Chapter 236 Unrivaled Power

Lady Lysa finally succumbed, succumbed to Gao Yuan's powerful force; succumbed to the threats of the valley lords.

After Lady Lysa expressed her willingness to compromise to Gao Yuan and the others, Sir Vardis, who had been resolutely defending her and the Arryn family with slogans and actions, finally put down his weapon.

Although Mrs. Lysa chose to compromise with extreme reluctance, she had no other choice under this aggressive situation.At this moment, no one is on her side in the Eagle's Nest City. Those who supported her have either been killed by Gao Yuan, or they were taken by his strength and dare not speak out easily.

Look at the trembling nobles hiding in the corner of the Eagle's Nest City hall, they dare not even breathe for fear of offending the Great Killing God.Let them stand up and speak out for Mrs. Lysa, wouldn't that make them die in vain?

It is believed that after this battle, the name of the lofty guardian of the east will soon spread throughout the continent of Westeros.He single-handedly killed dozens of Eagle's Nest guards in the Eagle's Nest City, and he will soon be famous among all the knights and their attendants in the Seven Kingdoms.

The canyon lords headed by Bronze Jorn didn't want to do this at first, but Sir Vardis' words reminded them.Although they all agree that Gao Yuan is not the person that Sir Vardis said, they can't put all their hopes on Gao Yuan's promise.

After all, there are quite a lot of loopholes in his promises. If he really wants to kill Lady Lysa and Duke Robert, there are many ways he can use.Besides, he might not keep his promise. This continent has a long history, and in that long history, many people have broken their vows.

Instead of counting on Gao Yuan to fulfill his vow seriously, he would take good care of the orphan and widow left by Lord Jon Arryn in Eagle's Nest City.It would be better to let the young duke follow these trustworthy people, and one of the respected lords among them will adopt him as an adopted son, so that he can thrive in the canyon and become a qualified lord.

Nor had they ever hoped that Lady Lysa could be easily driven away from young Lord Robert.Their real purpose was to obtain the custody of the little duke, not to separate the young boy from his mother.

The reason why Bronze Jorn made such an exorbitant request at the beginning was only to leave a space and a step for both parties to compromise, so that Madam Lysa could come down the steps to compromise with them, and promised them to take it away. That's all for the little duke's custody request.

How could these canyon lords not be aware of Gao Yuan who was cautious in their pockets? At this moment, they took advantage of Lady Lysa's defeat in the struggle with themselves, and suddenly stood up to fight for Robert Arryn's custody.

Its purpose and idea are actually the same as their scrambling to come to the Eagle's Nest City to express their love to Lysa Tully and to become Lady Lysa's new spouse.

They all want to try their best to prevent the power of the Ayrin family from being left behind by others, worrying that Gao Yuan will coerce the emperor to order the princes, and control Robert Arryn to achieve the purpose of threatening and influencing them.

They must have all worried, or discussed with each other the possibility that they would continue to be greedy for power after resigning from office, and still firmly hold the power in the Vale of Arryn.

They still have doubts and precautions against themselves, who come from outside the valley.Even if he never had such thoughts from the beginning to the end, otherwise he would not have turned a blind eye to these careful choices of the canyon lord, he was just pretending to be confused with his understanding.

What a person sees in the world depends on how he looks at the world.After Gao Yuan experienced this series of distrust, he no longer had the heart to explain so much.

Belief is two benefits, doubt is one loss, or both lose, and there must be a fisherman to gain.Gao Yuan thinks that he is sincere enough, and treats them honestly with all his attitude on the bright side. Whether his cooperation with the canyon lords will be smooth or not will depend on the other party's dedication.

After the canyon lords and Madam Lysa reached an agreement on the adoption of Robert Arryn, the atmosphere in the Eyrie City hall was no longer so tense, and everyone's tense hearts gradually relaxed.

The surviving guards walked into the center of the hall with a heavy heart, and began to carefully clean up the horrible corpses of their companions

The bluestone floor under the corpses had already been stained dark red by the blood flowing out of their bodies, and it had even soaked into the gaps under the floor tiles.

When the guards removed the dilapidated corpses one by one, people realized that the sticky blood clots that glued the corpses to the surface of the bluestone bricks were almost dry.

The blood clots and blood stains on the surface of the bluestone are relatively easy to clean, as long as you repeatedly scrub with a wire brush, you can clean them up.

