Chapter 229

"I have sincerely invited you all to come to the meeting this time, and I have given you enough respect in order to gain your support, but who would have thought that you would be so ignorant." Gao Yuan's voice contained unprecedented anger

"I could have gone straight to the Eyrie, after Sir Barristan read the king's appointment to Lady Lysa, in the name of King Robert and the new Warden of the East, with the orphans left behind by Lord Jon Widowed mother, justifiably implement my rule in the valley." Gao Yuan pretended to be resentful and said, "In order to maintain the peace and stability in the valley, I decided to invite you to come to discuss how to better manage the valley together."

"Now it seems that I am too merciful after all. Since what you want is war, you must have been prepared to shed blood in the valley." Gao Yuan issued a war threat to Bronze Jorn and other canyon lords, " Although I am in the canyon now and I have not won the support of any of your lords, please don't forget, my lords, that it is King Robert who supports me to rule the canyon, and what I represent is the royal family of King's Landing."

"If you really push me to a dead end, I'm afraid the consequences of my resistance will be unbearable to all the adults and the valley." Gao Yuan said loudly, "Tomorrow I will go to the Eagle's Nest City. After Sir Listan has officially read the king's appointment, I will announce to the outside world that all the lords present have collectively treasoned in accordance with the king's decree.

"Ahem. Now we have more than a thousand soldiers stationed outside the castle." Faced with threats from Gao Yuan, Sir Simon Templeton remained unmoved, and even threatened him in turn, "Although they are not our The most elite soldiers in hand, but I believe they can capture this castle in two days."

"You can try it, Sir Templeton!" Gao Yuan said without a trace of fear, "After today's meeting is over and my lords leave the castle, I will let Sir Nestor Royce take over the entire castle. Martial law."

"We can call in more people if necessary."

"Even if Moon Gate Fort falls, we can still retreat to Dangerous Rock Fort, Snow Mountain Fort and Changtian Fort."

"With these natural dangers, even if I have less than 100 people in my hands, I can resist you for ten days and half a month." Gao Yuan gritted his teeth and said, "When you attack under the Moon Gate of Eagle's Nest City, I am afraid that the army of the Seven Kingdoms has already approached the canyon, and you will all be hanged on the gallows for treason."

"King Robert can't start a war for you!" cried Lady Waynwood, standing up.

The elderly woman stared at Gao Yuan with two big eyes, as if trying to see through his reality.But no matter how she stares at Gao Yuan, he still looks confident.

"The rebellion against the Iron Throne by the iron people of the Iron Islands is still being talked about." Gao Yuan's tone was calm, as if what they were discussing now was not a war, but a game, "That battle It has only been nine years since the rebellion, and someone has set off a rebellion again, and I believe King Robert will not miss this opportunity to make a big impact in all directions."

Everyone understands that what Gao Yuan said is not wrong. Today's Seven Kingdoms seem to be calm, but in the dark, there are turbulent waves.King Robert, who has nothing to do, is now extremely eager for a hearty war to vent his uneasy emotions; to deter those young people who are about to move; to resolve all kinds of contradictions in the Seven Kingdoms.

Today's Seven Kingdoms have finally achieved short-term peace and tranquility. No one would want to rekindle the flames of war, let alone lead the flames of war to themselves.Just like the Lords of the Canyon and Earl Yohn Royce standing in the hall now.

"You came to the valley all by yourself, probably not just because you want to stabilize the situation in the east?" Bronze Yon asked, "Master Gao Yuan, we seriously doubt that your motives are not that pure!"

"You accepted the appointment of King Robert to serve as the Guardian of the East, and you did your best to help the king and the widow of the Arryn family and stabilize their rule in the East, and then you resigned from your post when Duke Robert came of age and left. , I can’t figure out what good this is for you?” Bronze Jorn continued to ask, “Until you tell your real purpose, we won’t support you in taking up the post of guardian of the East, which is almost To lure wolves into the house.

"No matter how bad Lady Lysa is as a lord, it's better than having a villain rule the valley."

"What a loyal and courageous Earl of Runestone City." Gao Yuan exclaimed, "But at present, I can only tell you that it is not only King Robert's intention to send me to serve as the guardian of the Eastern Border, but also It means Lord Eddard Stark, Guardian of the North."

"As for the more mysterious and real purpose hidden in it, I will only tell those who are worthy of my trust." Gao Yuan looked serious, "Since the death of Lord Jon and two important figures are related, only I will not be able to tell you until you have pledged your tenure of allegiance and pledged support to me."

