Chapter 246 Death of the Magic Mountain
It was an accident that my team encountered the Magic Mountain on the way to King's Landing, and had a conflict with it.It was also this sudden accident that disrupted Gao Yuan's original arrangement for the fate of the Magic Mountain.Gao Yuan was caught in a dilemma whether to execute Magic Mountain on the spot on the King's Road.

Even though keeping Mo Shan alive has many benefits for him, the current situation is that Gao Yuan and Mo Shan have formed an endless hatred.The failure of the persuasion to surrender just now has proved to Gao Yuan that Mo Shan, who is not afraid of death, will never surrender to himself.

Since the Mountain refuses to surrender, Gao Yuan has only two options left: either to abolish and capture the Mountain by himself, and then take the Mountain, which has lost its resistance, to King's Landing to accept King Robert's trial; He was executed summarily on the King's Row.

In fact, Gao Yuan had already made a decision in his heart, and he was more inclined to the latter option than taking the trouble to escort the Magic Mountain to King's Landing City.

Ser Gregor Clegane is a vassal of the Lannister family, and taking the seriously injured Mountain to King's Landing will inevitably cause him a lot of trouble.This is almost blatantly declaring war on the Lannister siblings, and it is no different from his next actions in King's Landing City.

And even if Gao Yuan captured the Mountain to King's Landing and accused the Mountain of crimes in front of King Robert, the king who tried his best to maintain the relationship between the royal family and the Lannister family would not necessarily follow Gao Yuan's opinion Sentenced to Death by The Mountain.

On the other hand, it might be difficult for Moshan to recover in a short period of time after being abolished by himself. How could Moshan, who was lying on the hospital bed, participate in the martial arts competition in King's Landing City.

In this way, Gao Yuan's only motive for leaving Mo Shan alive no longer exists.

Instead of taking the huge risk of taking the Mountain captive to King's Landing, he would offend Queen Cersei and the Lannister family behind her.In contrast, executing the Mountain on the spot has become a good choice.

Anyway, what those princes far away in Dorne want is for the murderer who hurt Princess Elia Martell to be brought to justice, instead of asking someone to escort Sir Gregor of the Mountain to them. .

In fact, killing the Mountain in public at the tournament in King's Landing was no different from executing him on the King's Row today.

As long as he cuts off Sir Gregor's head and sends it to Dorne together with his armor and weapons after killing the Mountain, he can achieve the desired effect even so high.

The fundamental motives of the two seemingly different choices are the same in essence, both are to gain the friendship and support of the Dornish people.Since it is so lofty, why bother to look far away and choose to bring a lot of trouble to yourself.

"In the not-too-distant future!" Gao Yuan, holding a silver-white sword, stood upright in the rainy dense forest, only to hear him shouting loudly to the thugs in front of him: "When people talk about, who killed the man who died in July? I don't want to hear them say that I killed you while you were in danger."

"Although I caused the injury on your left hand myself, I will still give you mercy, despicable Sir Gregor!" Gao Yuan put his left hand behind his back, "Now I will give you a left hand, See if you can beat me."

"Hmph, put away your hypocritical pity," Moshan snorted coldly with disdain, "Even if I only have one finger left, I can easily crush you to death, you little bastard."

The angry Moshan waved the giant sword in his hand as if venting, and walked towards Gao Yuan in strides. On the other hand, Gao Yuan's face was calm, and he was still unmoved when he saw the Moshan rushing towards him. He just put his left hand behind his back.

Sir Gregor held the hilt of the sword with both hands and swung the giant sword towards Gao Yuan. When the blade came to Gao Yuan, Gao Yuan raised the Evening Star Blade in his right hand.

Compared with the two-meter-long giant sword in Demon Mountain's hand, the Evening Star Blade, which is only half its length and width, looks particularly "slender".But it was such a "slender" silver-white long sword, but amidst the exclamation of others, it slammed away the powerful attack of the Demon Mountain.

The astonishing force generated by the collision between the two almost caused the giant sword to fall out of Mo Shan's hand again, and even Gao Yuan's right hand holding the hilt of the sword could not help but feel numb for a while.

Before Mo Shan clenched the trembling hilt in his hand again, Gao Yuan immediately attacked him, and only a silver-white sword light flashed in the darkness.

The golden sparks accompanied the silver-white sword blade across the armor on the Demon Mountain's chest, making a piercing sound of metal cutting.

In the blink of an eye, it easily tore a huge hole in the center of the armor on Demon Mountain's chest, and the tip of the sword left a hideous bloodstain on Demon Mountain's chest.

"I know your brother, Ser Gregor! Sandor Clegane told me that you left the burn on his face when he was a child." A sword swung back from the height of the Magic Mountain, and sneered, " If I remember correctly, you were only 12 years old at the time, right!"

