Chapter 21 Choice
Early tomorrow morning, the sun is just bright.

Gao Yuan was awakened by Gandalf, and they were already preparing to leave.

After a simple wash, Gao Yuan and the dwarves gathered in front of Bilbo's yard.

Before departure, Gandalf came to Gao Yuan's side.

"You don't seem at all worried whether Bilbo will go on adventures with us?"

Gao Yuan glanced at Bilbo's exquisite little home.

"We can't force him to do anything. He has lived here quietly for decades, and we broke his peaceful life."

"He has a choice to make too, and it will take a little time, Gandalf."

"I've always had faith in him, I could tell from the first moment I saw him.

"As you said last night, Gandalf, members of the Took family have always been courageous and adventurous. Is this considered unusual among Hobbits?"

Gao Yuan got on his horse and looked down at Gandalf.

Gandalf laughed.

"You're right. Among the Hobbitonians, it's not unusual, it's just that they've been comfortable for too long."

Thorin Oakenshield was not very happy to let the helpless Bilbo Baggins join his team.

So he didn't tell Bilbo, but when everyone was ready, he ordered the procession to set off and leave Bag End.

Of course, at Gandalf's strong request, Thorin still left the contract on the table at Bilbo's house.

As long as he changed his mind and didn't sleep late, I believe he could catch up with them soon.

It's only the beginning of May, and although it's already summer, the morning still looks a little cold.

A group of people rode horses and walked slowly along the path in the field.

Meanwhile, Bilbo is in Bag End.

Bilbo awoke slowly from his sleep.

He jumped out of bed suddenly.

He walked out of his room quietly, and Bag End was silent at this moment.

Bilbo went round Bag End for a week and found that his house was empty.

"Good morning, is anyone there?" Bilbo called softly from inside the house.

Bilbo felt a surge of excitement when he found that the house was really empty.

But the excitement didn't last long. When Bilbo sat down at the table, he saw the contract on the table that he hadn't signed yesterday.

That was the last chance Gandalf left him to choose.

In the empty Bag End, there was a dead silence.

Bilbo suddenly felt a little empty.

If it weren't for the empty cellar and the little food left in the storage room, he thought he might have had a dream yesterday.

"Are you willing to be a coward for the rest of your life, or a hero, even if only..."

A voice sounded in Bilbo's head, and Bilbo shook his head vigorously, trying to shake those thoughts out.

But then Gandalf's voice sounded in his mind again.

"The young hobbit I knew loved nothing more than exploring the world beyond the Shire."

"Bilbo, your great-great-great-great-grandfather, Bullroaring Took, was a tall man. At the Battle of the Greenfields, he led the charge on the goblin army. Knocked off the head of the goblin leader with a club. They won That battle."

"You also have the glorious lineage of the Tuke family. Do you really plan to stay in this cold and damp Bag End for the rest of your life?"

The dwarf's expedition to the Lonely Mountain had now come to the grove on the edge of Hobbiton, and after passing through the grove, they left Hobbiton.

At this time, the dwarves' discussions came from behind the team.

They discussed whether Bilbo would follow after all.

Fei Li first raised the topic: "I knew it, our trip was for nothing."

Qili was not happy: "Who said this trip was in vain, didn't we have a Ranger to join us?"

"At least, we don't have to carry a tow bottle." Devlin said in a deep voice.

"I bet that Mr. Baggins won't follow, because he is such a coward, and I'm afraid he won't even dare to go out with Shire in his life." The dwarf Bofur shouted loudly.

"Anyone dare to bet with me?"

"I don't dare to bet with you. It's not fair. Everyone knows that Mr. Baggins won't come." Philip said he didn't want to bet, but he still took out his money bag, "If you Bet Mr Baggins will come, and I'll bet you he won't."

"I bet Mr. Baggins will come!" Just when everyone thought Bilbo would not come, Gandalf turned his head, still shaking a bag of gold coins in his hand.

In this team, apart from Gao Yuan, probably the person who has the most confidence in Bilbo is Gandalf.

"Oh, Gandalf has already made a bet, I'll take this bet." Fili took the first bet first.

Seeing that Fili was making money, Kili was not happy. He looked at Gao Yuan who was walking side by side with Gandalf.

"Hey, Mr. Gao Yuan, do you think Mr. Baggins will come?"

Gao Yuan glanced at the bag dangling in Qili's hand, there might be a lot of gold coins in it.

"It's not very nice to speak ill of people behind their backs, Mr. Kealy."

Then Gao Yuan untied his purse from his waist and said, "I bet Mr. Baggins will come."

"Wow. Who else, who else wants to bet." Bovor shouted.

"Count me in, I believe in Gandalf and Mr. Gao Yuan." Balin, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

Three consecutive bets were accepted, and the other dwarves became excited.

They wanted to bet one after another, but there were not many people who believed that Bilbo would come. Except Gao Yuan and the other three, only two dwarves bet that Bilbo would come with the mentality of giving it a try.

The morning sun shines on the grove, and through the dense canopy, the mottled light spots sprinkle on the green grass.

The team of dwarves is about to walk out of the grove. As long as they get out of the grove, they will leave the range of Hobbiton, which also means that Gao Yuan and others lost.

"He won't come here." Although Philip was about to win at this time, he still felt an inexplicable sense of loss in his heart.

The dwarves, who were still talking and laughing, fell silent for a while when they heard Fili's words.

Gao Yuan rode on horseback, and was not affected by the atmosphere in the team at all. He still walked forward with his head held high, not worried that his money bag would be won away at all.

At this time, Gandalf was also a little unsure of himself. He glanced at the confident Gao Yuan, not knowing what he was thinking.

But at the moment when the dwarf team was about to step out of Hobbiton.

"Wait. Wait, I'm coming"

"Mr. Baggins' voice," said Barrin, who was the first to stop.

Everyone reined in their horses and looked back.

Bilbo Baggins, wearing a burgundy coat, was waving the contract that Gandalf had left at Bag End, running towards them excitedly.

Bilbo quickly caught up, and he walked up to the crowd, holding up the contract in his hand with an excited expression on his face.

"I signed it."

Balin reached out to take the contract in Bilbo's hand, took out his monocle, and carefully studied the signature on the contract.

After confirming that it was correct, Balin put away the contract with a half-smile, and then announced loudly: "Welcome, Mr. Baggins, welcome to join Thorin Oakenshield's Lonely Mountain Expedition."

As soon as the words fell, the entire expedition team smiled with relief, even those dwarves who lost in the bet.

It takes a lot of courage for a hobbit brought up in a comfortable environment, who has never even traveled far, to abandon his easy and comfortable pastoral life to join this great adventure that is destined to be rough.

A person with such courage, no matter who he is, deserves the respect of everyone present.

However, not everyone is as happy as everyone.

Thorin didn't like the hobbit very much, and he preferred that the hobbit stay in his Bag End.

He just said lightly: "Give him a horse."

(End of this chapter)

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