The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 241 Evening Star Golden Dragon Banner

Chapter 241 Evening Star Golden Dragon Banner

The banquet on the Eagle's Nest City lasted until late at night, and every guest who came here was satisfied like never before.Because it has been a long time since such an unprecedented grand banquet was held in the Vale of Arryn. The last time such a grand banquet was held in the Vale of Arryn was at the wedding of Duke Jon Arryn and Lysa Tully.

Ever since the former Duke of Eagle's Nest went to King's Landing to serve as Prime Minister, no one in the valley has such appeal.Apart from the Duke of the Eagle's Nest and the Guardian of the East, who else could gather all the nobles of the Vale of Arryn together.

After the banquet, the nobles who were waiting in line to leave the Eagle's Nest City were still talking about the interesting things that happened at the banquet today.The most talked about by the dignitaries in the canyon today is that the canyon guardian did not plan to hold a martial arts competition at this banquet.

If there was another tourney held in the name of the new guardian of the valley, then this banquet would be truly perfect.Little did they know that when they were discussing today's banquet and the new guardian of the canyon, Gao Yuan stood quietly in front of the window of the tower, watching the bustling crowd leave the Eagle's Nest in the dark.

The Eagle's Nest City couldn't accommodate such a large number of guests, so most of the guests chose to go down to the barracks of Longsky Castle to spend the night.Most of them will spend the night in the camp of Longsky Castle, and wait until the sun rises the next day before going down the mountain.

The journey from Gate of the Moon Castle to Eagle's Nest City is already very dangerous, no one would choose to go down the mountain in the dark night, it would be tantamount to seeking their own death.What's more, they drank a lot of wine at the banquet today, and many of them couldn't even walk steadily at the moment.

Those who were drunk to death were even sent down by the soldiers of Longtian Castle in the hanging basket of Eagle's Nest City.Each of them was tied up and put in a hanging basket. The soldiers were afraid that they would wake up suddenly when they went down to the Changtian Castle.

If they fell from the hanging basket, the lord guardian of the canyon would definitely kill them. I'm afraid he wouldn't even give them the chance to put on black clothes and join the night watchman army.

The soldiers of the Long Sky Fort were not the drunken nobles. They were the soldiers who had been stationed at the Long Sky Castle all year round, but they had witnessed with their own eyes that the bodies of the sixty Eagle's Nest City guards were brought down from the Eagle's Nest City.

When those corpses were brought down from Eagle's Nest City late at night, their garrison captain almost rushed up with his men, but luckily his adjutant stopped him in time.If the captain of the garrison really led his people to rush up at that time, the soldiers stationed at Longtian Castle might have offended the new Lord Guardian of the Canyon.

At that time, their fate may be the same as that of Sir Vardis and others who have already left, sadly leaving the Vale of Arryn and putting on black clothes to join the Night Watchman Legion.

After the last guest who participated in the banquet left Eagle's Nest City, this huge castle standing on the top of the mountain became cold again, as if the previous lively scene had never happened before.

Mia Shidong led a few dozen servants and was cleaning up the mess left after the banquet in the courtyard.Seeing the Eagle's Nest City once again deserted, Gao Yuan became more firm in his idea of ​​moving the place where government affairs were handled to Moon Gate Fort.

Time flies by like a fleeting horse. Although the night time has increased in the Vale of Arryn as winter is approaching, the sun far below the horizon will eventually rise again one day.

When the light of morning light shone on the top of the tallest tower in Eagle's Nest City again, Gao Yuan ordered people to withdraw the Crescent Falcon flags from the top of each tower in Eagle's Nest City.

In its place are banners with silver swords painted on them.The shape of this silver-white sword is designed according to the lofty Evening Star Blade. A dark golden dragon clings to the blade of the Evening Star Blade; Star, this is the family crest that Gao Yuan designed for himself.

In the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, the family crest is an important part of the feudal system of the Seven Kingdoms. The royal family and the nobles below will regard the family crest as a symbol of their status.

At the same time, the existence of various family crests of different styles can also make it faster and easier for people to distinguish your origin and origin.As the family or individual represented by the family crest gradually became famous in the Seven Kingdoms, the great achievements they made could also be better sung by others.

When all the flags of the Crescent Falcon were replaced, Mia Shidong came to Gao Yuan with those flags, and asked him: "Master Gao Yuan, what should we do with these replaced flags?"

