Chapter 217 Punishment
"Sir James Lannister, Sir Gao Yuan has already told the whole story of this incident. Do you have any doubts about what he said?" Robert looked at the Kingslayer with a bit of unbearable eyes. James originally That handsome face was almost swollen into a pig's head.

"If you have any questions, you can ask them now. I will examine the questions you raised with the most impartial attitude. If you do not raise any objections during this period, I will regard you as acknowledging that Ed Shi The charges brought against you by the Duke of Tucker." King Robert paused for a moment, and then continued: "I will publicly read the decision on your punishment for your wrongdoing in the course of performing your duties this time."

After King Robert finished speaking, he looked up at Queen Cersei, who was in a high position, as if seeking her advice instead of asking Jaime Lannister to raise an objection.Facing the questioning gaze from King Robert, Cersei Lannister still maintained an indifferent expression. She looked at her husband and younger brother with cold eyes, as if she didn't care about it.

"Your Majesty, I have no doubts about this. Sir Gao Yuan's account of the incident is fair and objective." James raised his head and looked at Gao Yuan, "I am willing to take responsibility for the mistakes I made in the course of performing my duties. "

"Very good! James, you are finally a brave man now." Jaime Lannister's performance of voluntarily admitting mistakes and taking responsibility bravely won King Robert's appreciation, "Next I will read the I hope you don't resent me for your punishment decision."

"Ser Jaime Lannister of Casterly Rock, I shall be King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men; Robert I of House Baratheon, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and Keeper of the Realm In the name of Kingsguard, you will be deprived of your position as the Kingsguard, and you can still retain your title of knight." In the reception hall of Darry City, King Robert solemnly read the punishment for Jaime Lannister in front of everyone. Decide.

"James, I don't need your guards by my side anymore, and the oath you swore to me when you became the Kingsguard is null and void. Go back to Casterly Rock and inherit your father's hereditary title. This is also Tywin Lannis. The Duke has always wanted it."

Looking at James Lannister, who bowed his head and said nothing, Robert explained his good intentions to him kindly.What he didn't see, however, was that under the bowed head of the Kingslayer, Jaime Lannister's blue eyes were turning red with rage.

When King Robert read all this to James, he looked tiredly at his old friend as if he had unloaded some burden, and asked hoarsely, "Ned, are you satisfied with the result now?" ?"

Ed raised his head in confusion and looked at the king with dull eyes. Robert turned and left without waiting for his answer. He left the reception hall with heavy steps, and the hall was suddenly dead silent.After the king left, Jaime Lannister was still kneeling on the ground, his five fingers in leather gloves clung together in anger, until Ser Barristan lifted him from the ground.

Sir Barristan helped the distraught James to his sister's side. Seeing his lover and younger brother become like this, Queen Cersei's expression was extremely cold, especially when she looked at Eddie below. When Stark and Sir Goku.

"Where is that damned direwolf now?" Now Cersei Lannister couldn't vent her anger on Ed and the others, but she could still trouble the direwolf who was sentenced to death by the king.She couldn't wait to ask everyone in the hall, and Prince Joffrey smiled happily when he heard that his mother was going to deal with the direwolf.

The hall was silent. At this moment, they were unwilling to participate in the dispute between the lion family and the wolf family, because it seemed that the lion family had suffered a big loss in this dispute, and those guys who were good at judging the situation quickly changed their positions .

Although they will not start to defect to the Stark family because of the Lannister family's temporary loss of power, they can choose to remain neutral in the struggle between the two families.No one wants to be a victim in the struggle between the two, so they all plan to wait and see, wait for them to decide the final winner, and then choose to take refuge.

These dirty politicians have been like this for thousands of years. What they are best at is adding icing on the cake and making things worse. You want them to help you when you are in crisis, unless you can promise him enough benefits.Whether it is what you can give now or what you can provide in the future, as long as the benefits you promise them are enough to impress them, they can fight for you.

"Your Majesty, the direwolf named Lady is chained outside the city gate at this moment." Seeing that no one answered Queen Cersei's question, Ser Barristan Selmy replied reluctantly.

"Ser Ilyn Payne." Queen Cersei called the name of the imperial executioner, "according to the king's order, you should go and kill that direwolf at this moment, and don't forget to bring me the wolf skin of that beast. come over."

Queen Cersei stared straight at Eddard Stark below: "I'm going to use that wolf skin to make my son's bed."

"No" Eddard loudly prevented Queen Cersei's decision to send Ser Ilyn to kill the direwolf.

"Jory, you take the girls back to the hotel, and then bring me my 'ice'." Ed's voice trembled, and every word that came out of his mouth tortured him , but he had to make a choice, "If the lady must die, I must do it myself."

"Stark, you want to do it yourself?" Queen Cersei Lannister looked at him suspiciously, "What kind of tricks are you trying to play, I will never agree."

Everyone present put their eyes on Ed, and Sansa's eyes were the most hurtful. No matter in the original book or now, Stark's two daughters have never seen it with their own eyes. The scene of the death row prisoner.Naturally, they couldn't understand the ancient traditions of the ancestors that Ed followed.

"Since the lady is a direwolf from the North, she must die like a Northerner." Ed explained, "According to the ancient tradition of the North, the person who sentenced someone to death must do it himself, instead of putting it to death." Leave it to the butcher."

"Since King Robert, who sentenced it to death, is unwilling to do it himself, at least this task should be entrusted to me. At least I can look into its eyes and listen to its dying cry when I take its life."

"You southerners pay the executioner to execute the death penalty instead of you. You have long forgotten what death is, and you have never been in awe of the lives judged by you." Ed Stark's thick voice echoed in the living room , as if it was a soul torture sent to everyone present.

