Chapter 265 Petyr Baelish
King Robert's roar lingered in his mind for a long time, the fear made Joffrey tremble involuntarily, and he didn't even dare to look up at his father's angry eyes, completely gone from the look in front of Gao Yuan just now The appearance of high-spirited.

The mournful expression on Joffrey's face made everyone present have an illusion, as if he was going to cry in the next second.

Especially when King Robert was walking towards Joffrey with heavy steps, every lift of his foot would cause a tremor on the high platform, and then Joffrey would twitch his shoulders in fear.As the terrifying footsteps gradually approached, Joffrey's heart became more and more frightened at this moment.

When Joffrey with his big belly appeared in the sight of Joffrey with his head bowed, he couldn't help raising his head to look at his father, but before he could see Robert's face clearly, a huge The palm of his hand slapped him hard on the face.


With a crisp applause resounding through the audience, everyone present could not help but gasp.When Joffrey, who was lying on the ground, got up from the ground again, a bright red handprint appeared on the left side of his handsome face, and a hint of red was overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Before Joffrey could recover from the slap, King Robert grabbed him by the neck and brought him to Gao Yuan: "Duke Gao Yuan, I am really sorry! I did not discipline my son well. I am here to sincerely apologize for letting Joffrey speak wild words in front of you."

"Your Majesty Robert, I have accepted your apology." Gao Yuan stood up and said solemnly, "For King Robert's sake, I can forgive Prince Joffrey for his rude behavior to me just now."

Hearing that Gao Yuan had forgiven himself, Joffrey, who was tightly grabbed by Robert's neck, couldn't help but feel relieved, but before he could really breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Gao Yuan change the subject: "But today at this banquet I am not the only one who was insulted by Prince Joffrey's words. I believe that all the nobles present felt offended just now. I believe you and I are very clear about the seriousness of what His Royal Highness Joffrey said. , Your Grace Robert!"

"Seven Gods!" Robert pulled Joffrey between the two of them, and complained to Gao Yuan impatiently, "Gao Yuan, look at this kid, Joffrey is just a child who doesn't know the world, that's all. How could he know how serious what he said just now is, and it didn't cause any serious consequences. For my sake, what are you going to do to forgive him? "

"Your Majesty Robert, I don't think that Lord Joffrey is still a child. He is twelve years old now, and he will have his rite of passage in a few years, and it is time for him to learn how to deal with the people of the Seven Kingdoms The nobles are living together peacefully." Gao Yuan said neither humble nor overbearing, "If you don't take this opportunity to let him understand how to get along with the princes, I am afraid that after His Royal Highness Joffrey takes your place in the future, he will probably be like the Mad King Yi. Reese's mistakes."

"Besides, I have already expressed my forgiveness for His Royal Highness Joffrey's rude behavior just now, for His Majesty Robert's sake." Gao Yuan said loudly, "So I don't need Joffrey to apologize to me, at this moment he really should What I got was the forgiveness of all the important ministers of the Seven Kingdoms present."

"The important ministers of the Seven Kingdoms who were present here are now swearing allegiance to you, and they will also be loyal to His Royal Highness Joffrey in the future. If he cannot get the forgiveness of the important ministers present, how will they treat their future monarch in the future? ?” Gao Yuan is not trying to scare him, I believe many people will change their original thoughts after this incident.

"You may be able to get them under the rule of Prince Joffrey, but you don't expect them to be loyal to Joffrey, because these powerful people cannot even get the most basic respect from Joffrey."

After patiently listening to Gao Yuan's words, Robert Baratheon looked at his eldest son solemnly, watching the decadent expression on Joffrey's face, and he thought that what Gao Yuan said was indeed very reasonable.It seems that I have indeed neglected to educate Joffrey all these years, which is why he dared to say such outrageous words at the banquet tonight.

Fortunately, I still have my prestige now, and I can still suppress those big lords with ulterior motives for Joffrey.If one day he suddenly died suddenly, or when his remaining prestige was gone, Joffrey, who had lost his heart, might not be able to suppress the seven kingdoms with his own power alone. Those who are ready to move.

Robert Baratheon has not forgotten how he won the Iron Throne, and the Targaryen remnants far across the strait are still waiting for an opportunity.

When he was dying, Joffrey would have only himself, and those nobles of the family who were still loyal.

"Hmph! Take this as a lesson for you." Robert Baratheon looked at Joffrey's decadent look, and was even more angry, "Joffrey, you bastard! Boy, why don't you hurry up and thank the Duke of High and Far for your advice!" After scolding his son Joffrey, Robert Baratheon didn't forget to kick him in the ass.

