Chapter 237 Scapegoat

Madam Lysa stared at the handsome young face with her eyes wide open in horror. This ignorant kid had no idea how terrifying the influence of the old lion of the Lannister family was.War is not a simple child's play. Those who start a war will taste the bitter fruit of defeat. This slightly immature boy may not understand, don't those lords who choose to follow in his footsteps also understand?

Even King Robert, who once came to power with the Battle of the Reavers, dare not speak of war lightly now.What's more, the opponent they have to face at this time is the Lannister family who almost covers the sky with one hand on the continent of Westeros.

Now the old lion Duke Tywin and his family hold almost half of the wealth in Westeros.The old lion Tywin, who has a lot of wealth, is also the guardian of the west. Even King Robert has to be afraid of the Lannister family, because so far, he and the royal family still owe the old lion several million golden dragons.

Nine years ago, Balon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands, taking advantage of the fact that the new King Robert Baratheon's control and rule over the Seven Kingdoms was still unstable, set off a war against the Iron Throne. Notable Rebellion - Greyjoy's Rebellion.

At that time, King Robert, who had just ascended the Iron Throne, was still young. In addition, the Seven Kingdoms had just experienced the Usurper's War. Everyone hadn't come out of the shadow of the almost tragic war.Therefore, it is impossible to organize enough troops in a short period of time to go to the Iron Islands to quell the rebellion started by the ironmen.

In the end, with the full support and delay of the old lion Tywin, the Seven Kingdoms were able to get a chance to breathe, allowing King Robert enough time to organize an army strong enough to resist the Iron Islands.

As time goes by, more and more nobles choose to follow King Robert, and the king's team gradually grows, and all kinds of unfavorable situations on the battlefield are reversed until the Greyjoy family that set off the rebellion is completely defeated.

Although the Seven Kingdoms led by King Robert finally won the war, the price of victory was also high. Most of the millions of gold dragons owed by the royal family were owed at that time.

Even in this huge amount of arrears, there are reasons for King Robert's profligacy these years, but it only occupies a small part of the total debt. No matter how profligate the king is, it is impossible to owe the debt in just nine years. Download millions of golden dragons.

The reason why the old lion, Duke Tywin, would support King Robert so relentlessly, and continue to lend money to the royal family over the years, besides his daughter becoming King Robert's queen, there is also Greyjoy The reason why he led the Iron Fleet to raid Lannister Harbor and burned the Lannister fleet was inside.

Although this involves an exchange of interests, it has to be said that the reason why King Robert was able to quell the rebellion smoothly is not unrelated to the outstanding contributions made by the Lannister family in this rebellious war .

In order to help King Robert quell the rebellion, the old lion Tywin can be said to have really done his best, and he has money to give money, and someone to give people.They armed the armies of the entire Seven Kingdoms almost on their own strength, and guaranteed the logistical supplies of tens of thousands of troops. This shows the strength of the Lannistergar family.

Nine years have passed now, and the Lannister family is no longer the golden lion of Pianan and the Western Territory. Tywin Lannister's ambition is destined to continue to expand. His influence in the Seven Kingdoms and the Western Territory sphere of influence.Now they have become a real roaring lion, and their influence spreads over almost the entire Seven Kingdoms. The sphere of influence has included the entire western region and the king's territory, and even some nobles in the river land are now obeying them.

In the face of such a huge and powerful enemy, how could it be possible to determine the outcome of the war based on the number of people alone?Even if they wanted to trouble the Lannister family, they even did not hesitate to start a war that would sweep the entire Seven Kingdoms.

King Robert, who doesn't know the truth, will probably stand up in panic, wandering between the two conflicting parties and constantly mediating.If he can't do what he sees, or if the conflict between the two parties is really irreconcilable, he may even end up personally to stop the war from happening.

On which side of them will King Robert be then?

"Mrs. Lysa, please forgive my curiosity! How did you know that Lord Jon Arryn was murdered by the Lannister siblings? You didn't explain this in your letter." Gao Yuan suddenly Changing the subject, he ignored the way Lysa Tully looked at him.

"Even Maester Kemont and Grand Maester Pycelle couldn't see that Lord Jon Arryn was murdered. They all thought that Duke Jon was just suffering from bowel disease. This shows that Sister Lannister The two brothers' methods of murdering Duke Jon were very secretive, and their plan was almost seamless." Gao Yuan continued to ask, "Then how do you know and conclude that all of this was done by the Lannister siblings? They What is the motive for doing so?"

"Before my husband Jon died, he had been conducting a secret investigation with Stannis in King's Landing. During that time, he always left early and returned late. I asked him what he was doing recently, but he always I don't want to talk about it. But I vaguely heard him mention that his investigation may have something to do with the Lannister siblings."

Lysa Tully answered very fluently and calmly, and it was obvious that she had checked with Littlefinger Petyr Baelish long before she took little Robert out of King's Landing.

"Just a week before he died of bowel disease, his investigation seemed to have made a breakthrough, but he didn't tell me what he found. He just asked me to pack up my things and take little Robert to Dragonstone, say that Stannis will adopt my little one."

Lady Lysa pretended to be very sad: "After that, he suddenly fell ill. After the diagnosis, Maester Komon told me that Jon was suffering from bowel disease and he will recover soon."

"So I didn't go to Dragonstone Island as he wished, but stayed in King's Landing to take care of him. At first, I thought it was just an ordinary bowel disease." Madam Lysa said with eyes dripping Seeing this, Gao Yuan had to sigh, her acting skills are so good, the tears came as soon as she said, "But who knows that after Maester Komon's bloodletting treatment, not only did Jon's condition not improve, but he couldn't believe it. The rate at which things deteriorated, and Jon died shortly thereafter."