The hall fell into silence again, and Gao Yuan was waiting for the canyon lords to express their views. The lords of the six major towns were wondering whether his words were really credible.

During this period, Gao Yuan noticed the hesitation and worry gradually spreading in their eyes.

"Let us promise to support your rule, that's not a problem!" Lord Horton Redford said with some hesitation, "But before we hear the secrets from your mouth, it is impossible for us to swear allegiance to you, Even if only during his tenure."

"Perhaps. We can assure you that if we are still unwilling to show our allegiance to you after hearing the secrets from your mouth, we will not reveal these secrets."

"No one wants to go to war! The Academy City just notified us lords not long ago that autumn is coming to an end, and everyone must start preparing supplies and food for the winter." Mrs. Waywood stood up and said, "I agree with Lord Horton After hearing the secrets from your mouth, I will consider whether to swear allegiance and support to you."

Earl Belmore cleared his throat and stood up: "We can promise you that we will not reveal those secrets."

"The implementation of this promise will be supervised and implemented by all of us." Bronze Yonen assured Gao Yuan in due course, "Whoever among us leaks these secrets will receive the condemnation and criticism from all of us." crusade."

"Trust me, you won't regret this decision." Gao Yuan showed a bright smile on his face, "As long as you are still honoring your own honor"

"After you have obtained our loyalty and support, you are not allowed to retaliate against us in any form." Seeing that several major lords had expressed their views, Sir Templeton quickly made a request, "You are not allowed to name anyone as a rebel or a rebellious party. You must swear to it!"

"This condition is fair!" Gao Yuan nodded and agreed to Lord Tamperton's request, "What I want is your support and friendship, not to become the enemy of the canyon. If you are really worried, I can ask Everyone took an oath and even gave each of you a pardon."

Gao Yuan happily agreed to their request, so everyone turned their attention to the little Earl Hunter who still did not express his opinion.The lords of the six towns in the canyon have always shared the same hatred, and at this time everyone has expressed their views, but only the little Earl of Hunter has been reluctant to express his views. Coupled with the recent rumor that the old Hunter was murdered, it naturally attracted these elders. The senior lords were quite upset.

The little Earl of Hunter, who was seen as uncomfortable by others, stood up reluctantly and said: "The lords of the important towns in the canyon have always shared the same hatred, and the opinions of your lords are mine. However, after the guardian of the canyon became an official businessman, Do not interfere with the internal affairs of the lord's family of the important town."

Gao Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "I'm not interested in the successor matters of the Hunter family. I will only interfere when you violate the king's laws."

All the lords of the important town in the canyon reached a consensus on whether to support Gao Yuan.In order to prevent the walls from having ears, Gao Yuan invited all the lords to discuss in the more private study room after lunch in the lobby, and listen to him talk about the secrets and real purpose of coming to the canyon to serve as the guardian of the east.

Mia Shidong presented sumptuous food to the guests in the hall. At this moment, many of the guests had been hungry all morning, and everyone began to feast on the food without caring about their aristocratic image.Since both parties have achieved the negotiation results they wanted, Gao Yuan and the lords will no longer continue to confront each other, which is a scene where the guests and the host enjoy themselves.

After lunch, the guests dispersed.

"The guardian of the canyon is waiting for everyone in the study, please move." At this moment, there are only six town lords left in Moon Gate Fort. They walked out of the hall under the leadership of Mia Shidong and climbed up a section. Marble stairs lead to the tallest tower of Gate of the Moon Castle through narrow and winding passages.

When everyone reached the top of the tower, Earl Belmore was already out of breath, like the bellows of a blacksmith's furnace.He kept complaining to Mia why Gao Yuan chose to meet here.And Mia Shidong's answer was: "Master Gao Yuan said that as long as they stand high enough, they will never have to worry about the walls having ears! Because the only ones who can eavesdrop on you are the ravens."

Sir Nestor Royce opened the door for everyone and followed them in. When the princes of the canyon entered the study led by Mia Shidong, Gao Yuan was sitting at the trestle table, writing with a quill pen. Something was written on the yellowed paper scroll.

"My lords, please wait for a moment, it will be ready soon!" Gao Yuan looked up at the people who came in, "Miss Mia Shidong, you can leave, don't forget to close the door of the study before leaving."

Countess Waywood asked curiously: "What are you writing, Mr. Gao Yuan?"

