The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 216 Powerless to refute 【Watch at 1 p.m.】

Chapter 216 Powerless to refute 【Watch it later】

Ed Stark's choice to attack the Lannister family at this time is undoubtedly extremely stupid in the eyes of others. They must all be secretly laughing at Ed Stark's overthinking at this time.

Although King Robert intends to let Eddard Stark take over the position of the former Prime Minister, he has not yet taken over the right of the Prime Minister from the Royal Council. At this time, he chooses to fight against the powerful Lannister family. It seems a little unwise.

Even if Ed has now officially taken over the position of Prime Minister, the Lannister family in the capital is not something he can act rashly.After all, Cersei Lannister is King Robert's queen. The siblings have cultivated power in King's Landing for many years, and their accumulated contacts and influence have long been deeply rooted in every corner of the capital.

Looking around the entire reception hall, most of them are actually the confidantes that Queen Cersei has cultivated secretly over the years; or they have been bought by the Lannister family's enormous wealth.There are very few people who are still neutral, not to mention those who secretly hate and oppose them, they have already been cleaned up by the siblings.

The reason why Queen Cersei chose to compromise in the conflict just now was not because Ed was about to become the new Prime Minister, but more because of King Robert's strong position and supreme power.Queen Cersei's compromise is nothing more than the result of the mediating king's abuse of his powerful position and rights.

On the surface, the conflict that took place on the banks of the Trident River was a conflict between the wolf family who was about to take charge of the former prime minister and the queen's lion family.In fact, in this conflict and competition for power, it is the current King Robert who really confronts the Lions.

"Ned, you really deserve to go to the Seven Hells." King Robert wailed, "You don't think you have caused me enough trouble these days, what exactly are you trying to do, and how did James provoke you? gone?"

"What I believe in is the old god. Even if the old god thinks I'm guilty, my final affiliation cannot be the hell of the seven gods." Ed's tone was very firm. Now that the matter has come to this point, he has no reason to compromise. Just like Queen Cersei refused to let them go easily, "Your Majesty, it was your order to let Jaime bring my daughter here, right?"

"That's right, I meant to ask James to bring your daughter here." Robert frowned, "I've already explained to you, I didn't expect to scare her, I just wanted to let James Bring her here first, and end this matter sooner."

Ed leaned forward and asked, "Then it's your intention to let Kingslayer lead soldiers to surround my men and force them to hand over Arya?"

King Robert stared at him for a long time, then turned to look at the queen and her younger brother, he immediately understood the reason for Ed's attack at this moment, and he said angrily: "Cersei, you really deserve to die!"

"Kingslayer, get the hell out of here!"

Jaime Lannister came out from behind Queen Cersei, but Cersei Lannister preempted him when he was about to speak: "I don't think there is anything wrong with Jaime's behavior tonight. The wild girl of the Tucker family is brought to you."

"He did it, and he did it! Should he be punished for doing what you asked him to do?"

"Cersei, don't make me tear that stinking mouth out of your mouth, I'm telling the Kingslayer to roll over now." King Robert snapped angrily, "He did as I told him, but he didn't do enough pretty."

A stern look flashed in Queen Cersei's eyes. She stepped forward and wanted to say something, but Jaime Lannistra brought her back.The kingslayer strutted before the king, and when he passed by Ed, he still gave him a hard look.


King Robert raised his hand and slapped the kingslayer on the face. The crisp sound of the slap on the cheek resounded throughout the reception hall, and the crowd in the hall couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise. call.

James Lannister turned his head coldly, only to see a bloody handprint appeared on that clean and tidy face in the blink of an eye, and a trace of blood dripped slowly from the corner of his mouth.

"I did ask you to bring the little girl of the Stark family to me, but did I ask you to bring soldiers to besiege the Stark family?" King Robert asked in a low tone, "I said why did the child cry so heartbreakingly when you brought him in."

"Your Majesty, those of the Stark family refused to hand over the little girl!" James Lannister explained, "Before I led people to surround them, I had clearly informed them that this was an order from the king. , but they still refuse to implement it.”

King Robert frowned and looked at Ed next to him. His old friend had cold eyes and an indifferent expression.Immediately afterwards, his gaze passed through the reception hall, and he found Gao Yuan hidden in the crowd.

"Ser High!" King Robert called softly.

Hearing King Robert calling himself, Gao Yuan squeezed through the crowd and came to the king and others with his head held high.

"Ser High, I remember the little Stark girl entering this hall under your escort?" King Robert asked.

Gao Yuan readily admitted: "Yes, Miss Arya was indeed escorted in by me."

"Can you tell me why you appeared by Arya's side?" King Robert continued to ask, "I'm asking, when did you start guarding that little girl."

"Miss Arya was found by me from the forests around the Bright Moon Mountains. I once promised Lord Stark that if I find her, I will keep Miss Arya until she is handed over to Lord Stark. Keep her safe." Gao Yuan replied, "Therefore, I have been by her side since I found her."

"What a loyal and reliable knight." King Robert nodded upon hearing this, "So, when Sir James led the soldiers to surround the Stark family and force them to hand over Miss Arya You've been there too, right?"

"You are right, Your Majesty!" Gao Yuan confirmed Robert's guess.

"Very well, Sir High!" Robert said, "Now, please, tell me all about the scene when Sir Jaime led the men around you, and don't miss a single detail. I want you to Everything they said between them was repeated to me."

"Honestly, don't try to be clever in this, I can hear it, and if you let me know you're deceiving me, I'll have your head cut off," Robert warned.