"Because Jon had been suffering from a high fever before he died, and he was already a little delirious because of the high fever at that time, so Jon didn't reveal to me what he and Stannis were secretly investigating." Lai Mrs. Sha assured Gao Yuan, "But I can be sure that all of this is absolutely inseparable from the Lannister family! They must be afraid that Jon will reveal the truth to the public, so before that they Take the lead in poisoning him."

"My poor husband, he came to his senses before he died, and kept saying the name of our son Robert. He took my hand with his last strength until it was bloody, and kept saying The seed is strong, the seed is strong..."

"He must want me to tell others that his son is born with a strong nature and is definitely not the sick child that those people say." Mrs. Lysa said very firmly, "Yes, my body has undergone five miscarriages It has been broken since then, so what is it to give birth to little Robert?"

"He wanted to tell everyone that little Robert was the strongest of his kind. He always believed that when my little baby grew up, he would become a tall and strong man like him." Lady Lysa said Started to cry.

Lysa Tully's superb acting skills and "emotional" speech caused all the canyon lords in the hall to fall into silence. Everyone felt sorry and angry for Lord Jon Arryn's death.

Duke Jon Arryn was deeply loved by the noble lords in the Vale of Arryn during his lifetime. The prestige and admiration he generated during his rule of the Vale of Arryn did not disappear or weaken in the slightest even after his death.

This is why these canyon lords will still willingly accept and support his son Lord Robert Arryn to rule the Vale of Arryn after his death, even though he is just a weak and sickly six-year-old boy now.

A weak and sickly body can be nursed by the bachelors; a cowardly character can be corrected through strict education.As long as he wasn't really too muddy to support a wall; as long as he was Lord Jon Arryn's heir, none of this would be a problem.He will always be the heir of the Arryn family, he will inherit his father's title of Duke of the Eyrie, and in the near future, he will assume the responsibility of the guardian of the valley.

"Lady Lysa, please forgive me!" Bronze Jon comforted, "Your suspicion is very reasonable, so the Lannister siblings are indeed suspected and motivated to murder Lord Jon."

"Ma'am, do you know what kind of poison those two Lannister siblings used to kill Lord Jon?" Gao Yuan asked immediately, "And who put the poison into Lord Jon's daily diet?"

"For a distinguished figure like Lord Jon, the bachelors and guards who are by his side will usually check his daily diet carefully. If outsiders want to murder Lord Jon, it will not be so easy to succeed. The Countess of Waywood analyzed, "I suspect that the person around Lord Jon was poisoned. That person should have a very close relationship with Lord Jon, even so close that the guards around Lord Jon and Bachelor Komon, They let go of all their guard against him."

"Hoo, I don't know anything about poisons at all. I don't know how to tell what kind of poison they are so that the two maesters can't check them out." Lady Lysa was still covering her face and pretending to cry, "Jon always It's very easy to trust others, let alone those who stay by his side and are close to him. The people who followed Jon to King's Landing are now back in the valley, maybe you can ask them."

"No!" Lady Lysa seemed to think of something suddenly, "The servant beside Jon, Ser Hugh has not returned! He is still staying in King's Landing, and after Jon's death, he was canonized as a knight by King Robert. , and bought a whole new suit of armor.”

Bronze Jon frowned when he heard Sir Hugh's name: "Sir Hugh's family is not rich, and his father is not a knight with property. Where did he get a golden dragon to make a new set of armor? And in Joan It is too coincidental that he was knighted by King Robert immediately after Lord Unn's death."

"Maybe a certain young man is unwilling to be someone else's attendant all the time; maybe he has resentment towards the master who has been unwilling to canonize himself as a knight; or someone lured him into doing it with a strong golden dragon in his hand. bad thing."

Madam Lysa, who was pretending to cover her face and cry bitterly, was secretly delighted, Gao Yuan's "guess" hit her right.Didn't she talk so much with these stupid guys tonight to impose all the guilt on the siblings of the Lannister family and that hapless knight Sir Hugh?

Through a little bit of exposed clues, a little bit of lies and suspicion, and through verbal guidance, let the canyon lords believe that it was the sisters and brothers of the Lannister family who, together with the unfortunate Sir Hugh, murdered Jon Arryn.The Lannister family was the mastermind of the whole incident, and Sir Hugh was the murderer who poisoned his husband.

It was taught to her by Petyr Baelish, Littlefinger.

But what Mrs. Lysa and Littlefinger could never have imagined was that in their seemingly seamless plan, a traveler who was familiar with the plot suddenly stepped in. He had already seen the truth of all this and saw through them. fabricated lies.

"The symptoms of Lord Jon Arryn's poisoning are somewhat similar to the effects of a poison I know!" A lofty voice sounded in the hall of the Eagle's Nest City, "It is rumored that the woman in Braavos and There's a poison among the Faceless that they call the Tears of Lys."

"It is a very rare and expensive poison. It tastes as sweet as water. It is soluble in wine or water. It is colorless and odorless. Even the poisoner cannot distinguish which glass of liquid This kind of poison has been given in the middle school. It can cause the death of the poisoned person by disturbing the stomach, just like ordinary intestinal diseases, and it will not leave any traces afterwards." Gao Yuan introduced, "It is said that this poison was made by Rees. Invented by alchemists."

Lady Lysa's eyes widened and she looked at him in disbelief. How on earth did he know about this poison?Every word uttered from Gao Yuan's mouth at this moment was like a thunderbolt exploding in Lysa Tully's ears.

When Littlefinger handed her the bottle of colorless, odorless poison, he had promised her that no one on this continent would know of its existence except the two of them.Therefore, not to mention distinguishing the poison, even the effect of the poison and the cause of death were all tested by her on Jon Arryn.

(End of this chapter)

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