The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 211 3 Conflicts along the Fork Dagger

Chapter 211 The Conflict by the Trident River (Watch it later)
The two sides have been arguing endlessly about who should be the guardian of the eastern border. Although Gao Yuan and King Robert fought hard for reason, the conversation between the monarch and his ministers was finally rejected by Robert as unwilling to continue. Talking about this topic hastily ended.

The only good thing is that when King Robert made it clear that he was going to end this topic, Gao Yuan noticed that his attitude was no longer as firm as before.Although he didn't directly agree to Ed's request to appoint himself as the guardian of the east border, he didn't reject it as sternly as before.He just vaguely stated that he would give Ed an answer before the team arrived at Harrenhal.

Regarding Robert's ambiguous and perfunctory attitude, Ed seemed a little anxious and helpless. He had already begun to question the reason for his trip to the south, traveling thousands of miles to King's Landing to serve as the Hand of the King.

Gao Yuan didn't care much about this, he believed that Robert would change his mind soon, because when their team to King's Landing reached the banks of the Trident River, the first conflict between the wolf family and the lion family would be in their Erupts before reaching Harrenhal.In the conflict on the banks of the Trident River, King Robert, who is in a dilemma at that time, will understand how wise the advice Gaoyuan and Yuan gave him was.

In Gao Yuan's view, the majesty and power that the king now possesses are nothing more than rootless duckweed.Losing the shackles of the former prime minister, Jon Arryn and others, the Lannister family has become increasingly powerful in the royal realm. The rights of this king who does not care about government affairs have been almost emptied by his queen and the forces behind her. up.

Look at those who once surrounded King Robert, and now Cersei has quietly replaced them with the Lannister family's cronies.Even the wine boy who followed Robert was replaced by Cersei's cousin Lancel Lannister.The only remaining people who are still loyal to King Robert will not be able to make any big waves in front of the Lannister family, which has power all over the city of King's Landing.

Fortunately, the king was not completely ignorant of his situation. After the death of the former Prime Minister Jon Arryn, he noticed something was wrong.So he rushed to the northern border in a hurry to invite his long-time friend to be the prime minister, hoping that he could help him check and balance the growing power of the Lannister family.

But Robert still sees things too simply. He naively thinks that as long as he invites his friend Ed to be the Hand of the King, he can continue to be a shopkeeper and sit on the Iron Throne without any worries. So now Became selfish again.

As everyone knows, he is not only pushing himself into the fire pit, but also pulling his old friend Ed Stark into the bottomless abyss.He, the current King of the Seven Kingdoms, has been emptied in King's Landing. Ed Stark, who was awarded the position of Prime Minister by him, is a political amateur who has no support from any forces in King's Landing. How much discourse power and rights can they have after the northern border?

In this extremely unfavorable situation, King Robert is still acting recklessly, wanting to hand over the eastern border, which has a quarter of the kingdom's military strength, to the already powerful heir to the protection of the western border.Instead of handing it over to his most trusted brother, Ed Stark, who has just arrived in the south and is weak, he will use it to check and balance the growing Lannister family in King's Landing. What do you think.

Perhaps only after the first conflict broke out on the banks of the Trident River between the lion family and the wolf family because of the fight between the two children, Robert, who was in a dilemma at that time, would probably understand that Ed and himself are now facing Situation.

In the process of resolving the conflict on the banks of the Trident River, when King Robert had already determined the nature of the conflict, Queen Cersei, who had a strong personality and was eager to protect her son, still relied on the huge influence of the Lannister family, and The identity of her queen is an attack on the Stark family.Even with Robert's constant mediation, Cersei still chose not to let go.This made Robert, who originally wanted to make big things small and small things small, finally had to make a choice and compromise, and ordered Sansa Stark's direwolf lady to be executed.

I believe that after seeing the strength of the Lannister family with his own eyes during this conflict, no matter how reckless Robert is usually, he may have to reconsider his appointment to the position of guarding the east. .

Gao Yuan is bound to win the position of guardian of the east and the territory of the Valley. Even if he is not appointed by Robert, the so-called king, he will use other means to achieve his goal.It's just that compared with Gao Yuan's current attempts, those methods he used as a second hand will appear more troublesome or dirty.

