Chapter 230 Mystery and follow-up plan

When the lords returned the two signed contracts to Gao Yuan, Earl Yohn Royce was still immersed in grief.Under this atmosphere of grief and indignation, all the princes present chose to remain silent, and no one raised any objections or objections to Gao Yuan.

Although most of the terms agreed in these two contracts were proposed by them, it is always difficult to satisfy people's hearts.Greed is the nature of human beings. Looking around at the princes of the canyon, Gao Yuan is sure that there are still some of them, and he wants to put forward more conditions to himself at this time.

The reason why they chose to remain silent now was only because of the sad atmosphere at the scene and their unwillingness to offend Earl Jorn.The Royce family in Runestone City can be regarded as the top family in this valley, and Earl Jorn has a very wide network in the valley. Offending the other party for a small benefit at this time is really not worth the candle.

"Lord Gao Yuan, thank you for helping Weimar fulfill his last wish; thank you for bringing me the news of my son, otherwise I would have been kept in the dark." Earl Jon, with red eyes, raised his head and stared at him. looked at Gao Yuan and thanked him, "I now understand why you handed me the red wine."

"Earl Jorn, these are what I should do. After all, Sir Waymar and I used to be comrades-in-arms." One of the bravest knights ever seen, he fought to the last. No one was more honored and selfless to his duty than anyone who died in battle as a Night's Watch."

"Summer red from Dorne. I can't find a better wine than this on this continent. It is used to commemorate and pay homage to the sacrificed Sir Waymar Royce." Gao Yuan raised his hand filled with red liquid Goblet: "To Ser Wilma Royce!"

As soon as Gao Yuan's words fell, the princes in the study also imitated Gao Yuan's movements and raised their wine glasses, shouting Sir Weimar's name in unison: "To Sir Weimar Royce."

Everyone raised their heads and drank the summer red in the wine glass
"Thank you again! Lord Gao Yuan." Earl Eoin Royce swallowed the fruity wine with difficulty. The summer red that was originally sweet tasted bitter like tansy water in his mouth, "Come and let me sign that wine." Let’s make a contract, don’t let sadness delay our business today.”

Bronze Jorn signed his name on the two scrolls without hesitation, and he didn't even glance at the densely packed terms and agreements on the contract.He was not worried at all that Gao Yuan would play tricks on the contract. First, his fellow princes had already reviewed the above content for him; second, he now completely trusted Gao Yuan.

After everyone signed the contract, the scroll was divided into two parts by Gao Yuan, one was handed over to Earl Yohn Royce for safekeeping; the other was rolled up by Gao Yuan and kept in his arms.

"Now, you can begin to tell about your secrets and true purpose." Countess Waywood urged.

Gao Yuan first posed a heavy question to the princes of the canyon: "My lords, do you really think that Lord Jon died of intestinal disease?"

"Lord Jon was already 73 years old when he died," Earl Radford reminded, "it should not be a surprise to die of any disease at this age, besides, before Lord Jon died, he was always supervised by Bachelor Komon. In tending, he has personally confirmed to us that Lord Jon is suffering from bowel disease."

"That poor bachelor is still blaming himself. He always thinks that the bloodletting and detoxification treatment he adopted killed Lord Jon." Bronze Jon added.

"Intestinal disease won't make people terminally ill in just two weeks. As far as I know, Lord Jon's health has always been good before that, and he can even be called strong." Gao Yuan analyzed, "I used to be in Bradford I've lived in Stan for a while, but I do know of a poison that can kill a man like a bowel disease."

"What kind of poison is that? I've never heard of a poison that can kill people like intestinal disease on the other side of the strait?" Countess Waywood asked curiously, "Even learned bachelors can't see it." Come out, there is more than one maester who has diagnosed Lord Jon."

"Tears of Lys!" Gao Yuan replied, "This is a very rare and expensive poison in Braavos. It tastes as sweet as water and can be dissolved in wine or water. You can't smell it or taste it. Out. By disturbing the stomach and intestines, people will die as quickly as if they are suffering from intestinal diseases, without leaving any traces."

"This is all just your speculation. You don't have any evidence to prove that Lord Jon Arryn was murdered to death." Bronze Jon still couldn't believe that Jon Arryn was murdered Yes, "Lord Jon Arryn served as Prime Minister in King's Landing for 14 years. During this period, he has been conscientious and uncontested. He is still an amiable and trustworthy person. What did he do to force those behind the scenes to kill Is it okay to kill him?"

