Chapter 262
Blood flowed down Grand Maester Pycelle's neck, and dripped on his shriveled chest full of age spots. At this moment, Pycelle only felt that the last bit of strength had left him.He seemed to be smaller, much weaker than when they broke into the room.

Because Ed Stark held the long sword in his hand against his throat, the extreme fear made the old man tremble uncontrollably like chaff.Even at this time, Pai Sear was supported by two soldiers from the north, but his whole body was still like mud, and he couldn't get up no matter what.

"Jory! Bring a chair for our Grand Maester Pycelle and let him sit down," Ed Stark looked at Pycelle's distressed appearance, and couldn't help frowning, "If this goes on, I will Really worried he was going to drown in his own urine."

Following Ed's orders, Jory found an armchair for Pycelle in the middle of the room.Seeing this, the two northern soldiers unceremoniously put the old guy on the chair. The two guards had already had enough of the stench coming from Pycelle, and they just wanted to hurry up. Stay away from this guy.

"Now you can tell the truth, Grand Master Pycelle!" Putting down the steel long sword in his hand, Ed sat in front of Pycelle and asked, "How did the former Prime Minister offend you so that you have to punish Joan?" Lord Ern Arryn to die?"

"Lord Baelish no. It should be Littlefinger. He came to me that day and said that Lord Jon Arryn and Stannis knew something about the queen and her brother Ser Jaime. A secret." Pacelle said intermittently, "The two of them probably want to use this to achieve the goal of completely eradicating the influence of the Lannister family in the royal family."

"In fact, the former Prime Minister had already started to act. He wanted to send his wife back to Eagle's Nest City, send his son to Dragonstone Island to be an adopted son on Dragonstone Island, and then take action."

"So you colluded with Petyr Baelish and poisoned him first!" Ed felt a wave of anger rise in his heart when he heard this.

"No! That's not how it happened." Pai Sear, who was sitting on the chair, struggled weakly, but was pushed down by two strong northern soldiers behind him. Chicks in the shell are generally weak.

"Littlefinger came to me just to ask how to kill the former Prime Minister quietly without King Robert noticing," said Pycelle. "I gave him a serious warning. , This is almost impossible. There is no impenetrable wall in this world, not to mention the tight protection around the former Prime Minister at that time. He has long found himself in danger and has been careful to guard against others framed."

"Otherwise he wouldn't have made the decision to send his son to Dragonstone." Pycelle continued after a pause, "Littlefinger said he has his own way, as long as King Robert and It’s good that other people don’t see the clues.”

"According to this, I have reason to suspect that Littlefinger had bought someone close to Jon Arryn! It was probably the attendant next to him, and his name was Hugh. After the death of the former Prime Minister, that boy died He must have been knighted by King Robert and paid a lot of money." Pycelle was sure of that.

Littlefinger had indeed bribed someone close to Jon Arryn, but that person was not Ser Hugh as Pycelle said, but the one who had shared his bed with him for many years and gave birth to Xiao Lao for him. Lady Lysa.Jon Arryn probably never imagined until his death that his dearest wife would poison him to death, Ed thought so.

"Because I didn't know whether what Littlefinger said was true or not at the time, so I didn't give him the 'Tears of Reese'."

From the moment Pycelle began to explain the ins and outs of the incident, Ed had been staring at the other person's eyes. As far as he was concerned, the grand maester didn't seem to be lying.

Although he is convinced that Pycelle is not lying, Ed believes that there are still many suspicious things in this series of intricate events.

At present, he can only hope that the grand maester in front of him can answer his doubts: "Then what is the explanation for the bottle of poison that Littlefinger took from you? Tears' handed over to the other party, it is really hard to be convincing based on your one-sided words."

"After all, after the former Prime Minister was poisoned, you condemned Maester Komon, who was treating him, and you deliberately refused to treat Jon Arryn who was deeply poisoned, which indirectly caused his death from poisoning. " Ed said with a serious expression, "It's hard for me to believe that you and Littlefinger didn't collude in advance."

"It's indeed my fault," Pycelle confessed, whimpering, "The queen also wanted Duke Arryn's death, but she didn't say it, she can't tell me that! Because Varys has been listening, we see He's King Robert's stalker, after all. But I just need to look her in the eyes to know what I should do."

"So when Ke Meng wanted to help him with bloodletting and detoxification, I drove him away from the side of the former Prime Minister."

"However, I really didn't know about the poisoning of the former Prime Minister, and it was absolutely nothing to do with me. It was Petyr Baelish who stole the bottle of poison from me. For this I can swear to the old and new gods." At this point, the grand maester was already in tears, and in Ed's opinion, these were just crocodile tears.

"How long have you been working for the Lannister siblings?" Taking a deep breath, Ed finally asked the question he was most concerned about, "What is the secret between the queen and her brother, Sir James? What secrets are there?"

Faced with such a fatal question, Pycelle's breathing suddenly became short and rapid: "I don't know exactly what secrets exist between the queen and her brother Sir James. No one has ever told me."

"But I believe that Littlefinger must know this very well. I also learned about the existence of this secret from him. He didn't tell me in detail what this secret is."

"I've done so much not just for the queen, but for the Lannister family." After saying this, a bald and broad forehead popped out. There were huge beads of sweat, and the sparse white hair adhered to his dry skin due to sweat.

"For many years, I have been the servant of Duke Tywin's loyal servant. It was under my persuasion that the mad king Aerys opened the city gate for Duke Tywin."

Ed Stark was shocked when he heard the words. He never expected that in the incident where the old lion Tywin swindled and captured King's Landing City, he was also responsible for sending the Grand Maester.It's no wonder that the mad king Aerys was so easily deceived by Lannister to open the gate of the city. It turned out that the grand maester in front of him had already colluded with the old lion of the Lannister family back then.

