Chapter 258
"I don't seem to have the right to refuse." Sir Hugh said with a bit of bitterness in his voice, "I seem to have no other choice but to stand up and accuse the murderer of Lord Arryn."

"Of course you have the right to choose to refuse!" Gao Yuan spread his hands to him, "Of course, if you choose to refuse my request, you will also lose my promise to your safety."

"To be honest, if you lose the protection of me and the other canyon lords in King's Landing City, I'm afraid you will die inexplicably in this martial arts tournament in a short time." Gao Yuan's words were not meant to contradict him. It is alarmist, Sir Hugh did die in the first round of this tournament in the original book, "Littlefinger's power is now spread all over King's Landing, even if you are lucky enough to get out of this tournament If you survive, your body will soon be found in an inconspicuous corner of the city."

"Lord Gao Yuan, if I agree to your request and stand up and accuse Lord Baelish for you, will you be able to guarantee the safety of me and my family?" Sir Xiufu seems to be eager to get Gao Yuan's promise at this moment.

"I can assure you that you will be able to return to the Vale of Arryn to reunite with your family without incident." Gao Yuan assured Sir Xiufu, "After this, the lords and nobles of the Vale of Arryn will no longer pursue this as an excuse. Your responsibility."

"You and your family can continue to live in the Vale of Arryn, and you can continue to be your knight. The title of knight you won after Lord Jon Arryn's death will also be retained, and I will not even take it away That suit of armor you just bought."

"Lord Gao Yuan, your promise is far richer than I imagined." Sir Hugh said gratefully, "Since you have made a promise and guaranteed my safety, it seems that I have no reason to continue to refuse."

Sir Hugh said solemnly: "In order to show my reward for my generous promise to you, I am willing to take the initiative to stand up in front of King Robert and Prime Minister Eddard, and accuse the real culprit who murdered Lord Jon Arryn. "

"Since you are willing to take the initiative to stand up and speak out for the dead Jon Arryn, this is the best thing." Gao Yuan patted Sir Hugh on the shoulder with satisfaction, "As for what I promised you, This is what you deserve, don't say it as if I am persecuting you."

"Lord Gao Yuan, what should I do next?" Sir Xiufu's position changed quite quickly, and he immediately used us in his words, "I mean what should we do? Should we choose to continue to wait, or leave this Report everything to the current Prime Minister Eddard Stark?"

"You first go back with me to meet Earl Jon Royce, before I need you to stand before King Robert and Lord Eddard to testify, Earl Jon and his people will be responsible for protecting your safety " Gao Yuan ordered, "It's best not to leave our residence, so that Earl Jorn and the others can better protect your safety."

Seeing the hesitant look on Sir Xiufu's face, Gao Yuan suddenly realized: "I almost forgot that you will come to the martial arts tournament tomorrow, so you can just stay with me before the martial arts tournament is over. Anyway, you will be very happy tomorrow." I will soon be eliminated."

"This matter will not take too long. I will report this matter to the current Prime Minister as soon as possible. I believe that it will not be long before King Robert will publicly hold the trial of Littlefinger in the Red Castle."

Gao Yuan asked, "After this matter is over, Sir Hugh, do you want to go back to the canyon with us, or are you going to return to your home in the Vale of Arryn?"

"Naturally, I chose to return to the Vale of Arryn with you, Lord Gaoyuan!" Sir Hugh smiled awkwardly.

"Forgive me for having a question, Mr. Gao Yuan!" Sir Xiufu immediately asked with some concern, "Do you really think that the new Prime Minister will believe the facts we have investigated? You said Ed Star Is it possible that Lord Ke is on Lord Baelish's side? I heard that his wife has a very close relationship with Littlefinger."

Faced with Sir Hugh's sudden worry, Gao Yuan's face was still calm, and he asked Sir Hugh back: "Sir Xiufu, these worries of yours may be a bit redundant, do you think that you are worried? Who ordered me to come to you today?"

"Could it be Lord Eddard Stark?" Sir Hugh's eyes widened when he heard the words, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Gao Yuan didn't answer the other party directly, but told him affirmatively: "Even if Master Ai De didn't know about it, he would definitely not be able to help Littlefinger get rid of the crime."

"You must know that Eddard Stark and King Robert both grew up in the Eagle's Nest City. Although Jon Arryn and the two of them are only adoptive fathers and sons, they are both Lord Arryn. Treat him like your own father."

