Chapter 235
"Don't stop!" Seeing Gao Yuan, who was holding a flaming sword, rushed into the crowd again and began to slaughter, Sir Vardis Egan's desperate voice echoed in the hall, even overshadowing the raging wind coming in from the moon gate.

The guards of Eagle's Nest City rushed towards Gao Yuan one after another, trying to save their companions from the slaughtering demon, but their flesh and blood couldn't even hinder Gao Yuan's footsteps, they could only turn into Gao Yuan's sword. Howling dead souls.

When the screams gradually subsided, the hall of the Eagle's Nest City was already littered with corpses, only a few guards who dropped their weapons and gave up resistance were still standing there.They were all the same as Sir Vardis, staring blankly at the Shura field in front of them.

The blood of the guards flowed into the cracks in the bluestone floor below the Great Hall of the Eagle's Nest. The scarlet liquid gathered here and formed a river, just like the river water irrigating the fields seeped into the soil. They seeped into every brick below. among the stones.

Sir Vardis felt as if he was having a nightmare. He really didn't want to believe that those corpses lying on the ground that had lost their lives were brothers from the Eagle's Nest Guards who got along with him day and night.They were still alive and kicking a few minutes ago, how could they suddenly become corpses lying motionless on the ground?
He originally thought that his side could easily take down Gao Yuan and others by virtue of the number of people, but the reality gave him a big mouth.Gao Yuan, holding the Evening Star Blade in his hand, is still standing in the middle of the pile of corpses, but the guards of the Eagle's Nest City that he relied on have all been wiped out at this moment.

Although Gao Yuan's dragon scale armor was also covered with blood at this time, and he looked very embarrassed, everyone knew that the blood did not come from Gao Yuan, but from the guards of Eagle's Nest City lying on the ground.

Gao Yuan's appearance at the moment is indeed in a state of embarrassment. Not only is his dragon scale armor covered with blood, but even the brown elf cloak that was fluttering in the strong wind behind him was also stained by the blood of those guards. Dark red, stuck to the armor behind him.

Countless sticky and scarlet blood drops slid from his hair and cheeks. Since he didn't use his thoughts to block the splashing scarlet liquid, Gao Yuan looked like a demon who had just crawled out of a sea of ​​blood from a mountain of corpses .

He turned his head to look at the high platform, and saw that Mrs. Lysa, who was still proud just now, was holding her precious son, looking at him in horror.Little Duke Robert, who was pampered and pampered since he was a child, has never seen such a terrifying scene. After a scream, he retracted into his mother's arms and began to twitch.

The young Lord Robert, who had been sickly since childhood, was apparently having an epileptic seizure.His eyes began to roll upwards, and he opened his mouth to scream in panic.The sick boy was lying in Madam Lysa's arms, repeatedly scratching in the void with his trembling hands, leaving several bloodstains on his mother's chest and cheeks.

Mrs. Lysa, who was eager to love her son, hurriedly hugged the boy regardless of the pain. The boy struggled to stand up, but was hugged tightly by his mother, so he began to kick his legs subconsciously, kicking hard. It was on Lady Lysa's stomach, and it almost took her breath away.

The pain in her stomach caused Lady Lysa to fall from the weirwood throne, holding her son.The two huddled together and rolled continuously on the high platform, and even almost fell off the high platform directly.

Fortunately, Maester Komon, who had been taking care of little Duke Robert, was by his side. He quickly knelt down in front of the two of them and pulled him back from the edge of the high platform.With the joint efforts of the two, the little Duke Robert who had an epileptic seizure was restrained.

Bachelor Komon kept whispering comforting words in his ear, but it didn't seem to have any effect.Robert Arryn's body was still twitching continuously at this moment, a large amount of blood was gushing out from his nasal cavity, and a large amount of white foam was also coming out of his mouth.

"Hurry up and take him back to the room, feed him some YS flower milk, and bleed him with leeches." Madam Lysa screamed.

Two guards of Eagle's Nest City wearing sky blue cloaks and silver chain mail rushed up. These two were the few guards who survived dropping their weapons.They took Robert Arryn, who was still twitching, from Lady Lysa and Maester Komon, and quickly left the hall of the Eyrie.

"Oh, gods! I hope this kid is okay." Bronze Jon watched worriedly, and the guards carried Robert Arryn away. "If he dies tonight, people outside will probably say it was us." Killed the boy."