Gao Yuan nodded solemnly, and then began to tell King Robert and everyone present what happened when he led the lost Arya back to Darry City.

"When I returned to Darry City with Miss Arya, almost all the guards at the city gate were members of the Lannister family. One of the guards stopped us outside the city gate, saying that we would After they report the news to Her Majesty the Queen, they will let us in with the Queen's permission."

"How did you determine that the guards at the gates were members of the Lannister family?" Robert asked in a deep voice.

"They hold the golden lion banner of the Lannister family in their hands, and the armor worn by those guards also wears the Lannister family logo."

After answering King Robert's question, Gao Yuan went on to tell: "Just as I was waiting for the guards to let me go outside the city gate with Miss Arya, Lord Stark's captain of the guard, Jory Cassel, happened to walk out of the city. Come out. When he learned that we couldn't enter the city, Jory brought out twenty soldiers from the north to guard us."

"Shortly after the guards at the city gate went in to report to the queen, Sir James Lannister rushed to the scene with a group of Lannister soldiers, and immediately surrounded me and the soldiers from the north. , and demand that Miss Arya be delivered into their hands."

"What did the Kingslayer say at that time?" Following Gao Yuan's narration, Robert's face became more and more gloomy, because there was anger in his voice, but he suppressed the anger secretly, at this moment What Gao Yuan told was not enough for him to judge whether Jaime Lannister was at fault.

It's not a big mistake to just lead people to surround the northern soldiers and Gao Yuan and others. The kingslayer can completely blame those soldiers for these mistakes.

"'Just a few wolves! I'm here to bring the murderer who hurt my nephew to the king for trial. I advise you to obediently hand over the little Stark girl in your hands to me, otherwise I don't mind. Bring a few more wolf cubs' heads to the king.' These are the original words of Sir James, Your Majesty!" Gao Yuanyuan reproduced exactly what the kingslayer said at that time.

When this incident happened, Ed was searching in the forest on the banks of the Green Fork River. Regarding the conflict at the gate of Darry City, he only knew that the kingslayer surrounded his subordinates and sent His daughter was brought before King Robert.

When he finished listening to Gao Yuan repeating the kingslayer's threat, he immediately grabbed James Lannister's collar furiously: "How dare dare you call my daughter a murderer, she is just A nine-year-old girl, you call her a murderer."

James, who was grabbed by the collar by Ed, had a mocking look in his eyes: "Stark, you don't think your daughter is innocent now, do you?"

"A murderer is a murderer, that's a fact! It's not because of her that you are your daughter."

Before James Lannister finished speaking, he was interrupted by a heavy punch. Ed swung his fist and slammed the Kingslayer in the face, knocking him to the ground.

The crowd in the reception hall was sensational, most of them were confidantes and supporters of the Lannister siblings, and many of them were directly subordinates of James Lannister.

The crowd around was about to move, and Gao Yuan saw that someone had quietly touched his right hand to the hilt of the sword, and what's more, he pulled out a sharp dagger from his waist and hid it in his cuff.

"Enough! Ned!" King Robert roared, stopping Ed from continuing to hurt Jaime. "You leave the Kingslayer to me to deal with. Please believe that I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Ed Stark, who had pushed the Kingslayer to the ground, turned his head to look at his old friend, and saw that King Robert was looking at him with pleading eyes, so he let go of the Kingslayer helplessly. the collar of the Kingslayer, and stepped down from the Kingslayer to Robert's side.

"Sir Gao Yuan, keep talking!" King Robert glanced at Gao Yuan's right hand touching the sword hilt, "Relax, boy! With me here, you can speak out."

Gao Yuan smiled helplessly. In his eyes, these so-called elite knights from the Seven Kingdoms were nothing more than crooked melons.What really worries Gao Yuan is that the green hat king and the northern duke in front of him have received lunch in advance.

"Jory Cassel asked Ser Jaime if he knew Arya was the King's Hand's daughter. Ser Jaime said, 'Your lord is not yet a Hand, now he's just a lord of a far country , Besides, this is the king's order'" Gao Yuan continued to tell.

"The northern soldiers who came to protect Miss Arya refused to accept Sir James' threats and demands. In order to prevent Sir James from forcibly taking Miss Arya from them, Jory and the others chose to defend Miss Arya to the death. safety."

"Seeing this scene, Sir James immediately ordered the soldiers he brought, ordering them to kill Jory and other northern soldiers, leaving only Miss Arya's life to be brought to the king for trial."

"Just when the two sides were at war, I stood up and asked Ser Jaime, whether it was the king's order to bring Arya to the king for trial, as he said, or his sister Cersei Lannister. Order."

"After getting an affirmative answer from Sir James, I began to persuade Jory and other northern soldiers to give up resistance, and proposed that I bring Arya to the drawing room to meet the king."

After Gao Yuan finished telling the whole incident, there was no suspense about who was right and who was wrong in this conflict.Although James Lannister did bring the little wolf girl of the Stark family to the king according to the king's order, he distorted the king's order and even almost caused a catastrophe.Ed had no more doubts about the Kingslayer's accusation, and the next thing was to see how King Robert planned to punish the Kingslayer.

How to punish the kingslayer is a very troublesome question for King Robert.But fortunately, the conflict subsided and did not lead to a catastrophe in the end.

The kingslayer led people to surround the northern soldiers and threatened them, which can be explained by a misunderstanding between the two sides.But if the kingslayer had really led people and killed all the northern soldiers who were defending Ed's daughter, then the nature of this incident would have been completely different.At that time, the grievances between the Lion family and the Wolf family would never end, and the two families would never end. This was not what Robert wanted to see.

(End of this chapter)

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