Chapter 219 Guardians of the Eastern Realm (Watch it later)
When Sir Barristan opened the king's tent for Gao Yuan, the drunken King Robert was slumped on the carved king's single sofa, with two full wine glasses placed on the old oak table in front of him , the wine boy serving the king held a beautiful wine jug in his hand.

"You can go out!"

The king, whose eyes were blurred due to drinking a lot of alcohol, saw Ser Barristan bring Gao Yuan, raised his hand and waved away the wine boy who was serving him.But before the drunk boy escaped from the tent, King Robert stopped him again: "You idiot, who told you to take the wine away from me!"

So the panicked wine boy turned back from the door curtain and carefully placed the exquisite flagon in his hand on the table. Seeing the wine boy exiting the tent, Sir Barristan also wanted to open the door curtain and leave, but was caught King Robert stopped: "Ser Barristan, you stay!"

"The conversation between me and Sir Gao Yuan later, you just stay to be a witness, lest someone say that the decision I will make later is a drunken mischief."

"Your Majesty Robert, no one in the Seven Kingdoms dares to question your decision." Sir Barristan glanced at Gao Yuan unexpectedly.

King Robert sneered: "Hey, in that hall tonight, isn't someone questioning my decision?"

"You have both seen tonight how she has treated me, my dear queen."

After speaking, Robert picked up the wine glass in front of him, raised his head and drank the wine in one gulp: "Sir Gaoyuan, stop standing at the door and stare blankly, come sit down and have a few drinks with me."

Gao Yuan unceremoniously walked up to King Robert and sat down, and imitated the wine glass and drank it down. The spicy and bitter taste made Gao Yuan really dare not compliment the wine in this world.This is actually the wine drunk by the king, not even the cheap wine that Gao Yuan drank in the dwarf's underground palace, let alone the fine wine brewed by the elves.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me." Ser Barristan stood up and said, "You speak ill of the queen in the hall tonight, which is really not the behavior of a king."

"Does that make you feel bad?" Robert asked. "I could have ripped that sharp mouth of hers in two."

"Sometimes, the harm caused by vicious words is far more harmful than physical torture." Gao Yuan said flatly.

"Marriages facilitated by political factors rarely bring happiness to both parties involved." Gao Yuan concluded, "Not all political marriages will bring them happiness like the combination of Lady Catelyn and Lord Stark. "

"Even between the seemingly happy and harmonious Starks, there is an irreconcilable rift."

King Robert laughed strangely: "Sir Gao Yuan, you can see clearly!"

"I know what the rift between Ned and Caitlin was. He brought an illegitimate child back to Winterfell after the Reaver War ended, which made Caitlin very unhappy."

Robert seemed to be very happy to mention Ed Stark's embarrassment, and excitedly picked up the wine jug and filled the glass in front of Gao Yuan: "You have to understand Ned, it was during the war, no one knew whether he was There will be a day when we go back to our hometown, and all we can do at that time is enjoy ourselves while we can."

"In fact, during that period, Ned was strict enough with himself. He only made that one mistake, and ended up bringing back an illegitimate son from the North." King Robert laughed, "It's been so many years , Caitlin is still entangled in this matter, it is too stingy."

"If it was me at the time, I would bring back more illegitimate children, and my wife would not dare to say anything."

Gao Yuan was quite speechless about Robert not being ashamed but proud. Now Robert has a lot of illegitimate children in King's Landing. During the more than ten years when Robert ascended the Iron Throne, those daughters-in-law and mistresses have done everything for him. Robert had borne dozens, if not hundreds, of bastards.

What is ironic is that although King Robert has a lot of illegitimate children outside, his real wife, the current queen, did not give birth to a real direct heir for him.As the saying goes, those who are green will always be green.

"This is probably the reason why your majesty and the queen are at odds now. Women are jealous, and no wife wants to see her husband messing around outside." Gao Yuan said, "let alone They created a bunch of illegitimate children."

