Chapter 259 Prepare for Action
When he learned the ins and outs of Jon Arryn's murder from Gao Yuan, Ed Stark couldn't help lamenting and slumped on the armchair.He did not expect that his adoptive father, Jon Arryn I, would die at the hands of his wife for such a ridiculous reason.

What made him even more unimaginable was that his shy and cowardly sister-in-law turned out to be a kinslayer, and she had already hooked up with Littlefinger, and the two conspired to murder his husband with poison .

If it is said that Lysa's secret affair with Littlefinger is only a violation of secular ethics and morality, the two of them will only be spurned and despised by others.But Mrs. Lysa's act of killing her husband is an unforgivable heinous crime.

Killing relatives, which is a taboo and a felony in Westeros, is an act that is absolutely impossible to be forgiven and forgiven.No matter what motive you have for committing such a crime, or what excuse you have for it, it is impossible to be forgiven.

Those who are accused of killing their own family members are called kinslayers by the people here. According to legend, those who put butcher knives on their relatives will be cursed by the gods.All the lords and commoners of the Seven Kingdoms believe this, so that those who kill blood relatives will always be spurned by the world.

Like those who "trample the rights of guests," those kinslayers are forever cursed by the gods old and new!In some extreme cases, kinslayers were even executed for their actions.Even if the swords used to execute them came from their vassals or servants, these kinslayers would not be charged with guilt.

"It would be great if Jon Arryn could explain the reason why he sent little Robert to Dragonstone Island with his wife Lysa." Eddard Stark could not help lamenting again, "No one will Unexpectedly, just this small misunderstanding will lead to such a major tragedy, this is really a trick of luck."

"Given the urgent situation facing Jon Arryn at that time, it might be difficult for him to explain to his wife why he sent little Robert to Dragonstone Island to be taken care of by Stannis." Gao Yuan disagreed with Aylin De's thoughts, "It can be said that Lord Jon Arryn's death is almost doomed, after all, the situation he faced at that time has already caused internal and external troubles."

"At that time, the situation in King's Landing was extremely severe. Externally, he had to face the threat from the Lannister pair of siblings. Internally, his wife colluded with a despicable villain like Littlefinger. Even Lord Ayrin If he didn't die at the hands of Lady Lysa and Littlefinger, the Lannister brothers and sisters caught by him must have killed him as well."

After a short pause, he continued to conclude: "It's just that Lysa Arryn was the one who first stretched out his murderous hands to Lord Ayrin."

"Duke Gao Yuan, are you really sure that the poison Lysa used to murder Jon Arryn is the tear of Nareth?" Ed Stark confirmed with Gao Yuan again, "This poison from Braavos I It has never been heard of in the Seven Kingdoms, so don't make a mistake when we judge Littlefinger."

"According to the description of the former Prime Minister's symptoms before the death of the former Prime Minister's symptoms by Bachelor Ke Meng in the Eagle's Nest City, I am sure that Lady Lysa killed Jon Arryn with the Tears of Driss." Gao Yuan replied firmly, "Accurate According to legend, this poison should come from the city of Lys in Essos.

"The Tears of Lys, even in Braavos, is a very expensive and very rare poison. It's normal that you haven't heard of this poison, Lord Ed."

"Master Ed, you also know that I have been in Braavos for a while, and this poison is usually only spread among the faceless men and women of Braavos. I also passed a chance by a thousand I learned about this poison from the believers of God of Face." Gao Yuan continued to tell Ed, "Since Littlefinger stole the poison from Pacelle's master, it must be in the room of Pacelle University at this moment. There are poisons like this one."

"As long as we can find this poison from Grand Maester Pycelle, his little finger will not be able to explain how eloquent he is in King Robert's presence."

"Will this... implicate Grand Maester Pycelle?" Ed Stark asked with some concern.

The benevolence of a woman shown by Ed Stark at this time made Gao Yuan feel anxious for a while, only to hear him questioning the other party loudly: "Do you think he is some kind of kind person? A bachelor in the castle would buy a vicious poison like Tears of Lys for no reason; which bachelor would place such a deadly poison in his room so casually; do you think that old fellow Pycelle, After losing a vial of such an important poison, do you still not know about it?"

