The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 247 Resounding Dragon Inn and Hejian Land

Chapter 247 Resounding Dragon Inn and Hejian Land
Earl Jon, who rushed to Gao Yuan with his sword in hand, stopped in disbelief.He widened his eyes and looked up and down carefully, Gao Yuan who had just walked out of the blazing flames.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for Bronze Jon to believe that the clean and tidy man in front of him just walked out of the red flames.

The magic mountain that was shrouded in blazing flames with him has now turned into a scorched corpse lying on the ground.As for Gao Yuan standing in front of him at this moment, even the black and shiny hair on the top of his head showed no sign of curling, let alone being burned by the flames.

Under the torrential rain, the flame behind Gao Yuan quickly extinguished.When the green smoke cleared, Sir Jon Royce and others saw the charred corpse of the Demon Mountain on the scorched land.

The only thing left on the scene was the heavy armor worn by the Demon Mountain.And that set of armor made of high-quality steel is now showing signs of melting.Soybean-sized raindrops fell on the burnt red armor, and quickly turned into wisps of blue smoke rising with the sound of puffing and puffing.

Walking up to the stunned Earl Jon, Gao Yuan handed the head of the Devil Mountain to him with a look of disgust on his face, as if he was afraid of getting his hands dirty, and only listened to him speak to Bronze Jon and said: "Find someone you can trust. Brother of the Vale, take for me the head and armor of Ser Gregor to Prince Doran Nameros Martell of Sunspear of Dorne."

Prince Doran of Sunspear City is the prince who now rules Dorne and the lord of Sunspear City, and he is also the brother of Oberyn Martell, the Red Viper.

Different from the aggressive character shown by his younger brother Oberyn, the Red Viper, this Prince Doran is a cautious, calm, and extremely deep-rooted person. He never easily reveals his emotions to others.

Prince Oberyn has made no secret of his hatred of the Mountain and the Lannisters, while Prince Doran has kept his desire to avenge his sister, Elia Martell, murdered by the Mountain well under wraps.

With trembling hands, he took the head of the Demon Mountain from Gao Yuan's hands. Earl Jorn lifted the head and carefully inspected the deathless Demon Mountain.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his head excitedly and looked at Gao Yuan: "Lord Gao Yuan, do you have anything to say to Prince Daolan of Sunspear City in Dorne?"

Putting the Evening Star Blade back into the dragonskin scabbard, Gao Yuan patted Bronze Jon on the shoulder and said, "You just let someone tell Prince Doran that his sister Princess Elia Martell's revenge, I have done it for him Report! The Mountain Ser Gregor Clegane suffered painful torture before he died, and this is my little justice for the dead Princess Elia Martell."

Bronze Jon nodded respectfully, and solemnly wrapped Sir Gregor's head in sackcloth.Immediately afterwards, he looked at the attendants of Clegane's family who were captured by the knights of the Vale of Arryn: "Lord Gao Yuan, what are you going to do with these lackeys who follow Sir Clegane."

Gao Yuan's indifferent gaze swept over those who were subdued by the knights of the Vale of Arryn: "Everything that happened on the King's Road tonight must not be leaked to others."

"These guys who followed Sir Clegane and worked as a tiger's minion, everyone's hands were covered with the blood of innocent people, even if they were saved, it would be nothing more than a waste of food." Gao Yuan said coldly, "As for How to get rid of them will be up to you, do you want me to do this kind of thing myself?"

"I don't want to dirty my hands because of them. Letting them die by my sword is an insult to me."

Earl Jon Royce immediately understood Gao Yuan's meaning when he heard the words. He waved his hands at his subordinates, and the riders in the Vale of Arryn raised their weapons one after another.

As the fine steel long swords held high in the hands of these knights fell, one after another screams rang out in the dense forest.

After finishing off the remnants of the Magic Mountain in the dense forest, the Vale of Arryn team headed by Gao Yuan set off again in the heavy rain. The mighty team of nearly a hundred people galloped on the King's Road, heading towards King's Landing City.

They had just fought a big battle with the Mountain's forces in this area, so now they want to get out of here as soon as possible while the rain and night are dark.Although there were very few people on the King's Road on this rainy night with heavy rain, it didn't mean that no one would pass by here.

Maybe the heavy rain overnight would wash away most of the traces left by the battle for them, but the blood-stained knights in the team will inevitably attract the attention of the passing team.

Humans are a kind of existence that likes to guess and associate, even if they have no direct evidence to prove to others that Sir Gregor's attack and death are related to Gao Yuan.

But after seeing the blood stains on the knights in the team, they will definitely link the attack on the King's Road with the blood stains on them.

