Chapter 210 Power is a Game of Compromise

The furious Robert has been telling Gao Yuan and Ed about the crimes of the Targaryen family. He complained that he should not have followed the advice of the former prime minister and did not get rid of the evil dragons earlier.Robert is now in a fit of anger, and Ed and Gao Yuan have no intention of contradicting him at this time. After so many years, they can't extinguish his fire of revenge against the Targaryen family. So it was still up to him to vent.

Seeing that the two people in front of him were silent, Robert, who had vented his emotions, felt bored, so he snorted coldly and sat down in front of the two again: "It is said that Khal Drogo has more than one hundred thousand Sraki under his command. How do you feel?"

"As long as the Dothraki stay on the other side of the strait, what is there to be afraid of even if he has an army of millions?" Ed was not afraid of the rumored Dothraki because he knew they could not cross the strait, and he would not be afraid of them. Unable to defeat the kingdom of Westeros based on advanced civilization and strong strength, "Those barbaric tribes have no ships, and it is rumored that they are full of fear of the sea."

"Until now, people in the kingdom still call me "The Reaver". You should have never forgotten how many staunch supporters of the Targaryen family fought for them during the Reaver War. The Dothraki army is coming across the sea, and these traitors will definitely choose to support him." Robert said with some anxiety, "I can't be sure that everyone in the kingdom will obey my rule."

"Even if they come on the back of a dragon, you shouldn't be so timid before seeing them. The dragon is not invincible. At least there are more than one dragon that died in my hands, let alone the dragon. "Gao Yuan said calmly, "Although I swear that I will not harm women, if that little girl from the Targaryen family crosses the sea and becomes our enemy, I will not show mercy."

Robert laughed wantonly when he heard the words: "Who told you that I am afraid of the dragon, and you kid will not really take the fairy tales you told seriously, right? The story of the prince and the dragon you just told I didn't take a single word of the story seriously."

"I doubt if you have ever seen a dragon. Do you know how terrible a dragon really is. I am glad that when we launched the rebellion against the Targaryen dynasty, they already had a dragon No more," demanded Robert, "tell us how many dragons you have slain?"

"There are at least 27 dragons that died directly in my hands. If you add this one that has become my armor, then there are 28." Gao Yuan took out two dragon-toothed daggers from his waist and placed them on Lao In front of Bo and Ed, "Compared to the dragons owned by the Targaryen family before the Dance of the Dragons incident, I am afraid that more dragons died in my hands."

"On the dragon scales used to make this armor on my body, there are still the sword marks I made with the evening star blade when I fought against that powerful dragon, but they are all wrapped in the inside of the armor .”

Ed and Robert dubiously picked up the dragon tooth dagger that was placed on the table by Gao Yuan, and looked at it carefully.The two dragon-toothed daggers were dark in color, and under the sunlight, the light of dark gold could be faintly seen flashing. Elf runes were engraved on them, which felt very light in the hand but were harder than steel.

"My boy, you really scared me now." Robert said in shock, knowing that what he claimed to have killed was not any other beast, but the beast that shocked the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. The king feared and willingly surrendered to the dragon for hundreds of years.

"Even if those dragons were all killed by you, how would you deal with their [-] Dothraki army?"

"Even if the beggar king really came across the sea with an army of [-] Dothraki, we can work together to drive him back. I'm afraid he won't even be able to get close to the coast. Wait until you appoint a new guardian of the east." Ed promises.

King Robert couldn't help sighing when he heard this: "I thought I told you enough in the tomb that day! Ned, I won't let that brat from the Arryn family succeed the guardian of the Eastland, I know That kid is your nephew, but now that the remnants of House Targaryen have hooked up with the Dothraki, I'd be crazy to give the command of a quarter of the kingdom's army to a man who's not yet weaned on the little boy."

"Do you dare to imagine a six-year-old child who has not been weaned yet? I have seen that child, he was snuggled up in his mother's arms and drinking breast milk. With your lively second son Bu Lan is different, he has been weak and sickly since he was born, and he also has some problems in physical development and intelligence."

"Jon Arryn was still muttering about the toughness of caste until he died. I think the fever burned him out."

Ed Stark already knew that he would answer himself like this, so he stated his real purpose: "But someone must come out to take the position of the guardian of the East. If you think Robert Arryn is not qualified, Then I have another candidate here that I can recommend to you."

