Chapter 224 Moon Gate Castle

"I believe this news will spread to people's ears soon, after I escort you to the Moon Gate Fort below the Eagle's Nest City." Why did Gao Yuan choose to disclose this message to himself at this time, Brynden The Jazz is naturally very clear, but he also expressed his worries to Gao Yuan, "It's just that the nobles in the canyon may not believe this is true."

"Time will prove everything to them. Besides, they have no choice at this moment. It doesn't matter whether they believe it or not." Gao Yuan walked at the front of the team with a bright smile on his face. Or, since they are unwilling to accept the rule of Jaime Lannister, there must be someone to manage and command a quarter of the eastern territories and the kingdom's soldiers."

"It is impossible for King Robert to entrust this to a six-year-old boy. Now I am the guardian of the east border appointed by King Robert himself, so now they can only choose to trust me." Gao Yuan explained, "Besides I have already made a promise to the nobles of the valley that I will only temporarily manage the Eastern Region on behalf of the heirs of the Arryn family, and they have no reason to stand up against me now."

"I think Lysa may be planning to rule in person until Duke Jon Arryn comes of age and becomes the veritable Duke of the Eyrie." Ser Brynden reminded.

"Didn't you still complain to me before that Madam Lysa allowed those bandits from the Gaoshan clan to wreak havoc in the canyon, saying that she had not fulfilled the responsibility of a lord?" Gao Yuan turned to look at him, "I thought you had already It represents the attitude of the nobles in the canyon."

"Lord Gao Yuan, that was a mistake in my words. How can I represent the attitude of all the nobles in the canyon?" Under the gaze of Gao Yuan's golden eyes, Sir Brynden, who realized that his previous words were lacking, suddenly Breaking out in a cold sweat, "That's just my personal thought."

"Sir Brynden, it's a good thing to have your own thoughts, but you don't have to speak out your own thoughts." Gao Yuan warned, "I hope I won't hear you talking about your lord again. In front of Ser Barristan, we will not haggle with you. But if these words are heard by others one day, it may bring you a murder."

Seeing Sir Brynden fell silent, Gao Yuan asked again: "Tell me about Duke Robert's situation. Before I came to the Vale of Arryn, I heard that he was weak and sick. Duke Stark has always asked me to take care of him." Take care of his little nephew."

Sir Brynden sighed, and his tone seemed worried: "It is well known that Lord Jon has had three marriages, and his first two wives did not leave him any children. Even Lysa was born after several miscarriages. The current Duke Robert, presumably this is why Lord Jon has been emphasizing 'caste resilience' before his death."

"However, Lord Jon's only heir is now weak and sick. Some people once said that he was too weak to last until the coming of age ceremony, so he could not inherit his father's position." Ser Brynden said, "That's why some people suggested that Lysa should remarry, and the sooner the better. People were dissatisfied with the guardian of the East that King Robert appointed for them, so some people wanted to elect a qualified leader in the canyon."

"Of course, the heir to the Arryn family is still Duke Robert, and this will not change." Ser Brynden said this with a look of disdain, "Now the Eagle's Nest is full of Lysa. There are as many suitors as there are crows eating corpses on the battlefield."

"This is a good way to deal with it. It can not only solve the problem of the current lack of guardianship in the east and the incapacity of the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City, but also preempt the upcoming new guardianship of the eastland in advance." I was surprised by the news in my mouth. After all, this part of the plot was mentioned in the original book. The positions of guardian of the east and Duke of the Eagle's Nest City are the heaviest dowry, which will definitely attract many suitors for Lysa. .

"Has Lady Lysa agreed to remarry?"

"She agreed, but she asked that she must choose her own husband this time." Brynden Tully said with a somewhat complicated mood, "but she has refused now, and more than a dozen people including Lord Nestor A suitor, I don't know if there is still a man she likes in the Vale of Arryn."

"Maybe Mrs. Lysa already has her own heart!" A strange smile appeared on Gao Yuan's face.

Sir Brynden frowned when he heard the words, and then his expression became serious: "Lord Gao Yuan, what do you mean by this?"