"Sir Gao Yuan, your current morals are exactly the same as that guy Ned!" King Robert was very bored when he heard that, why do these strict self-disciplined guys always appear around him!

Gao Yuan’s evaluation of Robert cannot be denied. He grew up in a highly civilized society. The education and family values ​​he received since he was a child shaped his current character, making him unable to be like King Robert. Bohemianism and neglect of family responsibilities.

Bohemian is the nature of King Robert. Although he is so attached to Lyanna Stark in the original book, in fact, even if Robert finally got Lyanna, he still couldn't get rid of his bohemian nature and would still linger Between the female branch and the noble girl.

From Gao Yuan's point of view, the reason why King Robert is still nostalgic for Lyanna over the past ten years is nothing more than a mentality of "what you can't get is the best".People always cherish and deeply remember those things that they have never owned and lost. As for those that have already been obtained, they will not cherish and love them.

Does Robert really love Lyanna?It's hard to say!But what is known is that Lyanna has never loved King Robert, and he who is familiar with the plot knows that Lyanna fell in love with Prince Rhaegar Targaryen in the end.

Even before Lyanna met Prince Rhaegar at the tourney at Harrenhal, she had never liked, and even had some dislike for, the famously dissolute Lord of Storm's End.

Lyanna's brother Ed Stark once expressed his views on the combination of Robert and his sister. He believed that Robert actually didn't understand his sister's character at all.Even if Lyanna hadn't died in the Reaver's War, the two of them had been bound together by politics, and they wouldn't have hit it off as Robert imagined.

All of this is nothing more than Robert's wishful thinking. Under Lyanna's beautiful appearance, she is actually the wolf blood of the Stark family, representing a strong independent and unrestrained and wild character.

Lyanna was not optimistic about her marriage with Robert from the beginning, and she recognized Robert's bohemian nature long ago.On the night when Rika's Stark made Lyanna and Robert's marriage contract, Lyanna approached Ed and expressed her concerns about this marriage to him.

"Robert will never rest in one corner."

Lyanna had heard then that Robert had an illegitimate daughter in the Vale.Ed became speechless when she brought up the question as a question of whether Robert would be single-minded in his relationship with his partner.

Ed had already hugged Robert's daughter himself, so he couldn't refute Lyanna's question, and he was unwilling to deceive his sister.So he assured Lyanna that whatever illicit affairs Robert had done before marrying her was of little importance.

Because in Ed's view, Robert is indeed a good man who loves Lyanna sincerely.There is no doubt about this. After receiving the news that his dear Lyanna was taken away by Prince Rhaegar, King Robert angrily launched the Snatcher War against the Targaryen Dynasty.

It's just that Lyanna's attitude towards Robert was very clear at that time. Facing Ed's assurance, she just smiled and said: "My dearest Ned, love is indeed precious, but it can't change a person's nature after all."

Here is Lianna expressing to Ed that although she believes that Robert really loves her deeply, there is no guarantee that Robert, who loves her deeply, will cheat after marriage, because her nature is difficult to change.

Gao Yuan and King Robert talked for a long time in this tent about the concept of marriage, but more often King Robert made a summary of his failed marriage.Gao Yuan and the other party were deaf to the values ​​he put forward, and he felt that it was boring, so he stopped repeating it over time, and decided to become a qualified listener.

When Robert finished talking about his failed marriage and the pain of these years, the jug of wine in his hand had been drunk by the two of them.King Robert, who was blinded by drunkenness, remembered at this time why he asked Gao Yuan to come tonight.

"It's no fun talking to you self-disciplined, honor-obsessed fellows," King Robert grumbled.

Hearing this, Gao Yuan rolled his eyes, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: You don't think it's interesting to talk for so long?

"Sir High, I sent Ser Barristan to invite you here tonight, not to discuss those family affairs and marriages." King Robert took out a parchment scroll from the drawer in front of him, and threw it away with ease. In front of Gao Yuan: "I know this is something you have been looking forward to for a long time, and it has been prepared for you a long time ago."

