Chapter 251 Argument
"I repeat, I have nothing to do with the intention to murder Mrs. Stark's son." Tyrion, who finally realized the seriousness of the matter, shouted with all his strength.

He was worried that if he didn't do this, he might be torn to pieces by these passionate people in the next moment.If he doesn't defend himself now, he may never have the chance to defend himself again.

Tyrion tried hard to hide the tremor in his voice: "Even if Mrs. Stark really thinks that I am responsible for a crime that I have never committed, you should give me a chance to explain to Mrs. Stark. That's right."

This is also the only way for Tyrion to get out of the current unfavorable situation. Trying to break out of the encirclement is tantamount to digging his own grave.At least 30 people at the scene responded to Mrs. Stark's request and drew out the long swords around their waists and pointed them at themselves.

Knights of House Hean from Harrenhal; three men from House Bracken and a score or so of soldiers from House Frey of the Twins.The guy in the lead, maybe one of Walder Frey's sons, maybe his grandson.There are so many heirs of that old wretch Walder Frey, they almost fill the Twins.

This is still without counting the group of people in the valley, who just hacked to death two of their guards with their swords.

What should Tyrion do against these people?The only two guards that I can rely on are lying on the ground now, even if they are still standing there, it is absolutely impossible for them to be the opponents of these people in front of them.

As for Yoren the Raven, no matter what he thinks now, it is impossible to save himself.The brothers in black of the Night's Watch had sworn not to get involved in any disputes in the Seven Kingdoms, so Yoren could only stand aside and watch.

At this point, Tyrion had to admire Caitlin, the woman's quick response and clever means, which is beyond doubt.

Mrs. Caitlin first forced them to admit their master's oath to her father, and then invited Duke Gao Yuan, who was the most powerful in number and status among them, to uphold justice for her, and finally asked them to draw their swords to help her take down.

Not to mention a weak woman like Mrs. Caitlin, even her own father, Duke Tywin, who has been up and down in political struggles all year round, may not be able to have such a means. This trick is really powerful for her to drive away tigers and wolves.

"Mrs. Stark, although the little devil is now accused of committing a crime, the gods have also given every accused criminal the right to justify the crime he committed." Gao Yuan beside Caitlin reminded .

Originally, she didn't intend to let the dwarf defend herself here, but Gao Yuan made a suggestion to her at this moment, so she had to respect and listen to the other party's suggestion, and reconsider whether to agree with the dwarf to defend her crime here .

"People in the Lannister family have always been full of lies. I don't think Tyrion Lannister's defense for himself at this moment has any credibility at all." After careful consideration, Mrs. Caitlin finally Still rejected Gao Yuan's suggestion.

Because now Caitlin just wants to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, and after they return to their husband's territory with the dwarf, they will try Tyrion Lannister according to the king's law.

At that time, there will be plenty of opportunities for the little devil to defend himself.

"So this is the so-called justice in your mouth!" Tyrion roared loudly, "Dare to ask Lord Gao Yuan, where is the honor you insisted on just now? You have accused me, but you have not even given me the right to defend myself Take it all away.”

"Is this really the justice you're talking about?" Tyrion Lannister looked around at the people around him, and asked loudly, "As long as you accuse me and then rush up and capture me, then Does that mean I'm really guilty?"

"You don't have to play these tricks of sowing discord among us. I never said that I would deprive you of the right to defend yourself." Mrs. Caitlin said calmly, "I will give you the opportunity to defend yourself for the crime you committed. Justify, but the place of debate will not be here, but at the trial meeting held for you in Winterfell."

"At that time, my husband will give you a just trial according to the king's law!"

"Mrs. Stark, I don't know why you are so determined that I am the murderer who intends to murder your son." The little devil threatened loudly, "If you are not here today and explain the reason for accusing me clearly, I am I will never willingly follow you out of this inn."

"The assassin is holding your dagger!" Lady Catelyn snapped. "A Valyrian steel keel hilted dagger."