But those blood stains that seep into the gaps of the bluestone bricks are not so easy to clean up. No matter how much water you pour on it to dilute the blood-stained sand inside, you can't completely remove it.

In this hall, there is bound to be a smell of blood for a long time.Fortunately, Gao Yuan will not stay in this Eagle's Nest City for a long time. He has decided to move his government affairs place to the Moon Gate Castle at the foot of the mountain after all this is over.

Only those with watt-headed minds will choose to live in this lonely and cold mountain castle.Although it is still in the long summer season, with the gradual arrival of winter and long nights, it will only gradually become colder than the ice field north of the Great Wall.

This is where the battle for the son came to an end.

Up to now, the main purpose of Gao Yuan and the canyon lords' trip to Eagle's Nest City has been achieved.

However, he did not forget that there was still one purpose of his trip to Eagle's Nest City that he did not achieve.

That is to find out the true origin of Lady Lysa's secret letter to Catelyn.Although the origin of this secret letter seems so irrelevant to Gao Yuan who already knows the truth of the matter.

However, the details and truth hidden behind this incident are the key evidence Gao Yuan will use to accuse Littlefinger Petyr Baelish of colluding with Lysa Tully to murder her husband Jon Arryn in the future.

It's like doing a math problem, even if you already know 1+1=2, but you can't directly write the result of this problem on the test paper.

Results are important, but so is the process of getting them.Especially when facing a cunning and sophistry opponent like Littlefinger, you have to present impeccable evidence in front of the opponent in order to make him speechless.

When the conclusive evidence is in front of him, no matter how he quibbles at that time, he will appear pale and powerless, and can only accept the trial obediently.

In the matter of murdering Duke Jon Arryn, the planning of Littlefinger and Lady Lysa can indeed be called seamless.They even found a scapegoat for this, that is, Ser Hugh who died in the tourney, he was Lord Jon Arryn's personal attendant.

But as long as it is a fox, there will be a day when it will show its tail. There is no absolute perfect crime in this world.As long as it is something you have done, it will definitely leave flaws and clues.

Just like what Gao Yuan had questioned before, Mrs. Lysa had already returned to the Eagle's Nest, so why was this secret letter sent from King's Landing?And why did they follow King Robert's northbound team to the Eagle's Nest?
The Great Hall of the Eagle's Nest City under the eyes of everyone is not a good place to talk about secrets, but Gao Yuan has no plans to move elsewhere, so he ordered people to drive out the idlers from the hall, only the canyon lords and Lady Lysa stayed in this hall.

Although Mrs. Lysa didn't know what medicine Gao Yuan was selling in the gourd at this time, Gao Yuan's arrangement still made her start to tremble in fear.

The exquisite dragon leather boots stepped on the sticky dark red goo, and as the heels lifted, Gao Yuan felt as if he was stepping on honey.

"Lady Lysa, I heard that you wrote a secret letter to Lady Catelyn of Winterfell. Is this true?" Gao Yuan raised his golden eyes and looked at the high-ranking Lysa Tully, as if A dragon stared at her closely.

As soon as Gao Yuan finished speaking, Madam Lysa's face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like the marble walls around this hall.

She said tremblingly, "You... you are... from the Lannister family?"

Gao Yuan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words: "What? How could I be from Lannister!"

"Who told you this... How could you... tell this in front of so many people!" Madam Lysa raised her trembling right hand and pointed at the canyon lords .

"Once the contents of that secret letter are leaked, we will all incur revenge from the Lannister family, and the Lannister family must pay their debts." Lady Lysa scolded, "Damn Caitlin, I shouldn't have written Give her that letter! Gods, the purpose of my writing to Winterfell is to warn her to keep her and her husband away from the Lannister house and not to go into the muddy waters of King's Landing! "

"But now she didn't even say hello to me without permission, and told other people the contents of that letter." Madam Lysa said angrily, "She's got us all involved now, Star In the midst of the dispute between the Clans and the Lannisters"

"I brought Good Robert back to the Eagle's Nest City just to avoid the revenge of the Lannister family. Now you have dragged me into it again"

Mrs. Lysa's performance made Gao Yuan sneer secretly in his heart. If he didn't know the ins and outs of the whole incident, he might really have been deceived by this poisonous woman's superb acting skills.Now her performance looks like a wonderful sitcom to Gao Yuan, please continue your wonderful performance next.

