Chapter 252 Restart
Before he finished speaking, the little devil felt dozens of gazes, all focused on him.Looking provocatively at Mrs. Stark in front of him, he knew that his plan had succeeded.

The news that he was kidnapped by Mrs. Stark on the King's Road may soon reach his father's ears.Unless they kill all the insiders in this inn now, they can no longer prevent this from happening.

Don't look at the fact that no one responded to his request, but that's just because there are so many people in Stark's house that they dare not stand up and respond now.

Almost all the people with knives and sabers at the scene were on the side of the Stark family, and those mercenary people would not be so stupid as to stand up at this time.

Wait until the woman takes him out of the inn, and they will probably rush to find their father, or James who is near King's Landing.Tell them that he has been taken by the Starks, so that they can claim the promised reward.

Sir Rodrik looked at his wife worriedly. He couldn't control every mouth here. After all, they couldn't really kill all the insiders here.

Seeing that the leak of this incident is almost inevitable, the coach of Winterfell probably has no clever way to deal with the current situation.So the old coach could only helplessly plead with everyone present: "Please don't publicize what happened just now."

Tyrion had a hard time keeping himself from laughing at the words.Don't show off?Old idiots who have been confused by the northern border, unless they arrest all the people in the inn, or execute them all on the spot, as long as they step out of the door of this inn, the news will come Scattered in any corner of the Seven Kingdoms.

Not to mention anyone else, but the mercenary that Tyrion knew had his gold coins in his pocket, would have rushed to Casterly Rock City to report to his father impatiently.Even if he wasn't the first to arrive at Casterly Rock, others would rush there.

Yoren the Raven is a guy with a big mouth. On his way to King's Landing, he will definitely bring this news there.

The son of the Freys would surely report the news to Walder Frey when he returned, that old wretch who had been vacillating during the Reaver's War.After receiving this news, what will he do next, I am afraid that only the gods in the sky will know.

Although Baron Walder Frey is a vassal loyal to Riverrun, he can live to this age because of his sloppy way of dealing with people.

Before the situation is settled, he will not easily bet on either side.Although it won't bring him huge benefits to always be on the side of the winner, at least it won't bring the danger of destruction to himself and his family.

What Tyrion was sure of was that he would send a raven to King's Landing as soon as he received the news.Maybe he can do more than that. He will probably report their whereabouts to his father in private when Mrs. Stark and her party pass by the Twin River City.

"We're leaving right away. We need energetic horses and necessary food on the road." Madam Caitlin also knew that it was not too late, and immediately announced that she was ready to set off.

She turned to look at the people who helped her take down the little devil: "My lords, the Stark family will always be grateful for your help today. If you are willing to help us escort the prisoner to Winterfell, I can assure you, The Stark family will reward you all."

Just when Mrs. Caitlin and her party were about to leave, Gao Yuan pulled them into a deserted corner: "Ms. Caitlin, are you really planning to return to Winterfell like this? The journey to the north is long and dangerous. And you only have a few guards around you, so it may be difficult to guarantee that you can reach your husband's castle safe and sound."

"Besides, after Duke Tywin learns that you have kidnapped the little devil, he will never let it go. The old lion will probably send someone to hunt you down on the way back to Winterfell."

Gazing at the worried face, Mrs. Caitlin smiled meaningfully.Sure enough, I and Ed did not misunderstand the person, Sir Gao Yuan in front of me is indeed a person worthy of entrusting important responsibilities.

"Yes. I have the same worries as you, Mr. Gao Yuan." Mrs. Caitlin lowered her head and said pretending to be worried, while smiling very happily on her face, so happy that her eyes curved like crescent moons, " Since Mr. Gao Yuan has already thought of this festival, you must have thought of a better place than Winterfell for pulling me aside now, right?"

