Chapter 234 Massacre
At this moment, the sky in the Eagle's Nest City was completely dark, and the hall of Ayrin's house was brightly lit, and fifty torches shone brightly on the pedestals on the wall.Different from the tense atmosphere under the high platform, Lady Lysa, sitting on the weirwood throne with little Duke Robert in her arms, looked very relaxed and comfortable.

The pitiful look of being panicked and helpless before was completely gone. At this moment, the arrogant look on her face was also seen by Gao Yuan in the mighty queen Cersei.Gao Yuan looked around in the hall full of gunpowder. At this moment, the atmosphere between the two confronting parties was like a powder keg.

"Crack clap clap."

"Papa papa I want to see them fly in the sky. Vardis. Let them fly"

Amidst young Lord Robert's excited yells and applause, the crowd moved back to reveal a weirwood door, carved in white stone in the shape of a crescent moon, hidden between two slender marble columns.Two guards of the Eagle's Nest City strode past. One of the guards moved the heavy bronze latch on the moon gate, and the other began to turn the winch that controlled the moon gate.

As the moon gate slowly opened, the mountain wind cruising among the towering mountains of Giant's Spear immediately poured into the hall through the wide open moon gate, and the sky blue cloaks tied by the guards were raging There was a whistling sound in the wind.

Outside the moon gate is an empty night sky, dotted with countless cold and bright stars. You can even see a scarlet comet with a long tail in the sky through the moon gate.

"Sir Vardis, why are you still hesitating!" The torches in the hall fluttered like banners in the strong wind, and the torches blown out by the black wind rose one after another.Even in such a strong wind, Madam Lysa's sharp voice was heard clearly in everyone's ears, "Throw these two guys from the Moon Gate to the Eagle's Nest City, and the other lords will also be thrown if they dare to resist!" go down."

"If all the canyon lords are willing to lay down their weapons at this moment, my son and I can forget the offense you have committed against the Arryn family and what you did in the Eagle's Nest City today." Lysa Arryn said, "As long as you Before leaving Eagle's Nest City, I swear not to tell anything about what happened today."

Lady Lysa pointed to Gao Yuan and Sir Barristan: "You two usurpers can also leave! But that will have to leave the Eagle's Nest City through the Moon Gate after you accept my son's trial."

"Please rest assured, my precious son, I will listen carefully to your last words!"

Gao Yuan looked at the smug Mrs. Lysa suspiciously, wondering where did she get the courage to be so rampant in front of him.And the little Duke Robert is also fearless, "Vardis, I want to see them fly in the sky." That's what this nasty little devil said. How many people have been taken from here by a slug that hasn't been weaned yet? The Eagle's Nest City was thrown out of the Moon Gate?

Could it be that they really think that these dozens of Eagle's Nest City guards can control themselves?

Although they have an advantage in numbers at the moment, the group of people standing beside Gao Yuan are not vegetarians.Except for the unarmed Countess Waywood who has no combat effectiveness, the other lords are all masters with high martial arts skills.Not to mention one against ten, each lord has no problem dealing with three ordinary guards.

Especially Sir Barristan, as the strongest knight alive in Lord Ed Stark's mind.Although he is old now, he can still kill seven in and seven out of these young guards by virtue of his superb swordsmanship and years of rich combat experience.

Not to mention the fact that there is a high degree of cheating, even without using his mind power, he has the confidence to use the Evening Star Blade in his hand to overthrow everyone present.Everyone here doesn't just refer to the guards of Eagle's Nest City, it also includes the lord and Sir Barristan behind him.

"Hmph! Lady Lysa, we valley lords have no intention of being your enemy. After all, you were once the wife of Lord Jon Arryn, and now you are the mother of Duke Robert Arryn." Bronze Yon said with a cold snort, "But what you and Sir Vardis are doing now is going too far."

"Not only refused to recognize His Majesty Robert Baratheon's appointment to the guardian of the valley, but also burned King Robert's appointment letter. We valley lords do not want to be with you, and you actually ordered the guards of the Eagle's Nest City to serve you My lord is facing each other with swords and swords. It is wishful thinking to force us to put down the weapons in our hands!" Bronze Yon refused to compromise with Madam Lysa, "If you want us to surrender to you, then let Vardis under your command Sir and guards, let's try to see if the weapons in our hands are sharp."