"That guy in Pai Sear has always been aware of this. He bought the Tears of Lys. Doesn't he understand what the effect of this poison will be if someone drinks it? Even who stole it from him He knows all about poison, but he has kept silent about it." Gao Yuan said loudly, "He even wants to lead the object of your suspicion to Varys the octopus spider. What is this old guy thinking in his heart? I'm afraid no one will know, but I can be sure that he must have no good intentions."

Facing the question from Gao Yuan, Ed Stark also fell silent for a while.

After a long time, he finally said: "Before this, I also had doubts about the position held by Grand Master Pai Xier, but I didn't delve into it. Now after you reminded me, Duke Gaoyuan, I realized that He has been harboring evil intentions."

"Lord Ed, when are you going to attack Littlefinger?" Gao Yuan said impatiently, "The arrest of Petyr Baelish is urgent, and I may change at this critical juncture. Under the urgent situation, we cannot leave any time and opportunity for the opponent to fight back."

Ed Stark frowned when he heard this. He naturally understood that the sooner Littlefinger was arrested, the better. Although they already had witnesses who could accuse Littlefinger, they still had to pay attention to evidence: "Duke Gao Yuan, Are you sure that Ser Hugh from the Canyon will stand up and accuse Littlefinger?"

"Of course there is no doubt about it. Now Sir Hugh's property and life are in my hands, and his old mother and wife are still at his home in the Vale of Arryn." Gao Yuan replied with certainty, "Now he has no There is no way to retreat, and only by cooperating with us to bring down Littlefinger can he survive."

"If Littlefinger is successfully exonerated, he will never be spared. It doesn't matter even if he doesn't come forward to accuse Petyr Baelish in the end, as long as we can find the tears of Naris from Grand Maester Pycelle's room. , can also put Littlefinger to death."

Ed solemnly promised Gao Yuan that he would deal with the matter as soon as possible: "Tomorrow I will report this matter to Robert."

"King Robert will go to the tournament field to watch the tournament tomorrow, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to talk with him in private!" Gao Yuan reminded Ed.

"Then I'll report it after the tournament is over!!!" Ed Stark slammed the table, almost knocking over the milk in front of Gao Yuan, "Before reporting this matter with Robert, I They will lead people to the room of Grand Maester Pycelle to search."

Now that he got the guarantee from Ed Stark, Gao Yuan was no longer able to say anything, but changed the topic to other topics.He also told Ed Stark the information he obtained from the other three people: "It's the same as what I guessed before, Littlefinger deliberately disclosed the information of those four people to you, just to Let's turn our attention to the Lannisters."

"As for what kind of shocking secrets the Lannister family hides among them, it is still unknown." Everyone fell into deep thought for a moment.

Gao Yuan and the others could get very limited information from those three people.Among these limited information, the information worthy of their repeated deliberation is even more limited.

Jon Arryn intends to send his son to Dragonstone Island to be Stannis's adopted son, which Gao Yuan had already discussed with Ed Stark before.It just shows that Jon Arryn was already in danger because of that investigation. The dangerous situation made him have to send him to Dragonstone Island to be taken care of by Stannis in order to ensure the safety of his son.

Then there was the matter that the waiter boy had something to do with what he mentioned. Jon Arryn went to a skilled blacksmith before his death and entrusted him to build a brand new armor for himself.

According to the younger brother in the waiter, Jon Arryn did not go to the blacksmith shop alone. At that time, he was accompanied by the king's brother Stannis. Stannis also helped him choose the materials and patterns.

But after Jon Arryn's death, whether it was these people who chose to stay in King's Landing City or those who have returned to the valley now, they all claimed that they had never actually seen the rumored set of armor.

The two went to the blacksmith shop to buy brand new armor, but no one had ever seen that luxurious armor.Eddard Stark decided that this must have been an excuse for the two to go to the blacksmith's shop, in order to conceal their true purpose of going to the blacksmith's shop.

Among all the information, the most doubtful is the information Gao Yuan obtained from the stable boy.He said that Jon Arryn often rode out with Stannis in the period before his death.

It's Stannis again, Eddard Stark couldn't help wondering to himself.Now he has also learned Gao Yuan's way of thinking. When he hears the same name many times and repeatedly among many seemingly unrelated incidents, then the owner of the name must have someone worthy of his doubts. place.

