The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 215 The Sword Points at the Kingslayer

Chapter 215 The Sword Points at the Kingslayer

In the face of her father's call, Sansa, in a beautiful white embroidered velvet dress, still hesitated in place.She blinked and looked at her embarrassed sister, then turned her head to look at the pale prince.It wasn't until Ed urged her in every possible way that he walked to the stage hesitantly.

When all eyes on the field were on her, she seemed to have returned to the day when she hugged the lady and was ridiculed in every possible way, but this time there was no righteous knight to stand up for her. Even her father looked at her expectantly at the moment.

Sansa knew what her father was looking forward to, but she just wanted to escape here quickly at the moment, and she said with tears in her eyes, "I don't know!"

"Things of that day happened so fast that I can't remember exactly."

"You bastard!" Arya flew towards Sansa like a flying arrow. Fortunately, Gao Yuan quickly embraced Arya in his arms, so she didn't rush to Sansa. Sha's body.

Even in Gao Yuan's arms, she was still waving her fists at Sansa while shouting that Sansa was a liar.

Arya was trembling all over while being held in Gao Yuan's arms, and her face was also very pale.Ed is still constantly confirming to Sansa whether she has really forgotten what happened.And Sansa just looked at her sister in a daze, Arya must have hated herself at this moment, Sansa thought so.

She seemed to turn a deaf ear to the inquiry from her father.

"Look at this wild girl, she is just as virtuous as that beast she raised." Seeing that no one could prove that Joffrey was lying, Queen Cersei stood up triumphantly, "Robert, today you have to punish Not the wild girl of the Stark family."

"The Seven Hells." Robert cursed, Cersei's disturbance caused the king a headache, and he was not stupid enough to punish a little girl at will, and this little girl was his youngest daughter.

What's more, at this time, Robert had already known the truth of the incident, and the whole incident was caused by Joffrey.Under such circumstances, how could he punish Eddard Stark's daughter for his son's mistakes?
What Lord Renly said was right, this is simply a farce!
Ed Stark, who was supposed to ride a donkey down the slope and handed Robert a step, pushed his eldest daughter backhanded to embarrass him.Now his eldest daughter refuses to tell the truth, but Queen Cersei hits the snake with the stick again, holding on to the unclear "truth" desperately.

"Cersei, look at her!" Robert really didn't want to punish Arya. "She's just a nine-year-old child. What do you want me to do? Give her a few whips and pull her away." Going to parade in the street? Damn it, it was just a squabble between the children, and now it’s all right, and it didn’t cause any serious consequences, why are you still holding on to her?”

"Joffrey's hands will have scars all his life." Queen Cersei was furious. When she saw the wound on Joffrey's arm, she swore that those who hurt her son would never be spared.

King Robert ignored Cersei's hysterical screams, but looked at Joffrey with disappointed eyes: "You were beaten to pieces by a nine-year-old girl, the scar that the beast left you Take it as a lesson for you."

After that, Robert turned his head to look at his old friend Ed: "Ned, you discipline your daughter well; I will discipline my son well."

"Your Majesty, as you wish, I am happy to do so." Ed replied with relief.

King Robert got up and was about to leave the reception hall, but he didn't expect that Queen Cersei was still not ready to let it go: "What about that wolf, what are you going to do with that beast that bit your son's arm?"

King Robert stopped, turned and frowned and said, "I forgot about that damned direwolf."

Hearing this, Gao Yuan looked at Arya in his arms. She tensed up at the moment, and he looked up at King Robert: "Your Majesty, when I found Arya, the direwolf had already disappeared. The whereabouts must have escaped into the forest of the Mingyue Mountains."

"Since that guy has escaped into the forest, let's forget it." King Robert didn't seem displeased by the disappearance of the direwolf, but seemed relieved, "In order to find this little girl , We have already wasted two days here, there is no need to delay our return to King's Landing because of that biting beast."

"Isn't there still a direwolf in the city of Darry at this moment?" Queen Cersei reminded King Robert in a flat tone, with the light of victory shining in her eyes, "I once saw that beast outside the palace, and now it They should still be chained in the city."

King Robert naturally knew which direwolf Cersei was referring to, but he didn't want to continue to entangle Cersei because of this matter: "It's up to you, this matter is left to Ser Ilyn .”

"You mean it, Robert?" Eddard protested to King Robert.

It's a pity that the king is no longer in the mood to argue anymore: "Ned, don't talk anymore, this matter has come to an end!"

"The direwolves are wild and hard to change. It was a wrong decision for you to let the children adopt those beasts."

At this moment, Sansa, who was standing next to Ed, finally understood what the king meant. She looked at her father in horror, hoping to get a negative answer from him: "He didn't mean the lady, did he?"

But Ed's silence and the sad expression on his face completely broke Sansa's fantasy: "Don't kill the lady, she is the most obedient."

