Chapter 261
A grand tournament is being held at the martial arts arena outside King's Landing, but Ed Stark, who is far away in the Prime Minister's Tower of the Red Castle, did not participate in the martial arts tournament held in his own name. The ancestral Valyrian steel greatsword "Ice" of the Stark family found Jory Cassel, the captain of his guard.

In the soldiers' barracks next to the Prime Minister's Tower, Jory Cassel was playing dice with the northern soldiers Ed brought from Winterfell.As the door of the barracks was slammed open, the northern soldiers who had been sitting in a group concentrating on it were suddenly frightened and jumped up.

When they saw their lord holding the giant sword "Ice" and standing at the door with a serious expression, Jory and the others hurriedly cleaned up the gambling tools in front of them.

To everyone's surprise, Ed Stark did not pursue the matter of their gambling in the barracks, but looked at Jory Cassel, who was frightened pale by his sudden intrusion, And asked in a deep voice: "Jory, how many of our people are still in this barracks?"

Jory Cassel hurriedly ran to Ed and reported to him: "My lord, apart from the twenty people who were transferred to the capital defense team, there are still nine northern brothers remaining in the Red Castle." ten"

"I almost forgot. Twenty brothers escorted Miss Sansa to the tournament this morning."

"That means there are still seventy guards left in this barracks!" Ed Stark said thoughtfully.

Jory nodded quickly: "That's right, my lord!"

"Leave forty guards to continue guarding around the Prime Minister's Tower. Jory, you immediately take the remaining thirty guards and prepare to go out with me." Ed Stark looked at the guards behind Jory and said loudly Said.

After speaking, Ed turned around and left the barracks. He didn't choose to go back to his prime minister's tower, but just stood in the open space in front of the barracks and waited.Ed watched the busy Jory Cassel gather many guards in front of him and couldn't help frowning, thinking that he must deal with these guards after the incident.

After Jory Cassel assembled the many guards, Ed Stark led them out of the garden of the Prime Minister's Tower with great fanfare.Since the people in the palace were all going to participate in the martial arts tournament outside the city at this moment, it was unusually quiet in the huge Red Castle, only a few servants were taking care of everything in the palace.

As for the golden robes stationed in the Red Castle, they undoubtedly discovered the whereabouts of their team, but they all tacitly kept silent.After all, they all recognized the new Prime Minister at the head of the team, and no one dared to meddle in other people's business.

With a loud bang like thunder, the thin wooden door of Grand Maester Pacelle's room shattered into countless pieces in an instant, scattered at the feet of the leader, Jory, and the other guards.

The old wooden fragments scattered inwards were scattered everywhere in the room.When Ed Stark carried the great sword "Ice" and followed Jory and others into the door of the room, he heard a woman's terrified scream coming from inside.

The guards guarding Ed in front of him waved their swords, cutting through thorns and clearing up the debris all the way for him, so as not to hurt his family members by stepping on these debris.

The room was filled with precious aromatherapy. On the huge bed in the bedroom, two white bodies were trembling under the swords of Qiao Li and the others.

The thick curtains surrounding the bed were torn off by Jory with one hand, and the naked maid raised her head in horror and stared at them with wide eyes.

"My lord, I beg you! I don't know anything." The plump young maid hurriedly begged Jory, "Please don't hurt me."

With just one glance, Ed recognized the maid on the bed in front of him.It hadn't been long since the last time he came here to look for Grand Maester Pycelle. At that time, it was this girl who presented him with ice-cold and delicious milk.

At this moment, she was tightening her body, both shy and scared, trying to stay away from the sharp knives pointed at them.

Although she tried her best to cover up those imaginative parts of her body, her slender hands alone couldn't cover all her sensitive parts.

Jory and the others gathered around the bed had never seen such a glamorous scene, and their eyeballs were about to pop out for a moment.

Seeing the ugliness of the guards headed by Jory, Ed Stark felt both angry and a little funny, so he had to give them a hard look.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the innocent maid and said, "You go! The person we are looking for today is not you!"

"Harwin! Send this girl out. Let her get dressed before going out." After asking the girl to be sent out of the room, Ed still warned his subordinates viciously, "Don't show a face that you have never seen before." The appearance of a woman, if you let me know that you take advantage of this girl, I will never forgive you."

Immediately afterwards, he looked around at the guards: "You are the same! If you let me know that you are here in King's Landing, I will not take it into account because you are the guards I brought from the north. If you really can't bear it If you want to go out to find girls, you can go to your captain Jory to ask for a day off, and then go to the girls' hospital in the city to find those poor girls."

Many guards who had been reprimanded by Ed nodded, and Harwin found a sheet from another room and put it on the maid, covering the wonderful body that made people think, and took it outside the room .Jory waited for a group of guards to watch them leave, their eyes were like those of a poor puppy.

The newly born girl stumbled on the broken wooden door, and then was supported by Harwin to leave the room and enter the hall outside.

Immediately, from the raven's nest on the top of the scholar's room, there was a raven's shrill scream, as if mocking these suffocated northern soldiers.