"The content of the secret letter was indeed told to me by Mrs. Caitlin herself, but she did not tell anyone else about the content of the letter." Gao Yuan stated, "The lords also learned the truth from me. Before going to the Eagle's Nest City, otherwise they are still kept in the dark."

"Everyone present has made an oath to me, and there is absolutely no possibility of leaking it to others." Gao Yuan assured, "Whether it is Mrs. Caitlin; or Lord Stark, or I think that if What you wrote about the Lannister family in your letter is true, then we should act quickly. This involves not only the death of Lord Jon Arryn, but also the life of the current king, Robert Baratheon. Safety"

"Don't try to drag me and my son into the water, we managed to escape from King's Landing!" Madam Lysa snarled and interrupted Gao Yuan's speech, "Duke Gao Yuan, do you know what the consequences will be? ? If you fight a lion in the lion's territory, you will lose everything."

"As long as we stick to the Blood Gate and Eagle's Nest City, the Lannister family will not be able to threaten us!" Lysa murmured softly, not knowing that she was speaking to Gao Yuan and the others. Or to comfort herself, Gao Yuan couldn't be sure.

"Have you always comforted yourself like this?" Gao Yuan felt a surge of anger rising from his chest, "Do you think you and your son will be safe if you hide in the Eagle's Nest City like a shrinking turtle? "

Madam Lysa screamed, "Even if they lead their troops into the mountains of the Bright Moon Gate and break through the Blood Gate, they still cannot reach the Eagle's Nest City. You should have seen how steep the Eagle's Nest City is when you went up the mountain." , no one can break through here."

I have to say that Lysa Tully's acting skills are really good. Even if Gao Yuan knew that she was acting now, he still had the urge to rush up and slap her.If Gao Yuan hadn't been a time traveler and was familiar with the plot and characters, he would really be pissed off by this turtle-like ostrich.

"There is no impenetrable castle in this world. How do you think Aegon the Conqueror conquered the Vale?"

"Aegon the Conqueror conquered the valley because he descended from the sky on a dragon!" Lysa was very firm. "Now that the dragons are dead, no one can break through this castle."

Gao Yuan smiled dismissively when he heard the words, he can break through the castle single-handedly at this moment, you must know that there is a giant humanoid dragon standing in front of you.It's just that now is not the time for his giant dragon to show up, otherwise he will definitely let these country bumpkins know what unrivaled power is.

"The Duke of Jon Arryn is your husband and the father of Lord Robert. They killed your husband and the father of your child. Do you want to just let it go?" Gao Yuan asked back.

At this time, Bronze Jon couldn't stand it anymore, he stood up and reminded: "Your son is the future Duke of the Eagle's Nest and the guardian of the Vale of Arryn. There is also a deep blood feud between the Arryn family and the Lannister family. Even if you don't want to take revenge on them, do you think they will just let you mother and son go?"

"Cut grass must be eradicated, and evil must be eradicated! Earl Yonne is right. The Ayrin family and the Lannister family have now formed a deep blood feud. If you are soft-hearted to them at this moment, then don't blame you The enemy will be cruel to you in the future." Gao Yuan warned, "You have seen the end of Lord Jon Arryn, we should take the initiative!"

"This time I came to the Vale of Arryn just to investigate the truth of the matter, unite the power of the lords in the Vale of Arryn, and cooperate with the former Prime Minister Eddard Stark who is far away in King's Landing, to fight against the Lannister family together!" Gao Yuan He said loudly, "Whether or not you agree and support our actions is no longer important, now the entire Vale of Arryn is in my hands, and all the valley lords will also become my strong backing, including the entire Arryn family! "

"You are all crazy!" Madam Lysa's voice was hoarse and full of fear. This time she was really scared. This is completely different from the plan that Littlefinger and he said, and things are developing in an unpredictable direction, " You are going to start a war among the Seven Kingdoms."

Gao Yuan nodded in agreement: "According to the current situation, this may indeed turn into a war!"

"When the army of the East in my hands and Lord Stark's North join together, it will be an unrivaled force, and all the forces in the Seven Kingdoms will tremble."

"No one in the Seven Kingdoms can defeat us, even the richest army in the Western Territory among the Seven Kingdoms." Gao Yuan began to speak boldly, "Tywin Lannister of the Lannister family in Casterly Rock City is in my eyes, It's just a chicken and a dog!"

(End of this chapter)

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