They don't care about whether they have real evidence in their hands to accuse Gao Yuan of their crimes.Those who speculate about this are not fair and just judges, and there is absolutely no need to collect so-called evidence for those who have died and have nothing to do with them.

What they want is nothing more than a conversation material that they can discuss with friends or strangers at the wine table.In a social group, there is no cost or price to be paid for creating a rumor.

All individuals in the social group only need to use their mouths to pass on this guess, and they can create a lot of false rumors, which will bring huge troubles to Gao Yuan and others.

On the king's road full of mud and water, the knights of the Vale of Arryn led by Gao Yuan galloped all the way on their horses. At this moment, they were on their way to the Ring Dragon Inn.

This well-known inn on the King's Road has had many names in history. It is located at the fork of the King's Road and the River Road.The current operator of this inn is Mrs. Martha Hyde whom Bronze Yonn mentioned to Gao Yuan not long ago.

The heavy rain on the King's Road has not stopped all day, seriously slowing down the speed of the team, which caused it to be late at night when they arrived at the Sound Dragon Inn.

The owner of the inn, Mrs. Martha, and her fellows had already fallen asleep, and Bronze Jon knocked on the door for at least ten minutes before knocking on the door of the inn.

A sleepy-eyed Martha Hyde opened the door to the beleaguered team.Already fed up with the rain outside, the Knights of the Vale of Arryn swarmed into the lobby of the inn.

Seeing the drenched crowd squeeze into the inn, the rain dripping from their bodies made the entire lobby wet, and Martha Hyde, who hadn't had time to speak in the future, woke up instantly.

She casually took out a handful of tobacco from her pocket and stuffed it into her mouth, and began to chew. Her eyes widened angrily and she stood there with her hands on her hips, trying to find the leader among them.

Soon, she set her sights on Gao Yuan, who was wearing a dark golden dragon scale armor.

"My lord, there is only one upstairs guest room left in the inn." Mrs. Martha grinned and approached Gao Yuan, showing her trademark bloody smile, "I'm afraid this can't accommodate all of you, you really came It's too late! It's all caused by this martial arts tournament. Many people are rushing to King's Landing now. There are so many people. It's very rare to have a guest room left, thanks to a guest. Left the inn before midnight."

"Clean up the rest of the guest room for my lord, and I will sleep in the stable with the others tonight." Before Gao Yuan could speak, Bronze Jorn stood up and said, "We just need a warm the hearth, and not too many fleas in the straw, I am perfectly content."

"My lord, I have to tell you in advance! That guest room is at the bottom of the clock tower, and the guys will go up to ring the big bell very early in the morning. Many guests who have lived in that room will find it very noisy. "Mrs. Martha reminded while chewing tobacco, "It can't be helped, there are too many people! We are already almost full before dinner starts, if you still want to sleep late, I still recommend that you live in the stables with your subordinates."

"This at least saves me from worrying about missing my meal time tomorrow, doesn't it!" Gao Yuan took out a golden dragon from his pocket and shook it in front of Mrs. Martha, "We will leave early in the morning the day after tomorrow, trust this golden dragon It should be enough to pay for my companion and I's accommodation expenses at your place for the past two days, right?"

"Master Gao Yuan, how can we use your money!" Bronze Jon frowned and looked at the golden dragon in Gao Yuan's hand, "Besides, it would be too much to give her a golden dragon."

Seeing that the golden dragon she was about to get was about to fly, Mrs. Martha hurriedly took the golden dragon from Gao Yuan's hand: "Enough is enough, my lord!"

"Please don't worry, I will definitely clean up your guest room and replace you with a new bedding." Martha Hyde, who was holding the golden dragon in her hand, was already happy in her heart. Flower, her eyes never left it.

"I'm giving you a golden dragon not just to let you tidy up my room, you also have to greet my companions. They're all drenched by the heavy rain tonight, so give them two more furnaces in the stables Charcoal fire." Gao Yuan solemnly instructed, "Also call the cook of your inn and ask him to prepare some hot food for us to enjoy."

Upon hearing this, Martha Hyde raised her head and nodded heavily: "As you wish, my lord!"

"I'll call the cook up for you now. Do you want to eat in the lobby or in your room." Although Martha Hyde had a smile on her face, Gao Yuan could tell The other party was only so enthusiastic about her for the sake of money, and she didn't mention a word about the honey cake mentioned by Bronze Jon and him.

Gao Yuan replied coldly: "I'll go back to my room to enjoy. As for my companions, you have to ask them yourself."

After waiting for a while in the lobby of the inn, Gao Yuan checked into his room under the leadership of Martha Hyde.The location of the room was under the low, dusty attic, and it could only be reached through a narrow and old passage.

