Chapter 23
Even Gao Yuan is not sure whether the Aken gem is really the legendary Silmarillion.

However, Gao Yuan doesn't care so much, whether the Arken gem is the Silmarillion or not, we have to get it first.

There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. If you can't get it, how can you talk about exploring the secrets hidden in gems?

Why doesn't Gao Yuan miss the Supreme Lord of the Rings that runs through the entire Hobbit and Lord of the Rings story?
In fact, Gao Yuan didn't think about getting the Supreme Lord of the Rings at first.

If the plot didn't change because of his butterfly effect.

Then, in the future, the Supreme Lord of the Rings will stir up the situation in the entire Middle-earth world and cause a bloodbath.

At this time, his owner, Gulu, is still hiding in a dark cave under the Goblin Kingdom in the Misty Mountains.

If Gao Yuan wants to get the Supreme Lord of the Rings in Gulu's hand, it is easy to do it. Just follow Bilbo and find him to get the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

However, after careful consideration, Gao Yuan finally gave up the idea of ​​obtaining the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

The main reason is that Gao Yuan actually didn't want to disrupt the development process of the entire Middle-earth world.

The Supreme Lord of the Rings is an important link throughout the story of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. In the upcoming battle in the future, all the stories that will happen revolve around the event that the Fellowship of the Ring went to Mordor to destroy the Lord of the Rings. .

Humans, elves and dwarves unite together to resist Sauron's invasion.

Frodo finally threw the Lord of the Rings into the magma of the Doomsday Volcano, destroying the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and at the same time eliminated the last demon king left in Middle-earth-Sauron.

This is a story destined to happen in the music of Ainu, which is also an important time node in Middle-earth.

It marks the end of the Third Age, the end of the age of the Elves.

It also marks the beginning of the fourth era, the coming of the human age.

Who knows, if Gao Yuan destroys the original historical development, will the supreme god Iluvita jump out and hack himself to death.

And the Lord of the Rings didn't help Gao Yuan much.

The Lord of the Rings has Sauron's soul and power, and he is the real master of the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

No one but Sauron can grasp the true power contained in the Lord of the Rings.

At most, the wearer will gain the ability to enter the Netherworld and become invisible, but this also requires paying a price. You will attract the eyes of the Ringwraiths and Sauron.

And if worn for a long time, the Lord of the Rings will also cause the wearer to completely fall into the Netherworld and become the ghost of Sauron, just like those ring spirits.

It will also do everything in its power to stir up the deepest desires in those who see it.

Gao Yuan didn't know if he could resist the temptation of the Lord of the Rings with his current mental strength.

Even if Gao Yuan temporarily resisted the temptation of the Lord of the Rings, he could not guarantee that he would be able to maintain himself under the long-term spiritual erosion of the Lord of the Rings.

"What are you thinking, Mr. Gao Yuan?"

Although Bilbo had joined the expedition to the Lonely Mountain, and the dwarves in the team liked to talk to him very much, he always felt that there was a gap between himself and them.

Bilbo, who couldn't join the dwarves' topic, had to come to Gao Yuan's side.

He saw Gao Yuan riding on a horse and was distracted, so he couldn't help asking curiously.

Gao Yuan recovered from his thoughts, and looked at Bilbo who was about to approach him in surprise.

"What, what did you say?" Gao Yuan didn't hear Bilbo's question.

Bilbo had no choice but to repeat his question again.

Gao Yuan took out a map and handed it to Bilbo.

"I was wondering how to get around Bree and get to the East-West Road from somewhere else."

Bilbo looked at the map in his hand, and he couldn't understand why Gao Yuan wanted to bypass Bree Town.

They can have a good night's rest there, and they can also replenish some supplies needed on the road.

"Did you see Sorin Oakenshield?" Gao Yuan pointed to Sorin who was walking in the front.

Bilbo, who was not blind, of course could see, nodded sharply.

"Guess how much gold coins Sorin's head is worth in Bree?" Gao Yuan smiled strangely, like a hunter seeing a prey.

Bilbo was startled by his smile.

"I don't know, Mr. Gao Yuan."

"Someone offered a reward for Thorin's head in Bree, up to a hundred gold coins." Gao Yuan took out a piece of sheepskin from his arms.

"Damn fellows in Bree, they'll go mad when they see Thorin."

Gandalf caught up in time and glanced at the map in Bilbo's hand.

"We went around Chet Forest, and went from Mosquito Water to the East-West Avenue."

Traveling is a very physical test, even if you have a horse to travel.

It took Gao Yuan and others seven days to arrive at Moshuize.

This is simply a paradise for mosquitoes, no wonder people call it Mosquito Water Ze.

Bilbo desperately waved a rag in his hand to drive away the mosquitoes that kept flying around him.

"In every drop of water here, there are countless mosquito larvae." Bahrain also waved a rag to drive away the surrounding mosquitoes.

In fact, all dwarves are suffering from mosquito infestation at this moment.

Only Gao Yuan was not infested by mosquitoes.

He had already prepared the mosquito repellent potion, and spread it evenly on the fur of the steed below him.

He himself didn't have to worry about mosquito infestation, because all the mosquitoes that dared to approach him had been reduced to pieces and fell to the dirty swamp beneath his feet.

In this way, this lonely mountain expedition team, under the infestation of mosquitoes, suffered for four days before they walked out of Mosquito Water Lake and came to Fengyun Hill.

It was already very late, and it would take a huge risk to rashly choose to cross the Wind and Cloud Hills.

So they chose to stop not far from Fengyunding, and they will spend the night here tonight.

The dwarves lit a bonfire.

In the wild, no place is safe, Gao Yuan and the dwarves began to take turns to watch the night.

The dwarf's snoring kept Bilbo awake.

He stood up and wandered around the camp, he saw Gao Yuan leaning on the rock wall with his eyes closed.

He didn't know whether Gao Yuan had fallen asleep. He struggled for a long time, but finally he didn't choose to disturb his rest.

At this moment, countless roars resounded in the forest of Fengyun Hill, awakening everyone who was resting.

Kili and Fili were on duty now, and they immediately stood up from the ground.

"What is that?" Bilbo was very curious about the roaring sound coming from the forest.

"Orcs!" Kili replied.

"What are Orcs?" Bilbo continued, evidently having forgotten what those fellows who had fought against his ancestors were.

Gao Yuan also stood up at this time: "A group of dirty guys who take pleasure in killing. There are guys everywhere in the wasteland. I killed a lot of these guys when I rushed to Shire."

"Don't worry, the half-orcs in the wasteland are not enough to make a fortune." At this moment, Gandalf stood up and said.

Feili said in a low voice: "They always choose to do it in the early morning, and cut people's necks while they are asleep. When people wake up from sleep, they are already dead."

Bilbo shrank his neck in fear when he heard this.

Fili and Kili looked at each other and smiled. They liked nothing more than to frighten the timid Bilbo along the way.

"It's not funny at all!" At this moment Sorin stood up and scolded his two nephews.

"Do you think it's a good joke to be attacked by orcs in the middle of the night?" Thorin began to scold the two young men.

Kili clearly knew he was taking his joke a little too far.

"I did not mean that."

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(End of this chapter)

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