Chapter 264
In Gaoyuan's last duel that day, he faced Soros, the red-robed monk of Myr, but this time the King of Light whom Soros believed in did not seem to give him asylum.Under Gao Yuan's heroic charge, the shield in Soros' hands and Gao Yuan's lance turned into fragments flying all over the sky, and the remaining half of the lance directly hit Soros' helmet, which split into two pieces and leaked out. The big bald head shrouded below.

The red-robed monk fell off his horse and hit the sand heavily. He passed out immediately after falling off the horse.Seeing this, the people outside the field hurriedly called a stretcher and carried the unconscious Soros back to the tent, while at the same time the winner was already going around the field to receive the cheers of the crowd.

So Gao Yuan successfully qualified for tomorrow's semi-finals, and now three of the four semi-finals have been taken away.The last remaining place will be between Ser Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers, and Ser Robert Jorns, son of Bronze Yon.

Ser Loras, the youngest son of Lord Highgarden and Mace Tyrell, Warden of the South, was only sixteen years old, the youngest knight ever to take part in the tournament.Regardless of his young age, today he was able to stand out from many outstanding knights. That morning, he almost won three consecutive victories with a complete victory, and the three opponents he defeated were all by King Robert's side of the Kingsguard.

When it comes to who is more favored by the ladies present in this martial arts arena, there is no doubt that it is this handsome young man from High Court. Compared with Gao Yuan, the dark horse that suddenly broke out, it is obvious that Sir Loras is still stronger. outperformed.

His silver-white armor has been carefully carved by craftsmen, and the enamel on it is full of thousands of different flowers. His snow-white mount is covered with bright red blankets and countless red and white roses.

Every time after winning a victory, this Sir Loras would ride to the front of many ladies, take a white rose from the red carpet on his horseback, and throw it to someone in the crowd. A beautiful girl.Is there any lady on the scene who has the heart to refuse a white rose presented to her by a handsome little milk dog?

From this, it can be predicted that the Knight of Hundred Flowers will definitely be the focus of the audience in this tournament.Shrouded in the dazzling halo of the Knight of Flowers, even if Sir Robert is wearing his family's bronze armor, he will inevitably look a bit eclipsed standing on the field.

Looking at Sir Robert with a gloomy expression on the field, Bronze Yon in the audience couldn't help feeling worried secretly.Now that the duel has not really started, his son actually lost to the opponent in terms of momentum and confidence, so if he waits for the real contest to start, how much courage will he have to face his opponent?
Seeing this scene, even Gao Yuan didn't have too many expectations for the contest between the two.The fact is also the same. Sir Robert, who is sprinting on a horse with a lance in his hand, is obviously weaker than the opponent in terms of momentum.

The runes on Sir Robert's family armor seemed unable to stop Sir Loras' bravery at all. The lance in the Knight of Flowers pierced his shield in half, pushing him off the saddle with a bang Fell on the sand.

Sir Robert, who was lying on the ground, groaned continuously because of the pain, while the Knight of Flowers who had won the victory went around the field to receive cheers. At this moment, no one cared about Sir Robert who was lying on the ground anymore.After hearing him groaning on the ground for a long time, the people on the sidelines called a stretcher and carried Sir Robert, who was dizzy and unable to move, back to the tent for treatment.

Seeing that his son was seriously injured, Bronze Jon didn't care to say goodbye to Gao Yuan, and got up and rushed in the direction of Luo Ba.

Then Sir Loras came to Sansa Stark on a white horse. Even if Gao Yuan couldn't see the expression on Sansa's face at the moment, he could guess that the eyes of this nympho girl were probably all focused on Los Angeles. Sir Lars.

Especially when the Knight of Flowers plucked the red rose, he could clearly hear the short heartbeat of the other party even though the distance was far away. If the heartbeat was faster, the little girl's heart might explode at this moment. up.

"My dear lady!" Ser Loras smiled and handed the rose in front of Sansa, "No great victory is half as beautiful as you."

Watching Sansa Stark shyly take the red rose in the other party's hand, and put it on the tip of her nose to inhale the sweet fragrance of the rose.He clung to it until Ser Loras rode away.

Gao Yuan felt goosebumps all over his body, all because the scene in front of him was so nasty.Even when he and Arwen are fond of each other in private, it's probably not as good as one ten-thousandth of this.This is also the reason why Gao Yuan didn't do this in this tournament, because it was too shameful and greasy.

At this moment, in the mind and eyes of that nympho girl, I am afraid that only Sir Loras' handsome face and the red rose in his hand are left. As for the unlucky Prince Joffrey, I am afraid that she has already forgotten about it. later.