Moreover, the place where the two often go out on horseback turned out to be the Women's Branch, which is even more questionable.Thinking of this, Ed Stark couldn't help shaking his head in disbelief. You must know that Jon Arryn never visited the Women's Branch, not to mention that he was 76 years old before his death. The place is really not the place for him to go.

And Stannis is even more impossible. If there is anyone in this world who is more honorable than Ed, then this person can only be Stannis.Stannis, who has always been serious, would go to the Women's Branch with the 76-year-old Prime Minister, which is simply absurd.

Eddard Stark couldn't help wondering how Lord Renly, Stannis' brother, would react to this.King Robert was known all over the land for his love of women, and songs were made about it all the time to make fun of him.But Stannis is different. Although he is only a year younger than the king, his personality is very different.

Eddard was impressed by Stannis with his grim expression, extreme lack of sense of humor, his unforgiving attitude, his emphasis on duty and honor to the point of being almost ruthless. .

From the information he knew so far, he knew that although Jon Arryn and Stannis exchanged courtesies from time to time, the relationship between them was not close.

When King Robert went north to visit Winterfell, that Stannis also inexplicably hid back to his own Dragonstone Island-the island he bought from the remnants of the Targaryen family in the name of his brother many years ago. The island fortress that was taken from the hand.

Stannis hid back to his territory, but didn't say a word when he would return, which naturally revealed something strange.In addition, before Jon Arryn's accident, he always wanted to send his son to Dragonstone Island to be Stannis' adopted son, which shows that Stannis is also aware of this secret.

This matter upset him more than the counting of coppers in the Queen's Council. Why did Stannis leave?Was he afraid of walking in Jon Arryn's footsteps?What were the secrets about the Lannisters that he knew?These questions almost made Ed's head explode.

It was hard for him to imagine what could have frightened Stannis Baratheon, who had held Storm's End for a year surrounded by Targaryen supporters.It wasn't until they won a complete victory at the Battle of the Trident River and successfully captured King's Landing that they led their troops south to lift the siege of Storm's End.

During this period, Lord Tyrell and Redwyne's army surrounded Storm's End drinking and merry all day long.However, Stannis and other members of the Baratheon family in the city could barely survive by eating rat meat and leather shoes, and then they waited for the reinforcements brought by Ed.

Looking at Ed Stark who was thinking hard on the opposite side, Gao Yuan wanted to tell him the truth of the matter directly several times, but he finally resisted his urge.

Although Gao Yuan already knew the secret hidden by Lannister's sister and brother because of his familiarity with the plot in advance, but at this moment he didn't want to announce it.Firstly, he couldn't explain to Ed why he came to such a conclusion; secondly, like Littlefinger, he hoped to see the Lion family and the Wolf family cause disputes among the Seven Kingdoms because of this matter.

In this political struggle between the two families, if the Lannister siblings lose because of their own intervention.So how could it happen later that Queen Cersei was forced to jump over the wall by Ed who caught him, and killed King Robert with the boar's teeth?
Robert Baratheon, the pussy king, is not dead, so how should Gao Yuan implement his plan to unify the Seven Kingdoms?For this reason, he even considered whether he wanted to change the fate of Ed Stark.

Ed Stark was imprisoned by Queen Cersei because of his failure in the political struggle, and then he was beheaded by the unknown prince Joffrey. reason.If he changed all this and Ed Stark didn't die in King's Landing, would everything that happened after that really happen again?

The northern forces headed by the Stark family chose to calm down and return to the northern border. This is the last thing Gao Yuan wants to see.

Compared with the forces in the North controlled by the Stark family, the two of Storm's End and Dragonstone are even more unreliable.Before they had even come into contact with the power of the Lannisters, the brothers were at war with each other over their respective sworn claims to the throne.

Gao Yuan didn't dare to gamble in this game. He didn't dare to bet on whether Ed Stark, who was disheartened, would bring his power to fight the Lannister family to the end, even if they killed Ed Stark. Good brother King Robert.

He didn't even dare to gamble on those two from Storm's End and Dragonstone Island. They could defeat the old lion of the Lannister family after a wave of infighting.

(End of this chapter)

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