King Robert asked curiously: "Who is that man?"

"That person is far away in the sky and close in front of us." Ed looked at Gao Yuan who was sitting next to them, "I think Sir Gao Yuan is qualified for the position of guardian of the East Territory."

"When I was seeking his opinion, he swore an oath to the Seven Gods in front of me. He only temporarily took up the position of guardian of the Eastland for that child, and he will take over this position when Robert Arryn becomes an adult. Give it to him." Ed slowly said his thoughts, "Of course, if you have already promised this position to someone else, then it's a different matter, and today's conversation will be treated as if I didn't say it."

There was a surprised look on Robert's face. I don't know if it was because Ed suddenly recommended Gao Yuan to take this position; or because Ed guessed that he had already arranged the candidate for the position; or because he saw Ai De Germany's ambitions and political schemes.

At first he didn't answer, but after a moment of contemplation, he still spoke: "What if this is really the case?"

"You promised to James Lannister, right?" Ed seemed to have already guessed the answer. In fact, he had already guessed it when he talked to King Robert in the vault that day, because Robert had already guessed the answer. Mentioned to him that he wanted Tywin Lannister to adopt Robert Arryn as his adopted son.

"Yes, but it hasn't been finalized yet." King Robert poured wine for the two of them, "This is a deal I reached with Duke Tywin, but before I made a final decision, Lysa took the child and fled After returning to Eagle's Nest City, this matter has been shelved for the time being."

"Kingslayer." Ed sighed, so all the rumors are probably true. Although Gao Yuan repeatedly warned him that there was something wrong with the secret letter that Lysa ordered to be handed over to them, the facts are the most recent. good proof.Ed knew Robert's side, and he was probably surrounded by the Lannister family at this time. Tywin Lannister had even begun to plan for the position of the Guardian of the East. Now he had more reason to doubt their loyalty to the king. .

If the kingslayer takes control of the entire east and commands a quarter of the kingdom's army as Tywin wishes, then Robert's position as king and personal safety will become precarious.The Lannister family, which controls half of the kingdom's army, can rebel against Robert at any time and drive him off the Iron Throne.

So Ed thought he had to find a way as soon as possible to dispel Robert's idea of ​​letting Jaime Lannister be the guardian of the East, but he also knew that he had to be careful with his wording at the moment.

"He does have the ability to serve as the guardian of the east, and he is not a person who lacks courage, there is no doubt about it." Ed said cautiously, "but Robert, the guardian of the west that his father is currently holding is a hereditary position. Sir James will return to the family sooner or later to inherit his father's position, and the power of the two main princes in the East and West should not fall into the hands of the same person or family."

"Hasn't the current James not inherited his father's position?" King Robert was very stubborn, "Duke Tywin is still in good health, and I think he can still serve as the guardian of the west in Casterly Rock for a long time. "

"Stop arguing about this matter with Ned. I admit that the Sir Gaoyuan you recommended is a good guy, better than James, but if you say it, it will be hard to get back. If you brought it up to me earlier, Maybe I'll say yes right away."

"You were still in King's Landing when you made this decision"

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for being outspoken." Robert's resolute attitude made Ed a little annoyed, and even changed his address to Robert.

"I can't stop you anyway." Robert took a long swig from his glass absently, then grunted.

"Do you really trust Jaime Lannister?"

Robert slammed the wine glass on the table impatiently: "He is the queen's twin brother, and he is also the sworn kingsguard. His life and death are all tied to me at this moment. I have no reason not to trust him." He never let me down once in what I asked him to do, even my current throne was won by his sword."

"Didn't his life and death honor and disgrace also be maintained on the mad king Aerys Targaryen?" Ed pointed out bluntly, "He once swore to protect the king's safety with his life, but when we were about to break through the city of King's Landing, A sword slit the throat of the king whom he swore to serve to the death."

"Let this kind of honorless person serve as the guardian of the east, and go to Eagle's Nest City to take care of the orphans and widows left behind by Jon Arryn. Old Gods, you are pushing their mother and child into the fire pit." Ed's The voice gradually increased, "This is how you repay Jon's kindness? Give the children and widows he left to the Lannister family to take care of."

"Damn it, someone has to do it, right?" Facing Ed's questioning, Robert was also annoyed, "Even if he didn't kill Aerys, we still have to do it."

