Chapter 227 Edict
The talks between Gao Yuan and the lords of the canyon will be held in the afternoon, but it is foreseeable that these impatient guests will definitely enter the castle before lunch.

When Mia Shidong finished working in the kitchen and confirmed that the bread and wine were ready, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

Mia Shidong, who was full of exhaustion, hurriedly brought the servants in the castle with bread and wine, and came to the gate of Moon Gate Castle to stand there, ready to welcome the distinguished guests into the city.

Sir Nestor has also been waiting here for a long time. In order to prevent the guests from entering the castle in advance, he had ordered someone to raise the drawbridge of Gate of the Moon Castle. Now he saw Mia bringing a team of servants to bring bread and wine, he ordered the drawbridge to be lowered.

At this time, outside the Moon Gate Fort, many canyon lords and nobles had already gathered.When Sir Nestor ordered people to raise the drawbridge, everyone outside the city knew that the owner of the castle was preparing to welcome the guests.Now that Sir Nestor lowered the drawbridge and opened the door, it showed that the owner of the castle was ready to welcome their guests.

The first to lead people into the gate of the Gate of the Moon was the Earl of Redford and the Countess of Waywood. As the elders among the lords of the six major towns in the valley, it is only natural that they should be ahead with their seniority and age. .

Although Mia Stone is the illegitimate daughter of King Robert who stayed in the valley, the aristocratic etiquette education she received in the Gate of the Moon Castle is no less than those of the heirs of the lords trained according to the successors of the family.Therefore, she can easily identify everyone by the family crest worn on the other party.

The chunky man with the red castle embroidered on his chest was obviously the Earl of Redford. His gray and white beard was neatly trimmed, and he looked kindly.Mrs. Anya is the only female among the lords of the six towns. Although she is a widow, she is the patriarch of the Waywood family. The black jade broken wheel emblem of the Waywood family is inlaid on the dark green coat.

Mia Stone stepped forward with Ser Nestor, and brought bread, cheese, and mulled wine in silver cups to the two venerable lords of the Six Towns.

Following him was Earl Belmore, who was embroidered with six silver bells on his purple coat. He walked into the castle with a big pear-shaped belly, and countless short yellow and gray beards protruding from the chin that almost joined his neck; Simon Templeton was just the opposite of him, with a black and pointed beard, a pointed nose and ice-blue eyes, making this knight of the Nine Stars City look like a bird of prey in the sky.

The white ermine cloak worn by the little Earl of Hunt looked like nothing special at first glance, but Mia Stone discovered that the pins he fastened the cloak were the family crest—five silver arrows fanning out .

Although this person is only over forty now, he looks close to fifty.His father, old Hunter, who ruled the Longbow Hall for 60 years, died suddenly and suddenly recently. Rumor has it that his son can't wait to inherit the title.Little Hunter's face and nose were as red as cherries, no doubt because of his lust for wine, she decided to pour him a few more glasses of wine, so that he would stop talking indiscriminately in the meeting with Lord Gao Yuan.

The youngest lord among the guests has three crows embroidered on his chest, and each crow is holding a blood-red heart under its claws. This person has long brown hair with a shawl, and a tuft of loose curls hangs down on his forehead. , this is Sir Lynn Corbray.He was also one of Lady Lysa's suitors, and is still haunting her today.

"Bronze Jon", Earl Jon Royce, was the last High Lord of the Six Towns to enter the castle.The earl of Runestone City was as tall as the hound Sandor Clegane.Even though his hair is gray and his face is vicissitudes of life, he still has an indescribable courage and momentum after being in a high position for many years.The pair of giant palms staggered in front of him seemed to be able to easily break an adult's neck at any time.

His cousin, Sir Nestor Royce, hurried up to greet him, and offered bread to his head of the family.And the bronze lord Jorn just took the bread from his cousin with a serious expression, took a bite, then snorted coldly, and stuffed it back into Sir Nestor's arms.

Mia Shidong took a deep breath, then stepped forward boldly, and handed over the wine glass full of red wine in her hand: "Lord Royce, do you want to enjoy fine wine?"

