Chapter 228
Ser Barristan was known throughout the Seven Kingdoms as "Dauntless," and he was King Robert's Kingsguard today.With this legendary knight who insisted on honor as the witness of this appointment, all the canyon lords and nobles in the hall of Moon Gate Castle no longer have any doubts about the letter of appointment presented by Gao Yuan.

After simply reading the king's decree to the lords of the canyon, Sir Barristan turned around and walked in front of Gao Yuan, and returned the sheepskin scroll in his hand to Gao Yuan, completely ignoring the noise from behind.

"Thank you again, Sir Barristan." Gao Yuan, who solemnly got up to accept the letter of appointment, expressed his thanks to the other party.

Ser Barristan, with a relaxed smile on his face, said politely: "This is my duty, Lord Gaoyuan!"

Gao Yuan returned Jazz's grateful eyes again, then turned his head to look at the canyon lords who were still expressing their opinions, and said loudly: "If you have any doubts about this, you can just raise it now, and I will definitely answer it. Please Don't be as noisy as a fishmonger butcher in the vegetable market, it's against the noble status and etiquette of your lords."

As soon as Gao Yuan's words came out, the hall of Gate of the Moon Fort fell silent instantly, and everyone turned their attention to Earl Jorn, the most powerful of the six towns.The bronze lord Yorn obviously also noticed the eyes of his colleagues, and understood that they all wanted to lead the battle for the canyon nobles.

I saw Bronze Jorn slowly getting up from the bench, and asked with a serious expression: "We have no doubts about the appointment of the king at this time, but I personally have doubts about your purpose now."

"Master Gao Yuan, please tell me the real purpose of calling me and my colleagues here this time."

Faced with the doubts from Bronze Jorn, Gao Yuan replied frankly: "I have only one purpose for calling the lords in the canyon this time, and that is to hope to gain the support of your lords and to be able to succeed the dead Joan smoothly. Lord Ern Arryn's position, to help King Robert secure his rule in the East."

"You are simply wishful thinking, the valley will not accept the rule of an outsider." Sir Simon Templeton stared fiercely at Gao Yuan with his ice-blue eyes, and shouted loudly, "The Arryn family has a great deal of respect for the valley." It has been thousands of years since the Andals landed in Westeros. The reason why Lady Lysa Tully can let us worship her as Lord and rule the valley as regent, No more than because she is Lord Jon Arryn's widow and Lord Robert Arryn's mother."

"And you are just an outsider from the canyon. You have neither the blood of the Arryn family nor the slightest kinship with Duke Robert. Why should you succeed the Arryn family and inherit the 300-year-old Guardian of the East and the eagle? Duke of Hive."

Gao Yuan calmly looked at Sir Templeton who got up and interrupted: "If your memory is not bad, Sir Templeton, Sir Barristan has just announced King Robert's appointment to you, and made me the guardian and eagle of the East. Duke of Hive."

"So what?" Little Earl Hunter retorted: "Although Robert Baratheon grew up in the valley, he is not yet qualified to intervene in the affairs of the valley."

"He also wanted to let the Kingslayer sit on these positions before, and let an oath-breaker with a bad reputation to be the guardian of the canyon and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City. This is simply an insult to his adoptive father. Family and honor are also an insult to all the canyon lords present here."

Little Earl Hunter's speech made the captain of the Kingsguard, who had sworn to uphold the king's honor, unable to sit down anymore, and saw Ser Barristan bullying him with his sword hilt in his hand: "Sir, please pay attention to your speech !You are now discrediting His Grace Robert's honor."

"His Majesty Robert is now King of the Seven Kingdoms, and he has the power to appoint the lords of the Seven Kingdoms under his rule."

"Is what I said wrong?" Little Hunter continued to challenge Ser Barristan, with a sinister smile on his lips.

Seeing that Sir Barristan was about to pull out the saber from his waist in a rage, Gao Yuan slapped it on the long table in front of him furiously: "That's enough! Put down the weapon in your hand, Sir Barristan!"

"Your current behavior is simply embarrassing His Majesty Robert." Gao Yuan reprimanded Sir Barristan loudly, "Although you and the young Earl of Hunter are my guests this time, it does not mean that Then you can threaten the other guests I invite under the eaves of the master's house."