"So the fall of King's Landing was also your fault?"

"I also chose to do this for the sake of my country! Prince Rhaegar had already died on the Trident River, and the overall situation of that war had been decided at that time." Grand Maester Pycelle kept excused himself, "King Aerys had already Crazy, Viserys was too young, and Prince Aegon was still in his infancy, and the Seven Kingdoms needed a king. I would have liked the noble Tywin Lannister to do it."

"But Robert was too powerful at that time, even Duke Tywin didn't intend to touch the edge. Lord Stark, you led the troops and came very quickly."

"Do you know how many innocent people in King's Landing were killed by your actions? The Lannister army ransacked King's Landing in the name of Robert." Ed suddenly stood up and asked him, "In In the Red Castle, there were not a few people who died tragically under the hands of Gregor Clegane and Ser Amory Lodge. They even brutally killed Princess Elia Martell, who was still in her infancy with her. Prince Aegon among them."

"What Sir Clegane did at that time was indeed a bit excessive, but I believe this is the best result." Pycelle murmured, "You were not in King's Landing at that time, and the mad king Aerys at that time Seeing that his situation was gone, he wanted to order the Pyromancer to ignite the wildfires they buried under the city of King's Landing, and he wanted the whole city of King's Landing to be buried with him. Fortunately, Sir James stopped him in time."

"The behavior of the kingslayer is a shameful betrayal! No matter how noble his reasons are, he should not personally kill the monarch he once swore to serve." No matter what method is used to whiten the behavior of the kingslayer, Ed considered unacceptable.He kept yelling at Grand Maester Pycelle's remarks, just like he had yelled at Jaime, whose hands were stained with his own monarch's blood, before the Iron Throne.

"For this reason, I am very curious. How many people have you betrayed over the years, Grand Master Pycelle?" After regaining his composure, Ed asked him again, "Mad King Aerys, Prince Rhaegar, former Prime Minister Jon Ayrin, do you still plan to sell me and Robert to the Lannister family?"

"Pycelle, when did you become like this?"

"Robert Baratheon, he is a disgraceful king who loves vanity and drinks all day long. He even wants to leave his queen recently, the queen who bore him three children, and even a queen A child taken in secret. Renly conspired to bring the Pearl of Highgarden to court to seduce his brother. Gods behold, these are true facts."

Ed was in no mood to continue listening to the nonsense behind Grand Maester Pycelle, and now he started to vomit whenever he saw this old guy, especially after learning about his despicable deeds.

"Jory, tie up Sir Pycelle and take him away." Ed ordered, "Take him back to your barracks and keep him under strict guard. No one can approach him without my order and permission."

After finishing speaking, Ed turned around and left the stench-filled room, Grand Maester Pycelle was dragged away by them.When passing through the shattered gate, the sharp pieces of wood drew bloodstains on his body.

"Lannister." Pycelle was in a trance at the moment, but even so he kept moaning, "Everything I do is for Lannister and the people in King's Landing."

After Jory and the others dragged Pai Sear away, Ed continued to lead people to search the room where the grand maester was staying.After searching the several rooms inside and the hall outside, several small jars and some seemingly unimportant letters were taken from his shelf.

During this process, the raven in the crow's nest kept muttering above its head, but its tone was no longer as dire as before, but surprisingly peaceful.Hearing the ravens neighing in his ears, Ed thought that he might have to find someone to take care of these birds before the Academy sent someone to take Pai Sear's place.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone in the Red Castle, the crowd headed by Ed walked out of the Grand Maester's residence. Except for the Grand Maester who was taken away by Jory and the others and the "Tears of Rhys" in Ed's arms, They also held a bunch of things in their arms to cover up people's eyes and ears.

In the eyes of those who are interested, Ed's surprise arrest and search operation against Grand Maester Pycelle can be described as "rewarding a lot".Looking at the back of Ai De and others leaving, many people have already thought about how to report Ai De's surprise operation to their master.

Different from the undercurrent in the Red Castle, at the same time, on the other side of King's Landing, the prime minister's tournament was in full swing.Now that the jousting has not really started yet, the atmosphere at the scene has already been mobilized because of King Robert's arrival.

Following the loud announcement of the king with a big belly, the atmosphere of the scene reached its peak immediately after the spear competition started.Whether it was the aristocrats on the viewing platform or the civilians who could only stand and enjoy the tournament, they all gave out enthusiastic cheers like a tsunami.

The Kingslayer was the first to play, and the first battle was against Earl Bryce Cullen of the frontier. In just one round, the Kingslayer pushed the opponent off the horse with his superb riding skills and agility.The opponent didn't even shatter the lance in his hand.

This shows that the opponent's lance did not collide with the shield and armor in his hand at all, and he defeated the opponent almost entirely by virtue of his agility.

Immediately afterwards, he easily defeated Sir Anda Royce in a duel like a horse show.Not to mention the easy victory over Sir Anda, the regicide did not forget to ride a horse to the auditorium, lift up his mask and make grimaces and provocations.

He seemed to know the relationship between Gao Yuan and members of the Royce family, but Gao Yuan, who was provoked, looked normal.However, the countenance of the Earl Jorn behind him was not so good. Seeing that his son was easily won by the kingslayer he despised the most, and after the victory, he continued to provoke Gao Yuan and himself. His face at this moment was as ugly as the set of bronze armor on his body.

 We will always cherish the memory of those who unfortunately died in the Wenchuan Earthquake on May 2008, 5.

(End of this chapter)

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