Sir Loras defeated Sir Robert and took the last place in tomorrow's semi-finals. As a result, there are only four people left in the jousting field. They are all outstanding among the many knights of the Seven Kingdoms. : Sandor Clegane the Hound, Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer, Lord Gofar the Dragonslayer, and the young Ser Loras Tyrell, known as the "Knight of Flowers".

Whether they are familiar or relatively unfamiliar, these names are destined to become famous and famous figures that are beyond the reach of everyone in the chaotic Seven Kingdoms in the future.

By the time the jousting contest ended, the new moon had already risen above everyone's heads, and the people who came to watch the martial arts tournament were already tired.So King Robert announced to everyone that the last three contests would be held tomorrow morning.The team events of this tournament will start after the final champion of the jousting joust is determined.

As King Robert announced the end of today's tournament, the audience at the scene gradually dispersed. During this period, they still excitedly discussed with their companions the wonderful performance of the knights in the tournament today, and In the next day's jousting championship competition, which knight will win the crown.

The courtiers followed King Robert to the riverside for dinner. As the guardian of the East Territory and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City, Gao Yuan was naturally one of the many people invited to participate.

When they came to the bank of the Blackwater River, six yaks that were as tall as a human being were already slowly turning on the iron spit. It was obvious that the royal chefs had been roasting these yaks for several hours. .

Seeing the arrival of the king and others, the cooks and helpers hurriedly smeared butter and spices on the tender and tender yak meat until the beef was roasted crispy and delicious, and the fat was overflowing.

Huge long tables and benches were set up in front of the tents of the king's camp, and the tables covered by white cloth were filled with various desserts, strawberries, freshly baked bread and broth.

Gao Yuan and Sansa Stark were arranged on a temporary high platform. King Robert and Queen Cersei sat in the middle of the VIP seat, and several princes and queens sat on the left and right sides of the king and queen. Princess, after this are all the important ministers from the Seven Kingdoms who came to participate in this martial arts tournament.

I don't know if it's really a coincidence or someone did it deliberately, Gao Yuan's seat happened to be arranged next to Sansa Stark.Seeing Gao Yuan, who had a wonderful performance in the jousting competition today, sitting beside her, Sansa originally wanted to congratulate him on her successful promotion in the jousting jousting, but she didn't know that Joe, who hadn't paid attention to her for a long time, Prince Ferry sat down suddenly at her right.

Sansa felt her throat tighten for a while, and she held back all the words she wanted to congratulate Gao Yuan.Joffrey hadn't spoken a word to her since the last incident at the Trident, and Sansa didn't know how to break the awkward silence for a while.

She really has no way to feel sorry for Joffrey, because until now she still believes that the responsibility for the death of "Lady" lies with the wayward Arya and the ruthless queen.

Besides, he was really too handsome tonight, wearing a tight dark blue jacket with two rows of golden lion heads embroidered on it, and a slender crown made of gold and sapphires on his forehead.

His hair shone like real gold, and Sansa stared at his face trembling uncontrollably, and she was afraid that Joffrey would continue to ignore him, and even speak badly to her again like he did on the ruby ​​beach. , Let her flee here crying.

As a result, the bad scene she expected didn't happen. Joffrey not only stared at her with a smile on his face, but also kissed her hand affectionately.Just like the princes sung in the ballad, Joffrey is almost the most perfect prince in her heart, except that he did not show his heroic appearance in the tournament.

Joffrey was the first to break the silence: "My dear future queen, Sir Loras really has a good eye. He found a real beauty among the vulgar fans in today's tournament."

"He acted too gentlemanly to me in the tournament field today." Sansa Stark tried to put on a serious expression, trying to show elegance and politeness in front of her sweetheart, but her heart at the moment I'm afraid he was as happy as eating honey, "Sir Loras is the most gentlemanly knight on the field today. Your Royal Highness, do you think he might win the jousting championship tomorrow?"

"Hmph, he won't have a chance to win the championship!" Joffrey snorted coldly. "Tomorrow my dog ​​will take care of him, and Uncle James will definitely be able to beat him. In a few years, when I can participate in this tournament I'll take them all away."

Hearing this, Gao Yuan, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation between the two, almost didn't laugh out loud. He couldn't help but glanced at the prince who spoke wildly.I thought to myself, just because of you, a little bastard, have you forgotten so quickly that you were beaten up by a little girl begging for mercy on Ruby Beach?
"Sir Gao Yuan! Do you think differently about what I said?" Joffrey obviously noticed the dismissive look on Gao Yuan's face, and asked him with a frown, "Or do you think I have no ability to Sweeping all opponents in the tournament?"

