Chapter 242 Letter from Winterfell

On the second day after the banquet ended, the valley lords headed by Bronze Jorn left the Eyrie with Lady Lysa and her son, Duke Robert.The orphans and widows left by Jon Arryn will be brought back to the family castle by Bronze Jon to raise him personally, in the name of Robert Arryn's adoptive father.

In that seaside town called Runestone City, little Duke Robert will have better living conditions, and when his epilepsy occurs, he will also be able to receive more comprehensive care.Maester Henwig, who served in that castle, was famous even in the Vale for his superb medical skills.

But at the same time, he and his mother will be forcibly separated there.

That is to say, from now on, no one will dote on him without limit like Mrs. Lysa.

According to the agreement between Bronze Jorn and Lysa Tully, the little duke will be taught by Bronze Jorn himself.In order to avoid his mother's influence on his growth during this period, Lady Lysa was only allowed to see the young Duke twice a week while Duke Robert was living in Runestone City.

For the rest of the time, she will live in a separate residence of the Royce family, where Mrs. Lysa will be under the strict supervision of the Royce family.But this is already an agreement between Gao Yuan and Bronze Yon, in order to prevent Mrs. Lysa from secretly reporting to Littlefinger.

When the little duke left the castle in his mother's arms, the child cried heart-piercingly as if he had lost his beloved toy.Even after the soldiers put them into the basket, he was still crying in Lady Lysa's arms, and even fell ill again in mid-air.

Fortunately, Maester Komon and Bronze Jorn were beside them, and they calmed Robert Arryn who was sick in time, which prevented the tragedy from happening in the swaying hanging basket.

On the tallest tower of Moon Gate Fort, Gao Yuan received a group of canyon lords from afar in the study of this tower not long ago.At this moment, he was sitting upright in front of the trestle table in this study again. More than half of the small table in front of him was occupied by a thick book.

At this time, ten days have passed since the grand banquet held in Eagle's Nest City ended.Ever since the canyon lords headed by Bronze Jorn left Eagle's Nest City, they couldn't stand the height of that cold castle, so they moved their place of handling government affairs to the Gate of the Moon Castle.Now in the empty Eagle's Nest City, there are only three or four aged servants left to guard and maintain it.

During this period, he stayed in the study of this tower all the time, except that he occasionally went to inspect his own territory accompanied by Mia Shidong, and made up for the book called "The Seven Kingdoms Main Noble Family Genealogy and History".

This book was copied by Jon Arryn when he was Prime Minister in King's Landing, and he brought it back when he returned to his territory.And the original book written by Grand Maester Merion is still stored in the room of Grand Maester Paihill's Red Castle.

Gao Yuan has reason to believe that when Duke Jon Arryn ordered someone to transcribe the "Genealogy and History of the Major Nobles of the Seven Kingdoms", he discovered that none of the three children born to Queen Cersei were born to the king. secret.

The reason why Gao Yuan is making up for this book now is because he discovered after the banquet: Although he had already understood some of the main characters and the family in the original book by heart, but now he still understands the seven characters. Some nobles in the country lack some basic knowledge.

Especially those vassals who belonged to him after he took office as the guardian of the East and the Eagle's Nest City.Among those vassals, big and small, only a very small number of people's names have ever appeared in the original work, and quite a few people even have their names not appear in the TV series.

A qualified lord can at least know all the vassals under his command.If you don't even know the vassals who swear allegiance to you, it will make people laugh out loud if it spreads, and it may even cause the resentment of your vassals.

Gao Yuan was destined to command these vassals to march and fight. Wouldn't it be very embarrassing if he couldn't call the opponent's name when he held a military meeting.Do you want him to say when he issued a military operation order to a certain nobleman: That so-and-so over there, you take 1000 people to defend the Blood Gate?

Gao Yuan, who noticed that his eyes were a little sore, gently closed the large book in front of him, and he walked to the window in the room and began to look out at the scenery of Moon Gate Fort.