When he cannot get what he wants by peaceful means, then he has to seek violent means to achieve his goals.He can completely emulate Aegon the Conqueror who landed on this continent 300 years ago, and become an invincible rune dragon on this continent, using dragon flames and death to force the nobles in the valley to submit to his feet.

Different from Aegon the Conqueror's conquest of the Seven Kingdoms, this violent conquest will bring Gao Yuan a lot of trouble.Lacking loyal followers, he is alone now, and in the early days of the war of conquest, everything needs to be done by himself.

Because there is no way to ensure that everyone who submits to him is sincere, so whenever he conquers a place, he needs to stop to consolidate his rule.It would take a lot of his energy, and it would seriously delay his conquests, leaving his enemies time to prepare for war.

And once the war of conquest begins, the news of the reappearance of the conqueror and the giant dragon will spread to every corner of Westeros at the fastest speed.It is undeniable that there are still many staunch supporters of the Targaryen family on the continent of Westeros, and they may stand up to support themselves after receiving this news.

But what is more likely is that the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms, who are afraid of being purged by the Long family and having their accounts settled, will put aside their previous suspicions and unite together in order to jointly fight against this powerful enemy that suddenly appeared.This is not what Gao Yuan wants to see, but it is also the situation that will inevitably appear after Gao Yuan appears in Westeros as a rune dragon.

Since the two sides did not reach an agreement, the atmosphere of the conversation between the monarch and his ministers became a little delicate. After the king, Gao Yuan and others had lunch, they hurriedly led the team back to the camp.

Neither King Robert nor the Duke of Stark tacitly talked with others about what they talked about at the Tomb of the First Men today.However, the unpleasant news of the king and Duke Stark's quarrel spread throughout the entire camp later.Who made their quarrel so fierce, the guards who guarded the king were not deaf.

The king's team didn't stay on the wilderness in the north for too long. When the second round of dawn dawned orange, the team set off to set foot on the king's road again, heading towards King's Landing City.The majestic 400-person team passed unimpeded all the way on the King's Road. After all, no small thief dared to touch their tiger whiskers on this halfway.It wasn't until they crossed the Gulf of Calim and arrived at the Neck that the speed of the king's team heading south gradually slowed down.

It took them twelve days to make their way carefully along the winding road on the embankment and across the seemingly endless black swamp.Sansa Stark hated the journey across the Neck, describing it as a hell the Seven had made just for him.

The air there was dark and humid, and she felt as if she was in it just by looking at the black swamp, covered in mud all over her body.And the causeway was so narrow that they had no place to camp at night and had to stay in the middle of the road.

Thick bushes soaked in the rotting swamp all year round just grow on both sides of the King's Road, and there are many brightly colored wild fruits hidden among the dense treetops.Curtain-like vines hang down from the branches, grotesque fungi grow on decaying dead trees, and huge and bright flowers bloom in the black swamp mud, floating on the backwater shoal.

Different from her elder sister Sansa's abhorrence, in the eyes of Arya, who is full of curiosity about everything, the necks of all kinds of strange plants are like her paradise.

Since Neck Ze left in a hurry, the king's team didn't stop halfway for many days, but rushed to the Darry City of Darry's house in one breath, and then stopped in a hurry and stationed here for repairs. Their current location The distance to Harrenhal is only tens of miles away.Seeing that she was about to return to King's Landing, even Queen Cersei, who was originally irritable due to the exhaustion of the boat, became more emotional at the moment.During the rest of the stay in Darry City, she even invited the two daughters of the Stark family to ride with them in the Wheel Palace for the first time.

The invitation from the queen and Princess Myrcella made this Sansa, who had been immersed in the fantasy of princes and princesses since she set off from Winterfell, and wanted to get close to Prince Joffrey all the time, almost carried herself away with joy.After a hasty breakfast, she immediately wore her own beautiful blue silk velvet dress, with her beautiful long chestnut hair neatly combed, and led the direwolf to bounce out of the hotel gate.

Standing in front of the hotel door, Gao Yuan was feeding the war horses with fodder, and immediately noticed the Huaichun girl who was walking out of the hotel door with the direwolf "lady".