Oh, you still have self-knowledge!Gao Yuan sneered secretly.

Although he thought so in his heart, Gao Yuan was not stupid enough to deliberately offend the other party at this time: "Whether His Royal Highness Prince Joffrey will be able to sweep everyone in the tournament in the future, I can't guarantee that."

"But what I can assure you is that your uncle, Sir Jaime, probably won't have the chance to face Sir Loras tomorrow." Gao Yuan said with a strong smile, "Because the first opponent he will face tomorrow is Me! It's not that I'm arrogant, it's just that Sir Jaime can't be my opponent."

"I remember you, Sir High!" Joffrey said with a playful smile on his face. "At the dinner party in Winterfell, you were the one who defeated my uncle Jaime in a duel. You only won in swordsmanship. If you beat him, I'm afraid you may not be able to beat him in this jousting contest."

"Whether I can beat Ser Jaime at the jousting tomorrow will not be determined by your words alone. Don't forget that the king is still your father, not you Prince Joffrey." Gao Yuan spread his hands with a smile and said, "Anyone can speak freely! But in the martial arts arena, everyone can only rely on their own real strength. If you want to win against your opponent, you can't just rely on words."

"I just hope that when I easily defeat your uncle Sir Ham tomorrow, Prince Joffrey, you will not be shocked."

"I've seen your performance in this tournament today. It can only be described as very bad. It can be seen that you have never been trained as a knight." Joffrey seemed quite unconvinced, and sarcastically said, "My father must have drunk too much that day to order James to make a little man like you a knight. If it were me, I would throw two silver coins and send you away."

"Hehe. It is true that I have not received special knight training, but my ability to defeat so many people who have received knight training today fully demonstrates my strength. This fact is in front of you. You can't let you question it, Joff Your Royal Highness Prince Li!" Gao Yuan immediately started to fight back, "As for King Robert canonizing me as a knight that night, it has nothing to do with whether he drank too much, at least he kept his promise."

"I'm a little man, I'm afraid it's not up to you to remind me, no matter what, I'm much better than some despicable man who killed his own king."

"You should all be grateful to my father for his great love for you today! If it weren't for my father's promotion of you, I'm afraid you would still be a mercenary who is only fit to hang out with illegitimate children and attendants at banquets, instead of being qualified to be here with us The so-called Duke of Eagle's Nest who dined together." Joffrey seemed to be getting annoyed, and he yelled at Gao Yuan regardless of the eyes of everyone present.

"My mother once told me that your positions of Guardian of the East and Duke of the Eagle's Nest originally belonged to my uncle. It was he who didn't like these positions and it was your turn. So you Only worthy of the leftovers he throws away."

Joffrey's stupid words just blurted out, and then the audience fell into a dead silence, and everyone looked at the prince who spoke in shock.Sansa Stark tugged at the hem of his clothes even more anxiously when she heard the words. No matter how low her EQ was, Sansa knew at this moment that Joffrey might be in trouble.

Joffrey's outspokenness almost immediately aroused serious dissatisfaction from all the noble families present.Even if a few nobles didn't notice what happened here at the first time, when they learned about the prince's arrogant words from the people around him, the eyes they looked at him gradually changed from initial confusion to disgust.

Whether as the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City or as the guardian of the East Territory today, Gao Yuan can be said to be standing at the pinnacle of the ladder of power for the nobility in Westeros today.Except for King Robert who really stands at the top of the pyramid of power, the guardians and dukes are the core figures in the Seven Kingdoms.

His wild words are almost shaking the political foundation of the entire Seven Kingdoms.

If it is said that in the eyes of Joffrey, Gao Yuan, who is the guardian of the East and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City, is only worthy of eating the leftovers discarded by his Lannister family.So what kind of existence do these guardians, dukes and other lower-ranking family dignitaries present in his eyes be in Joffrey's eyes?

A Lannister slave who can be called around at will, or a lackey who doesn't deserve to eat leftovers?
As if realizing that he had really caused a catastrophe, Prince Joffrey suddenly panicked.Before he opened his mouth to justify his wrong words and deeds just now, he saw a wine glass full of Xia Rihong smashed hard on his head.

All the red liquid inside fell on Joffrey's body, and most of the dark blue tight top was dyed red, and even the golden lion on his chest turned into a blood lion.His long shiny blond hair was also stained with a lot of spilled wine, making him look extremely embarrassed right now.

"Joffrey!!!" An earth-shattering roar spread throughout the venue, "You bloody bastard, what are you doing there?" Then everyone looked in the direction where the wine glass flew, and saw that King Robert was staring in Joffrey's direction angrily at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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