"I'm drawing up a contract, Mrs. Anya!" Gao Yuan replied, "A contract that guarantees that everyone here today will not reveal the secret; a promise not to retaliate against the lords; not to interfere in the internal affairs of the lord's family in the important town business."

"In short, at this moment, all the promises we both want are here!" Gao Yuan signed his name on the two scrolls respectively, "Okay! After you all sign this contract, I can start to tell you Tell me my secrets."

Gao Yuan handed the two scrolls to Countess Waywood: "Two copies, please check the contents carefully before signing, ma'am!" Countess Waywood unfolded the two scrolls handed over by Gao Yuan separately, and the other lords Curiosity gathered around and began to carefully read the terms agreed above.

Among the many lords, only Earl Jon Royce and Sir Nestor did not surround him.

Coincidentally, Gao Yuan also has something to talk to Bronze John alone!He handed a silver goblet full of red wine to Earl Jon, and the bronze Jon took the wine glass from Gao Yuan with a puzzled expression, but he just held the wine glass in his hand and did not drink the wine in it.

"Earl Jorn, in fact, I have known your son a long time ago." Gao Yuan said, taking a sip of red wine lightly.

"Lord Gao Yuan, which of my sons are you referring to, Robert or Anda?" Bronze Jon seemed a little confused, his son had never mentioned to him that he had a friend like Gao Yuan.

"Neither!" Gao Yuan shook his head, "It's Sir Waymar Royce."

Bronze Jon suddenly realized: "So you were talking about Little Willmar. He should be in the Night Watch Corps of the Great Wall now. How did you know Little Willmar, Mr. Gao Yuan?"

"I'm sorry, Earl Yorn!" Gao Yuan's voice suddenly became sad, "Your son, Sir Waymar Royce, is a brave night watchman, and he is worthy enough of the honor of your Royce family. "

Bronze Jon stood up abruptly, without even noticing that the red wine in his hand had spilled out, his action immediately attracted the attention of many lords, Bronze Jon asked eagerly: "What do you mean, Gao Yuan grown ups!"

Gao Yuan sighed, and saw him take out the coat of arms of the Royce family from his pocket, and Bronze Jorn tremblingly took the coat of arms from Gao Yuan's hand: "Tell me! What happened to Weimar?" sacrificial!"

"Ser Waymar Royce and I met in the Ghost Forest north of the Great Wall." Gao Yuan told Bronze Ion the story he had told at Castle Black and the Night Watchmen Legion, "Will Sir Ma handed over this family crest to me before he died, I think he wants me to hand this family crest into your hands."

"Are there really White Walkers north of the Great Wall?" Earl Jorn's voice was a little hoarse, "I always thought it was a legend used by people in the North to scare children."

Gao Yuan shook his head: "Earl Jon, I can't prove the existence of the White Walkers for you, just like I can't prove the existence of the White Walkers to the Night Watch Corps."

"After all, the fire that happened in the Ghost Forest has completely burned the evidence at the scene! Since I left the northern border, Lord Eddard Stark's younger brother, Benyan Stark, has led The night watchman rangers started to investigate, maybe they have discovered something now." Gao Yuan is not sure whether the night watchman army has found anything now, "but the traces left by the fire in the forest cannot be covered up anyway Yes. You might send a letter to the Wall asking Lord Commander Jeor Mormont of the Night's Watch what their findings are now."

"In the icy and snowy Ghost Shadow Forest, igniting a fire that lasts for more than a hundred kilometers is not something ordinary people can do. I believe that Commander Mormont has made a judgment now." Gao Yuan comforted, " I know how difficult this is for you, Lord Yorn, but please don't be too sad. Sir Waymar is a brave warrior and honorable Night's Watch. He is fighting against the White Walkers. You should be proud of him who died in the battle."

"I will write to Lord Commander Jeor Mormont, who actually hid the news of Waymarr's sacrifice from me." Earl Yohn Royce said in a deep voice, "As early as I handed over little Willmarr to When I was in the Night's Watch, I had already expected such a day, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly and so suddenly."

"I thought he would die at the hands of the wildlings north of the Great Wall, but I didn't expect him to die at the hands of the White Walkers." Earl Jon Royce suppressed the tears in his eyes, and he choked up several times." You are right, Master Gaoyuan! I should be proud of Weimar's sacrifice."

Bronze Jon was heartbroken at the news of his son's death, and his cousin Ser Nestor Royce rushed to comfort him.He had seen the youngest son of Bronze Jon, so he felt the pain of Bronze Jon at this time.Waymar Royce was a typical Royce, proud and honorable.

(End of this chapter)

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