Due to the height difference between the two, Gao Yuan couldn't see the smile on Mrs. Caitlin's face.With a solemn face, he was still seriously thinking about how to guide Mrs. Caitlin and her party to the Vale of Arryn. He didn't know that Caitlin had already planned in her heart, and she was just playing tricks on him at the moment.

"If you don't mind, ma'am, you can take the little devil to my territory, the Vale of Arryn, to stay for a while." Gao Yuan suggested to Caitlin, "At that time, even if Duke Tywin really sends his pursuers on the King's Road Go up, chase and intercept Madam and her party along the way, and they will return in vain because you have already brought the imp to the Vale of Arryn."

"After the Prime Minister who is now in King's Landing has completely controlled the situation there and freed up his hands, he started to deal with the Lannister family who are behind all this." Gao Yuan paused for a moment and continued, "At that time, the situation will be chaotic. The Lannister family will no longer have time to take care of you, your lady in the Vale of Arryn, and the little devil you took away."

"As we all know, Duke Tywin Lannister has never paid much attention to his dwarf son who was born with deformities." Gao Yuan tried to tell Caitlin that the little devil's status in the old lion's heart is not high, "the reason why he will go to war It is not because he really cares about the little devil's life and death, but because the old lion absolutely cannot tolerate the damage to the family's honor."

"In fact, what the old lion values ​​most is the twin siblings in King's Landing. To be precise, what he values ​​is Kingslayer James Lannister, who is now the only heir of the Lannister family " Having said that, Gao Yuan couldn't help sneering, "The family heir I value the most is facing a crisis, how can the old lion have the energy to take care of it, and the dwarf that I don't love or even hate is alive and well?"

"Since I received the letter from Lord Ed from King's Landing, I have been preparing for it. I have already arranged everything in the Vale of Arryn." Gao Yuan said, "As long as you bring the little devil When you arrive at the Blood Gate, someone from the Vale of Arryn will naturally come out to welcome you. You can live in the towering Eagle's Nest City and wait for Lady Lysa's return, or you can choose to live in the Gate of the Moon Castle at the foot of the mountain."

"However, the high mountains and dangerous Eyrie City don't seem to be suitable for ladies to climb." Gao Yuan said with a smile, "During your stay in the valley, Baron Nestor Royce of the Gate of the Moon will guarantee your It's safe, you can tell him what you need, and he will try his best to meet your requirements."

"Don't underestimate the ability of women, Lord Gaoyuan!" Caitlin smiled and raised her head to remind him, "Lysa, who was weak since she was a child, could take little Robert to the Eagle's Nest City, and I don't think I did either." question!"

"I've never underestimated a lady's ability, ma'am!" Gao Yuan smiled wryly, "It's just that if you want to go to the Eagle's Nest City, even a strong man has to be careful. In short, Madam will know when the time comes. It’s not scaremongering.”

"Well, since you have made such a thorough arrangement, Mr. Gao Yuan, and your idea is indeed in line with my wishes, then I have no choice but to be respectful rather than obedient." Mrs. Caitlin pretended to be reluctant and agreed.

"Let those Lannister bastards who tried to stop us on our way back to the North stay in the Neck and enjoy those vicious mosquito bites. They probably never dreamed that we had already left The Kingsroad goes to the Vale of Erin."

"I will ask Earl Jorn to draw ten valley cavalry from the team to follow you to protect your safety along the way." Gao Yuan nodded with satisfaction, "In the canyon leading to the blood gate, there are often bandits from the high mountain clan , although now I have instructed the troops of the blood gate to strengthen the patrol and security there, but occasionally caravans are still harassed by them."

"With the guidance and protection of valley cavalry who are familiar with the local terrain, I believe that Madam Caitlin's safety will be well guaranteed."

"Although it's a little strange to say it, I have to thank you again, Lord Gao Yuan!" Madam Caitlin thanked him again, and then led Sir Rodrik and his party to the outside of the inn.