The dragon leather boots creaked and creaked as they stepped on the old and decayed floor under their feet.Gao Yuan walked carefully through this dark corridor, for fear that a single force would crush the old wooden board under his feet.

When he saw a brand new quilt lying on the bed, Gao Yuan knew that Martha Hyde hadn't lied to him, and she had cleaned the whole room spotlessly.He didn't know whether the guests in other rooms were treated like himself, which made him sigh that the power of money is really powerful.

Although the room has been cleaned very clean, Gao Yuan still smelled a musty smell in it, so he opened the window in the room to let fresh air in.

When Mrs. Martha Hyde opened the door with steaming food and entered the room, Gao Yuan, who had already changed into clean and fresh clothes, was crouching by the window, staring at the raindrops falling from the frame of the window and the blurred glass slip.

The sound of the pattering raindrops falling on the treetops and the ground is particularly pleasant.I don't know when the autumn rain, which has spread to the entire river land, will stop.The wind and rain are about to come and the building is full of wind. Isn't the current Seven Kingdoms just like this heavy rain?

In this long rainy night, ordinary people may not be able to see clearly the scene outside the inn, but Gao Yuan, who has night vision ability, can see it very clearly.

Not far from the window of the Sound Dragon Inn is the fork of the King's Road and the River Road. There used to be a ferry terminal there, from which travelers can ferry to Earl Harroway's town and the White City Wall.

However, about seven or eighty years ago, when Martha Hyde's grandfather was still running the inn, the waterway leading to God's Eye Lake disappeared, and now there is only a muddy ferry. .

Seeing the fork in the road leading to the hinterland of Hejian, Gao Yuan's erratic gaze couldn't help but stop.If you keep heading northwest along the road between the rivers, you will soon reach Riverrun, the castle of the Tully family, which is the natal castle of Catelyn and Lady Lysa.

Soon, the War of the Five Kings, which will affect the entire Seven Kingdoms, will break out in the hinterland of the riverland, and Riverrun is the first to bear the brunt.Because it is close to King's Landing, and there is the shadowy power of Casterly Rock in the west, the Lannister family's current sphere of influence in the riverlands is almost on the verge of the gate of Riverrun.

In fact, before the outbreak of the War of the Five Kings, many noble castles and local residents in the riverlands had already been harassed by the Lannister family.In order to avenge Lady Caitlin, she kidnapped her son Tyrion Lannister in this inn.Duke Tywin sent the cold-blooded and ruthless Magic Mountain to lead his troops to the riverlands to burn, kill and loot wantonly.

When Caitlin Tully lived in this inn, she once thought about taking the Riverwalk to Riverrun to visit her father.She wanted some sage advice from her father, Duke Hoster, and a warning of the coming storm of war.

But unfortunately, even if Caitlin Tully told Duke Hoster the news that the war was about to break out, it couldn't change anything at all.

The elderly Duke of Hoster has been bedridden for two years now, and he is unable to lead the nobles and vassals of the Riverland against the invasion of the Lannister family. Lannister family.

And the third child of the Duke of Hoster, his only son Edmure Tully, although he was already 25 years old at the time, he was still as immature as a child.As the sole heir of the Tully family, he simply doesn't have enough courage and leadership to command the nobles and army of the Riverlands.

At the beginning of the War of the Five Kings, Duke Horst was seriously ill in bed.Edmure single-handedly took on the burden of commanding the princes of the Riverlands.When he heard that the Lannister army was gathering at the Golden Tooth City, he followed others and gathered his vassals.

As a result, the first battle led by Edmure was defeated because of his own blindness and lack of overall perspective.Not only did he fall into Duke Tywin's plan to attack east and west, but he was even defeated by Sir James Lannister in the case of more hits and fewer hits. He was also captured by the Kingslayer himself.

Not only did the army he led fail to defend the border areas of the Hejian Land, but even because a large number of troops were transferred from the Hejian Land, all the Hejian Land areas except Haijiang City and Luanhe City were attacked by Tywin. The duke's army ransacked.

The farmlands that were about to mature were all burned up; the herds raised by the shepherds were looted; the people of the riverlands were massacred; the castles of the nobles were destroyed.

Kingslayer Jaime Lannister's army even besieged Riverrun for a time.If it wasn't for Edmure's nephew, Robb Stark, who led an army to support him at this time, repelling the unprepared Lannister army like a heavenly soldier; rescued the captured Edmure Tully; Breaking the siege of Riverrun and capturing the Kingslayer, I am afraid that the Tully family that has inherited and ruled the riverland for thousands of years will perish.

(End of this chapter)

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