Chapter 220 Heading to the Vale of Arryn

King Robert seemed dissatisfied with Gao Yuan's answer, he thought that Gao Yuan was confusing himself with some fake words.More than ten years have passed since the War of the Snatchers, and Robert is still able to sit firmly in the position of King of the Seven Kingdoms. In addition to the credit of the former Prime Minister Jon Arryn, Robert himself will certainly have Some imperial means.

"Do you know why I didn't agree when Ned first suggested to me that you should take up this position?" King Robert began to test Gao Yuan through his drunkenness, "In fact, I went out with Ned alone not long ago. During the hunt, I have clearly rejected Ned's proposal."

"Perhaps it's because of my inexperience. After all, I haven't made any achievements for the Seven Kingdoms and Your Majesty. Besides, I clearly rejected your offer that day to cross the Strait to Esso. Si Dalu assassinated the girl from the Targaryen family." Gao Yuan guessed.

King Robert smirked: "Ha, those are just insignificant reasons. In terms of seniority, the kingslayer is not much better than you. It was actually me who appointed Jaime Lannister as the guardian of the East. There are other arrangements."

The king's words puzzled Gao Yuan: "Your Majesty, I don't understand!"

"Although he has obeyed me all these years, he is just a dog I kept by my side, just to guard against his father, Duke Tywin Lannister. His father is the richest lord in the Seven Kingdoms, With a quarter of the elite troops of the Seven Kingdoms in his hands, and he even broke his oath and killed the monarch he was loyal to, I should be on guard against their father and son."

This was unexpected by Gao Yuan. It turned out that King Robert kept James by his side in order to take him as a hostage to stabilize the Western Territory. Stark took away as a hostage and adopted son alike.

But what puzzled Gao Yuan was, since he wanted to use James as a tool to threaten Duke Tywin Lannister, why did he send him to the valley to serve as the guardian of the east?

"You must be very puzzled at this moment. In this case, why should I appoint James as the guardian of the east and hand over the power of the valley to the Kingslayer?" King Robert seemed to have seen through the expression on Gao Yuan's face. The doubts in his heart at this time.

"Because my control over the Kingslayer is a little out of control now. Since the death of the former Prime Minister, I have noticed that the situation in King's Landing is gradually tilting towards the Lannisters." King Robert proactively explained to him , "Seeing that Jaime Lannister's power is gradually growing, I naturally cannot continue to let it go. They have now begun to threaten my safety, so I need to expel him from me, but I can't let him completely leave me control."

King Robert's analysis is indeed very reasonable, but he actually got it wrong. The Lannister family power in King's Landing is not controlled by the kingslayer, the real controller of that powerful political force, It was actually the Lannister lioness.

"So it became my best choice to "exile" the kingslayer to the valley. After he becomes the guardian of the east, all his energies will be involved in the affairs in the valley." King Robert seemed very Proud of his own arrangement, "This is also what I am buying time for Ned, so that he can rectify the restless forces in King's Landing City without any worries. After Ned has completely controlled the situation in King's Landing City, I will deprive Zhan Mu Lannister's position as Warden of the East, and tell him to go back to his family's Casterly Rock."

Gao Yuan questioned the king: "I am afraid that such an arrangement will face a huge risk. If Duke Ed Stark is unable to integrate and control the forces and situation in King's Landing, in case James Lannis Take the lead in unifying the forces in the east."

"Sir Gao Yuan, your worries are not unreasonable!" King Robert first affirmed Gao Yuan's worries, and then he talked to Gao Yuan about his thoughts, "But you have to know that the position of Guardian of the East has been an important position for 300 years. Inherited by the Arryn family. I spent my childhood in the Eagle's Nest City, and I know the nobles and knights of the valley very well, and they are reliable warriors worthy of respect and full of honor."

"When they learn that Kingslayer has become their new lord, they will definitely be filled with righteous indignation because I deprived House Arryngar of their position; the succession of Kingslayer as the guardian of the east of House Arryn will also make those valleys The nobles felt greatly insulted."

