Chapter 245 The Death of Gregor Clegane (See you tomorrow, Calvin.)
A deep sense of powerlessness hit Sir Gregor like a tidal wave. This feeling was unprecedented. It was only now that the Mountain finally realized how desperate those opponents who died under his hands were before they died.

It's not that Moshan didn't think about escaping from Gao Yuan's sword, but he never did it, even though he was kneeling in the filthy muddy water now.

The soldier's keen intuition told him that as long as he dared to let go of the strength in his hands now, Gao Yuan's stormy attack would follow immediately.At that time, the enemy advances and we retreat. Once Gao Yuan enters the range of the magic mountain, he has no way to hold Gao Yuan who is holding a two-meter-long giant sword and is inconvenient to move.

However, it is not a solution to be suppressed by the opponent all the time. Under the ebb and flow of one's strength, one's own strength will only become weaker and weaker, until finally losing the ability to resist and can only be slaughtered by others.

Soon, Sir Gregor, who was experienced in combat, still made a decision, because now he had no other choice, and exchanging injuries for his life was the only way out of his current predicament.Even if you have to be seriously injured for this, after all, it is much better than watching yourself defeated.

Besides, he was still wearing heavy armor at the moment, which was why Sir Gregor made this choice.He has sufficient confidence in the thick armor on his body, and he is sure that the sword in Gao Yuan's hand cannot easily break through the defense of the armor, even if the silver-white sword is made of Valyrian steel.

Just when Sir Gregor raised his head and was about to make a move, his sight hidden in the helmet accidentally bumped into the pair of eyes that were dotted with golden light in the darkness.The light from those eyes is like two lighthouses by the sea, and all the ghosts and monsters hidden in the darkness and mist will have nothing to hide in front of them.

Every move of Sir Gregor is always under the watchful eyes of Gao Yuan.Even Gao Yuan's wise eyes have already seen through the escape plan he was contemplating at the moment.

In fact, even if he closes his eyes and guesses, the people of the Magic Mountain will know all about those careful thoughts. Does he have any other options besides taking risks and fighting to the death?Choose to continue the continuous confrontation with Gao Yuan, and be slaughtered after your physical strength is exhausted?Ser Gregor would not have made such a foolish choice.

Although Mo Shan had already made up his mind at this moment, when Mo Shan noticed Gao Yuan's mocking eyes, he still couldn't help being shocked.Sir Gregor, who has no choice, is ready to escape Gao Yuan's restraint at this moment, and now he has to shoot like an arrow on a full string. He can only secretly pray to the Seven Gods, hoping that Gao Yuan has not seen through himself The action, in order to be able to catch Gao Yuan by surprise.

But Gao Yuan, who had expected it for a long time, would let him escape so easily. Just when Mo Shan was about to escape from his grasp, Gao Yuan standing in front of Mo Shan suddenly snorted coldly.

Immediately afterwards, a more terrifying force than before was delivered to Sir Gregor through the double-edged sword like an overwhelming force.However, at this moment, Mo Shan had already released his strength from holding the hilt of the sword. Facing Gao Yuan's sudden burst of power, he was pushed back by this force before he had time to react.

Being hit by surprise, Magic Mountain staggered back a few steps, and then involuntarily fell into the quagmire behind him.Before he could struggle to get up from the quagmire, Gao Yuan, who was waving the evening star blade in his hand, had already come to him.

Sir Gregor raised the double-edged sword over his head with difficulty, hoping to resist Gao Yuan's pounce and give himself a chance to breathe.But how could Gao Yuan allow him to get what he wanted? When he saw Mo Shan raised the giant sword in his hand, trying to resist his own resistance, he immediately changed his attack method, forcefully smashing the originally heavy sword The slashing action has become a relaxed and freehand upward pick.

Gao Yuan's sudden movement was beyond Mo Shan's expectation. With a burst of severe pain coming from the tiger's mouth of his right hand holding the sword, the two-meter-long giant sword in his hand was challenged by Gao Yuan just like that. flew out.

Everyone present was attracted by the movement caused by Gao Yuan's side, and the two sides who were fighting in the melee stopped fighting each other at this moment.When they turned their heads and saw the Magic Mountain sitting slumped in the mud, their faces showed expressions of disbelief.

"Long live Master Gaoyuan."