"That's the punishment he deserves. I didn't cut off his head on the spot. This is kindness to him." Sir Gregor muttered indistinctly, and charged Gao Yuan again.

During this charge, every time Mo Shan's heavy footsteps landed on the muddy ground, a lot of mud would be splashed, and he wanted to chop off Gao Yuan's annoying head.

But Gao Yuan just turned sideways, and easily dodged the blow.While avoiding the attack of the Devil Mountain, he also waved the blade in his hand and drew a sword on the calf of the Devil Mountain.

The thin calf armor and the leather armor inside were easily torn apart, followed by another line of blood appearing on Demon Mountain's calf.In the process of charging, the Devil Mountain was in pain, and he couldn't stop the inertia of moving forward, and fell into the quagmire.

"Then you are such a kind and good brother. It's a pity that he is now in King's Landing City, otherwise I will give him the opportunity to kill you with my own hands." Gao Yuan mocked, "I believe he wants to do it in his dreams." Killed you with my own hands!"

Devil Mountain, whose calf was injured, struggled to stand up again from the quagmire, limping towards Gaoyuan with a huge sword in his right hand, he asked in a muffled voice, "Are you here to fight or to talk nonsense? "

"I just want to see if a villain like you, who is full of evil, will pray to the Seven Gods and repent before he dies." Gao Yuan stepped in front of the Devil Mountain and kicked down the giant sword in Devil Mountain's hand. At the same time, by the way, he slashed across his other intact calf with the blade, breaking the tendon of the Demon Mountain.

At the same time, the magic mountain lost its giant sword and the support of its feet, and fell into the mud again.His mournful groans echoed in the dense forest, even covering the still pouring rain.

This time he could no longer struggle to stand up, and could only kneel in the mud, even so, he was still taller than most of the people present.

"Kill me if you have the ability!" Mo Shan roared towards Gao Yuan.

Ser Gregor picked up the greatsword that fell aside, and kept turning his head to find a high position.But at this moment, Gao Yuan is like those innocent souls who died tragically in his hands, always wandering erratically around him, entangled endlessly.

"Kill you? It's almost dirty my hands!" Gao Yuan's deep voice echoed in the surrounding dense forest, as if countless innocent souls who died at the hands of the Devil Mountain were demanding their lives, "Repent! For your sake Confession for all the crimes committed in a sinful life."

"Only in this way will I give you a good time."

"I will definitely kill you!" Even now, Sir Gregor still stubbornly refused to surrender to Gao Yuan, "I will tear your stinky mouth to pieces... ah."

Before Mo Shan could finish his threatening words, another scream came from his hoarse throat, and it was Gao Yuan who stepped down from behind his right ear.

"It doesn't matter, we have plenty of time tonight!" Gao Yuan's teasing voice came into the still-surviving ear of the Devil Mountain, "Since you are unwilling to repent, let me help you count the crimes you have committed. It's just that every time I tell a crime for you, I will cut off a certain part of your body as my reward."

Afterwards, Gao Yuan walked agilely beside Mo Shan, and he stabbed the tip of Evening Star Blade into Mo Shan's belly from the front, which seemed to have no effect on him.He didn't even say a word about the pit, instead he swung the huge sword in his hand and slashed towards Gao Yuan, but it only cut off the rain and air.

Gao Yuan waved the blade in his hand and knocked down the giant sword that Mo Shan was trying to raise, and the tip of the sword pierced into his arm again like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.Seeing that there was no response from the opponent, Gao Yuan launched a stormy attack on him, using the tip of the Evening Star Blade to stab into Demon Mountain's waist, knees, thighs and arms respectively.

Gao Yuan has a very precise grasp of the strength in his hands. Every attack is like a superficial touch on Mo Shan's body, which can bring him great pain without hurting his main organs and blood vessels. Prevent him from dying from these injuries.

The set of heavy armor on Magic Mountain was like paper, completely unable to resist the damage from the Evening Star Blade for him.Gao Yuan continued to circle around the Demon Mountain, repeatedly knocking down the giant sword in the hands of the Demon Mountain; continuously waving the blade caused him pain; repeatedly changing his position consumed the physical strength of the Demon Mountain.

This torture lasted for quite a long time, until Sir Gregor, who was exhausted, lay panting in the quagmire in front of him.At this moment, his body is already covered with hundreds of wounds, large and small. These are the masterpieces left by Gao Yuan on his body. The blood stained the rain and soil at the foot of the magic mountain red, and the double-edged giant sword full of gaps Throw it aside so casually.

Mo Shan, lying in the mud, weakly supported his body with his elbows, his chest heaved sharply and he gasped heavily at times, and at other times he muttered vicious curses on Gao Yuan in his mouth.