"There are too many people who are suspicious, maybe because Lord Jon knows too much; or he blocked the way of some people, so they had to take the risk of getting rid of him." Gao Yuan guessed wildly, " It is also possible that someone wanted to achieve some ulterior secrets of their own through Lord Jon's death."

Earl Radford's voice was trembling: "Since you and Lord Stark have started to act secretly, then you must have someone to suspect at this moment! Who murdered Lord Jon?"

"Lord Ed Stark and I both have reason to suspect that the sister and brother of the Lannister family are the real culprits behind this scene." Gao Yuan gradually lowered his voice, "We suspect that the couple of the Lannister family The twins not only murdered Lord Jon Arryn in King's Landing; they also retreated Lord Stark's second son, Bran Stark, from the tower in Winterfell, causing him to be in a coma until now. In the middle, life and death are unpredictable."

"I have to say that you and Lord Stark's guesses are very bold! It's no wonder you are so cautious about accusing the current queen without evidence." Bronze Jorn got up and said, "Kingslayer Jaime Lannis Especially the darling of the old lion, Duke Tywin, if we accidentally leak the news or startle the enemy, it will definitely cause a new wave in the Seven Kingdoms."

Bronze Jon looked around at everyone in the room. His voice had never been so severe and solemn: "Although we have signed the contract now, I still have to warn my colleagues. If we are in this study today, we The matter discussed was leaked, and I and other lords will join hands to condemn and severely punish the leaker and the family behind it."

"Does King Robert know all this?" Bronze Jon asked worriedly. To tell the truth, he was very worried about King Robert's safety at the moment.Now Robert Baratheon's pillow murdered his most trusted adoptive father and right-hand man with poison, and he must have a lot of plans to get the queen and the Lannister family behind her with his ass.

Both Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon grew up in the valley, and as the adopted sons of Jon Arryn, they naturally had a very close relationship with these valley lords.And Earl Yohn Royce is the one who has the best relationship with these two brothers among the canyon princes.It is understandable that he is so concerned about the safety of the king at this moment.

"Earl Jorn, even you thought that Lord Stark and I's speculation was very bold just now." Gao Yuan smiled wryly, "Do you think we will rashly accuse King Robert of the Queen and the others without evidence?"

"Isn't this trying to scare the snake and court death!"

"Lord Gao Yuan, please forgive my curiosity!" Countess Waywood asked curiously, "What is the reason that makes you and Lord Stark both suspect that all this is done by the Queen and the Kingslayer?"

"It's not that I'm questioning the judgment of you and Lord Stark, it's just that I'm worried that there's another black hand manipulating all of this behind the scenes!" Years of experience as a lord told Countess Waywood that this matter might not be so serious. Simple, "It's too coincidental that it happened first to eliminate King Robert's right-hand man, and then to instigate the wolf family and the lion family to fight."

The Countess of Waywood's political sensitivity made Gao Yuan amazed.Even Gao Yuan learned about Littlefinger Petyr Baelish's plot only after he was familiar with the plot.But the elderly widow lord in front of him made a guess that was so close to the truth just through the simple connection between a few incidents.

"Mrs. Anya, there is nothing to be forgiven for this. Without absolute evidence, Lord Stark and I's speculation is just speculation." Gao Yuan said calmly, "This is not an indisputable truth. Everyone has the right to know every detail of what happened and how it happened."

"This starts with why Lady Lysa fled from King's Landing back to the valley overnight with Duke Robert after Lord Jon's death." Gao Yuan began to tell the princes of the canyon about Ed's speculation, "Many people are Thinking that Madam Lysa fled King's Landing overnight is suspicious, and I believe all the lords here are no exception."

"People say that after Madam Lysa experienced five miscarriages in King's Landing, she became nervous." Gao Yuan shook his head, "The sudden death of Lord Jon Arryn became the last thing that overwhelmed this poor woman. A straw."

"However, Lord Stark and I don't think so!"

"Because after Lady Lysa returned to the Eagle's Nest, she sent a secret letter to her sister in Winterfell in the north, and she told Lady Caitlin in that secret letter that Jon Eyre Lord Lin was murdered by the twin siblings of the Lannister family." Gao Yuan swore, "Therefore, we have reason to believe that Lady Lysa knew the truth about Lord Jon Arryn's murder. She was afraid of being murdered by Lannis. The Te family killed people and silenced them, so they chose to take Duke Robert and escape from King's Landing overnight."

