Chapter 263

"Bastard." Bronze Jon felt as if he had been greatly insulted, only to hear him curse, "Damn kingslayer, what does he think he is doing?"

"He just won a jousting joust, and he dared to provoke me arrogantly. If I hadn't taken the initiative to give up the opportunity to participate in this jousting tournament to young people, I would have given him some color as a kingslayer! You can't see it."

Bronze Jon has been aggrieved all the time, but Gao Yuan, who was provoked by the Kingslayer, seemed very calm, and he softly comforted Earl Jon: "You can let him be proud, anyway, the Kingslayer won't be able to be proud." How long! He'd better hope he doesn't meet me in the tournament later, or I'll make him eat shit when he falls off his horse."

"In this martial arts tournament, the kingslayer will always fall on my hands! Unless the kingslayer has already been eliminated before confronting me, then I will look down on him even more .”

"Lord Gao Yuan. I recently heard rumors in the city of King's Landing that you and the Kingslayer once had a swordsmanship competition in Winterfell." Bronze Yon and Gao Yuan asked about the rumors that have been widely circulated in the city recently, "the rumor said You easily defeated the Kingslayer in just a few rounds."

"The rumors are a bit exaggerated. The Kingslayer persisted for a few rounds under my command." Gao Yuan said with a smile, "Otherwise, he wouldn't have thought about finding a place for himself in the equestrian jousting. "

"Haha, Mr. Gao Yuan, you are too humble. I heard that the kingslayer only persisted under your hands for two rounds, and then you kicked him several meters away." Bronze Jon chuckled. , "You even almost cut off the long sword in Kingslayer's hand, so Lord Stark had to stand up and call a timeout."

Facing the curiosity from Earl Jon, Gao Yuan didn't respond to him directly, but turned his head to look at Bronze Jon and smiled without saying a word.It was as if he was saying to him: What kind of strength do I possess? Didn't you, Earl Jorn, see it clearly enough in the Eagle's Nest City that night?
While Gao Yuan was talking with Bronze Jon, the kingslayer who rode around the arena to show off on horseback was finally driven out of the arena under King Robert's impatient scolding.

After the Kingslayer had left the tourney on his steed, King Robert randomly announced that the jousting would continue.Immediately after the Kingslayer came the Kingsguard, Ser Barristan who had accompanied King Robert to the Vale of Arryn not long ago at King Robert's orders.

Ser Barristan, who is now 61 years old, can really be called an old knight, but he still has a ferocious aura and a competitive heart that is not lost to those young knights.The old and vigorous Sir Barristan, not only did not show the slightest sign of being at a disadvantage when facing off against opponents who were three or forty years younger than himself, on the contrary, he became more and more courageous as the contest progressed.

The final result was self-evident, and Sir Barristan naturally knocked the two young knights off his horse without any suspense.Although he didn't look as easy and freehand as Jaime Lannister when he dealt with his opponents, he was still quite crisp.

Judging from Sir Barristan's current age and physical condition, it is not easy to be able to achieve this level, and it is also thanks to his excellent riding skills and years of experience in fighting the enemy.

Also dazzling in this martial arts arena is Sandor Clegane, known as "The Hound". Compared with the two Kingsguards who have their own halos, he won almost entirely by virtue of his superb martial arts. The attention and cheers of the audience.

Like his formidable brother Ser Gregor the Mountain, Sandor the Hound was virtually unstoppable in the Hand's tourney, defeating One opponent after another.

It was a pity for everyone present that his elder brother Sir Gregor the "Magic Mountain" did not come to this tournament.According to some well-informed sources, Ser Gregor's body was found on the King's Road from the Riverlands to King's Landing.

It's just that the head of the corpse that was abandoned in the wilderness seems to have been taken away, so no one can be sure that it is Ser Gregor himself.But now at least it is certain that there was indeed a team of the Clegane family on the King's Road, which was attacked by unknown people and wiped out, because the people who found the bodies found the Clegane family's team at the scene. Three black dogs banner.

Many people originally scoffed at this news of unknown origin, but when they really did not see the figure of Sir Gregor in this tournament, they had to start to doubt that the news might be true.

So people began to speculate again, who was so bold to intercept and kill Sir Gregor on this half way.Some people think that Prince Doran of Dorne sent someone to ambush Sir Gregor. After all, everyone knows how much the people of Dorne hate the Mountain now. Princess Tyre and her child.

Another group of people believed that the Dornish people didn't have the courage to send people to sneak into the hinterland of the Riverland to kill people at this moment.Especially on the eve of the tournament held in King's Landing, the Dornish people with different appearances had nowhere to hide here, let alone sneak into the hinterland of the Riverland.