"Give these flags to Lady Lysa Tully, the little Duke Robert may need them in Runestone City in the future." Gao Yuan instructed Mia Stone, "If Lady Lysa doesn't want to keep them for Little Robert If you want these flags, then you will hand them over to Earl Jorn."

"Lord Gao Yuan." Just as Gao Yuan was about to turn around and leave, Mia Shidong suddenly stopped him, "Scholar Ke Meng asked me to ask you, what is your family motto? He wants to take your family's coat of arms and Proverbs reported to the school city."

"Presumably you should also know that the school city has been responsible for these records. Every newly born nobleman in the Seven Kingdoms and their life will be recorded by the bachelors of the school city in the "Genealogy and Genealogy of the Major Nobles of the Seven Kingdoms" History."

"The sun and the moon will eventually die, and the evening stars will shine forever." Gao Yuan paused for a moment, and said this motto that he had already thought about.

He knows that this motto may cause criticism from others, but Gao Yuan believes that in the not-too-distant future, those who once criticized this motto will shut their mouths forever.When he sits on that Iron Throne and reigns over the Seven Kingdoms, as King of the Seven Kingdoms, all will worship him and these proverbs.

"Mia!" Just when Mia was about to leave Gao Yuan, Gao Yuan suddenly talked about her little boyfriend, "I saw that Michelle you mentioned to me at the banquet yesterday." , he was with his father, Earl Holden, and he was indeed a nice young man."

"I also saw him at the banquet." Mia Stone had a happy smile on his face, "He took advantage of Earl Horton's conversation with you and said hello to me."

"Oh! I didn't notice this, so did he visit you at the banquet?" Gao Yuan asked curiously.

Mia Shidong shook her head in disappointment: "I was too busy at the time, and I still had to entertain all the guests. Even if he came to see me specially, I probably wouldn't have time to catch up with him."

"He left for a while in the middle, and I thought he was looking for you." Gao Yuan touched his chin, "I was still thinking about whether to recruit him into the guards of the Eagle's Nest City. I asked him and Earl Holden for advice, but unfortunately he had already left at that time, so I didn't mention this matter to Earl Holden again."

"Is this true?" Mia Shi Dong exclaimed happily, "Do you really think so, Mr. Gao Yuan?"

"Michelle is still waiting to leave with Master Holden in the Long Sky Castle at this moment, maybe I can go down and tell him the good news." Mia Shidong looked at Gao Yuan expectantly, "Master Gao Yuan, bring Can I go down to Changtian Castle when I go back?"

"Don't rush to tell him the news, Mia!" Gao Yuan comforted in a kind tone, "Michelle Redford is still Sir Lynn Corbray's attendant, although I heard that he is from the valley. One of the best young swordsmen who once showed extraordinary bravery against the Gaoshan clan."

"But he is only a knight attendant now, and he has not really become a knight." Gao Yuan explained, "I have already discussed with Sir Lynn Corbray, and I will let him replace Michele after a while. I sent you to the Blood Gate to garrison for a period of time. If he contributes to the Blood Gate Knights' elimination of the Alpine Clan or protection of the caravan during the period of the Blood Gate garrison, Sir Corbray will confer on him."

"Even if his performance was mediocre during the Blood Gate garrison, it doesn't matter!"

"No, no!" Mia Shidong said firmly, "I know him, he is not a person willing to be ordinary, Michelle is the best swordsman I have ever seen."

Mia Shidong, who realized that she was losing her composure, quickly covered her mouth, raised her head and saw Gao Yuan narrowing her eyes and staring at her meaningfully, she hurriedly explained: "Of course, except for you, Mr. Gao Yuan. "

Gao Yuan shook his head and said: "The Gaoshan clan is not so easy to deal with, are you willing to let your little lover go to the battlefield?"

"Have you ever thought that he might be injured because of this, or even die at the hands of those mountain clans. Those vicious wastelands are not kids with blunt swords. Training on the school field and going to war are not the same concept .”

"A man, after all, has to make contributions on the battlefield. I have no right to prevent him from going to the battlefield to win honor for himself. This is the only way he must go on the road to become a knight." Mia · Shi Dong smiled wryly and shook his head, "Besides, I believe in his ability, he will definitely not die at the hands of the Gaoshan clan with crude weapons.