One has to admit that, compared to the Eagle's Nest City, which is surrounded by seven towers, the Gate of the Moon Castle, which has a wider castle structure, does look much more majestic.Compared with the lonely and cold castle on the Giant's Gun, the castle in front of me is also more lively.

Since Gao Yuan appointed Sir Nestor as the eternal guardian of Gate of the Moon Castle, Sir Nestor handed over the castle to his daughter Miranda to manage it.

Mrs. Miranda Royce is a widow who always has a bright smile on her face. It is said that she was married once, and her husband died suddenly on her body while having sex with her on the wedding night.

It was already night when Gao Yuan first followed Sir Brynden to the Gate of the Moon Castle, so he had never seen Mrs. Miranda in this castle.The first time he got to know Mrs. Miranda, whom everyone praised, was from Miss Mia's endless admiration.

According to Miss Mia Stone, the character of this Mrs. Miranda is the exact opposite of his father's violent and severe character.Although she is not beautiful, or even ugly, everyone who has seen her bright and lively smile can feel like a spring breeze.

She is also the only one in this Moon Gate Fort who will not dislike the identity of Ms. Mia Shidong's illegitimate daughter.Miranda and Ms. Mia Shidong are very good friends. They are like sisters, they are about the same age and both grew up in this Moon Fort.

"Dong dong dong" a short knock on the door suddenly came from outside the door.

"Who is it?" Gao Yuan asked with some doubts. Usually, when he reads a book quietly in the study alone, he doesn't want anyone to disturb him, so he specifically told the guards outside the door and Mia Shidong, here During the period, unless there is something important, don't bother him.

The guard guarding the door replied: "My lord, Miss Mia Shidong is outside, and she said she has something to tell you."

"I once told you that if Mia Shidong comes to us, you can just let her in." Gao Yuan said with some displeasure. He only made a promise to her some time ago, "Now let us Come in, don't stop her next time."

Gao Yuan walked to the trestle table and put away the thick big-headed book. As soon as he put the book away, the guard opened the door of the room, and saw Mia Shidong holding two letters and quickly walked in.

Mia Shidong waited until the guard behind him closed the door, and then said: "Master Gao Yuan, please forgive me for disturbing your reading. Today, two ravens from different directions brought you two letters."

"Do you know where the two ravens came from?" Gao Yuan frowned and asked.

I had just arrived in the Vale of Arryn less than half a month ago, and two people sent me letters through Raven at the same time. I am afraid that the content of this letter will not contain any good news.

Ravens are a special way of sending letters in the world of Song of Ice and Fire, and pigeons are also used to send letters in Westeros.But stronger ravens are obviously better at delivering letters than carrier pigeons, which are often preyed by birds of prey.

Moreover, the raven is also a very intelligent, persistent and conspicuous messenger.

The ravens in each castle are usually taken care of and trained by the local bachelors. Unlike the pigeons that send messages by using the special feature of lattice returning to the nest, the reason why the ravens can send messages is because they are trained by the bachelors to fly to the nest. in a particular castle.

Some experienced maesters are even able to train ravens to fly between two different castles, such ravens are very rare.Of course, if you put in the effort regardless of the cost, a raven can even remember the names and addresses of five or six castles, and you can direct them to fly to any of them.

Although there are various advantages to sending letters through ravens, most letters are still sent through couriers in Westeros today.Because of cost considerations, letters delivered by ravens are generally used, and the contents of the above books are usually more urgent or more important.

"Have you read the contents?" Gao Yuan looked at the letter raft in Mia Shidong's hand. One of the letters was still intact, while the other was completely unsealed. Ms. Ya dismantled it, and this letter was still the same when it was delivered to Moon Gate Fort.

"I've seen one of them." Miss Mia handed the unsealed letter to Gao Yuan, "This letter was not sealed when it was delivered, and it is from Earl Eoin Royce It was sent to you, and it said that he had set off from Runestone City with his two sons and would arrive at Moon Gate Castle in a few days."

"Considering the time it takes for the raven to fly from Runestone City to the Gate of the Moon Castle, I am afraid Lord Earl Jon will arrive here tomorrow." Mia Stone asked curiously, "Master Gaoyuan, are you with Jon The Earl has an appointment, right? Please forgive my curiosity, I want to know where you are going with the Earl Jorn?"