After the girl left, everyone turned their attention to the old guy nestled in the bed again.Jory grabbed the corner of the thin quilt and lifted it off, revealing Grand Maester Pycelle curled up underneath.

"Brother Paissel, please tell me, when you were appointed as a bachelor by the cardinal of the Academy City and sent you to serve the king, did you ever allow a bachelor like you to sleep with a maid?" Ed Stark confronted him sharply.

Hearing Ed Stark's questioning, this old guy who was disrespectful and did not abide by the rules of the academy raised his head, and his eyelids, which were usually drooping, opened wide at this moment: "Prime Minister Stark, you What are you doing with so many people suddenly today? I am your loyal servant."

Under Ed's gaze, Jory rudely pulled Grand Maester Pycelle off the bed and made him stand obediently in front of his lord.

But the old guy's naked body, University Maester Pycelle, was really unsightly. He tried his best to cover his ugly front and back with both hands, but hated that his hands were not enough.

"Huh! You are an old and disrespectful guy, let him put on clothes." Ed Stark snorted coldly.

According to Ed's order, Jory Cassel picked up the clothes of Grand Maester Pycelle with the tip of his sword and handed it to the other party with a face full of disgust. He stretched out his hand tremblingly and took it from Jory's sword tip. Start putting on your own clothes.

"Heh! Grand Maester Pycelle, you old bastard who is full of lies, you still have the face to mention loyalty to me!" Ed sneered and said, "I came to you to ask the real cause of death of former Prime Minister Jon Arryn , you not only failed to tell me the truth of the matter, but also used my trust in you to try to mislead me in the investigation of the cause of the death of the former prime minister."

"You even tried to shirk all the blame for all these crimes on the head of the octopus spider Varys. It's a heinous crime!"

"No, Lord Stark, you really misunderstood me. I really don't know about it." Grand Maester Pycelle Gao Yuan screamed, trying to explain to Ed that things were not what he thought, " Lord Stark, don't easily believe Varys' lies, things are absolutely not as the octospider said, that damned eunuch must be slandering me!"

"I warned you that the eunuch Varys is full of lies. You must not trust him. He will only continue to use you."

Ed kicked the Grand Maester Pycelle who was hugging his thigh away with disgust on his face: "Is it so bad for a maester like you to lie? You keep saying that Varys's mouth is full of lies, I think You're the one who's really lying."

"Also, did I mention to you that Varys told me this? Don't you know that Varys knows everything, and in order not to let me go to Varys to find out the truth, so you try to prevent me from going to him. ?"

"Lord Stark, I don't understand why you think I have deceived you. You asked me if I knew that the former Prime Minister was poisoned to death, and if I knew who poisoned Lord Arryn to death." Pycelle quibbled Said, "I really don't know these things!"

"Hmph, now that you are dying, you are still talking hard to me. Do you think I will bring someone to find you in a hurry without any solid evidence?" Ed snorted disdainfully With a voice, "Now that I have learned the truth of the matter, no matter how pitiful you pretend to be in front of me and how innocent you are, you will never be able to deceive me again."

"The former Prime Minister, Lord Jon Arryn, was murdered by a poison called 'Tears of Lys', and that poison from Boeveras on the other side of the strait was sent by you to send Grand Maester Scyll from the strait. Alchemists across the sea bought it.” Eddard Stark scolded, “Since you bought this poison, don’t you know what happened to the former Prime Minister after taking this poison? Are symptoms present?"

"You clearly knew what kind of poison was given to the former Prime Minister, but instead of actively treating Jon Arryn, you even condemned Bachelor Kemen of the Eagle's Nest City who was treating him. Now you Still pretending to be ignorant here, what kind of vicious heart do you have?"

Pycelle's eyes widened when he heard the words, and he looked at Ed in disbelief: "Master Stark, I have to admit to you, I did buy a kind of medicine called' The poison of the Tears of Rees'. But I can be sure that the former Prime Minister did not die from the poison I bought, because the poison is still well preserved in this room."

"Besides, I have never tested the effect of this poison on humans, so it is absolutely impossible for me to judge what kind of poison Lord Jon Arryn has been poisoned just based on the symptoms he showed before his death. of."

"If you still don't believe me, Lord Stark, I can find this bottle of poison for you in this room. I have kept it here since I bought it from the alchemist. I have never used it. It is absolutely impossible for this bottle of poison to be given to anyone." Pai Xier assured him solemnly.

Upon hearing this, Jory Cassel looked at his lord uncertainly, only to see Eddard Stark nodding at him: "Let him find the bottle of poison, but be careful that he destroys the evidence!"

After obtaining the nod of approval from his lord, Jory led Grand Maester Pycelle to rummage in his room and hall.

As Pacelle honestly told them where he hid the poison, soon Jory found the silver poison bottle on the old guy's study shelf.

It was hidden behind countless colorful bottles and jars by Pycelle.