Some people think that this may be a provocation to the Lannister family.We all know that the Clegane family has always been the loyal dogs of the Lannister family. They openly attacked the Clegane family members on the King's Row. Isn't it just to slap the Lannister family and the old lion Tywin in the face? !

Looking at the vigorous figure of Sandor the Hound at the tournament, no one suspected that Sandor Clegane might have killed his brother.After all, the hideous scar on Sandor Clegane's face was caused by Sir Gregor. The rumors have never stopped, but considering that Sandor the Hound is always alone, they quickly dismissed themselves of this suspicion.

When it was Gao Yuan's turn to play, the jousting contest had already been held for more than ten rounds.When he rode that pure white horse from the valley into the competition venue, there was an exclamation among the ladies and ladies at the scene.In particular, his exquisite dark golden dragon scale battle armor immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Every dragon scale on the battle armor has been polished by the ingenious elves to become extremely smooth, and the looming lines and mysterious runes inside have attracted everyone's fascination under the sun.Not to mention the soft and natural lines on the battle armor, everyone couldn't help but sigh that this is an extremely exquisite work of art.

Whether it was the dignitaries in the stands, or the ordinary people who were lucky enough to come to watch the ceremony, they all began to inquire with the people around them, which family and family did such a handsome and extraordinary young knight come from.

When they learned from some people who had met Gao Yuan at the banquet in Winterfell that this majestic young man on the field was the newly appointed Guardian of the East Territory and Duke of the Eyrie City, the noble ladies at the scene Celebrities or girls all had their eyes lit up.

They all wished they could rush forward immediately and invite him as their guest of honor.

Gao Yuan's opponent in the first round today was Sir Hugh, and he rode a brown horse to the opposite side of Gao Yuan.Sir Hugh seems to have spent all his savings on buying his shiny new armor, and at this moment there is not even a decent cloak behind him.Just wearing a bare battle armor, which makes him look extraordinarily cowering.

The contest began soon, and Sir Hugh put on the mask on his helmet with a clang, indicating that he was in his place.But Gao Yuan didn't choose to wear a helmet, because he didn't prepare a helmet for himself at all, and he believed that he didn't need that kind of thing either.

After receiving the jousting lance hewn from the weirwood abundant in the Vale of Arryn from a squire arranged for him by a bronze Jorn, he rode to the sidelines on his horse.

After the two sides were ready, they lowered their lances. To be honest, this was Gao Yuan's first time participating in this kind of competition. He was inexperienced and just held the lances in his hands and pointed them at the opponent.

Although it was Sir Hugh's first time participating, he, who had been trained as a knight, knew that he should put the end of the lance under his armpit and use the palm of his hand as a fulcrum to fix the lance in his hand.

Just based on the posture of Gao Yuan holding the lance, everyone can tell that he is an out-and-out novice.Just when everyone didn't have much hope for him, the two war horses started to run at full speed, and the temporary stands on both sides also shook violently.

Gao Yuan riding on a war horse is like sitting firmly on Mount Tai. As the distance between the two continues to shorten, his body gradually begins to lean forward. Although the lance in his hand is only held in one hand, it is still as firm as a rock .

Just before the lances in their hands were about to meet, Gao Yuan dodged the opponent's lance with a strange sideways move.The horseback riding contest between the two was immediately judged. The lance in Sir Hughes hand passed by Gao Yuan, but the tip of Gao Yuan slammed into Sir Xiufu's crescent guard. shield.

As the lance in Gao Yuan's hand turned into scattered splinters, Sir Hugh was thrown off his horse by him.Whether it was in the auditorium or on both sides of the arena, the audience gasped.

"Bang Dang. Click"

The heavy armor on Sir Hugh's body came into intimate contact with the soft ground, and at this moment there was only a short stump of the lance in Gao Yuan's hand.All this happened too fast, before the audience had time to see what happened, the contest between Gao Yuan and Sir Xiufu was over, and the needles could be heard on the field for a while.

After a brief silence, there was a burst of warm cheers from the crowd.

"Duke Gaoyuan. Duke Gaoyuan"

"Guardian of the East."

"Dragon Slayer."


Amidst the loud shouts of the audience, Gao Yuan rode a white steed to Sir Hugh who had fallen to the ground, and stretched out his hand to pull him up from the soft sand.After that, he opened his arms to the audience who were shouting his name and title, and echoed their enthusiasm with blown kisses and standard etiquette.

