Chapter 223 Entering the Valley
The formation of these clans and tribes in the canyon originated from the period when the Andals invaded the valley. Those ancestors who were unwilling to submit to the rule and tradition of the Andals hid in the vast Mingyue Mountains and multiplied in the mountains and forests of the mountains. A mountain clan.Therefore, they still retain the oldest traditions of their ancestors, and have similar customs to the wild people north of the Great Wall in their behavior.

They are used to a predatory life and never accept restraint.

Although they both believed in the old gods, they were different from the northern ancestors south of the Great Wall in that they had never been influenced by the belief in the seven gods and etiquette and morality brought by the Andals.The traditions and customs of their clans and tribes are older, which leads to the fact that concepts such as law, private property, and marriage hardly exist in their concepts, let alone respect for the dead.

They will plunder and occupy everything they want with their own abilities, and never pay attention to the eyes and taboos of outsiders. Therefore, the villagers, travelers and merchants who are robbed by them usually end up abandoned in the wilderness.

In the end, Sir Barristan failed to persuade Gao Yuan to go with him to bury the dead Gaoshan clan.Maybe it was because he didn't want to force others to make things difficult, or he also felt that what Gao Yuan said was reasonable at the moment. After getting Gao Yuan's clear rejection, Sir Barristan gave up persuading him.

I just left a sentence: "The Gaoshan clan has done a lot of evil here because they lack spiritual beliefs; and now I choose to bury these dead because I have firm beliefs." After that, I walked out of the cave alone and went to bury those dead. The Gaoshan clan scattered in the mountains and forests.

"Sir Barristan." Gao Yuan, who admired Sir Barristan, kindly reminded him when he was about to walk out of the cave, "The bloody smell may attract many shadow lynxes, please be careful."

Gao Yuan was not moved by Sir Barristan's words, but his noble deeds were highly appreciated by him. Although he thought he was not the kind of Madonna with a bodhisattva heart, this did not prevent Gao Yuan from admiring him. Admiration for such a noble man.

Underneath the canyon are mostly hard rocks. Due to the lack of handy tools, the work of piling up the tombs is very difficult. In order to bury the warriors of the mountain clan who "died heroically", Sir Barristan spent almost a whole night time.

When Ser Barristan returned to the cave where they lived, the dark sky had already turned white.Gao Yuan, who just woke up from his sleep, stood at the entrance of the cave, looking at the colorful clouds slowly rising in the eastern sky, feeling very happy.After simply having breakfast and packing up his luggage, Gao Yuan set off again with Ser Barristan, who looked tired, completely ignoring whether the elderly Kingsguard next to him was still in good health. He had been busy all night last night. late time.

Looking at the fortification in front of them, which is located on the only way from the Mingyue Mountains to the Vale of Arryn, the two of Gao Yuan and Gao Yuan showed exhaustion on their faces after a day and a night of driving.The buildings composed of a series of stacked walls straddle the cliffs at both ends of the canyon. The mountain road in the canyon gradually begins to shrink here, barely allowing four people to pass side by side.

The two watchtowers climb on the left and right rock walls and are connected to each other by a weather-beaten graystone airtight arch bridge.

Silent faces stared coldly at the two uninvited guests from the archery holes in the tower, between the battlements and the stone bridge.Just when they were about to reach the gate of the blood gate, a blood gate knight led a team of blood gate guards to meet them.

The mount and armor of the leading Knight of the Blood Gate are both gray and black, but his cloak has the same red and blue pattern as the family crest of Riverrun, and a black fish carefully polished with obsidian and edged with gold embedded in the shoulders of his armor.

"Who is going to pass through the blood gate?" the leader of the blood gate knight stopped in front of the two uninvited guests and shouted.

Ser Barristan rode forward and announced to the leading knight of the Bloodgate: "These are before you, Ser Barristan Selmy, Captain of King Robert's Kingsguard, and the king's latest appointment, Sir Barristan Selmy. Guardian of the Realm, Lord Gao Yuan, Duke of Eagle's Nest City."

"Dear Sir Barristan, we have not received any news that the new Duke of the Eagle's Nest, Guardian of the East, and Guardian of the Vale of Arryn will come to succeed us." The voice of the leading Knight of the Blood Gate was a little hoarse, "Besides Now, isn’t the new Guardian of the East appointed by the king Sir Jaime Lannister, why is it replaced by this Lord Gaoyuan now?”