Gao Yuan picked up the sheepskin scroll from the table, which had not yet been stamped with wax seal, so Gao Yuan could directly read the contents on the sheepskin scroll. What was written on it was King Robert's appointment to Gao Yuan, which was not unexpected by Gao Yuan unexpected.

"Sir Gaoyuan, after you have checked the appointment in your hand, please pass it to Sir Barristan behind you for confirmation. He will be the witness of your appointment tonight." King Robert picked up the flagon , as if wanting to squeeze out the last drop of wine, "At the same time, he will accompany you to the valley, and read the news of the appointment to the woman who was huddled in the Eagle's Nest City and the vassals of the former prime minister."

Gao Yuan passed the sheepskin scroll in his hand to Sir Barristan with a normal expression, and the other party took the scroll from Gao Yuan's hand and began to read the content on it loudly, with a deep and clean voice, as if he was reading for the upcoming meeting in the Eagle's Nest City. Perform exercises in general:
"In the name of Robert I of House Baratheon, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men; Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Warden of the Realm, Ser Goron the Dragonslayer Acting Guardian of the East and Duke of Eyrie. The appointment is valid until the first successor of the former Prime Minister Jon Arryn, Robert Arryn, comes of age."

"When Sir Gao Yuan temporarily acted as the Guardian of the East and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest, I ordered all vassals who had pledged their allegiance to the former Prime Minister, the Guardian of the East and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest to obey Sir Gao Yuan."

"Anyone who disobeys this order will be arrested throughout the country for the crime of rebellion and treason; the disobedient and his accomplices will be punished according to the king's law; he will be condemned and deprived of all privileges; he will be deprived of all official ranks , positions, and titles; recover all fiefs and property; and expressly commute them to death."

"After the first heir to the title of Jon Arryn, the son of the former Guardian of the East, comes of age, if the temporary Sir Gao Yuan refuses to return the position that his heir should have inherited, the punishment will be the same as above. Those who disobey this order."

After Sir Barristan finished reading, he carefully put the sheepskin scroll back together, and looked up at King Robert who was about to fall asleep: "Your Majesty, the appointment has been read."

The sleepy-eyed king pointed to the seal on the table: "Now that the reading is over, let's seal it with lacquer."

"As your majesty!"

By the king's command, Ser Barristan took the red lacquer that had been heated and melted from the chopping board, and carefully poured it over the seams of the appointment letter.After the lacquer seal on the sheepskin scroll gradually cooled, Ser Barristan took the king's exclusive seal and stamped it on the lacquer seal.

In this way, the application of the lacquered seal of this appointment is completed.

Sir Barristan solemnly handed the sheepskin scroll with the lacquered seal to Gao Yuan: "Congratulations, Sir Gao Yuan. No, you should be called Duke Gao Yuan now. You have now officially accepted the appointment of His Majesty the King and become the The new Guardian of the East and Duke of the Eagle's Nest."

Gao Yuan stood up with a solemn expression, and took the still hot letter of appointment from Sir Barristan's hand with the same solemn gesture: "Sir Barristan, thank you for being the witness of this appointment. I will definitely live up to His Majesty's high expectations."

"I thought you would be very happy." King Robert struggled to sit up straight, looking at Gao Yuan, who was expressionless, with deep eyes, "Isn't this the result you have been expecting for a long time?"

Even though he was stared at by King Robert with strange eyes, Gao Yuan's expression remained the same: "Your Majesty, I am only taking this position temporarily, and I don't think there is anything worthy of my joy."

"Your Majesty, it will be a great challenge for me to assume the position of Duke of the Eagle's Nest and Guardian of the East. I don't know if the nobles in the valley will follow my orders; I don't know if they will come together as one." Fight me." Gao Yuan said modestly.

"While the positions I hold give me a lot of power, I also need to take on the heavy responsibility that this position brings to me, which will be quite a challenge for me."

(End of this chapter)

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