Sir Barristan's impulsiveness almost caused Gao Yuan a catastrophe. If he had really drawn out his sword just now, the meeting that Gao Yuan had worked so hard to organize would end in failure.Trampling a guest's rights was a big taboo in Westeros, and he would be forced to give in by Ser Barristan's impulsiveness.

Fortunately, Gao Yuan stood up in time to prevent a worse situation from happening, and cleverly defined Sir Barristan's identity as the guest he invited.

However, this was also when he hadn't drawn out his sword.The lords of the valley were watching from below, waiting for Ser Barristan to make a fatal mistake, so that they could take the opportunity to attack Gao Yuan.

At that time, it will be useless to change the identity of Sir Barristan in this meeting regardless of Gao Yuan's tongue.

Sir Simon Templeton and the young Earl of Hunter looked at each other, and then stood together.

"Lord Gao Yuan, please don't change the concept secretly. Sir Barristan is the person standing beside you. When did you become the guest you invited?" Sir Templeton asked loudly.

Before Gao Yuan began to refute, Sir Nestor Royce, who had been silent all the time, suddenly stood up and defended Gao Yuan: "Sir Barristan is a guest invited by Lord Gao Yuan. The one who was invited to prove the appointment of Mr. Gao Yuan, before you entered the castle, he had already accepted the bread and salt provided by Mr. Gao Yuan in the castle."

The two colluding canyon lords wanted to refute when they heard the words, but Gao Yuan interrupted: "Sir Barristan is His Majesty Robert's Kingsguard, and he will only serve King Robert today, so how could he be subordinate to me? What about the relationship?"

"The Royal Guards have sworn to defend the honor of the king, and they represent the power of His Majesty Robert and the entire Seven Kingdoms." Gao Yuan warned the two, "Sir Tampadon, Little Earl of Hunter! Believe in you Wouldn't want to mess with Ser Barristan the Bold, would he?"

"Are you threatening me?" Little Earl Hunter asked.

"I'm just kindly advising." Although Gao Yuan's tone was flat, the threat in it was meaningful.

At this time, Bronze Jon stood up, and patted the shoulders of the two canyon lords heavily with two huge palms: "This farce ends here! Sir Barristan is only threatening you two out of his oath." , did not show his sword in front of us, if you continue to entangle like this, I am afraid that the gain will outweigh the loss."

Bronze Jorn ignored the two of them after finishing speaking, but turned to look at Gao Yuan on the stage: "Master Gao Yuan, your previous magnificent reasons are not enough to convince us to support you. I believe you are confident in inviting us this time. Everyone who came here must be prepared to persuade us, please come up with all the reasons you are going to use to persuade us."

"Since the death of Lord Jon Arryn, King Robert has urgently needed a lord to stabilize his rule in the East, but it is impossible for him to hand over the huge valley and a quarter of the kingdom's army to the current only Lord Robert, six years old, to lead."

"The reason why I, an outsider from the canyon, was allowed to assume the position of Guardian of the East Territory and Duke of the Eagle's Nest City, and the term of my tenure in this position was limited, is actually to preserve the family's hereditary position and title for the Ayrin family. Gao Yuan explained to everyone in the hall the reasons why King Robert appointed himself and limited his term of office.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Yuan began to narrate to them why he invited the canyon lords to come: "If you want to help King Robert stabilize the rule of the Eastern Region, it is far from enough to rely on my own strength alone, and you need all the adults present For your cooperation and support, this is the reason why I invite all the lords to come.”

"Why do you think we will choose to support you?" Earl Radford asked softly, "You are just an outsider in our eyes, we have a better choice than you, and that is Lord Jon Arryn's widow With the support of our lords, Lady Lysa Tully can still govern the valley as before."

The Countess of Waywood agreed: "Earl Houghton is right. Women can rule the valley as wisely as men! Lord Jon Arryn is not in the Eagle's Nest all year round. When he was Prime Minister in King's Landing, the valley was in our Under the governance of these canyon lords, they are still safe and sound."

"Only a suitable woman can do it!" Gao Yuan said meaningfully, "Believe me, Lady Lysa who came back from King's Landing is not the same person she was when she went south with her husband who was appointed Prime Minister."