Gao Yuan turned his head to look at Bronze Jon with some depression, the expression on his face seemed to say: This has nothing to do with me, I just glanced at the child, who knew that he would start to twitch without being scared.If he hadn't known that Robert Arryn was born with epilepsy, he would have thought that the mother and son were just trying to get a high degree of pity.

This sudden episode was finally over. After Gao Yuan took out a handkerchief and wiped off the filth on his face, he looked up again at Sir Vardis Egan, who was not far away from him.

"Sir Vardis, don't do unnecessary resistance anymore!" Gao Yuan's voice was calm but could not be refused, "Put down the weapon in your hand, I can let you and your brothers put on black clothes and go to the Great Wall of Impassion to join the vigil Human Legion."

"There, you can still keep the last honor for yourself!"

"What are you going to do with Lady Lysa and her child?" Ser Vardis swallowed nervously.

"That's not something you should care about, you have no right to refuse!" Gao Yuan sternly said, "Put on black clothes and join the Night Watchman Legion, or die without honor in this Eagle's Nest City. After that , I will accuse you and those dead Eyrie guards of treason."

"If you insist on harming the orphans and widows left behind by Lord Jon Arryn, you must first step over the corpse of me, Vardis Egan." Sir Vardis's tone was very firm, and he finished speaking He raised the fine steel long sword in his hand again, "After I die, how can you control the torrential flood, and you can accuse me of whatever crimes you want."

Gao Yuan sighed heavily, but in the end he didn't make up his mind and chose to kill Sir Vardis directly, and he didn't want people to catch him, saying that he was coercing the emperor to make the princes.

"Since I boarded the Eagle's Nest City, or the moment I stepped into the canyon, I have been telling everyone in the canyon, including Lady Lysa Arryn."

"I accepted King Robert's appointment to come to the Vale of Arryn this time, not to usurp the position and title of the Arryn family." Gao Yuan explained, "The position of Guardian of the East and the title of Duke of the Eagle's Nest City have never been given to me. I don't even care, it's you and Madam Lysa who have been maliciously speculating about my true intentions."

"I have already made an oath to the old and new gods. When Lord Robert Arryn grows up, I will leave the Vale of Arryn and return these positions on me to him and the Arryn family." Gao Yuan asked back, "In this case, what motive do I have to harm the mother and child left behind by Lord Jon Arryn? Wouldn't I be breaking the oath I made?"

"What I'm asking is, what are you going to do with Lady Lysa and her son?" Sir Vardis emphasized again, "Now that you and Lady Lysa have torn faces, you can't tolerate it all the time, Lady Lysa. At the Eyrie with Lord Robert Arryn."

"I'm sure you won't hurt the mother and child, but that doesn't mean you won't drive them out of the Eyrie, and even out of the Vale of Arryn. A lonely widow and a sickly boy, they lost Without the shelter of House Arryn and the valley, he will die outside soon."

"Enough! I've heard enough of your malicious speculations about me tonight." Gao Yuan roared. Although he had never thought about how to arrange for Lady Lysa and the others before, he would never do what Sir Vardis said. That's despicable, "Even if I'm really as despicable as you said, please don't forget which family Lady Lysa comes from."

"Even if she leaves the Eagle's Nest, she can still choose to return to her mother's home, Riverrun. I believe that Duke Hoster Tully of Riverrun will not let his daughter wander outside."

"Lord Jon Arryn is revered in the valley, and Duke Robert Arryn is his only heir. Even if I don't want to keep him in the Eagle's Nest City, I believe that the lords of the valley will be very happy Take him back to his castle, and adopt Lord Robert Arryn as his adopted son."

"The safety of Mrs. Lysa and her son, you don't need to worry about the little captain of the guard. If I really wanted to hurt them, I could have rushed to kill them as early as just now. You know I have the strength to kill them." Everyone present can't stop me." Gao Yuan's anger has not subsided, "But after that, the canyon lords will come to trouble me, because I have made a promise to them, and I don't want trouble Find me."

"Let me tell you what will happen next! If you dare to say one more nonsense that insults my honor, I will personally chop off your head and hang it on the flagpole of the Blood Gate. Let everyone who enters and leaves People in the valley will only be allowed to enter the Bleeding Gate after spitting on your dirty head." Gao Yuan threatened Sir Vardis.

"If Madam Lysa Tully wants to leave, the Lords of the Canyon and I will definitely not stop her, but she must keep Lord Robert behind." Earl Jon Royce suddenly stood up and announced loudly, "I will take him to Runestone City and make him a canyon knight who can make Lord Jon Arryn proud."