Mrs. Caitlin and the others have already wasted too much time in this inn, even in the heavy rain they had no choice but to leave now.Following Gao Yuan's instructions, Bronze Jorn dispatched ten Valley cavalrymen from the original team to go to the Vale of Arryn with them.

Tyrion, who was put on the saddle, was very calm, even though he was now tied into a big rice dumpling by the thick hemp rope; even if Sir Rodrik put a black hood on his head, this It is to prevent the little devil from distinguishing the direction of travel of the team.

After all, the reason why Tyrion was so calm was because he was confident that the people in the inn would tell his father the news that Mrs. Stark had kidnapped him and taken him to Winterfell.

He even dared to bet that it was absolutely impossible for Caitlin and the others to escort him back to Winterfell.In a day's time the Lannisters would be chasing them down the Kingsroad on horseback.

What's so strange about this?Although this is a world with a medieval background, there are pigeons and ravens that send messages.

His father, Duke Tywin, had secretly arranged for the Riverlands for many years, and there were not a few families that the Lannister family bribed and gained allegiance in private.Although the old lion never mentioned to Tyrion how much influence his family had in the riverlands, he was certain that his father would often receive the outflow from Riverrun in Casterly Rock City, and be sick in bed. Information about the Duke of Khost.

At that time, along the way, there will inevitably be lords of the riverland who will intervene in this kidnapping incident, taking the opportunity to please their father.It is not known to Tyrion exactly which lord will help at that time.

Or the Frey family, who are like grass on the wall, or other nobles who are quite dissatisfied with the rule of the Tully family.

Just when Tyrion was complacent about his careful planning, he didn't know that the end of their trip was not Winterfell in the north as Madam Catelyn publicly declared, but the Vale of Arryn in the east.I don't know how wonderful the expression on his deformed face will be when Mrs. Caitlin reveals the truth to him.


After Madam Caitlin left the Ring Dragon Inn, Gao Yuan and his party from the Vale of Arryn stayed there for another night.

When they got up from the bed in the inn the next day, they were pleasantly surprised to find that the Hejian land, which had been raining heavily for a long time, unexpectedly cleared up.So Gao Yuan and the others started their journey again, taking advantage of the harmonious sunshine in early autumn and the fragrance of fresh mud after the rain.

When they finally arrived at the gate tower of King's Landing City, it was already nine days after they set off from the Xianglong Inn.

A team of more than a hundred people marched through the King's Highway. The cavalry team headed by Gao Yuan came out of the Vale of Arryn and attracted the attention of people on both sides of the road. The star gold dragon banner is full of curiosity.

The knights, attendants, and nobles here have never seen this flag before, and everyone is privately inquiring and guessing where this lord suddenly appeared from.

Until someone recognized the Bronze Jon who followed Gao Yuan, the Bronze Jon and the Royce family who had participated in many tournaments were well-known among the noble circles in King's Landing.

Many people have seen the demeanor of Earl Jorn in the martial arts tournament. Although he has never won the championship, no matter how you say it, Bronze Jorn is also a strong competitor, so it is not surprising that people can remember him.

What really surprised everyone was that usually the knights of the Vale of Arryn came to participate in the tournament, led by Lord Bronze Yorn, but this time it was replaced by a new nobleman whom they did not know.

He looked very young, but Lord Bronze Yohn followed him into King's Landing.

If there is no monarch-subject relationship between the two, then Lord Bronze Jon should at least walk side by side with this newly promoted master, instead of hugging each other.

Everyone was talking about this. Could it be that the Royce family in Runestone City has changed their family now?Or is it the valley ruled by the former Prime Minister Lord Jon Arryn, and now it has a new master?

As we all know, the Royce family of Runestone City is the vassal of the Ayrin family of the Eagle's Nest City, the ruler of the valley, but now Jon Royce is following behind a completely unfamiliar nobleman, which is inevitable. This is a wild guess.

 The previous chapter was blocked by review, and I deleted and edited a lot of content before releasing it. I will never dare to write those explicit words again.

(End of this chapter)

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