"That's not mine!" Hearing Lady Catelyn mention the Valyrian dagger, Tyrion felt a surge of anger in his chest, "Who told you that the owner of that dagger is me?" ?”

"King Robert's chancellor, Petyr Baelish!"

"Hahaha, you even believe what Littlefinger says?" The little devil laughed as if he had heard a big joke, "According to Littlefinger, how did I get his Valyrian steel dagger? ?tell me!"

Catelyn answered him, frowning. "He said you won a bet on Prince Joffrey at the tourney on Prince Joffrey's name day."

"It was when my brother Jaime was stabbed off his horse by Loras the Knight of Flowers, right?" Tyrion said in a disdainful tone, "Hmph! This is his story."

"Yes." Madam Catelyn frankly admitted Tyrion's guess, but at the same time, a trace of doubt flashed between her brows.

"That's right! I admit that the dagger was indeed lost to me by Littlefinger in the tournament. But what I have to tell you is that Littlefinger is hiding something. After I got that dagger, I haven't After I played with the dagger carefully, it was stolen from Littlefinger's women's courtyard that night."

"The women's court was opened by Littlefinger. At that time, I questioned Littlefinger in public. It was he who was reluctant to part with the Valyrian keel-handled dagger, so he let his women steal it from me." Tilly Ang spoke fiercely and wanted to explain to Mrs. Caitlin that the dagger was no longer on him.

After finishing speaking, he emphasized emphatically: "Many people know about this."

"Mrs. Stark, whether you believe it or not, I'm not an idiot anyway." The little devil asked back, "Do you think I'm the kind of idiot who gives his weapon to an assassin? Let an idiot assassin hold me To assassinate your son with your own dagger, only a fool can do such a thing."

The little devil who had been staring at Caitlin's pretty face saw a trace of suspicion in her eyes for a moment.

But to the little devil's disappointment, even though she already had doubts, she still chose to believe in Littlefinger: "Petyr is a good friend who grew up with me in Riverrun, you think I will Are you suspicious of him?"

"He had no reason to lie to me, and it wouldn't do him any good to lie about it."

"Bears are shitting in the forest, does that need a reason?" The little devil sneered and asked, "That's his nature. For a despicable and shameless person like Littlefinger, lying is as natural as breathing. No Speaking of others, ma'am, you should know him very well when you grew up with him."

Hearing the little devil belittle Littlefinger so much, Madam Caitlin tensed up and leaned in front of him: "What do you want to say, little devil of the Lannister family?"

"On this point, I can prove to the little devil that Littlefinger Petyr is indeed a liar." At this moment, Bronze Ioan, who had been silent the whole time, stood up, "He is still in charge of taxation in Seagull Town. During the official period, it has always been like this."

"Look, there are still sensible people here!" Tyrion said with a smile, "Tell us, Lady Stark, how you committed yourself to Littlefinger in Riverrun. spread."

"According to Littlefinger, Lady Lysa and you are both committed to him in Riverrun!"

"Shut up, there's no such thing!" Catelyn Stark grabbed the little devil's collar angrily, and shouted, "Are you sure Petyr told you that?"

Seeing that the little devil uttered foul words to his wife, Sir Rodrik took out a sharp dagger made of black iron from his bosom: "Ma'am, as long as you nod, I will kill this dog who can't spit out ivory." Cut that rotten tongue out of the guy's mouth."

Hearing that he was about to cut his own tongue again, the little devil hurriedly shouted: "You can ask any person in King's Landing, now almost everyone in King's Landing knows about it, especially those women under Little Finger's hands us."

Mrs. Caitlin stared at the little devil coldly. This was a cold expression Tyrion had never seen in his life: "Petyr Baelish did love me once, but that was when we were young Yes. Although his love is a mistake for both of us, I can feel that it is a true, pure and innocent playmate-like love for children."

"He did say that he wanted to hold my hand and marry me, but we never crossed that line, and that's the truth of the matter."