"You don't want to take my precious son away from me. You bastards have already taken away the hereditary position of the Arryn family. Now you want to take my precious Robert away. It's just wishful thinking." Mrs. Lysa, who had been silent all the time, became anxious when she heard that someone was going to take her son away!

No one could ever take Robert Arryn away from him, after five miscarriages to give birth to him.In my empty life, I have lost too much now: taking away my first love, Tipbael Baelish; my first husband, Jon Arryn; and the five unborn A child who has died.

Now they want to take away their only son, how could she not be in a hurry.

"It's up to you, Lady Lysa!" Bronze Jon frowned, "I know how painful it is to take a child away from its mother, but look what you have taught Duke Robert? He is now He is already six years old, but he has not been weaned yet; his body is extremely thin; his height is far smaller than other children of his age; he can't even lift a wooden sword."

The Countess of Waywood sighed and said: "In my opinion, Runestone City is indeed a good choice. Lord Jon has cultivated three brave knights. They are all good boys with a sense of honor. Among the people present There is no one better suited to teach and raise young Lord Robert."

"The bachelor of Runestone City, Bachelor Henwig, is older than the bachelor of Eyrie City, Bachelor Komon, and has richer medical skills and experience in caring for people. He is very suitable for taking care of Lord Robert's body; the strong Sam Stone is there. The best coach in the world can teach this child the way of war; Earl Jon Royce is also a lord who has experienced many battles, he can teach the way of governing the small duke's territory; Brother Lukos there is devoted to the Seven Gods Belief."

"In addition, there are many children of the same age as the young duke in Runestone City, who are more suitable to be with Duke Robert than the guards and old maids in Eyrie City."

"During this period, I will also lead Lord Robert Arryn to visit each castle in turn." Bronze Jorn said with a smile, "This will allow him to get closer to his vassals and get acquainted with them in advance. The territory I rule is simply the best of both worlds.”

"Shut up all of you!" Lady Lysa yelled angrily, "I will not leave the Eagle's Nest, this is my husband's castle, no matter which so-called new guardian of the valley, or the Duke of the Eagle's Nest Something like that. And you bullshit lords, you have no right to drive us away from here!"

"You have no right to take my baby Robert from my side. My son must stay with me."

Bronze Jorn looked up at Lysa Tully, "Lady Lysa, you have the right to choose whether to leave the Eyrie. The new guardian of the valley has given you permission to leave freely."

"But the Duke must stay, he is not just your son, Lady Lysa!" Bronze Yon emphasized, "He is also the son of Jon Arryn, the sole heir of House Arryn, he can only belong to the Valley."

"If you miss your child, we can allow you to go back to the valley to visit him, but we will never allow you to take him away."

"Eagle's Nest City, like Runestone City, is within the territory of the valley. Why did you take him to Runestone City?" Lysa Tully was about to break down, and she prayed to the valley lords, "I don't ask to leave the Eyrie, nor will I leave the Vale. I just ask you not to take my child. Let me stay with Robert and take care of him. Everything else is up to you."

"Whether it's to follow you to Runestone City, or Earl Jon to teach him, or call other bachelors, instructors, and monks. I promise you all, and I just ask you to let me stay. "Lady Lysa's plea began to be incoherent at the end.

"For my poor widow's sake, I'm still your deceased lord's wife. Robert is my only hope now, please don't take away my last hope"

"Stop seeking sympathy here, Lady Lysa!" Earl Belmore roared, "Look at what you have done today. Although you are a woman and don't care about honor, you now have the responsibility to teach the little duke. You set a very bad example in front of Lord Robert just now."

"No matter what you say, we are going to take the boy away today." After Earl Belmore said this, it was rare that no other lords voiced their support. Perhaps they all agreed with his idea in their hearts, but they didn't want to be like Belmore. Earl is so aggressive.

Lady Lysa's plea and pitiful appearance finally made all the canyon leaders take the initiative in Silhouette Heart. The one who feels the pain of Lysa Tully most is the Countess Waywood who is also a widow. In the end, she stood up to mediate the dispute over the son.

"Hey, we can agree with you to stay with Duke Robert, Lady Lysa, but you must not interfere with our teaching to Duke Robert Arryn." Lady Anya sighed, "Please believe that everyone here is for Joan Good morning, Lord Ellen Arryn's child, we all hope that the little duke can grow up in the canyon and become a brave and fearless knight; a lord who is diligent and caring for the people; and a commander who can command the army to be brave and good at fighting. "

"Just like his father, Lord Jon Arryn, an existence that all the canyon lords admire and admire."

(End of this chapter)

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