In the end, Moshan seemed to have completely given up resisting, he didn't make any sound except for heavy panting, and kept silent all the time, silently enduring the pain Gao Yuan brought him.

This is not what Gao Yuan wants to see. Compared with Sir Gregor lying in the mud like a dead dog, he prefers the rebellious appearance of the Magic Mountain just now.

At this moment, Gao Yuan's physical torture on the Magic Mountain had reached its limit, and he knew that nothing would change if he went on like this, so he began to torture Sir Gregor psychologically.

Gao Yuan, who was walking by the side of the magic mountain, began to count the crimes committed by the magic mountain. Whenever a crime came out of Gao Yuan's mouth, he would raise his head and look at the dark sky.I don't know whether he is accusing the Seven Gods of the Devil Mountain's crimes in the sky; or he is comforting the innocent victims who died tragically at his hands.

Gao Yuan knows a lot about the crimes of the Magic Mountain.However, only a few of these are very serious crimes: For example, Moshan killed his young sister in his sister's room when he was young; Killed his own father and so on.

Although many of the crimes he counted are actually unproven rumors, Gao Yuan doesn't care about them.Whenever he brought a charge against Ser Gregor, he would swing the Evening Star Blade in his hand, and remove a vital part from the Mountain's body.

When he was about to talk about the crimes committed by the Magic Mountain in the Red Castle during the War of the Reavers, Gao Yuan had already taken two ears, one eyeball and four fingers of Sir Gregor at this moment.

"Sir Gregor, you are accused of bloodbathing the Red Castle with Ser Amory Lodge during the War of the Reavers." Gao Yuan continued to accuse the Mountain of crimes, "After that you also broke into the Targaryen family's house. In the nursery, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen's infant son, Prince Aegon Targaryen, was smashed against the wall and killed."

"Before the blood and brains of the poor dead child were dry, you raped and killed his mother, Princess Elia Martell, in front of the child's body."

Just when Gao Yuan, who accused the Devil Mountain of crimes, was about to raise the silver-white sword in his hand again to remove a certain part of the Devil Mountain, Sir Gregor suddenly stopped his movements with a hoarse voice. :"etc."

"Are you going to repent for the crimes you have committed? Ser Gregor Clegane!" Gao Yuan looked at the Magic Mountain kneeling in front of him in surprise. Could it be that the sun is going to come out from the west today?
A traitor full of crimes wants to confess his crimes!

Just when Gao Yuan was still wondering what kind of tricks Mo Shan was playing, he saw the pale and blood-stained Mo Shan slowly raised his head to look at Gao Yuan, and then a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I Admitting that I killed that Dorne whore and her little bastard, and when I got to that Dorne bitch's room, her little bastard nearly exploded in my head."

"I snatched that brat from the arms of that Dornish bitch and slammed it against the wall."

"But who knew that little bastard didn't die like this, but continued to scream there. So I picked him up from the ground and threw him heavily on the ground." Magic Mountain knelt on the ground, While narrating how he killed Princess Elia Martell and Prince Aegon, he suddenly jumped up from the ground and stretched out his hand towards Gaoyuan.

Seeing Moshan stretching out his hand and rushing towards him, the expression on Gao Yuan's face became very fierce.Having been prepared for a long time, he raised his hand and sent the Evening Star Blade into the chest of the Demon Mountain.


The silver-white sword tip pierced through Demon Mountain's entire chest easily, and his heart was pierced, causing him to let out a muffled groan involuntarily.Unexpectedly, this not only didn't make Moshan die down, but made him look at Gao Yuan more fiercely.

Just when Gao Yuan thought that Mo Shan would die, he raised his hands again and grabbed Gao Yuan's head, trying to poke Gao Yuan's eyes blind with the few remaining fingers.

Realizing that something was wrong, Bronze Jorn hurried towards Gao Yuan, but the distance between Bronze Jorn and Gao Yuan was at least ten meters away. By the time he arrived at Gao Yuan's side, the day lily might have been cold.

Everyone could only watch Mo Shan reach out and grab Gao Yuan's head.

Seeing that the magic mountain was about to succeed, everyone thought that Gao Yuan was about to die on the spot.Only a cold snort came from Gao Yuan's mouth, followed by a mass of fiery flames gushing out from the Evening Star Blade in Gao Yuan's hand.Instantly ignited the magic mountain that jumped on him, and enveloped Gao Yuan in it.

The pitiful screams of the Devil Mountain continued to be heard from the blazing flames, making everyone present shudder.When the screams gradually subsided, a figure was slowly walking towards the crowd from the crazily burning fire. He held a silver-white sword in his right hand, and a sword in a steel helmet in his left hand. head.

Bronze Jon rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and fixed his eyes on the steel helmet in the hands of the figure, which contained the head of Ser Gregor Clegane the Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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