"In this way, he has already restrained himself if he doesn't tear off his little finger, how can he help murder Lord Arryn's little finger? No matter how close his little finger is to Mrs. Stark, this is absolutely impossible thing."

After dispelling Sir Hugh's series of concerns, Gao Yuandang took him back to Bronze Jorn's courtyard at the end of Steel Street.

When he rushed back to the other house with Sir Hugh, Bronze Jon happened to be not in the other house.So Gao Yuan could only solemnly hand over Sir Hugh to his son, Sir Anda Royce, and told him to protect the safety of the other party.

After he settled Sir Hugh in the other courtyard, he rushed to the Red Castle without stopping.Although it was still daytime, Gao Yuan could no longer care about the little mice who were spying on him.

Since the moment he took Sir Hugh and stepped into the city through the King's Gate openly, he has actually been exposed in front of everyone.

Those rats following behind him must be hurrying to their master at this moment, wanting to report the news of their contact with Sir Hugh to them.

Among the many people who heard the news, Littlefinger was probably the most frightened.After all, the secrets that Sir Hugh can get involved can only be related to Littlefinger, and it is impossible for him to know the secrets of the Lannister family.

When Gao Yuan came under the Prime Minister's Tower through the heavy guards of the Red Castle, Ed Stark was not in the Prime Minister's Tower at this time, and Harwin, who was guarding the gate, told him that Ed Stark had gone to attend the imperial meeting.

Although Ed Stark was not in the Prime Minister's Tower at the moment, a group of guards headed by Harwin welcomed Gao Yuan into the Prime Minister's Tower.

On the way back to King's Landing with the king's convoy from the north, the two had several in-depth exchanges.Although they are not very familiar, they can be regarded as acquaintances.

What's more, during this period, Gao Yuan also helped the adults of their family to retrieve the lost girl Arya from the Mingyue Mountains.

In the end, Gao Yuan was arranged by Harwin and the others to wait in the Prime Minister's study. After all, there are still two female family members of the Stark family living in the Prime Minister's Tower, so it is not very convenient for Gao Yuan, a big man, to walk around in the tower.

Fortunately, the busy Prime Minister didn't make Gao Yuan wait for too long. Ed Stark just finished the imperial meeting and returned to his Prime Minister's Tower, and he got the news from Harwin that Gao Yuan came to see him .

"Duke Gaoyuan walked in through the main entrance of the Red Castle openly?" Ed Stark, who was still a little upset at first, immediately showed a strange expression on his face when he heard the news.He looked at his guard, Harwin, as if he was asking, are you sure you are not mistaken?

"That's right, master!" Harwin who was confused by his lord's question quickly replied: "Master Gao Yuan is waiting for you to come back in your study at the moment, and he said that he has something important to talk to you about."

"Harwin, ask the cook to bring in two jugs of milk with ice cubes in my study." Ed and Harwin ordered, "Add less sugar! Don't let anyone approach my study after this , not even Arya or Sansa, understand?"

"Understood, master!" Harwin nodded and hurried to the kitchen, "I'll ask the cook to prepare it for you right away."

While climbing the stairs of the Prime Minister's Tower, Ed rubbed his temples with some headaches.Today, he has been torn apart by the imperial meeting in the Red Castle and the so-called "Prime Minister's Tournament".

It was so hard to end this nightmare. I didn't expect that there would be another troublesome thing waiting for me when I returned to my prime minister's tower. I hope I can hear some good news from Gao Yuan this time.

Ed Stark pushed open the door of his study wearily. As Harwin said, Gao Yuan had been waiting here for a long time.

In fact, it wasn't too long, Gao Yuan just waited in this study for an hour, 7 minutes and 43 seconds.When he heard someone push open the door of the study, Gao Yuan quickly turned around to look at Ed Stark.

"Master Ai De, it seems that you are still a little uncomfortable with the position of the former Prime Minister!" Gao Yuan sat unceremoniously in the position of the former Prime Minister at the desk, as if he was the owner of the Prime Minister Tower, "At this moment , Your face is full of tiredness and sorrow."

"I'm afraid I'll never be able to adapt to this position. There are too many things that give me a headache in the imperial meeting. This damn 'Prime Minister's Tournament', although this tourney is held in my name, but if you can If so, I really hope that this tournament can be cancelled." Ed Stark complained to Gao Yuan while wiping the sweat from his head with a handkerchief soaked in cold water.