Mia Shi Dongkou expresses her understanding of this, but Gao Yuan, who has been there, can't see the entanglement in Mia's heart at this moment.Before Michelle Redford actually set foot on the battlefield, worry and hesitation were clearly reflected on her face,
"You don't have to worry too much about his safety!" Gao Yuan looked at the frown on Mia Shidong's forehead, and he didn't intend to scare the little girl any more. Ten elite soldiers went together, this is a huge team."

"Besides, it is the elite blood knights who lead them to carry out the task of clearing the mountain clan! You should have heard of Brynden Tully, he will lead the team for this operation."

"Even if he didn't make any contribution in this operation, it doesn't matter. After I participate in the tourney from King's Landing, I will hold a tourney for the entire Vale of Arryn in the Vale of Arryn. As long as he can perform Excellent, and Sir Corbray would knight him as well."

"Master Gao Yuan. I don't understand why you want to help us so relentlessly." After Gao Yuan finished all this, Mia Shidong suddenly realized, she stared at Gao Yuan gratefully with those round eyes , "Michelle and I should not have what you pictured."

"I see true love in you, Mia Shidong! It doesn't take any reason to help a pair of lovers who really love each other get married!" Gao Yuan patted Mia Shidong's thin but strong Shoulder, "I have also faced the same situation as you, and I can tell from my experience that the barriers between classes are not insurmountable gaps, as long as the two of you never give up."

"I will stay in the Vale of Arryn for a long time, during which I will always be the Duke of the Eagle's Nest and the guardian of the East." Gao Yuan grinned, "As long as you can help me manage the castle well Everything, I don't mind removing the word Shi Dong from your name. If you don't mind, I can ask a certain adult to adopt you as an adopted daughter and name you after him."

"I understand what you mean, Mr. Gao Yuan! We really don't know how to repay you for your help to me and Michelle." As Gao Yuan said, he never thought of going from What did the young couple ask for, which made Mia Shidong feel a little overwhelmed for a moment, she didn't know what to give Gao Yuan in return for her penniless possessions.

Even if she took out her most precious thing to repay Gao Yuan, so what, the most precious thing in her eyes is not worth mentioning in front of Gao Yuan.Even if she wants to offer her perfect body, Gao Yuan must have a good opinion of her.Besides, this is not called repayment, to be precise, it is called climbing high branches.

"I'm just an illegitimate daughter who was born in the valley, until now I don't even know who my father is." Mia Shidong's tone was a little sad, "Since I was born, you are the best to me, Mr. Gaoyuan Even though Sir Nestor and the others treated me very well in Eagle's Nest City, I know that they treated me so magnanimously because of the face of my powerful father. Nest City has lived in it till now.”

"I have nothing to repay you, and now the only thing I can use to repay you is myself."

Gao Yuan waved his hand quickly when he heard the words: "I don't need your reward! I have already explained this to you."

"Although I'm just an illegitimate daughter, I can't be a lady of a noble family, nor can I become a real knight, but I also have my own sense of honor, Mr. Gao Yuan!" Mia Shidong's voice was a little choked.

She knelt down in front of Gao Yuan with a plop, and solemnly swore to Gao Yuan: "Perhaps in the not-too-distant future you will no longer need my service, but until then I will serve you by your side, for your life and I will not leave you when I am troubled by illness. I will always obey your instructions, and my lifelong service is the promise I make now, and I solemnly swear to you in the name of the old and new gods."

After making an oath to the gods, Mia Shidong took out a gold anklet from her bosom, held it in both hands and handed it to Gao Yuan: "This is the one I remember in my childhood. My father, who has blurred his face, gave me the ankle ring before leaving me, and I have carefully treasured it before that."

"Now I dedicate it to you to show that I respect you more than the father who gave me life. This anklet represents my oath to you. If one day in the future you no longer need my service, You can return it to me, or just throw it away."

Gao Yuan took the anklet from Mia Shidong's hands with some emotion. It can be seen that there were many beautiful patterns engraved on this anklet, but the patterns on it have been worn out due to the frequent cleaning by the previous owner. Lost a lot.

"Miss Mia, I have accepted your oath, and I hereby assure you on the basis of your oath of fidelity: you will always be free in my castle and in my room; Doubt; when I commit the night to your watch, the side of my bed will never be fortified."

Gao Yuan solemnly put the anklet in his arms, and quickly squatted down to help Mia Shidong up from the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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