Bronze Jon's gray eyes lingered for a moment on Mia Stone's delicate and clean face, obviously he also recognized King Robert's illegitimate daughter in the canyon.

The original serious expression gradually eased and turned into a trace of kindness: "Thank you for the wine, beautiful lady."

Bronze Jon took the wine glass from Mia Stone: "I know your father, I am very surprised to see you are still here, he has not taken you away until now, it is simply too irresponsible responsible."

Mia Stone's eyes widened when she heard the words, and her face turned pale in an instant. Fortunately, Sir Nestor came up to rescue her: "The new guardian of the East Realm believes that Mia's stay in the Eagle's Nest City is actually a A very good choice, the place where his father is now is too dangerous for an illegitimate daughter like her."

"He said Miss Mia's fate is bad enough, here she at least has the right to choose her own happiness."

"We haven't recognized him as the guardian of the canyon yet." Bronze Jon glared at Sir Nestor fiercely, "But he is right in saying that such a lovely and innocent girl should not be trapped In that quagmire."

Earl Jorn looked at Mia Stone again: "If anyone dares to bully you in the canyon, you can ask me or Nestor for help. At least I can still provide you with some shelter in the canyon, which is also It can be regarded as making up for the suffering you have suffered in these years for your irresponsible father."

"Thank you for your love, Lord Earl!" Mia Shidong forced a smile on his face, "I am very satisfied to be able to live in the Eagle's Nest City and the Gate of the Moon, and Lord Nestor also treats me very much. take care of."

"It seems that this new guardian of the canyon will win the hearts of girls. He has hooked up with the illegitimate daughter of the canyon less than five days after he came to the canyon." Lynn Cobrey's face There was a mischievous smile on his face and commented, and Earl Belmore laughed out loud when he heard that. It wasn't until Earl Jorn turned his head to warn the two that they restrained themselves.

Mia Shidong only felt her cheeks burning hot, only the Countess Waywood stepped forward and asked with concern: "How old are you, child?"

"I just passed my No. 17 name day not long ago, ma'am." Mia Stone replied politely, "I am not a child anymore, and many girls in the castle have married at my age. "

"Really, did someone open the bag for you?" Little Earl Hunter's beard almost covered half of his face, but one can imagine that under his beard, there is now a What a wretched expression.

"I think she has already seduced many men in the castle." Lynn Corbray's obscene words made Countess Waywood sick, and everyone present felt ashamed to be with him. "Look at her tight waist and thighs, and her pair of majestic majesties. Sitting on a man and shaking her will definitely kill you."

"Has the family style of Xinsu City been reduced to this point?" Although Anya Waywood is a widow, she does not rely on her status as Mrs. Waywood to convince her husband's family. The kindness and dignity in her words cannot but be It is awe-inspiring.

"This girl is still young, but she is docile and polite. The injustice of fate has made her suffer a lot, and her status as an illegitimate daughter has made her situation extremely bad. Please pay attention to your words, sir!"

"I know I care about my words!" Earl Corbray retorted, "I hope you can pay attention to your words, Madam. Many people who died at my hands will tell you that I am not a knight who likes to be taught."

The Countess of Waywood ignored the Earl of Corbray, but pulled Mia Stone aside to comfort her.But Bronze Jon stood up again at this time: "Lord Corbray, I heard that you have never been interested in women, since your thing is useless, or I will pick it for you. "

It is not the job of Mia and Sir Nestor to stand at the gate of the city to welcome the guests. The reason why they greet them here in person is just to show respect to these important town lords.Therefore, after the six important town lords entered the castle, the task of receiving the remaining nobles, big and small, was handed over to the butler and other servants in the castle.

"The new guardian of the canyon has been waiting for you in the hall for a long time, please move forward." Led by Mia Shidong, the crowd walked through the atrium and walked into a group of dozens of people wearing sky blue cloaks. The moon gate guards, in the hall guarded by them.