Even Arya, who gritted her teeth while hating Sansa just now, broke free from Gao Yuan's arms at this moment and defended the "lady": "The lady was not there at all."

Sansa took her father's hand and begged: "Tell them to stop"

"Father, please, tell them to stop. It's not a lady who bites. I promise to make her obedient."

Sansa finally couldn't bear it at this moment and began to cry bitterly, and the only thing Ed could do at this moment was to hug her tightly.Sansa's crying broke Ed's heart at this moment. Why would he want to see the lady killed, but there is nothing he can do now.

Recalling the whole incident, Ed finally understood the meaning of what Gao Yuan said to the two at the ancestors' cemetery that day.

When two parties with different positions and demands are fighting for rights and interests, it is usually inconvenient for the king, who is above both parties, to intervene in person.Just like the conflict on the banks of the Trident River this time, both parties in the quarrel want the king to satisfy their demands, but the demands of both parties have already touched the bottom line of the other party.

Since both sides are unwilling to make concessions on their own demands, it is necessary for Robert, as the king, to stand up and balance the demands and interests of both parties with a stronger status and rights.Make trade-offs among the many demands and interests of both parties, and strive to reach a result that can satisfy or accept both parties.

Instead of arbitrarily using the powerful status and rights you have according to your own preferences, favoring one of them and harming the demands and interests of the other.

At this time, Ed finally understood King Robert's helplessness, and his child was hurt. Queen Cersei, as Joffrey's mother, naturally wanted King Robert to give her son an explanation.Therefore, Cersei's appeal now is to severely punish the participants in this incident, Arya, the direwolf who participated in the attack on her son, and the butcher brother who has not been seen so far.

Just because of the fight between two children, a young girl was punished in the same way as a felon.King Robert would not choose to do this due to emotion and reason, and he was unwilling to do so, after all, this little girl was still the daughter of his best friend.This has seriously damaged Ed's core interests, and it is absolutely impossible for him to make concessions and compromises.

The pig butcher is still missing. King Robert has sent the "hound" Sandor Clegane to hunt him down. Whether he can be captured is still unknown.Arya is his niece, and he will not touch Ed's sweetheart.So the direwolf "lady" who seems "insignificant" now has become a victim of this political game.

The king has made a choice in this matter, choosing to sacrifice some interests that are not so important to Ed, in exchange for Queen Cersei's compromise and concessions, and she is no longer so aggressive.In this game of balancing rights and interests, King Robert used his own strong position and higher-level rights to make compromises and concessions in this conflict on behalf of both parties.

The core interests of both parties have not been damaged, and the demands of both parties have been met to a certain extent. This incident seems to have been perfectly resolved.But this incident is just the beginning of the battle between the wolf family and the lion family. Contradictions and hatred have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the two Game of Thrones players.

When novice players first enter this game of thrones, those veteran gamers of thrones usually tell them: in the game of thrones, compromise and concession is a wonderful art and the best political solution.

But what they didn't tell the novice players was: Compromise and concessions are also a kind of political decisive means and a plan to quell incidents that will only appear when the two sides are evenly matched.

Only when you have the strength enough to die with your opponent; or under the existing rules of the game, you are sure that you cannot win, and you have the courage to overturn the whole game.Your opponent will be afraid of death and the collapse of the rules of the game, and make compromises and concessions with you.

And vice versa, when you have enough strength to crush the opponent and confirm that the opponent cannot come back; or when you have the means to prevent the opponent from flipping the table without breaking the rules of the entire game, you will go to the opponent. Compromise and concessions?

Power is a dirty game!Since this is a game, among the many players participating in this game, there will inevitably be a final winner.

You may choose not to be in the game, but once you are in there is no turning back.Because there is no middle ground in Game of Thrones, you don't want to be the last winner, and then the only way to meet you is death.

Ed Stark, who lacks political wisdom, may never understand these profound truths, but this does not prevent him from understanding the situation he is facing now.

In that hut at Winterfell; in the vast plains of the First Men's Mounds, Eddard Stark still hears warnings and exhortations from far above.

Ed Stark understands that similar situations will never stop in this small city of Darry, and they will continue to be staged in the huge city of King's Landing in a bigger, more obscure, more unpredictable and more cruel way in the future.

As a new former prime minister who was born in the north and has no support from any forces in the south, can he really survive in the cave of King's Landing?Now in this small city of Darry, relying on Robert's trust and support for him, he can still take advantage of the king's strong position and high rights to fight the Lannister family represented by Queen Cersei. wrist.

But after going to King's Landing City, can he really rely on this to check and balance the queen and the family power behind her?
Eddard Stark couldn't look at it with optimism.

The previous former Prime Minister Jon Arryn was the Guardian of the East who had a quarter of the kingdom's troops, and even he died in King's Landing for no apparent reason.As the guardian of the northern border who has nothing to rely on in King's Landing, the Duke of Winterfell who only has more than 100 soldiers brought from the northern border by his side, I am afraid that he will not be better than Jon Arryn, and even better than his predecessor The prime minister died worse and faster.