"What do you mean?" Countess Waywood asked suspiciously.

"I'm afraid the lords still don't understand how Madam Lysa manages the territory of the Ayrin family?" Gao Yuan asked back.

"Lady Lysa is now hiding in the tower of the Eagle's Nest with the young Duke Robert. She has not stepped out of the Eagle's Nest since her return from King's Landing; Jon Arryn The death of the lord seemed to frighten the poor widow, and she began to become a warlord; she strictly ordered all the soldiers of the Arryn family to shrink in the Vale of Arryn, just to protect herself and Duke Robert who lived in the Eagle's Nest City. "

Gao Yuan began to count Lysa Tully's crimes one by one: "She also forbade the Knights of the Blood Gate stationed at the Blood Gate and the knights in the Vale of Arryn, leading troops to wipe out the high mountain clans hiding in the mountains, and those bandits are still in the Vale of Arryn Wanton burning, killing and plundering. As a result, almost all merchants traveling between the Vale of Arryn and the land between the rivers have disappeared; the villages and villagers living on the edge of the Vale of Arryn forest are now being harassed by the high mountain clan."

"It's just what I've heard from the knights below recently. Maybe there are even more shocking things that haven't reached my ears." Gao Yuan asked loudly, "Do the lords really think that Mrs. Lysa During this period of ruling the Vale of Arryn, have you fulfilled your responsibilities as a lord?"

As soon as Gao Yuan's voice fell, everyone in the hall of Yuemen Fort began to discuss in private.Many important town lords and nobles who came from other territories and did not know the current situation approached the knights and nobles of the Vale of Arryn they knew well to learn about the recent situation in the Vale of Arryn.

Even Bronze Jon approached his cousin, Sir Nestor, and began to inquire. As the chief steward of the Arryn family who has been in charge of the affairs of the Arryn Valley for 14 years, Sir Nestor Royce is very concerned about the people in the Vale of Arryn today. The situation should be well understood and obviously have more right to speak.

When they learned from the knights and nobles in the Vale of Arryn that the real situation in the Vale of Arryn was worse than what Gao Yuan said, they were all stunned.Even Bronze Jorn's face gradually became gloomy after listening to his cousin's story.

"It's just that we have been negligent recently." The young Earl of Hunt also tried to defend Lady Lysa.

However, he was interrupted by Earl Jon with a livid face: "Little Earl Hunter, there is no need for us to excuse Lysa Tully's dereliction of duty, it is an insult to our honor." At this moment, Bronze Jon's face really changed Bronze.

"You keep claiming that with your support and assistance, Lady Lysa can manage the valley in an orderly manner." Gao Yuan took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire: "Then why, what I saw in the Vale of Arryn is different from what you have seen?" Say something completely different?"

Gao Yuan's questioning came down loud, causing many lords and nobles who abide by their honor and look at their subjects to bow their heads in shame.

"Lord Gao Yuan, it's all our fault!" Earl Jorn was the first to stand up and admit his mistake.

Gao Yuan appreciated that Bronze Jorn was able to take the initiative to stand up and admit his mistakes, and he couldn't help but nodded.Among the group of people in the hall, Bronze Jorn is probably the most responsible.

"Madame Lysa is probably still immersed in the death of Lord Jon Arryn and cannot extricate herself from it. As vassals of the Arryn family, we have not fulfilled our duty to assist Lord Jon Arryn's widow." Earl Yon blamed himself He said, "We shall take this as a warning and do our best to assist and supervise in the days to come. Lady Lysa and Duke Robert have fulfilled the responsibilities of a seat lord."

Gao Yuan couldn't help frowning when he heard the words. Why didn't his words have any effect? ​​The reason why he talked so much with these canyon lords was to gain their support.But Bronze Jon's words brought the matter back to the original point.

Gao Yuan secretly sighed that the oil and salt of Bronze Jon Royce couldn't get in, this Earl Jon Royce of Runestone City is indeed an old fox.Gao Yuan's golden eyes were fixed on the old and firm face of Bronze Jon. Since his persuasion didn't work, he had no choice but to give these canyon lords a strong medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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