"Earl Jon Royce!" Gao Yuan shouted, "You and your fellow lords can put down your weapons, and Sir Barristan!"

As soon as Gao Yuan said this, everyone present began to wonder if there was something wrong with their ears. What was the new guardian of the canyon talking about?He actually ordered the canyon lords headed by Earl Yorn to put down their weapons. Could it be that he even gave up the most basic resistance, and just surrendered to Lady Lysa and the others?

Bronze Jorn was also anxious immediately, and he hurriedly confirmed to Gao Yuan: "Master Gao Yuan, what nonsense are you talking about, are you trying to make us give up resistance?
"I just don't want to see any lords who are loyal to me being injured. Lady Lysa and Sir Vardis are targeting that." Gao Yuan said lightly, "Since Lady Lysa and the others think that I am not qualified to serve as the canyon Guardian. Then I will tell them in my strength why King Robert appointed me Guardian of the Canyon."

"This is impossible! Lord Gaoyuan, how could you defeat so many guards of Eagle's Nest City by yourself?" Countess Waywood also stood up to object, "Master Gaoyuan, you can't risk your own life."

"Please rest assured, Mrs. Anya! I'm not like those guys who are overconfident. Just relying on these rotten sweet potatoes, rotten bird eggs, and random mobs put together, they can't threaten Gao Yuan's life." Gao Yuan walked away defiantly Stepping forward, "From the beginning to the end, I didn't pay attention to them."

"Sir Barristan, please help me keep the lords safe."

As soon as Gao Yuan's words fell, thunderous laughter resounded in the hall of Eagle's Nest City.Except for the lords behind Gao Yuan and Ser Barristan, everyone else in the hall was laughing, and they were laughing hard at this moment, crying.

They are all laughing at Gao Yuan's overreach and arrogance, no one will believe Gao Yuan's lies.Who does he think he is, the Excalibur of Dawn?Even the Sword of Dawn cannot face so many opponents at the same time!
This is simply too absurd!To everyone's ears, even the gust of wind howling outside the Moon Gate sounded like they were mocking Gao Yuan.

Ser Vardis greeted Gao Yuan with a sword and stood between him and Lady Lysa with a smile: "Sir Gao Yuan, are you asking Duke Robert for a trial by combat?"

"Of course you have the right, sir!" Lady Lysa also spoke at this time. "After you win the trial by combat, my son and I will let you leave the valley, but you will never set foot in the valley from now on."

Gao Yuan said dismissively: "Thank you for your kindness, Mrs. Lysa! But I have never committed any crime, so why would I request a trial by combat?"

"I am now challenging all the guards of the Eagle's Nest City, including you, Sir Vardis!" Gao Yuan pointed his sword at his enemy, and said loudly, "This is my voluntary request." Yes, you don’t need to worry about your honor being damaged, just let’s go together!”

"Of course, I also don't value your lives!" Gao Yuan said with a sneer on his face, "Because when you raised your swords against me, you have already become my enemy! Today's Eagle's Nest City is destined to shed blood Cheng He, becoming an enemy of me will be the most stupid decision you have made in this short life."

After finishing speaking, Gao Yuan raised the evening star blade in his hand above his head.

As he turned the silver-white sword in his hand, a blazing fire burst out from the tip of the sword in an instant, and the blazing fire instantly covered the silver-white blade of the Evening Star Blade; the dancing flames soared into the sky until they hit The dome just stopped.Everyone present was frightened by the soaring flames, and the crowd in the hall suddenly went into an uproar.

Whether it was the guards in the hall of Eagle's Nest City or the canyon lords standing behind Gao Yuan, they all looked at everything in disbelief.Gao Yuan raised the silver-white sword above his head; the flames danced happily on the sword, all these made people who were still underestimating Gao Yuan just now bewildered.

Not one of them did not suspect that it was just a trick of those jesters who were good at juggling.But those billowing heat waves hitting them from the dancing flames proved to them all the time that all this was true.

"Is that the trick of the jester?"

Some people still don't want to believe that Gao Yuan can conjure flames for no reason.

"You can try it, how can the bright flames be fake?"

"That horrible flame could burn anyone, like wildfire."

"Is he a follower of the Lord of Light?"

"I once heard from those merchants who came across the sea from the Free Trade City that those believers of the Lord of Light were called red monks. They used to be able to conjure flames out of thin air."