"Her Majesty King Robert's appointment to Lord Gaoyuan was issued a few days ago, and we have come here with the king's appointment letter." Ser Barristan smiled wryly, "Ser Jaime Lannister has committed crimes now. For his fault, His Majesty King Robert has deprived him of the position of the Kingsguard, and was asked to return to Casterly Rock to inherit his father's title."

"You have brought us good news, Ser Barristan!" said the leading knight of the Blood Gate, "You know, when everyone learned that King Robert appointed the Kingslayer as the Guardian of the East, everyone People were pissed off and we felt insulted!"

"Sir Barristan, you should have sent a message before you came." At this moment, the attitude of the knight of the blood gate changed obviously, "whether we welcome the arrival of the new guardian of the east region or not, we should send someone to escort him. Blood gate The safety of this section of the canyon is not as good as before, there are often bandits from the Gaoshan clan, not to mention only you and that adult coming."

"Sir, you mean the vassals of the valley, don't you welcome me, the new guardian of the east?" Gao Yuan drove the shadow lynx under his crotch to Ser Barristan's side, "Knight of the Blood Gate , haven’t dared to ask your name and family history.”

"Master Gao Yuan, I never said that you are not welcome!" The leading knight of the Blood Gate took off the helmet on his head, and what appeared in front of Gao Yuan was a weather-beaten middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes.His head is full of gray and white hair, with a little reddish-brown hair mixed in, his deep blue eyes are frowning, "We just don't welcome the Kingslayer, Jaime Lannister broke his oath and killed His own lord, he has no place among the nobles and knights of the valley."

"Forgot to introduce myself to you, my lord, Ser Brynden Tully."

"The knight of the Tully family" Gao Yuan looked at the black fish logo on the opponent's shoulder, "I remember that the coat of arms of your family is a silver trout jumping on the red and blue striped flag, and the family motto is 'Family, responsibility, Honor'. Why is the family crest on your armor a black trout?"

Sir Brynden smiled wryly: "My elder brother, the Duke of Hoster, wanted to propose a marriage for me, but I refused. He accused me of violating the family motto - family, so I left Riverrun in a fit of anger and followed My niece Lysa and his new husband, Lord Jon, came to the Vale, and it was Lord Jon who appointed me Knight of the Bloodgate."

"I know your other niece, Mrs. Caitlin! She and her husband, Lord Eddard Stark, are my best friends!" Gao Yuan said, "I was a guest in Winterfell a month ago, Before I set off for the Vale, she and Lord Stark asked me to take good care of her sister Lady Lysa and her child."

"Sir Brynden, what happened to the 'canyon in front of the Blood Gate' you mentioned earlier?" Gao Yuan asked curiously. Gao Yuan always thought that the canyon was so unsafe.

"Hey, this has to start after the death of Lord Jon. Since then, these high mountain clans have become more and more daring." Ser Brinden explained to Gao Yuan, "The time when Lord Jon was the Prime Minister in King's Landing During this period, all the affairs of the fief were handed over to Viscount Nestor Royce."

"For 14 years, Viscount Nestor Royce has managed the Vale of Arryn in an orderly manner as the chief steward, but after the death of Lord Jon, my niece returned to the Vale of Arryn with Lord Jon's child." Sir Brynden said with a bit of resentment, "She took over the control of the Vale of Arryn from Viscount Royce, and she forbids us valley knights to bring soldiers to exterminate those who hide in the mountains Clan and tribe, they say they want to keep all their troops here to protect the Vale of Arryn."

"But no one knows who she is guarding against. Everyone thinks that she is catching wind and shadows." Sir Brynden was a little helpless. It's getting more and more rampant."

"I'm not complaining about my niece, and I don't mean to offend her. But seeing that there are fewer and fewer caravans passing through the Blood Gate, it's all because the journey is getting less and less safe. Because of this, but we can only watch all this happen." Sir Brynden looked at Gao Yuan expectantly, and he hoped that these situations would change after the new guardian of the East Territory took office.

Gao Yuan secretly took Sir Brynden's words to heart. In order to stabilize his rule in the valley and make his name as the guardian of the east and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City popular, it seems that he must give priority to subduing or destroying the Alpine clan.

If he can completely solve the problem of the Gaoshan clan for the people in the valley, then he will be able to win the support of most people in the valley.