"In this way, they must not easily obey and implement the rule and orders from Jaime Lannister. The orphans and widows left by Jon Arryn are now terribly afraid of the Lannisters , they will certainly not recognize Jaime Lannister as the Guardian of the East, and that woman Lysa will not even let the Kingslayer enter the Eyrie."

King Robert actually concealed something from the two people in the camp. The reason why he was not worried that the Kingslayer would unite the East was actually another consideration.

That is, King Robert still has some "old friends" in the valley. Once Kingslayer is about to unify the Eastern Region, or he thinks that the other party threatens his position, he can join his "old friends" to kill Kingslayer. Those who get rid of it.

Jaime Lannister was murdered in the Vale of Arryn, far away from the city of King's Landing. Duke Tywin would only think that it was a valley nobleman who did not obey the kingslayer's rule, and murdered his son.In any case, he couldn't put the crime of murdering Sir James on himself, the king who was far away in King's Landing.

Duke Tywin's greatest suspicion was naturally the Ayrin family, the original heirs to the position of guardians of the east.Robert Arryn is still young now, so the culprit who murdered his son is naturally Jon Arryn's widow, Lady Lysa.At that time, he only needs to send a hypocritical letter to comfort the heartbroken Duke Tywin, call out that ignorant woman, and save the life of his nephew Robert Arryn.

"Your Majesty, what made you change your mind?"

After this conversation, Gao Yuan thought it was time for him to re-examine the king in front of him.Being able to have such a deep scheming, the king in front of him is obviously not a fatuous, incompetent, and obese king, as he appears on the surface.

"Tonight Ned gave me a reason to attack the kingslayer, so that I would not anger Duke Tywin and drive James away from me. If there is no reasonable reason, even if I deprive He can still stay in King's Landing without James' position as the Kingsguard." King Robert stared at Gao Yuan and said, "You let me see another possibility, so I don't need to take huge risks for it."

"What happened in the hall tonight made me realize that my dear queen is also a great threat to me." King Robert looked at Ser Barristan, "Ser Barristan , I think you should have noticed tonight, when Ned fell on Sir James, how many people at the scene touched the hilt of his waist, right?"

"Your Majesty, I think you are overthinking it! At that time, they just wanted to prevent Lord Stark from attacking Ser Jaime." Sir Ballinstein seemed unwilling to involve the queen in this matter.

King Robert sneered. "Oh, Ser Barristan, you are so naive."

"The reason why they didn't choose to pull out the steel sword on the spot was simply because Cersei didn't give them an order."

There was a silence in the camp, neither Ser Barristan nor Gao Yuan had any intention of commenting on the king's queen.

"Sir Gaoyuan, I think you should also have your own ambitions, right?" King Robert suddenly said tentatively.


Hearing this, before Gao Yuan had time to explain to King Robert, he was interrupted by the other party.

"Don't deny it too quickly. In fact, I saw it in your eyes that day in the graves of the ancestors in the north." King Robert said, "There is no man without ambition in this world. Everyone has their own ambitions, but everyone's ambitions are different."

"Sir Gao Yuan, can you tell me what your ambition is?" King Robert asked, "King of the Seven Kingdoms or Guardian of the East? Or something else?"

Faced with the king's continuous questioning, no matter what the other party guessed, Gao Yuan just shook his head and denied: "Your Majesty, don't worry too much, I don't want to do this!"

"On that distant eastern continent, there is a beautiful princess waiting for me!" Gao Yuan explained, "On that continent, I had the opportunity to become the regent of a kingdom, the king of a dwarf kingdom. Before he died, he entrusted his nephew who was about to ascend the throne to me, hoping that I could assist him as the regent to become a qualified king."

"If I have such ambitions, why would I give up the chance to become the regent and travel across the ocean to this strange continent?" Gao Yuan smiled wryly, "As for my real purpose of coming to this continent, sorry I can't tell you! You just need to know that I will leave this continent sooner or later, and I have no intention of threatening your Baratheon family's current dominance of the Seven Kingdoms."