At this moment, no one would pay attention to Sir Xiufu who was pushed off the horse by Gao Yuan. He could only leave the stage sadly clutching his aching abdomen.

Looking at Gao Yuan who was accepting the enthusiasm of the audience on the martial arts arena at the moment, Sir Hugh did not feel the slightest resentment about it.

He knew that Gao Yuan had been extra merciful to him. Although he flew a long distance from his horse before falling to the ground, and Gao Yuan's lance shattered terribly when the two sides collided, he did not choose to do it on purpose. Instead of attacking those parts that are most vulnerable to injury, he hit his lower abdomen, which is the softest but most protected by armor.

This is also the reason why he can still stand and leave the field. With such a huge force, Gao Yuan Ruuo chose to attack other parts of him.Even if he didn't vomit blood and fell to the ground in his current situation, at least he would have to break several ribs or arm bones.

After Gao Yuan and the others walked off the arena, a few boys soon ran into the arena to clean up the remaining fragments of the lance.When they had cleared the jousting ground, the jousting resumed.

Gao Yuan, holding a new lance, reappeared on the field of competition, because he still has a competition to do next.This time his opponent was Ser Balon Swann, the second son of Gurion Swann, lord of House Swann of Stonehelm in the Dorne Marches.

The future Kingsguard's horsemanship and spear riding were not very good, but when he was about to collide with Gao Yuan, he suddenly faltered.At the last moment, the horse he was riding on deliberately slipped out of position, causing Gao Yuan's lance to never touch the opponent. In fact, his own lance was also a hundred and eight thousand miles away from Gao Yuan.

After the first round of confrontation, the audience booed the Cavaliers who ran away at the last moment.The shameless Sir Balon Swann wanted to repeat the same trick in the second round, but the lance thrown by Gao Yuanfei was pushed off the horse directly, and he fell hard.

In the true sense of the word, a dog gnawing shit, I don’t know where the wild dog came from and pulled a piece of shit on the side of the field. It just so happened that Sir Balon Swann fell on the shit .Looking at the way the other party vomited on the ground and reprimanded him angrily, it was obvious that he had indeed eaten that piece of shit.

Seeing this funny scene, everyone present could not help but burst out laughing.Especially the King Robert sitting on the high platform, he only heard him yelling the other party's Shi Wen, while covering his round belly and laughing heartily, even spilled all the wine in his hand.

After Gao Yuan's game ended today, there was another fierce battle between the Kingslayer and Sir Barristan.After Ser Barristan fought the Kingslayer close to each other for two rounds, he finally lost to the Kingslayer in the third round because of his physical strength.

After defeating Ser Barristan, the Kingslayer advanced to the semi-finals of the jousting.One of the four places in the semi-finals has now been taken away. In order to compete for the final three places, the knights participating in this tournament almost went crazy.

The jousting went on for almost a whole day, and continued until dusk.The iron hooves of the war horses rumbled, trampling the land on the arena into a dilapidated desert wasteland.

Whenever two knights collide with each other, the audience can't help but scream loudly.Whenever someone fell off a horse in a collision, they would cheer and cheer for the knight they supported in unison.

During this period, Lord Renly lost to Sandor "The Hound" Clegane.Renly's fiasco was almost exactly the same as Ser Hugh's. He was hit hard in the chest by the Hound's lance and almost flew back from his horse.

When his antler helmet hit the ground violently, there was a crisp "cracking" sound, which made the audience gasp when they heard it.Fortunately, only the golden antlers on his helmet suffered, one of which was broken by him.When Lord Renly got up from the sand, the audience cheered wildly for him, because King Robert's younger brother was always welcome in King's Landing.

I saw him imitate Gao Yuan's appearance and gracefully bowed to those who supported him, then turned around and wanted to hand the severed horn to Sandor, the "Hound Dog" who had won him.But the Hound just snorted coldly, and then threw the broken horn into the auditorium on the side.The audience at the scene immediately fought to the death for the little gold, and it was not until Lord Renly walked into the crowd to appease the crowd that the order of the scene was restored.

Shortly after this, a hedge knight in a tartan cloak accidentally killed Beric Dondarrion's mount, and was judged out by King Robert.Earl Berry temporarily changed a new war horse for himself, but he was shot down by Thoros of Myr because he didn't cooperate well enough with the horse.

Ser Alan Santagar and Lothor Brune had been so close for three rounds that even King Robert could not decide who would win.Ser Alan was later defeated by Lord Jason Mallister, while Brun lost to Bronze Yon's youngest son, Robert Royce.

(End of this chapter)

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