"We are not the Kingsguard sworn to death."

"What else is pushing into the fire pit? I let Lord Tywin be Robert Arryn's adopted son, and James went to Eyrie City to take care of his brother. Is there any problem?" Robert roared again.

"Your Majesty Robert, have you considered a question?" Seeing that the two were about to collapse, Gao Yuan stood up and spoke at this time, "Why did you plan to adopt Robert Arryn to Tywin Lannis of Casterly Rock City?" After the Duke, Madam Ayrin immediately took her son and fled King's Landing City overnight, and returned to her husband's territory, Eagle's Nest City, without even notifying you."

Earlier, when Ai De was arguing with Robert about who should be the guardian of the East Territory, Gao Yuan was not very good at participating in it.But seeing Robert going further and further down the road of paranoia at this moment, Gao Yuan felt the need to pull him back to rationality.

"Sir Gao Yuan, what do you mean?" Even if Robert is usually stupid, he should understand what Gao Yuan said at this time, and asking Gao Yuan at this moment is just deceiving himself.

"I think you understand what I mean. Mrs. Ayrin must be afraid of something. I can't give you the answer you want to hear directly, because I don't have evidence in my hand." Gao Yuan said meaningfully, "There is no evidence It would be a felony to accuse a nobleman, not to mention accusing the current high-ranking guardian of the western region and the current queen."

"I believe that these decisions made by His Majesty were originally for the benefit of the orphans and widows." Gao Yuan continued, "However, if all this is as we guessed, when half of the kingdom's troops fall into Lannister After being in the hands of the family, imagine what will happen to the orphans and widows who are now staying in Eagle's Nest City."

After Gao Yuan raised his point, King Robert fell into silence. During this period, he opened and closed his lips several times to try to make an excuse, but in the end he still didn’t say it, because the words of justification he thought of, even he himself didn’t know what to say. believe.

"Robert, this is exactly what I am worried about. I will never hand over the widow left by Jon and my nephew to the care of members of the Lannister family." Ed also stood up at the right time. Fueling, "Even if you are unwilling to agree to the candidate for the guardian of the east border I recommend, I will not be willing to let someone from the Lannister family take over this position."

"If you are really so determined to act recklessly, I think our trip to the south can end here." Ed even did not hesitate to threaten Robert with this, "My home is finally in Winterfell, my Bran is unconscious in bed and my wife is grieving alone, suffering from the loss of her husband and the loss of her child."

"Damn Ned, damn Gao Yuan, you two are forcing me now!" Robert yelled angrily, pointing at Ed who got up, the thick beard and black hair on his face were all because of Extreme rage rose up like a roaring lion.

"Lord Eddard Stark doesn't have any forces to rely on in the south. Compared with the North where the Stark family's power is deeply rooted, the strange city of King's Landing is more like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den." Facing Robert's accusation, Gao Yuan seemed very calm, and continued to calmly help Robert analyze the current situation and Ed's worries, "The so-called strong dragon does not overwhelm the snake, how will Mr. Ed, as a northerner who has no support in the south, how will he deal with those who emerge in endlessly? , intricate power struggles?"

"Even if he is still the guardian of the north, the Duke of Winterfell, and is about to be the Hand of the King who is under one man and over ten thousand people, he has no prestige in King's Landing, let alone in major events. It has gained its due voice in decision-making.”

"The only support Mr. Ed has in King's Landing City is your Majesty's support."

Robert asked back, "I am the king! Isn't it enough that Eddard has my support?"

"What a king needs to do is to balance power, not to use power willfully. In many cases, it is inconvenient for the king to get off the court and directly interfere with the struggle for power." Gao Yuan grinned a sneer, "Besides, you really Can you make decisions about everything?"

Can you really do whatever you want after becoming a king?
The answer is no, as can be seen from Robert's many experiences after becoming king.Why would Robert marry a woman he doesn't love if power can do what it pleases?Why would Robert have Sansa's direwolf executed in the upcoming conflict between the prince and the wolf girl?After James led people to attack Ed, the Hand of the King in King's Landing, why didn't Robert hold James accountable?
Power is a game of manipulating balance, and power is also a game of compromise, in which no one can act recklessly, even if he is a king.

(End of this chapter)

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