"The relationship between us is more like the relationship between siblings. It's not for fun." Mrs. Caitlin looked at the ugly little devil in front of her, almost gnashing her teeth with hatred: "Tyrion of the Lannister family , no wonder others call you a little devil, you are really a hopeless devil."

"Then you're hopelessly stupid, Lady Stark!" the little devil said with a sneer, "someone like Littlefinger will never fall in love with anyone but himself, and everything he does It has an unspeakable secret."

"I can assure you that this is not the only thing he brags about in the palace."

Sir Rodrik, who couldn't listen any longer, grabbed the little devil's hair, and pulled his head back with his big and powerful hand, exposing his throat: "Madam, do you want me to give the little devil a hand?" The devil bleeds?"

The cold blade kissed his chin like a poisonous snake, and for the first time Tyrion felt death so close to him.

Even so, Tyrion remained calm, only to hear him panting heavily, while threatening: "Kill me, and the truth will be buried forever. You will never know who ordered the assassination of Boo Lan that kid."

"Sir Rodrik, the incident has not been fully clarified yet, how can we kill him?" Gao Yuan stood up at this time, "Besides, Mrs. Stark has promised the little devil that he will accept fair treatment." Judgment."

"Lord Gao Yuan, sometimes I really don't know which side you are on." The little devil said meaningfully, "You just captured me together with Mrs. Stark, and now And yet you're on my side and speaking for me."

Gao Yuan looked at the little devil caught by Sir Rodrik, and said righteously: "I have never sided with any of you. You were accused by Madam Stark of intending to murder her child. I will I will arrest you for trial."

"Tyrion of the Lannister family, if you disagree with Mrs. Stark's accusation, I will ensure that you get a fair trial." Gao Yuan walked between Mrs. Caitlin and Tyrion, "I I will investigate to find out the truth of this matter."

"But until then, you will be under Madam Stark's care until the truth of the matter is revealed and your innocence is proved, and you will be free again." After finishing speaking, Gao Yuan looked up at Luo Sir Derrick.

"Sir Rodrik, let the little devil go!" Lady Catelyn ordered to Sir Rodrik.

Sir Rodrik, who was ordered by Lady Caitlin, let go of the little devil unwillingly.But then he found Bronze Jorn and the others, borrowed a finger-thick hemp rope, and tied the dwarf's inner three layers and outer three layers into a big rice dumpling -- a pair of big rice dumpling with short legs.

Looking at the little devil tied into rice dumplings, Gao Yuan and Caitlin asked about their next plan: "Ms. Caitlin, what are you going to do next, will you take the little devil to your father's castle, Riverrun, or Just go back to the north?"

"Bringing the little devil to Riverrun will incur revenge from the Lannister army for Riverland and Riverrun. I don't intend to do that." Mrs. Caitlin shook her head, she was the first to veto this idea. Thought, "We're taking them back to Winterfell, where he'll be judged!"

"Winterfell, if you go, you are afraid of whoever you are!" The little devil, who knew that his life was safe and secure, began to jump away again, but his heart at this moment might not be as optimistic as he appeared on the surface, "However, I don't say anything." And don't, my dad will probably worry about me because of this!"

It would be a long journey, and he had just come from there himself, and he had a personal experience, knowing how difficult the king's road leading to the north was.There are only a few of them in a group, and no one can tell whether there will be any changes along the way.

What's more, I went to the northern border, and I don't know when I will be back.If the woman who hated her so much couldn't wait for the truth to come out and judge herself in advance, I'm afraid it would be difficult for her to get out of the northern border.

Even if Mrs. Caitlin has enough patience, when the truth of the matter is investigated, she will not know that it will be a year of the monkey.

What scares the little devil even more is that the truth of the matter is likely to be buried like this until he is gradually forgotten in the dungeon of Winterfell and dies alone in the long years of suffering.

"Whoever tells my father what happened in this inn today, the Lannister family will definitely reward him." Tyrion, who didn't want to die alone, suddenly thought of a way. Give up the room to your own mercenaries.

(End of this chapter)

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