The girls' cries continued, and Ed Stark, who was hugging Sansa tightly, had a sad face. He obviously thought he was ready for everything, but when he really wanted to make a decision, he still looked so sad. indecisive.

He looked across the hall to little Robert standing in the doorway, who was closer than his own brother.

Ed bit his lips firmly, and handed Sansa Stark, who was in tears in his arms, to the care of the steward. He finally made up his mind at this moment, and quickly caught up with King Robert, who was about to open the gate and leave.

"Your Majesty the King!" Ed called out to King Robert, and his voice was cold and thick again.

King Robert turned around and looked at Ed impatiently: "Ned, what do you want me to do, please stop pleading for that damned direwolf."

"Your Majesty King Robert, although the conflict between my daughter and Prince Joffrey has been resolved, the conflict between me and Ser James Lannister, the Imperial Guard, has not yet been resolved!" Ed's voice was very calm , but when he thought of the kingslayer surrounding his daughter and subordinates, he gritted his teeth in hatred.

Ed's sudden attack, and he pointed at the current queen's younger brother, Jaime Lannister, caused everyone in the reception hall to look at him differently.Everyone believed that the conflict between the lion family and the wolf family had ended after the king announced the order to execute the direwolf.

No one thought that the conflict between Prince Joffrey and the little wolf girl had just been resolved, and then the guardian of the north launched a counterattack against the Lannister family.Neither King Robert nor Queen Cersei thought of this, even Gao Yuan, who is familiar with the plot.

Gao Yuan looked at Arya who was holding him tightly in his arms with a complicated expression, and noticed his gaze, Arya also raised her head and looked at Gao Yuan suspiciously with those lovely big eyes.Gao Yuan gently put her on the ground, and whispered in her ear: "Bring your sister to me, and Jory and Poole."

Watching Arya nod sensibly, then ran straight to Sansa
Looking up at Ed Stark not far away, Gao Yuan didn't know how to evaluate his behavior at this time, stupid?Or is it smart?

Obviously, after this incident, Ed has become very clear that the help and support that King Robert can provide him in King's Landing City is extremely limited, and he may not even ask for it in the small reception hall of Darry City. Many, especially when the king basically does not deal with government affairs.

Eddard Stark never expected that King Robert would punish Jaime Lannister after he turned on the Kingslayer.It's as if he didn't satisfy Queen Cersei's demands to punish Arya severely.

But even so, he still chose to attack the kingslayer, mainly to achieve his own goals.

The first purpose of the Duke of Winterfell, who was born in the north, is to take revenge on Queen Cersei and the family behind her.Queen Cersei accuses and threatens Arya in public only based on Prince Joffrey's one-sided words, and even openly calls her daughter a wild girl, which Ed Stark cannot tolerate.

Especially after King Robert intervened to mediate, this woman was still aggressive and perseveringly forced King Robert to order someone to kill his eldest daughter's direwolf.Queen Cersei's persecution of her two daughters successively made Ed even more intolerable.

Although he knew that this goal was impossible to achieve, Ed thought it was necessary for him to do so.Only in this way can he use this to express his tough attitude to the Lannister family, and to erect a majesty that is not afraid of power in the hearts of everyone.

As for the second purpose, Ed wanted to test this old friend's attitude towards him at this time.He wanted to find out the extent of King Robert's support for him through the accusation against Jaime Lannister.

If King Robert just brushed off or even ignored his accusations against the kingslayer, then when King Robert walked out of this drawing room, Eddard Stark would immediately take his daughter They left Darry City, and went north overnight to return to their territory, Winterfell without saying a word.

He had already prepared for this. According to his instructions, Jory had already pulled the northern soldiers in Darry City outside the city to assemble. They could leave here at any time, and those who returned to the northern border would never have to make this muddy journey. Why don't you enjoy the hot kang head of your wife and children?
But those are not the most important!
Ed Stark has not forgotten the real purpose of his trip to King's Landing, which is to investigate the real cause of Jon Arryn's death; find the murderer who murdered his son Bran; King Robert's side cleared away.

For example, the Lannister family who have been plotting against the Iron Throne, or other guys with rebellious hearts.

As the former prime minister, his actions in King's Landing need to be supported by a force strong enough to deter those rebellious officials and thieves who harbor evil intentions.

He wanted to force King Robert to give up his appointment as the Guardian of the East through the accusation against the Kingslayer, and let a person worthy of his trust take up this important position and support his actions in King's Landing.

Gao Yuan, who had helped him several times and gave him advice at critical moments, became Ed's best choice.This is not only because he saved his daughter today, but also because he saw the figure of his former brother, Brandon Stark, on Gao Yuan.

In the eyes of Ed Stark, Gao Yuan, like his elder brother Brand Stark, is a tall, handsome and martial arts man. Gao Yuan seemed born to be a leader.

(End of this chapter)

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