Gao Yuan smiled and shook his head: "Nothing interesting, I just heard that Lady Lysa was no longer a virgin before she married Lord Jon. Before that, there happened to be a young man who was childhood sweetheart with the two sisters of the Tully family, Being cast out of Riverrun by Lord Hoster Tully, I wonder if there is some connection."

"You mean Littlefinger Petyr Baelish. He is my brother's adopted son and" Ser Brynden said, then fell silent.

Gao Yuan's intentional reminder reminded him of when he was still in Riverrun, when the young Lysa Tully came to talk to him, she mentioned to him intentionally or unintentionally that she had always loved her brother's adopted son Petyr Baelish.

At that time, the Duke of Horst had been busy with government affairs, and the mother of the two sisters was seriously ill. The children of the Duke of Horst, who could not find someone to confide in, liked to find his uncle to confide their feelings.Whether it's Caitlin, Lysa or Edmure, by the way, even his brother's adopted son, Petyr Baelish, likes to share the joys and sorrows of life with him, and he has been listening patiently .

Recalling the weird atmosphere between the Tully sisters and in the city during that time, and then recalling that Petyr Baelish was driven out of Riverrun by Lord Hoster for no reason.Sir Brynden felt a moment of deep thought and fear, and he faintly felt that there might be some ulterior secret hidden in it.

Now the plans of the noble group in the Vale of Arryn seem to be seamless, but only Gao Yuan, who has a lot of plot insider information, knows that if the plot of the original novel continues like this, they will soon fall into the big hole they dug themselves, and put themselves in pain. The hard-won things are handed over to outsiders.

The so-called snipe and clam fight each other for the fisherman's benefit. What these people never expected was that Lysa never thought of choosing an outstanding young talent to be her new husband among the aristocratic group in the Vale of Arryn.

In other words, she had already made her choice, after all Petyr Baelish could be regarded as a member of the noble group in the valley in a strict sense.Though Petyr was born into a family that had no influence and insignificance in the Vale.

As the sun set and the sun set, the slope under the horse's hooves began to slow down, and the road presented to Gao Yuan and others gradually became wider and straighter, with colorful wild flowers and green grass appearing on both sides of the road.As they left the rugged mountain road and arrived at the flat valley plain, the speed of everyone's progress became faster and faster.

Now that the sun is setting, if they still want to reach the Gate of the Moon Fort below the Eagle's Nest City before dark, then they have to hurry up.The heavy sound of horseshoes all the way through the dense and lush green forests and quiet and peaceful small villages; through fruitful farm orchards and golden wheat fields, stepping on the small river shoals reflecting the blood-red sunset and splashing colorful water.

Ser Brynden, holding a long pole, rushed to the front of the team. Two flags hung from the pole were fluttering in the gentle wind. The one on top was the Crescent Falcon representing House Arryn, while the one below was Ser Brynden. After leaving Riverrun, he designed the black fish logo for himself.

The knight's war horse and the shadow lynx were running side by side on the avenue. If it wasn't for the tall and burly Gao Yuan sitting on the shadow lynx's back, passers-by who saw this scene would have thought that the cavalrymen of Vale Arryn were being hunted down by the shadow lynx.Seeing this, the farmer's carriage, the merchant's cart, and the knights of the minor nobles shied away and let them pass smoothly.

Even with such a hurry, when Gao Yuan and others arrived at the gate of the fortified castle at the foot of Giant's Spear Mountain, it was already dark.At this time, the battlements of the castle named Moon Gate Castle were already brightly lit, and a crescent moon was reflected in the moat in front of the city gate.The subway gate at the city gate has already been lowered, and the suspension bridge has been raised even higher.

Seeing that the lord of the Gate of the Moon, Viscount Nestor Royce, had closed the door to thank the guests, Sir Brynden, who led them to the Gate of the Moon, was not in a hurry, and ordered his Blood Gate cavalry to greet the people in the tower. guard.As the guards in the tower responded to the call of the blood gate cavalry, the drawbridge in front of the gate of the Gate of the Moon was slowly lowered, and then they heard the sound of the winch turning and the iron chain sliding, and the heavy iron gate followed. rising.