"Sir Brynden, you are right. Letting the bandits of the Alpine Clan wreak havoc on your territory, what Lady Lysa did is indeed a lord's responsibility."

"Before I left, King Robert also found me and expressed some concerns about Lady Lysa's performance in King's Landing and the Eyrie. No matter what Lady Lysa is guarding against, Her Majesty King Robert The reason for sending me here is to solve all of this." Gao Yuan, who knows the inside story, of course knows what Lysa Tully is afraid of, it's not the gossip of the people in the valley, but the siblings of the Lannister family, and even It was the whole Lannister house.

"Can we enter the valley?" Ser Barristan's voice suddenly sounded from Gao Yuan's side.

Gao Yuan looked up, and it turned out that when he and Sir Brynden were understanding the situation in the valley, they had unknowingly arrived at the gate of Blood Gate.

Sir Brynden, who also just reacted, waved his hands towards the watchtowers on both sides: "In the name of Robert Arryn, Duke of Eyrie, Guardian of the Vale, and current Guardian of the East, I allow you to pass. And ask you to keep the peace in his name."

As Sir Brynden's voice fell, the two vicissitudes of the closed arch bridge stone gates slowly opened towards Gao Yuan and them.Under the leadership of Sir Brynden, they slowly passed through this bloody gate that has never been breached. Since the era of heroes recorded in history, countless knights and soldiers have been buried here, but they have never been shaken. This is named Blood Gate.

Riding a huge shadow lynx across the Blood Gate, Gao Yuan's eyes suddenly opened up. The emerald green of the mountains and mountains spread out in front of him like a watercolor painting. The vast turquoise plain, the blue sky as blue as the sea and the snow-capped peaks Suddenly caught his eyes.

The beautiful scenery shown to Gao Yuan by the Vale of Arryn at this moment almost made him breathless.Compared with the mythical natural scenery of Middle-earth, the idyllic scenery presented by the Vale of Arryn is not far behind, making Gao Yuan feel as if he has fallen into a fairy tale.

At this moment, the Vale of Arryn was bathed in bright sunshine, and the valley stretched before them to the dense Eastern Sea.There are wide and gentle rivers flowing down the river, and hundreds of lakes, big and small, which are as bright as mirrors in the bright sun.

Here is a quiet and peaceful paradise; three sides are protected by the branches of the Mingyue Mountains; the middle of the canyon is fertile black soil.Now it is the harvest season, and the yellow fields form a continuous stretch, and the barley, wheat and corn fruits in the fields are abundant.

They walked down a thoroughfare at the western end of the canyon. After passing the last huge mountain pass, the road under their feet began to become winding and narrow. It took them half a day to cross this canyon until they entered In a bigger canyon.

"What is the current state of the Vale of Arryn?" Gao Yuan, who was bored on the way, began to ask Brynden about the current situation in the Vale, "What do people think of the newly appointed Guardian of the East by His Majesty Robert?"

"Lord Gao Yuan, believe me! No one here would like to see Jaime Lannister, the kingslayer, as the ruler of the valley." Brandon Tully said with righteous indignation. Loved by the people of the Vale, not long ago King Robert appointed the Kingslayer as the Guardian of the East, and many people threatened to drive him out of the valley with one heart."

"People say that Lord Jon raised and assisted King Robert to ascend to the throne, but now this ungrateful king wants to deprive the Arryn family of the position of guardian of the East that has been inherited for 300 years, everyone will inevitably have complaints in their hearts. Lysa ordered us to call his son the real Warden of the East, but none of this will change the fact that a new Warden of the East is about to take office."

Gao Yuan nodded when he heard the words. The reaction of the nobles and knights in the valley was not beyond his expectations. After all, the nobles and knights in the valley are known as the most honorable warriors in the Seven Kingdoms. You can almost always trust their loyalty: " I shall not be Warden of the Eastland and Lord of the Eyrie for long, whether in King Robert's order or by my own will."

"In fact, this is what I proposed to King Robert on my own initiative. After Robert Arryn comes of age, I will take the initiative to resign from this position."

Gao Yuan tried to get Brynden to convey the news to other people. After all, Sir Brynden has been rooted in the valley for many years, and he has many friends of knights and nobles here.

Conveying through him the idea and news that he will not always occupy the hereditary position of the Aylin family, this will help him gather and win people's hearts during his rule and governance of the valley, and it will also help him reduce many obstacles in the process of governing.

(End of this chapter)

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