"Oh Stark! No matter what you say today, I won't let you get what you want." Queen Cersei ignored Eddard Stark's explanation, and even sneered with great disdain, "Besides, let It was King Robert himself who ordered Ser Ilyn to execute the direwolf."

"Lord Stark, you don't want to embarrass Ser Ilyn Payne, after all, he doesn't want to disobey King Robert's orders, and one person who followed the king's orders has already been punished tonight." Queen Cersei said sarcastically. Said.

"The king didn't order him to skin the wolf skin for you. If Her Majesty the Queen wants to make a bed for Prince Joffrey with a wolf skin, please spend your own money to buy it." This sentence was almost squeezed by Ed. "After Ser Ilyn Payne executed the direwolf, I will take the corpse of the direwolf and send it back to the North. No one can insult its corpse after it dies."

Ed Stark left the reception hall angrily, even though he had gone a long distance, the two girls' begging and painful weeping still lingered beside him.

He found the tethered direwolf in the fence outside Darry's city gate. Ed, who hadn't closed his eyes for two days and two nights, felt a sudden burst of fatigue suddenly hit him, and he slumped on Sansa next to the direwolf.Ed sat next to the lady for a while before recovering. He tentatively called the name of "lady", and the little direwolf quickly responded to Ed.

Speaking of which, since I gave these direwolves to the children, I have never paid attention to the names they gave the little wolves.Now that he had a rare time with the direwolf, he realized that Sansa's name for the direwolf was really appropriate.Lady was the smallest of the pack of direwolves, but also the gentlest and most beautiful.

The lady looked at him quietly with its golden eyes, and Ed couldn't help but stroke its thick and smooth hair, just like he stroked the young Sansa back then. This poor little guy, I'm afraid I still don't know what kind of fate I will encounter.

It didn't take long before Sir Ilyn Payne, who came to carry out the king's order, came before Ed Stark. Ed, who reluctantly walked out of the fence, did not forget to remind Sir Ilyn to give the lady a good time.

This Ser Ilyn Payne had served as Captain of Tywin Lannister's Guards when he was Hand of King Aerys II.Had his tongue pulled out by Mad King Aerys because of a whistleblower claiming that "Lord Tywin is the real ruler of the Seven Kingdoms".After King Robert married Queen Cersei, as a gift to please Lord Tywin, he appointed Ser Ilyn as a lawman.

The former law enforcement officer, who was unable to speak because his tongue was pulled out, faced Ed Stark's request to give the direwolf a happy request, but just glanced at the pair indifferently and walked into the fence.Sir Ilyin's eyes that disregarded life, even Ed, who had climbed out of the bloody sea of ​​corpses in the Snatcher War, couldn't help feeling cold all over his body and entering the ice cellar.

"In his life, execution seems to be the only thing left!" Ed thought.

Sir Ilyin is worthy of being an executioner who has served the royal family for many years. He performed very competently when executing the direwolf, and his execution was very neat.The direwolf named Lady was decapitated by a sharp sword before she could even utter a wail. Ed, who couldn't bear to look at Lady and was executed, turned his back.
After finishing the work, Ed told Jory who came to collect the direwolf corpse: "Find two of your subordinates, and send them to send the body of 'Lady' back to the north, and bury it in the godswood in Winterfell." .”

"Escorted all the way back to the north from here?" Jory couldn't help being surprised.

"That's right, escort them all the way back to the north." Ed repeated his order, "That woman from the Lannister family can never get this wolf pelt."

Ed dragged his exhausted body towards the hotel. He hadn't closed his eyes for two days and two nights. He just wanted to lie on the soft bed and have a good sleep. Jory and the others went north Border soldiers followed behind him.

Just when they were about to reach the hotel entrance, they ran into Sandor Clegane and his men who had just finished their search mission. A heavy, blood-stained sackcloth was tied with a rope on the back of his horse. pocket.

Sandor Clegane saw Ed and others coming towards him, so he stopped and greeted Ed: "I'm sorry, Prime Minister! I didn't see your daughter."

Before Ed could tell him that his daughter had returned, he pointed to the burlap sack on his horse and said, "But we found her 'little pet' on the bank of the Blue Fork River. A day's work is not in vain."

Sandor Clegane tore off the sack from the horse's back, and the sack hit Eddard heavily in front of him. He bent down and pulled the rope that bound the sack.Sandor Clegane said just now that he caught Arya's little pet. Originally Ed thought he was referring to Arya's direwolf "Nymeria", and he was still thinking about how to tell Arya Asian confession.

In the end, when Ed opened the sackcloth pocket, he discovered that it was not Nymeria, but the butcher brother Mika who had already escaped without a trace.This poor boy who had suffered an indiscriminate disaster had already lost his breath at this moment, and his body was covered with dried blood clots. The wound caused by the sharp sword extended from his shoulder to his lower back, and his whole body was almost alive from top to bottom with a sword. Split into two.

Only when a knight on horseback is chasing the enemy, can he slash from the back with the heavy sword from top to bottom to cause such a terrible injury.And the injury on the butcher's brother Mikay was obviously caused by the proud knight Sandor Clegane in front of him.

"You chased him down on a horse, and even launched a sneak attack on him from behind." Ed asked seriously.

The hideous dog-headed helmet was worn on the hound's head, making Ed unable to see the expression on the other's face at the moment, but he could see through Sandor Clegane's exposed eyes that the other party was at this moment Very proud.

"I advise him to stand still and not move!"

"As you can see, he didn't follow my advice, but turned around and started to run away." The hound's eyes reflected green light under the light of the torch, and Ed saw that he was smiling at this time, "It's a pity he Can't run fast enough."

(End of this chapter)

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