" Robert laughed loudly, reminding him, "Becca? No, she's mine!"

"Blessed by the Seven Gods, she has black and smooth hair and big sweet and charming eyes. If she is not careful, she will be hard to extricate herself from."

"Your one is called Yalena? You mentioned it to me once, or is it Ashara?" Robert continued to guess the name of the girl who made Ed excited, "You know which one I'm talking about, it's you The mother of that bastard son, Jon Snow."

"Her name is Vera, I don't want to talk about her." The smile on Ed's face gradually disappeared, and he replied coldly, "Also, Ashara is the princess of the Dane family in Starfall City. Mutual affection, but I have not crossed the last barrier between us."

"Yes, it's Vera!" King Robert laughed as if he had succeeded in his plot.

Robert turned his head and joked with Gao Yuan: "There are many women who can make Duke Eddard Stark fall for him or admire him, but there is only one who can make him temporarily forget his honor, even Caitlin can't do it These."

"She must not be a simple girl. You haven't told me how you met that magical girl."

A look of embarrassment appeared on Ed's face, and his teeth clenched his lower lip tightly: "I won't tell you in the future, in fact, I didn't tell anyone about it. Robert, for this reason I even had a tantrum with Caitlyn, so please stop talking, just for the sake of our love."

"In this matter, I have insulted my own honor, and my new wife, Caitlin, before the world."

"Forget it. Since you don't want to say it, I won't force it. You are like a hedgehog with steel needles all over your body. You really should use that to be your family's Jiahui." Seeing that Ed was really angry Now, King Robert is not going to provoke him anymore: "Ed, you have always been this virtue since I knew you, you are too strict with yourself."

"Sir Gaoyuan, have you seen that this is how my best friend treats me." Robert turned his head and looked at Gaoyuan again, "If you dare to talk to me like this, I will definitely kick your ass hard. "

"Your Majesty, if you want to kick my ass, you must first be prepared to throw a big ass." Gao Yuan smiled meaningfully.

"I'll order you not to hide," cried Robert, angrily.

"A fool will really stand there and let you kick his ass." As soon as Gao Yuan said this, Ed, whose face was originally ashen, immediately laughed out loud.

After the three of them fought for a while, King Robert took out a piece of parchment from his pocket and handed it to Ed: "I brought you to this wilderness today not just to discuss Ed, your illegitimate son. Yes, someone delivered this letter from King's Landing to me overnight."

Ed opened the parchment in fear, and couldn't help but think of Lysa's horrific accusations against the Lannister family. After he checked the contents of the letter, he couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and handed the note to Gave it to Gao Yuan: "Daenerys Targaryen married a Dothraki horse king, so what? Could it be that we still have to send her a wedding gift?"

Hearing Targaryen's name, the expression on Robert's face became very distorted: "I should give her a wedding gift, but that gift will be a sharp and good sword. Strong people hold it in their hands."

"Sir Gao Yuan, are you willing to complete this task for me?" King Robert looked at Gao Yuan.

Only then did Gao Yuan understand that Robert had purposely called out his real purpose for his trip today, but he already had a plan to lead the Seven Kingdoms at this moment, so how could he be willing to cross the strait to kill the pair of orphans of the Targaryen family? And Nellis and Viserys.Moreover, in Gao Yuan's main task, there is another condition for completing the task, which is to require Gao Yuan to obtain the surrender or support of Daenerys.

"Your Majesty, when I was canonized as a knight not long ago, I swore an oath to protect all women in the name of the Maiden of the Seven Gods." Gao Yuan politely rejected Robert's request, "Besides..."

Robert frowned and interrupted Gao Yuan's speech: "Damn knight oath, can I really only send a human trafficker from the north to assassinate this pair of evil dragons?"

"Now in the Seven Kingdoms, I'm afraid not many knights are still keeping the oath they made to the Seven Gods. Don't you see that they are still alive and well now." Robert's hatred for the Targaryen family almost Almost crazy, "I now, in the name of the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, command you"

Gao Yuan hadn't waited for Robert to finish speaking, and he interrupted the other party's order to him with a stern sentence: "Your Majesty! There is a famous saying in my hometown: good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil; it's not that if you don't repay, it's not time yet .”

"I believe that those who violate their oaths will eventually meet their own evil rewards."

"Robert, don't embarrass Sir Gao Yuan anymore!" Seeing that Robert still wanted to force Gao Yuan to accept his order, Ed stood up and made a rescue for Gao Yuan, "I wouldn't be willing to accept this kind of thing, it's humiliating My duty of honor."

"She is just a 14-year-old child. Are you going to kill innocent people like Tywin Lannister? Borrow the hands of a cruel butcher."

"Who knows how long she'll be an innocent child?" Robert's words grew vicious. "It won't be long before this child will spread her legs and breed a bunch of evil dragons to seek revenge on me." .”

"Robert, don't say such vicious and outrageous words in the future." King Robert's vicious description made Ed frowned.

"Heinous?" King Robert stood up abruptly and yelled at Eddard, "The things Mad King Aerys did to your father and brother are truly outrageous! Think about how they died horribly. Well, that's outrageous!"

"How long has it been, have you forgotten these hatreds?" Robert slammed the wine glass in his hand on the ground, spilling the bright red wine, "And what Rhaegar Targaryen did to your sister What I did, Lyanna was my love, I will never forget the hatred he took Lyanna from me, and I will kill every Targaryen with my own hands."

"I will kill them all, and I will never tolerate any Targaryen family living in this world."

(End of this chapter)

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