"Long Live the Vale of Erin"


The valley knights who supported Gaoyuan began to raise their arms and shouted, but the soldiers who followed Gregor Clegane were all ashen-faced at this moment.The defeat of Magic Mountain Gregor made the soldiers who followed him lose their morale. Among them, many soldiers who lost their fighting spirit even dropped their weapons and chose to give up resistance.

Facing Mo Shan who was sitting silently in the mud, Gao Yuan did not intend to relax his vigilance at all.The tip of the Evening Star Blade in his hand was still aimed at the Magic Mountain, in case he suddenly exploded and hurt people.The lesson of the red viper Oberyn in the original book is still vivid at this moment, and Gao Yuan dare not relax his vigilance before confirming that the Magic Mountain is completely dead.

Moreover, it is far from the moment to celebrate the victory!

In the battle just now, although Gao Yuan easily defeated the Demon Mountain, he did not cause any substantial damage to the Demon Mountain.Compared with the state before the battle between the two, the Magic Mountain is just missing a double-edged sword in his hand.

Don't look at how embarrassed he is sitting in the mud at the moment, but he is still that dangerous thug.Facing an opponent as dishonorable as the Mountain, one could never be too careful.Although Gao Yuan is confident that the other party can't really hurt him, no one likes to put himself in danger.

Ever since he lifted the double-edged giant sword in the hands of the Demon Mountain, Gao Yuan has always kept a distance of about ten meters from the Demon Mountain, just to prevent the Demon Mountain from suddenly erupting.

The torrential rain on the King's Road was still going on. Seeing that the magic mountain was still sitting there motionless, Gao Yuan felt that this stalemate could no longer continue. It was time to put an end to this sudden battle.

Gao Yuan began to gradually shorten the distance between him and the Demon Mountain. During this period, he did not relax his vigilance. The tip of the Evening Star Blade held flat was always aimed at the Demon Mountain. Even the Demon Mountain was still sitting in the mud at this moment. at every turn.

He stopped four meters away from the Magic Mountain: "Ser Gregor Clegane, do you choose to continue to resist, or choose to surrender?"

"If you give up resistance and choose to surrender, I can still spare your life tonight." Gao Yuan said loudly, "But you must go with me to King's Landing City for trial, and I will escort you to King Robert , King Robert will judge you fairly for your crimes."

"For the sake of your lord, Duke Tywin, King Robert may allow you to put on black clothes and join the Night's Watch." Gao Yuan warned, "But if you are still stubborn and want to continue to resist, I will Will end your miserable life on this king's road, according to the king's law."

As soon as Gao Yuan's words fell, Moshan stood up from the mire, and he walked towards Gao Yuan without saying a word.Until now, his head is still covered by the heavy iron helmet, making it difficult to see the expression on his face, and no one knows what he is thinking at this moment.

"Stop your footsteps, Sir Gregor!" Gao Yuan lightly raised the tip of his sword and pointed at the chest of the Demon Mountain, and snapped, "If you take another step forward, I will regard you as a threat to me. Right to execute you here and there."

Perhaps Gao Yuan's scolding had an effect, and Sir Gregor really stopped moving forward.But at this moment, the Earth Demon Mountain is only about one meter away from Gaoyuan. According to the size of the Demon Mountain, he can grab Gaoyuan with his hand.

And Gao Yuan only needs to send the Evening Star Blade forward a little bit, and its sharp sword tip can easily touch the armor on the chest of Demon Mountain.

"Now tell me your choice! Sir Gregor!" Gao Yuan raised his head and squinted at the Magic Mountain, as if he wanted to see the expression on his face through the narrow gap, "Is it the choice?" Surrender, or continue to resist."

"I choose to screw your head off!" Mo Shan, who was close to Gao Yuan, suddenly shouted, and then he reached out and grabbed Gao Yuan's head.Fortunately, Gao Yuan had already prepared for this. As early as Mo Shan raised his hand, he had already started to retreat.

"Hmph! I knew you would play tricks." Gao Yuan sneered, while waving the Evening Star Blade in his hand, trying to cut off the big hands reaching out to him.

On this continent, I am afraid that no one understands how despicable Gregor is as a person better than Gao Yuan. If so, how could he not be on guard against the Devil's Mountain? After all, he already has the history lesson of the red viper Oberyn Jewels come first.