Seeing that Jory found the bottle of poison named "Tears of Lys", Pai Sheil felt relieved immediately, only to hear him whispering to Eddard Stark: "The former Prime Minister must have been kidnapped by Varys." Murderer, I have many things to tell you about this eunuch, keeping your blood cold."

"Grand Maester Pycelle, I'm afraid you made a mistake! Although I was born in the cold northern region, it doesn't mean that the blood in my body is not as hot as the southerners." Ed Stark said meaningfully He looked at Paycell, who was surrounded by several sharp knives.

Speaking of the blood flowing in his body, although he has never been recognized by his father because of his dull personality.But he always believed that he was no worse than Brandon and Lyanna who were running wolf blood, after all, he was also a genuine Stark.

"Don't be too confident about this. Every time that eunuch brags one secret in your ear, he must be hiding seven." Pycelle seemed to be starting to feel more confident, and he was no longer afraid of the gun around his neck. Li Jian straightened his body, "The fact that the eunuch Varys came from Pentos on the other side of the strait, I think you should also know that the intelligence network he has on the other side of the strait can be used by him without anyone noticing. Buy this poison."

Until now, Pycelle still relentlessly slandered the octospider in front of Ed.Ed didn't know where Varys had offended the grand maester, so that Paycell didn't forget to pour dirty water on him at this moment, but he would never be fooled again this time.

In the face of Pycelle's continuous justification for himself, Ed chose to turn a deaf ear.Self-consciously, he took off the bottle cap of the silver liquid that Jolly handed him, and carefully placed it on the tip of his nose for sniffing.

Ed didn't smell any strange smell in the bottle, which is indeed in line with what Gao Yuan and he described about the tear of Reese.

In order to verify the authenticity of the bottle of poison in his hand again, he ordered Jory to find a glass of wine for himself in the middle of the room.I poured a small amount of Reese's Tears into the wine glass, and saw that the silver liquid poured into it and the red translucent wine in the glass quickly merged into one at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It didn't even need Ed to stir the two liquids, the silver tears of Rhys quickly and completely disappeared into the summer red in his hand, and there was no trace of it ever existed.He put the wine glass in front of the tip of his nose again, and there was no strange smell, only the unique fresh fruity aroma of summer red.

At this point, Ed Stark was basically convinced that the bottle of silver liquid in his hand was the Tears of Lys that Littlefinger and Mrs. Lysa used to murder the former Prime Minister.

Ed turned his head to look at Paicell beside him with a solemn expression: "Grand Maester Paicell, I think I have told you before that the news about the Tears of Rhys is not from the octospider. I heard it from Varys."

"You claim that you have never used this poison, and you have not given it to others, but why would someone claim that he stole a bottle of this poison from you?" Ed questioned him , "Brother Pacelle, the news I got is completely different from what you said! Can you tell me who is lying?"

Facing the iron-clad facts in front of him, Pai Sheil immediately panicked. In the panic, he finally said the name that Ed had been waiting for for a long time: "It must be Littlefinger! Lord Stark, this news must be Littlefinger told you, right?"

"You must not believe what Littlefinger says. He stole the tear of Lys from me. I haven't had a bottle of this poison on my shelf since the last time he visited me. "Pycelle cried to Ed, "The bottle of poison must have been stolen by Littlefinger at that time, this damn villain stole the poison from me, but now he still wants to kill the former Prime Minister The crime rests on my head."

"Now you finally admit that the bottle of poison used to poison Lord Jon Arryn was obtained from you by Littlefinger!" Enraged, Ed swung the great sword "Ice" in his hand, Split the huge bed in front of him into two halves.

Ed Stark's sword made Pycelle's legs go limp in fright. If the two guards beside him hadn't held his arms in time, the old guy would have been paralyzed on the ground. .

Frightened by this, a large amount of yellow-brown liquid flowed out from the crotch of the Grand Maester Pycelle.The yellow-brown liquid dripped onto the floor under him, and a disgusting stench filled the whole room. Even the incense from across the strait was not enough to cover up the strong stench.

Everyone present took a closer look and immediately understood that the Grand Maester Pycelle was scared to pee by Ed.The two guards put Pai Xier up again in distaste, as if they were afraid of getting the filthy liquid on Pai Xier's body.

"Grand Maester Pycelle, if you tell me the truth now, maybe I can spare your life here and give you a chance to receive King Robert's fair trial."

Ed Stark handed the greatsword "Ice" to Jory, and took the lighter steel long sword in Jory's hand by the way, and put its deadly tip against Grand Maester Pycelle's throat: "After all, it wasn't you who really poisoned Lord Jon Arryn. Your crime of not reporting the knowledge and hiding the poison is not too serious. In view of the fact that you have served the royal family loyally for many years, thank you. King Bo may be lenient to you and will not sentence you to death."

"If you are still the same as before, when I question you, you are still full of lies and uncooperative words, then you may never wait for the day of King Robert's trial." Eddard Stark Holding a sword and threatening him, "I will immediately try and execute you personally on charges of treason, and you know that I have such a right!"

"In the name of the King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men; Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Warden of the Realm; King Robert I of House Baratheon."

(End of this chapter)

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