Chapter 22 The Real Purpose

Bilbo panicked when he heard Thorin say that he would get himself a horse. He had never been out of the Shire, and certainly he had never traveled far on horseback.

Suddenly Bilbo was asked to ride, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of fear that he would fall off because he couldn't hold the rein while he was on the horse's back.

"Oh, no, no. No need, I can keep up with you on foot. I often go hiking during my holidays." Before Bilbo could finish his sentence, Kili and Fili immediately grabbed him from the ground.

They put Bilbo directly on the dwarf's pony's back.

"Grab the rope, Mr. Baggins." Gao Yuan shouted.

Bilbo quickly lay down on the broad horse's back, and grasped the rein tightly in his hand.

Seeing this scene, the dwarves all laughed.

With Bilbo joined, the Lonely Mountain Expedition moved on.

Then came Oin's voice behind Bilbo.

"Come on, Nuoli, I'm willing to bet and lose, man."

A money bag was seen passing from the front of the procession, past Bilbo's side, and passed to the rear.

Gao Yuan shook his purse, and the gold coins inside made a rattling sound.

"Kili, what about my share?"

Another money bag flew into the air, drew a perfect parabola in the air, and landed accurately in Gao Yuan's hand.

Gao Yuan weighed the money bag in his hand, and Gao Yuan opened it to take a look, only to find that there were only 12 yuan silver coins lying in it.

"Hey, Qili, this amount is wrong. Don't you bet on silver coins?" Gao Yuan felt as if he had been tricked.

Qi Li laughed loudly: "Otherwise, what do you think, Mr. Gao Yuan, our bet is not big."

Gao Yuan took out a few gold coins from his purse and twirled them on his fingers.

"I almost lost a lot, but luckily I won."

Seeing the gold coin in Gao Yuan's hand, Qi Li's eyes almost popped out.

"Hey, Mr. Baggins, if only you were one step late, then I could have gold coins." Kili yelled.

Gao Yuan smiled: "Don't change the subject, Qili, you owe me."

Kili smirked twice, and manipulated the pony under his feet to speed up.

"Don't worry, Mr. Gao Yuan, when we get to Gushan and we get the treasure, I will return your gold coins."

Wait until Lonely Mountain?The day lily is cold.

"What are they doing?" Bilbo looked at everyone's movements strangely.

"They are making a bet on whether you will change your mind." Gandalf held a pipe in the corner of his mouth, and smoke rings flew out of the pipe.

"Most bet you won't come."

Bilbo was a little disappointed, and he glanced at Gandalf.

"And you, Gandalf?"

Gandalf was deliberately vague: "Me."

Bilbo's heart was in his throat when he heard Gandalf's words.

At this time, a money bag flew from the front, and flew in front of Gandalf with a swish. He caught the money bag, weighed it, and put it into his own cloth bag.

Gandalf said with a smirk: "My dear Bilbo, I never doubted you."

"Including Mr. Gao Yuan, he has always believed in you."

Bilbo looked at Gao Yuan who was walking in front. He was riding a steed taller than himself, and his back looked so tall.

Gao Yuan noticed the fiery gaze behind him.

"Don't be too moved, Mr. Baggins, I just won the gold coins." Gao Yuan didn't turn his head.

"But I still have to thank you for your trust, Mr. Gao Yuan." Bilbo would not believe Gao Yuan's words.

He's not a fool. Gao Yuan was always helping him last night.

"You're welcome, now we are adventure partners together, aren't these trusts the most basic?" Gao Yuan glanced at Sorin who was walking in the front without saying a word.

"If you can't even trust your own partners, how can you trust your back to your partners to protect; your partners can't trust their backs to you." Gao Yuan said The sound wasn't too loud, but he believed it was enough to reach Sorin's ears at the front.

Thorin paused when he heard these words.

Gao Yuan knew that he had listened. In the entire Hobbit story, Thorin was the most arrogant and suspicious character.

Several times he suspected that Bilbo had left the others and fled, and after retaking the Lonely Mountain, he suspected either his dwarf friends or Bilbo had stolen the Arken Stone.

I hope his words can give him a little warning later.

At least let him not indulge in greed for treasure.

After listening to Gao Yuan's words, Bilbo was stunned for a moment. Gao Yuan's theory of partnership and trust made him fall into deep thought.

Gandalf also showed his aunt's smile again. He looked at Bilbo who was thinking with relief. This journey will definitely make you improve a lot, Bilbo Baggins.

After Gao Yuan finished speaking, he didn't talk too much, but was thinking about the next plan of this journey while he was on his way.

There are actually two main purposes of his trip to Gushan.

First, complete the requirements of the main quest, kill Smaug and defeat the orc army.

Second, get the heart of the mountain dug out from the deepest part of the ground—the Arkan gem.

To kill Smaug, one must understand the environment and structure of the dwarven dungeon after entering the Lonely Mountain before making any plans.

That's right, he wanted to use the buildings and environment of the dwarf dungeon to trap and kill Smaug.

As for the orc army, this is not a problem.

Although the army of half-orcs is powerful and numerous, when the forces of elves, humans, and dwarves are twisted together, they may not be afraid of those half-orcs.

The rest is the Arken gem, and this is where the biggest conflict between Gao Yuan and Sorin lies.

In the previous life, this Arken gem that appeared in the movie was a very controversial treasure.

People debated whether it was the fabled Silmarillion.

Some people analyzed the manuscript left by Mr. Tolkien, combined with the description of the Arken gem in the movie, they guessed that the Arken gem in the movie is most likely the Silmarillion that sank into the center of the earth.

However, there are also many voices against the Arkan gem being the Silmarillion, which is mainly due to the characteristics of the Arkan gem.

It is rumored that the Silmarillion is made by combining the brilliance of the Two Sacred Trees. After the Two Sacred Trees wither, the brilliance of the Two Sacred Trees only exists in the Silmarillion, so the Silmarillion will continue to emit Bright light.

The Silmarillion is like a child, it also has its own preferences, it loves light, and will return more brilliant light.

So he has a characteristic that when it is in the sun, it will emit a very dazzling light; in the dark, its light will be much dimmer.

And the Arken gemstone in the movie, whether it is in the dark or under the sunlight, the light it emits will not change in any way.

In addition, it is recorded in the book "The Silmarillion" that the three Silmarillions were consecrated by Viravalda (the main god), and from now on, any unclean or evil hands touching them will be killed. Burnt and withered.

The Arkan gem in the movie does not have such characteristics. It was once held by the greedy Sorin, but he was not harmed by it.

Therefore, those who may disagree, do not think that the Arken gem in the movie is the Silmarillion.

(End of this chapter)

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