"It is King Robert's intention to hold a tournament. It is precisely because of this tournament that this lifeless capital of the kingdom has been revitalized, Lord Ed!" Gao Yuan said with a smile, "There is no war here In the era of peace, for those nobles and knights, the tourney is the best way to seek honor and self-promotion. For those ordinary people who have suffered for a long time, it can also help them temporarily forget the sorrows of the past .”

"Duke Gaoyuan, what you said is like that unrepentant national teacher of Pycelle." Ed Stark sat in front of him with a frown, "If you didn't have such a tall and strong figure , I would really suspect that the Imperial Master Pai Sear is sitting in front of me at this moment."

Gao Yuan spread his hands helplessly: "This is the truth. This is also the original intention of Aegon the Conqueror to set up the tournament. A lifeless Seven Kingdoms has no future."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this!" Speaking of the martial arts tournament, Ed's headache showed signs of attack again, he hurriedly stopped the topic, and asked Gao Yuan: "Duke Gao Yuan, did you go to see that man today?" Are there four people, how was the harvest, did you get any useful information?"

"Lord Ai De, since I chose to come to the Prime Minister's Tower to look for you during the day." Gao Yuan told Ai De irresistibly, "It is natural that I have obtained some important information from those four people, and I need to report it to you urgently." !"

"What kind of important information is it that you should come to my prime minister's tower during the daytime at the expense of exposing it?" Ed, who was sitting in front of Gao Yuan, suddenly began to sit upright. He stretched his neck as much as possible, for fear of missing it. The important content that Gao Yuan will talk about next.

Just when Gao Yuan was about to tell the important information he had obtained, someone knocked on the door outside the study, and Ed, who was interrupted by the knock, shouted impatiently: "I didn't order everyone not to Excuse me?"

"Master, it's the cook from the kitchen who brought you milk." Harwin's aggrieved voice came from outside the door, "Master, you ordered me to arrange it."

After Harwin's reminder, Ed finally recalled that there was indeed such a thing, so he tried his best to slow down his tone and said: "Let her bring it in, and don't let anyone disturb us after she goes out!"

"Ah, our milk is here. The addition of ice cubes in it may calm my hot mood." Ed turned his head and looked at Gao Yuan in embarrassment, but all he got was a pair of white eyes.

The young cook walked into the study with a tray, and put two jugs of fresh milk with ice cubes in front of the two of them.

Ed Stark smiled apologetically at the cook: "Sorry, kid! I didn't mean to yell at you just now."

The cook nodded to the two of them politely, and then left the room with the tray.

After the cook left, Ed Stark poured a glass of cold milk for Gao Yuan himself: "Duke Gao Yuan, let's continue, where did we talk just now? Oh, yes, you said that you got important things from the mouths of those four people." Information"

"I now have sufficient evidence to prove that the death of Jon Arryn is related to Littlefinger Petyr Baelish, and his wife Lysa Arryn is even involved in it." Gao Yuan Hold the cup of milk in your hand, and politely sip the fresh milk inside.

The ice cold milk looks very refreshing in this hot summer, but for someone like him who is used to drinking sweet milk, the taste of this milk is too bland.

Gao Yuan is here calmly drinking the milk in his hand, while Ed Stark is just the opposite.After being shocked, he couldn't sit still immediately, and he jumped up from the chair suddenly.The cups and milk jugs filled with milk in the hand and on the table were all overturned, and the white and flawless milk spilled over half of the study room.

"What's going on here, why did Lysa and Littlefinger murder Jon Arryn, and how did they murder him without knowing it, Duke Gaoyuan, you will explain the reasons in detail Tell me!" Ed didn't care about the milk spilled on his body at this time, he hurriedly asked Gao Yuan.

 Originally, I wanted to write a plot where the protagonist interacts with Arya in the Prime Minister's Tower and competes with Braavos chief swordsman Syrio Forel, but after thinking about it carefully, there seems to be nothing worth writing about. The place is afraid of being said by the family that it is too watery.

  It is nothing more than an open and secret fight between a person who really comes from Braavos and another person who pretends to be from Braavos. The confrontation on the surface is naturally invincible for the protagonist, and there are some gains from Arya's admiration (Xiao Fangxin) The plot interaction is all.

(End of this chapter)

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