"Lord Gao Yuan, this is the Gate of the Moon Castle." Sir Brynden rode in front of the crowd on a horse, leading Gao Yuan and the others into the castle, "This is Lord Nestor's family castle. When the gate left, the people from the Blood Gate had already notified the Gate of the Moon Castle through the raven. Presumably Lord Nestor already knew about our arrival, and should be waiting for us in the castle right now."

Gao Yuan raised his head and looked at the mountain called Giant's Gun, the towering peaks soared into the sky.At first, he saw only jagged rocks and trees; lofty mountains shrouded in darkness and mist; a crescent moon in a star-studded night sky.

But then Gao Yuan noticed that those mottled stars were actually not real stars, but ethereal flames dancing on top of a towering mountain. It turned out that there was a huge castle standing on top of that towering mountain.That castle must be the Eagle's Nest of House Arryn.This eagle's nest city, which has stood for thousands of years, is embedded in the straight cliffs like this, like a spring bamboo shoot breaking through the ground from the top of the mountain.

"Eagle's Nest" Sir Barristan's muttering came from behind Gao Yuan. Obviously, he also discovered that those orange-red spots hanging in the night sky were not actually stars.

"Stunning, isn't it?" Ser Brynden turned his head. "I was like you when I first saw it, Ser Barristan!"

"It's still night, and when you look up at the castle from the foot of the mountain on a sunny day, that's the real shock." Sir Brynden seemed to gloat, "When you step up the steps and officially enter the Eagle's Nest City , you will find that what you see at the foot of the mountain is nothing."

Ser Barristan asked, "Are we going up to that castle at night?"

"No, we'll stay here tonight and go up the mountain tomorrow." Ser Brynden told him. After the stone steps leading to the castle, you will find that even with a torch you cannot see the road under your feet."

"No, we won't go up tomorrow either!" Gao Yuan said, "Sir Barristan, when you announce the king's appointment to the young Duke Robert and Lady Lysa, I ask that most of the nobles in the Vale of Arryn be present .”

"Lord Gao Yuan, it may take a long time to gather all the nobles in the Vale of Arryn." Sir Brynden was a little confused about what Gao Yuan wanted to do, "Besides, I'm afraid not everyone will be willing to come , after all, the owners are usually very busy."

Gao Yuan chuckled: "Isn't the Eagle's Nest City full of suitors of Lady Lysa now? This has saved us a lot of time. They have time to come to the Eagle's Nest City to express their love to Lady Lysa, but they don't have the time Come to participate in the succession ceremony of my trusted guardian of the East?"

"You can also tell them that I have plenty of time and patience to wait for their presence in the Eagle's Nest City, or to be a guest at my succession ceremony; or to come to report to me as my vassal."

Sir Brynden led Gao Yuan and the others into the atrium of the Gate of the Moon with great concern. Baron Nestor Royce, who had served as the chief steward of the Vale of Arryn and the guardian of the Gate of the Moon for 14 years, was already here After waiting for a long time, they were surrounded by heavily armed knights.

Baron Nestor seemed to be a very muscular man, his clumsy movements were easy for people to see at first glance, and he was stamped with a strong limbs and a simple mind.But if anyone really treats him as a big fool, it's a big mistake.Baron Nestor is the cousin of Bronze Jon. As a collateral branch of the Royce family, he is able to achieve his current position, which is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface.

Baron Nestor walked up to Gao Yuan slowly, bowed to him and said, "Lord Gao Yuan, welcome to Moon Gate Castle."

Gao Yuan patted the shadow lynx's head lightly, and saw the shadow lynx slowly knelt on the ground and lowered its head, walking slowly under Gao Yuan's crotch.

"Sir Nestor! I am very glad to see you bringing so many soldiers from Gate of the Moon to welcome me." Gao Yuan nodded politely at the other party with an indifferent expression. I saw your nephew sometime, Ser Waymar Royce was a brave man of the Night's Watch."

"When I heard from Sir Brynden that the Lord of the Gate of the Moon who guarded the gate of the Eagle's Nest City for me was also a member of the Royce family, I was relieved." Gao Yuan said with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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