When the lords of the important town, led by Mia Stone, walked into the hall of the Gate of the Moon, which was hung with the banner of the Crescent Falcon of House Arryn.Gao Yuan, dressed in a luxurious brocade suit, stood upright and calm on the high position. He carefully looked at the lords who entered the hall, and watched the guests take their seats one by one, but he never said a word.

During this period, he neither greeted the lords, nor instructed his servants to fill their silver cups with wine.The lords who had already taken their seats were secretly guessing in their hearts, what was the origin of the newly appointed Guardian of the East by King Robert.The smell of cardamom and precious spices from the other side of the strait in the air is refreshing, but the atmosphere in the hall was once very depressing.

Gao Yuan specially reserved a place for Sir Nestor Royce by his side.Now is the time for him to make a choice, in front of the lords of the canyon.After all, he was sitting opposite Gaoyuan with the lords of the six major towns.Or choose to go to Hei one way, and stand by Gao Yuan's side to support him.Sir Nestor hesitated for a while, and finally walked to the empty seat beside Gao Yuan.

The other nobles in the canyon were still entering and sitting down one after another. Mia Shidong led the servants in the castle and poured fine wine for these nobles who came from afar.It wasn't until the canyon nobles who came to participate in Gao Yuan's inauguration ceremony this time that all the guards in blue cloaks slowly closed the heavy wooden door.

With the closing of the two doors, the entire hall suddenly fell silent.

"Tell me the purpose of inviting us this time, Sir Gao Yuan." Sir Simon Templeton lost his patience first, and got up and asked Gao Yuan.

"Originally, I wanted to invite all of you to discuss business after lunch! Since you want to get straight to the point." Gao Yuan took out the letter of appointment from the king from his pocket and handed it to Sir Barristan, " That will trouble you, Ser Barristan."

Ser Barristan walked up to the lords with the king's letter of appointment, and showed the lacquered seal with the king's seal on it:
"I hereby, in the identity and name of King Robert Baratheon's Kingsguard Captain, a knight of the Selmy family, and the fearless Ser Barristan, certify to all the lords: this document in my hand about Gaoyuan Your lord's appointment is indeed from King Robert's order."

"King Robert appointed me to be a witness to this appointment, and I was present when Lord Gaoyuan received the king's appointment at Darry City." Ser Barristan held up the letter of appointment in his hand, "My Lord Gaoyuan was appointed by King Robert , the new Guardian of the East and the Duke of the Eyrie, the appointment will be valid until the first successor of the former Prime Minister, Duke Jon Arryn, Duke Robert Arryn, who will come of age."

"This decree will have the same effect as the king's law! During the period when Sir Gaoyuan temporarily acted as the guardian of the east and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest, the edict ordered that all vassals who had sworn allegiance to Duke Jon Arryn must obey Gaoyuan Sir, anyone who disobeys this decree shall be punished with treason!!!"

No sooner had Ser Barristan finished speaking than the Great Hall of the Gates of the Moon erupted in an uproar.Everyone was frightened by the rigor of the edict. This was not only King Robert's appointment to Gao Yuan, but also a direct order to all the lords in the canyon to obey Gao Yuan's orders.

The former is hardly the same as the latter, and the former is nothing more than a layer of identity bestowed by King Robert.If the lords of the canyon do not recognize his rule, or are unwilling to obey his orders.Even Gao Yuan, who is the guardian of the east and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City, has nothing to do in the face of valley lords who are unwilling to submit to them.

The meaning of the latter is completely different. It is almost King Robert's order to the canyon lords to directly obey Gao Yuan, the imperial envoy.It is almost time for them to swear allegiance to Gao Yuan again, and those who violate the order will be punished as treason.

Whether it was in the era of the Seven Kingdoms before Aegon the Conqueror landed, or after Aegon the Conqueror unified the entire Westeros continent and became the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and the guardian of the whole land, the crime of treason in Westeros It's a very serious crime.

Since the time when the Andals invaded, criminals who committed treason were sentenced to death according to the king's law.The aristocratic privileges of himself and the family behind him will be deprived according to law, all official ranks, positions and titles will be deprived, and all fiefs and properties will be confiscated.

(End of this chapter)

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