"Since you don't want to talk about it, let's leave it at that." King Robert said bitterly, "I don't really care if you have ambitions, as long as you can be used by me now."

"Then help me manage the land in the Eastern Region. Since I can overthrow the Targaryen Dynasty in the War of the Reavers, I will naturally not be afraid that you will rise up against my rule. After all, the Eastern Region is only one of the Seven Kingdoms. It’s just a part of the land, and I am the king of the Seven Kingdoms, hahaha” King Robert warned Gao Yuan.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning light shone on the top of the castle in Darry City, the king's convoy that had settled in Darry City a few days ago began to get busy. The large and small boxes were loaded into the carriage, ready to set off back to King's Landing.

Vicious shouting and cursing, as well as the creaking sound of ash wood wheels rolling in the mud, filled the entire city of Darry.This was the work they had already completed a few days ago, but because of the conflict on the banks of the Trident River and the search for the missing girl from the Stark family, they delayed here a little longer, so that the work that had been completed Work, they are now going to do it again.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the morning that the knight's attendants and servants were ready for the convoy to set off, but at this time it began to rain heavily again.

After a busy morning, Ed Stark braved the heavy rain and returned to the girls' carriage.In just an instant, the rain drenched his whole body, and the rainwater dripping from the armor accumulated on the carriage and turned into a "small puddle".

"Sansa! Pull the curtains of the carriage, all the rainwater has fallen into the carriage, Arya's body is still very weak, don't let your sister catch cold again." Ed walked into the carriage and walked towards the carriage. Sansa reprimanded at the window.

Sansa pulled the curtains vigorously after hearing the words, but ignored her father.Seeing that Sansa was still arguing with him, Ed could only sigh secretly. She blamed Arya and Ed for the death of the direwolf "Lady" at this moment. Since getting up this morning, Sansa has Never spoke a word to them again.

Sansa didn't want to talk to him, and Ed wisely didn't bother her anymore, but just walked into the depths of the carriage to check on Arya who was lying there.Since Sister Mordane sent her back to her hotel room last night, Sister Mordane had noticed that Arya had some symptoms of a low-grade fever, which was getting worse after a night of sleep.

"Are we ready to go?" The weak Arya was wrapped in a thick blanket, and she looked up at her father feebly.

"Arya, we're going to set off soon!" Ed gently stroked his daughter's forehead, "I got up this morning and Jory reported to me that Sir Gao Yuan and his horse were gone. Jory and The others searched around but couldn't find Sir Gao Yuan, and now the king's convoy is about to leave, we can't wait any longer."

Hearing that Gao Yuan was missing, Arya, who was holding the blanket, bounced up, her voice was a little hoarse: "Sir Gao Yuan is gone?"

"I remember a white-haired Kingsguard who came to look for Sir Gaoyuan last night. The Kingsguard said that the king sent him to summon Sir Gaoyuan." Arya asked eagerly, "Father, what do you say?" Could something have happened to Sir Gao Yuan?"

Ed just smiled back when he heard the words, he gently stroked Arya's head and combed her black hair at the temples, in order to comfort Arya who was worried and frightened: "Arya, the one in your mouth The Kingsguard is Ser Barristan, and he is one of the most honorable knights in the land. I can assure you that Ser Barristan will not harm Ser High."

"Ser Barristan is the king's elite bodyguard. Since Ser Barristan said he was sent by the king to summon Ser High, King Robert must have summoned him last night."

"King Robert was so late yesterday, why did he summon Sir Gaoyuan?" Under Ed's assurance, Arya gradually let go of her hanging heart.

"King Robert must have a very important task, and he gave it to Sir Gaoyuan to do it." Ed replied, "Didn't you see that Sir Gaoyuan set off before dawn? This shows that this task is very important .”

Arya asked curiously: "Then where is Sir Gaoyuan going, and when will he be back?"

"Your aunt's Vale, I suppose."

(End of this chapter)

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