"It's simply terrible. Lady Lysa never mentioned it to us, let alone the secret letter sent to Winterfell in secret. No wonder she rejected King Robert's suggestion and sent him The Duke of Bob sent to Casterly Rock City as the adopted son of Tywin Lannister, isn't this sending Lord Jon's only heir into the fire pit!" Sir Nestor Royce exclaimed, "No wonder she will change So suspicious, even us valley lords who once swore allegiance to Lord Jon don't believe it."

"Lady Lysa's experience is indeed worthy of our sympathy." Bronze Jon sighed, "but her current state is no longer suitable for ruling the canyon, whether it is for the peace and stability of the canyon, or for the truth of the matter to be revealed to the world, Find out who was behind the murder of Lord Jon and Lord Stark's second son."

"Master Gaoyuan! Do you and Lord Stark have any plans? In order to investigate the truth of the matter, what are you going to do in the valley?" Earl Jon Royce looked at Gao Yuan, "No matter what your plan is, we will The lords of these canyons will fully support you!"

"I found some doubts in this series of events." Gao Yuan said, "That is the secret letter that Madam Lysa sent to Winterfell, which followed the king's team to the northern border. And the king's There are no people from the valley to follow in the team, which means that the letter was sent from King's Landing City."

"As Mrs. Anya suspected, I guess there may be something hidden in it. Either Mrs. Lysa had already arranged all this before leaving King's Landing; or this letter was forced by someone behind the scenes. Lady Lysa wrote or forged it to provoke conflict between the Lannisters and the Starks."

"I accepted King Robert's appointment and came to the Eastern Territory for several purposes: one is to investigate the origin of this secret letter, whether it was written by Lady Lysa herself, and whether I received coercion from others. "

"The second is to get the support of the canyon lords to help Lord Ed Stark who is alone in King's Landing City to investigate the truth of the matter."

"The last thing is to take care of the orphans and widows left by Lord Jon Arryn after his death. Lord Eddard Stark is very concerned about the growth and safety of his nephew, Duke Robert."

"Originally Lord Stark proposed to King Robert that Duke Robert be his adopted son, just as Lord Jon Arryn raised him in the past, and raise Duke Robert. But this proposal was given by King Robert. I refused, so I had to use this method to take care of Duke Robert." Gao Yuan explained.

"Lord Gao Yuan, what are you going to do after investigating the origin of the secret letter?" Earl Holden Redford stood up tremblingly: "If the secret letter was indeed written by Lady Lysa, or It was fabricated by the black hands behind the scenes."

Gao Yuan pondered for a moment when he heard the words: "Mrs. Caitlin told me that only she and Mrs. Lysa understood the secret text on the secret letter. Therefore, I am more inclined that this secret letter was indeed written by Mrs. Lysa herself. The difference is that Mrs. Lysa Voluntary or not when writing that secret letter."

"No matter what the origin of the letter is, I will personally take people to King's Landing after this matter is over." Gao Yuan has already thought about his next plan, "I will be in King's Landing City, together with Lord Ed Stark, In light and in the dark, we teamed up to investigate the truth behind this series of events, looking for decisive evidence of the criminal behind the scenes."

Just after Gao Yuan announced his next plan, Bronze John suddenly stood up and objected: "Master Gao Yuan, King Robert has appointed you as the guardian of the East!"

"The duty of the guardian of the eastern border is to protect the eastern border from foreign invasion. In theory, you can only lead the soldiers of the eastern border to sit in the valley. If it is not necessary, you cannot leave your territory without authorization, otherwise the king will leave your post without authorization. You will be punished for the crime."

Gao Yuan retorted loudly: "I have promised Lord Stark that after taking over the position of guardian of the East, I will go to King's Landing to support him. I can't just watch Lord Stark, who is weak, alone in King's Landing The city faces those wolves and tigers alone."

"As for the duties of the guardian of the Eastland, during my visit to King's Landing, Ser Nestor Royce will perform this task. He has performed this task in place of Lord Jon for 14 years, and I believe he will not let me down. "Gao Yuan made arrangements for his time to go to King's Landing, "In order to celebrate the new prime minister's appointment, King Robert is going to hold a tournament in the name of Lord Stark. I will lead the lords of the canyon to go and Competing, I believe this is a very good reason to leave the territory."

(End of this chapter)

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