Thinking of the bad luck that this little girl and her direwolf will encounter in the future, Gao Yuan, who knew the development of the plot, couldn't help but sigh in his heart; looking at the back of the other party, Gao Yuan just shook his head and sighed, and didn't pay any attention to it.

Gao Yuan believes that the conflict between the wolf family and the lion family by the Trident River will cause a fundamental change in King Robert's attitude towards deciding who will be the guardian of the eastern border.In this way, he naturally has no reason to go to prevent the conflict on the banks of the Trident River, the original event from happening.

At this time, Qiao Li, the Captain of the Winterfell City Guard who was originally instructing his subordinates to dismantle the tents and carry supplies at the entrance of the hotel, suddenly approached Gao Yuan and said, "She is beautiful, isn't she?"

Gao Yuan, who recovered from his thoughts, turned his head and saw Qiao Li staring at himself with a meaningful smile on his face: "Who are you referring to?"

"As a big man, there's nothing to hide. I've seen your gaze just now, staring intently at our Miss Sansa." Jory arched Gao Yuan's arm with his hands, "It's a pity Yes, Miss Sansa has already been betrothed by my lord to that annoying prince, otherwise, Sir Gao Yuan, you still have a good chance to win Miss Sansa's heart in the tournament."

"I'm sorry, Jory!" Gao Yuan couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words. It turned out that Jory thought that he stared at Sansa's back just now because he secretly admired their young lady.

Gao Yuan took out the evening star necklace hidden on his chest, and showed it in front of Jolly: "My heart already belongs to me, so why would I admire your Miss Sansa?"

"Besides, Sansa is still so young. In my eyes, she is just a child."

Qiao Li looked at the necklace in Gao Yuan's hand, with a surprised expression on his face: "That's really a pity, not long ago I was betting with my brothers whether you would choose a love and Where is the Queen of Beauty?"

"You have already defeated Lord Jaime of the Kingsguard. I believe that the champion in this tournament must be you. We all hope that when you choose the queen of love and beauty, you will start from the queen who is like a peacock with a tail. Take Miss Sansa back from the hands of Prince Joffrey."

Gao Yuan touched his head in embarrassment, then put the Evening Star necklace back into the armor lining: "I'm afraid this will shame your lord."

"In the battle between the queen of love and beauty in the martial arts tournament, only the final champion and the chosen queen can make a choice. Lord Stark is a person who respects honor extremely. How could this make him Shame." Jory explained with a smile, "But, don't tell Lord Stark about this."

"Haha. It depends on your sincerity." Gao Yuan put his arms around Jory's neck, "How many of you and your brothers beat me to win the championship in the tournament?"

"Participants are not allowed to participate. The tournament has not started yet. Sir Gao Yuan, if you want to place bets elsewhere, I can help you place bets." Jory said awkwardly.

"That `s a deal!"

"By the way, where did your Lord Stark go today?" Gao Yuan suddenly looked around, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen Ed all day today, "I didn't see him all morning."

Jory curled his lips: "I was called out by King Robert alone to hunt buffalo, and we guards are not allowed to follow. I think the king and my Lord Stark must have some secret talk."

"Sir Gaoyuan, didn't you go with my lord to have a secret talk with the king last time? I heard from the king's people that the king and my lord didn't seem to be having a very pleasant conversation, and even started to quarrel." Jory He asked curiously, "Can you tell me, what exactly did you talk about at that time?"

"Qiao Li, it's for your own good not to tell you some things." Gao Yuan shook his head seriously, "Don't inquire about these things in the future, and you don't expect to cause trouble, right?"

Jory nodded equally seriously when he heard the words: "It's pure curiosity!"

"Sir Gao Yuan, how about going to the tavern for a drink with our brothers tonight?"

"Happy to accompany."

 It has been intensively repaired, Kawen is very powerful, and there will be a little water in the back.Originally, I planned to follow the conflict between Arya and the prince along the banks of the Trident River, but suddenly I didn't know how to write it, because I couldn't think of a plot.

  I have to add a little bit of content related to the Queen of Love and Beauty in the back.

(End of this chapter)

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