"You put down the weapons in your hands now, and it's still too late to give up resistance!" Gao Yuan's golden eyes shone with a dangerous light.

Sir Vardis snorted coldly when he heard the words, and pointed his sword at Gao Yuan: "He is bluffing, don't be afraid of the flame on his long sword, let me use it!"

Following Sir Vardis's order, the guards of Eagle's Nest City surrounded him from all directions.They first attacked Gao Yuan with the spears in their hands, so that they would not have to come into contact with the flames on the Blade of Evening Star.

But Gao Yuan didn't sit still, he saw him waving the Evening Star Blade with one hand, and the Evening Star Blade dragged its orange-red tail in front of everyone, as beautiful as the scarlet comet in the sky.

This is not a light show worth watching carefully. Whether it is the constantly beating flames or the sharp blade hidden under the beautiful firelight, it is enough to kill these people in an instant.

The guards of Eagle's Nest City who were holding spears felt light in their hands, and saw several sharp spear heads shooting up into the sky, and flames were still burning where the front ends of the spears were cut off by Gao Yuan.Before these poor guards had time to understand what happened, Gao Yuan pushed back their guns and bullied him.

Another flame flashed by, and when Gao Yuan's figure appeared in front of everyone again, he had already appeared behind many guards holding a flame sword.

When Gao Yuan stood up again, these unlucky Eagle's Nest city guards fell down.When they thumped and fell on the bluestone floor of the hall, people realized that the bodies of those guards had been chopped off by Gao Yuan at some point.Even the thick armor on their bodies was cut into two at this time, and they fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

It wasn't until the smell of barbecue wafted in the hall that the fallen guards realized it. They lay on the ground looking at their lower body that had already left, and wailed in pain.

Their pain would probably last for a long time, because the scorching blade of the Evening Star had already scorched all the wounds on their waists, and the blood in their bodies would not gush out from those scorched wounds.

In fact, they didn't feel much pain at the moment, because Gao Yuan's movements were very fast, and the evening star blade in his hand was very sharp, it would hardly bring them much physical torture.

However, the fear of death will always hang over them like a shadow that will never be erased, until the moment when death really comes.The pain of being powerless in the face of death is probably more painful to them than physical torture.

If they were lucky enough not to injure a major internal organ, and were able to receive timely medical treatment from the maester, most of them still had a chance to survive, but they would only be able to live as halflings for the rest of their lives.

A real halfling, not a dwarf like Tyrion Lannister.

The miserable state of the Eagle's Nest City guards made everyone present gasp, especially those guards who were still holding weapons in their hands at this time. They all felt a chill down their backs and waists.

Even Sir Barristan, who had seen Gao Yuan massacre those high mountain clans, could not help but frown and feel his scalp numb when he looked at the guards lying on the ground, howling constantly.

However, the massacre was far from over. Gao Yuan once warned the Eagle's Nest City guards that when they chose to become their enemies, he would never show mercy to them.

Even if they drop the weapons in their hands now, it is still too late to give up resistance.Gao Yuan is not a bloodthirsty person, he will not do anything to those who are unarmed and pose no threat.

But it's a pity that none of them has dropped their weapons yet!

Gao Yuan's body moved again, crashing into the guard of the Eagle's Nest City who was closest to him like a truck.A kick kicked the opponent's chest, and then the poor child flew out like a shell fired.

The guard who was kicked out crashed into a thick marble stone pillar like an old doll.Before he fell to the ground, he died. There was a fist-sized dent on the armor on his chest, and the internal organs inside might have already been shattered.

Before everyone looked away from the dying guard, Gao Yuan swung his sword across again, and the frightened guards of Eagle's Nest City couldn't dodge.Either the head was beheaded by Gao Yuan; or the throat was sealed by Gao Yuan's sword, and the death was extremely miserable.

Even those lucky ones who are far away from Gaoyuan will inevitably be injured by the high-speed passing sword energy.Or leave a deep sword mark on the thick armor; or leave a hideous gap on the chest with deep bone visible.

Several timid guards of Eagle's Nest City were frightened and dropped their weapons immediately.

Their choice was wise. After they dropped their weapons, Gao Yuan didn't attack them again.Instead, it flew past them and rushed at those poor people who hadn't surrendered.

 The moon gate in the original book is different from the one in the TV series. It is not set on the floor, but on a wall somewhere in the hall, between two small stone pillars.

(End of this chapter)

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