Evening Star Blade's blade easily tore the armguard covering Sir Gregor's left hand. This is an elven sword that can tear even the dragon scales of evil dragons. No problem.

In front of the sharp blade of the Evening Star Blade, the thick armor that the Mountain was proud of was as fragile as paper.

Seeing that the gauntlet on his arm was so easily cut by Gao Yuan's sword, and even the chain mail and leather armor under the armguard were instantly torn, Sir Gregor suddenly felt like a ghost, and hurriedly stretched himself to Gao Yuan withdrew his left hand.

But his movements were still half a beat slow after all, just for an instant, the sharp blade left a deep bone wound on the forearm of his left hand.

Because the sword blade that caused the wound was too sharp, blood gushed out from the hideous wound two seconds after Mo Shan found out that the wound had appeared, and the severe pain made Mo Shan let out a painful wail.It is a pity for Gao Yuan that due to the heavy armor on the Demon Mountain's body slowing down the cutting of the Evening Star Blade, and because of the distance, he was unable to get the bloody and sinful left hand of the Demon Mountain together. Root truncation.

The severe pain made Moshan even more angry at Gao Yuan, and he stared at Gao Yuan with his big vicious eyes.Filled with anger and having nowhere to vent, he brutally tore off the gauntlet, chain mail and leather armor on his left arm.

In an instant, a large amount of blood poured down the steel armguard, staining the King's Road at the foot of the Devil's Mountain red, and began to spread in all directions along with the flow of rainwater.

What surprised Gao Yuan was the way Moshan treated the wound. For such a horrible wound, for a normal person, this arm is basically completely lost fighting power.But Moshan just tore off the cloak on his back and tied it up casually, and easily stopped the blood that was flowing continuously.

It would be fine if the hemorrhage was simply stopped, there was nothing surprising about it.What really surprised Gao Yuan was that Moshan's left hand gained the ability to move quickly after such a crude and rough bandage.This made him have to wonder if he had perfectly avoided the muscle tissue, nerve tissue and tejin of the Mountain when he scratched the Mountain's arm just now.

The Magic Mountain, whose arm has regained its mobility, picked up the double-edged giant sword that was lifted by Gao Yuan. At this moment, there was a huge gap on the blade of the giant sword, which was left by the evening star blade just now. down.

He wanted to fight Gao Yuan again, but it was a pity that Gao Yuan might not give Mo Shan such a chance again.The reason why he didn't use Thunderbolt to deal with the Mountain before was simply because he wanted to save the Mountain until the King's Landing Tournament.

The martial arts tournament held in King's Landing City has enough influence in the Seven Kingdoms, so many knights and nobles from all over the Seven Kingdoms will come to participate.As long as I killed the Mountain in the tournament, I believe that the news will soon reach the princes and princesses of Dorne through the mouths of the knights and nobles who participated in the tournament.

Because the Devil Mountain broke into the palace and raped her daughter during the War of the Usurper and killed the princess of Dorne, Princess Elia Martell and her children, so the princes of Dorne now hate the Devil Mountain who killed their relatives. .

After the War of the Snatchers, these princes approached King Robert several times, wanting him to hand over the murderer who killed Princess Elia Martell, but King Robert still failed to let them do so .This even caused many princes and princesses of Dorne to hate the current royal family. Even after King Robert's death, they still hated those members of the Baratheon family who prevented them from taking revenge.

And once the news of his killing the Devil Mountain reaches the ears of those princes, he will win the favor of most people among the many princes and princesses in Dorne. This can be regarded as Gao Yuan's plan to conquer Dorne for himself Prepare in advance.

Dorne is not an easy place to be conquered, and using strong methods is often counterproductive.Even the Targaryen Dynasty, which had dozens of dragons in the early days, was able to bring Dorne into the territory of the Seven Kingdoms, not relying on the use of force to deter dragons, but relying on the power of the Targaryen royal family. Completion of the policy of tenderness, such as marriage marriage with the princesses of Dorne.

 Today is really a day of nightmares, let me be miserable.

  First it was Calvin, and then the community was disconnected from the Internet and the power. I relied on the code words on my mobile phone to finish writing today's chapter at 2.47 in the morning...

  I need to go to work tomorrow, and I will refine this chapter when I fish

(End of this chapter)

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