Gao Yuan nodded indifferently and said, "At the banquet in Eagle's Nest City last time, I already made an appointment with Earl Jorn, and we will go to King's Landing City to participate in the Prime Minister's Competition."

"This is nothing to be surprised about. I have already arranged everything for this. During my departure from the Vale of Arryn, Sir Nestor will take care of all the affairs in the valley for me." Looking at Miss Mia With a surprised look on his face, Gao Yuan explained to her.

"Where did the other letter come from? Have you opened it?" Gao Yuan stretched out his hand.

I saw Miss Mia Stone shaking her head like a rattle: "This letter should be sent from Winterfell, with the Stark family's coat of arms on it."

"Lord Gao Yuan, it is clearly marked on the surface of the letter that it must be opened by you, so I did not dare to remove the lacquered seal to check the contents." Miss Mia solemnly handed over the letter from Winterfell to lofty.

He took the letter in his hand and took a lot of it, only to see that the interface of the letter was indeed sealed with gray wax.Seeing the direwolf crest affixed on the wax paint, Gao Yuan's first reaction was that there was a huge change in Winterfell.

Gao Yuan, who was a little confused by the sudden letter, soon fell into deep thought, and he wanted to sort out his thoughts from the beginning.

In the recent period of calm, if it was serious enough for Mrs. Caitlin to send a letter to herself through the raven, the only thing that probably happened was Bran who was unconscious and was assassinated by an assassin lurking in Winterfell. It's over.

If the plot of Winterfell has been developed according to the plot in the original book.The assassin who had been lurking in Winterfell should have failed in his assassination of Bran.

Since Bran was not harmed by the assassin, according to Madam Caitlin's cautious character, even if she has decided to go south alone to find her husband, she should not write a letter to send the raven to the Vale of Arryn at this moment.

According to the development of the plot in the original book, after Bran was assassinated by an assassin, Mrs. Caitlin should choose to go south secretly to King's Landing, where she would find her husband who had become the Prime Minister and warn him.

Under Littlefinger's deliberate misleading, she and Ed will think that the owner of the Valyrian steel dagger used to assassinate Bran is the little devil of the Lannister family.

After that, Mrs. Caitlin, who secretly left King's Landing again to return to Winterfell, will meet Tyrion Lannister who has just returned from the Great Wall in the tavern in the riverland.

With the help of the vassals of the Duke of Hoster in the Riverland, Lady Caitlin successfully captured the little devil and escorted him all the way to the Eagle's Nest City in the Valley.In order to seek the trial of the little devil Tyrion in the Eagle's Nest City, and hope to get rid of the Lannister family here.

Although the raven is indeed a very efficient and secret way of sending messages, there is still a risk of being shot down after all.So why didn't she follow the plot of the original book?What made Mrs. Caitlin write this letter to herself, and what was written in the letter.

"Master Gao Yuan, why don't you open it and take a look at the contents?" Mia Shidong looked at the letter in Gao Yuan's hand curiously, "Don't let me open it and take a look for you."

Speaking of Mia Shidong was about to reach for the letter, Gao Yuan turned his head and glared at her angrily, and put the letter in his hand out of her reach, the little girl was immediately frightened Shrunk his head.

"I'm afraid the content on it will be huge. Even I will find this letter very troublesome. I believe you won't want to read the content on it." Gao Yuan's tone was stern.

After finishing speaking, Gao Yuan still felt a little uneasy, and he continued to exhort: "Mia! Don't tell anyone about this letter from Winterfell, do you understand?"

"I understand, Master Gao Yuan!" Mia Shidong nodded seriously, and then bowed to Gao Yuan, ready to leave.

After Mia Shidong exited the room and closed the door, Gao Yuan opened the lacquer seal on the letter raft, took out the letter and began to check the contents.

After he read the letter sent from Winterfell at a glance, a white flame shot out in front of Gao Yuan immediately, burning the letter raft in his hand together with the wax on it to ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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