Photographing the majesty of his father behind him, I saw that Prince Joffrey was like a defeated golden rooster, clutching his buttocks and limping towards Gao Yuan: "Thank you for your guidance, Lord Gao Yuan"

"It's a great honor to accept your thanks, Your Royal Highness Prince Joffrey!" Gao Yuan responded with a smile, and reminded him after speaking, "Next, you should apologize to the princes present, otherwise His Majesty Robert will have to kicked your ass."

Joffrey glared at the triumphant Gao Yuan with resentment, then gritted his teeth, turned around and walked to the stage to apologize to the important ministers.Looking at the back of Joffrey who was apologizing to the nobles in the audience, Gao Yuan shook his head snortingly.

He had expected the resentment in Joffrey's eyes before he walked away, so Gao Yuan didn't take it to heart at all.Anyway, he, Joffrey, won't be proud for long. Even without Gao Yuan's intervention, according to the original plot, he, Joffrey, will have to pay the price for his tyrannical behavior sooner or later.

If his plan went well, he, Joffrey, might not even be able to wait until the day he was poisoned to death at the wedding.On the day when he leads troops to capture King's Landing City, his fate will even be ten times more miserable than being poisoned to death at a wedding.

It is rumored that in the east farther than the other side of the strait, there is a poison extracted from a manticore, which can make people die in excruciating pain.

"Speaking of Duke Gaoyuan, you and I haven't had a good drink since the night we parted in Darry City. You haven't seen me since you came to King's Landing from the Eagle's Nest City. Between you and me tonight You must have a good drink." King Robert said loudly, putting his arm around Gao Yuan's shoulders affectionately.

He then summoned a servant and asked him to bring him a bottle of chilled Xia Rihong, and took the wine jug from the servant's hand and poured Gao Yuan a glass of fine wine.

"Your Majesty Robert, you wish to have a few glasses of fine wine with me. Naturally, I would rather be respectful than obedient." After speaking, Gao Yuan drank the summer red in his hand.

"The Duke of Gao Yuan is really happy." King Robert praised Gao Yuan, and poured wine for him again.

Just when King Robert raised his glass and wanted to drink a few more drinks with Gao Yuan, Prince Joffrey, who had gone to apologize to the princes before, returned to him.I saw King Robert put down the wine glass in his hand and yelled at Joffrey viciously: "Why are you standing here looking at me, why don't you go back to your mother quickly, because you think I messed with you tonight Isn't that enough?"

After speaking, he did not forget to pat Joffrey on the back of the heart with his big hand, but this time the strength in his hand was obviously much weaker, and he just wanted him to get out of his wife's care.

"You don't need to worry about this child, we continue to be the Duke of Gao Yuan." Robert Baratheon raised his glass with Gao Yuan again.

It's over now, King Robert drank four or five cups of summer red with Gao Yuan one after another, then he bid farewell to him and turned back to his seat.

"Your performance today is really wonderful, Mr. Gao Yuan!"

Just as Gao Yuan sat down again, another man's voice sounded from behind him.Turning his head and looking behind him, he saw a thin man staring at him with a fake smile on his face.The man in front of him was very short, with a small goatee on his chin, and a few tufts of silver hair on both sides of his hair. He was probably about the same age as Ed Stark.

"I don't know what you mean by the wonderful performance. Do you mean my wonderful performance in the martial arts arena today, or the farce with Prince Joffrey just now?" Gao Yuan looked at the person in front of him with some doubts It took a long time to remember who this person was. It turned out to be Littlefinger Petyr Baelish, who he was currently conspiring with Ed Stark to deal with.

Although he didn't know why the other party came to him suddenly at this time, Gao Yuan firmly believed that it would be no good if this sinister villain found him.So he immediately raised his vigilance to prevent falling into someone's trap or being misled by his words.

Gao Yuan secretly guessed that the other party most likely came for Sir Xiufu's affairs.After all, I didn't hide it when I brought Sir Hugh into the city yesterday, and after that, I went to meet the Prime Minister in the Prime Minister's Tower non-stop.

You must know that Sir Hugh knows the most important secret of his little finger. If Sir Xiufu really leaked this secret to Gao Yuan, and then Gao Yuan reported this secret to the current Prime Minister Ed, then his little finger is now Everything you have is gone.

Don't look at Littlefinger's calm and composed appearance in front of Gao Yuan at this moment, he probably already panicked in his heart.If he knew that Ed had brought people to Grand Maester Pycelle's place to search today, and had already taken away the remaining bottle of "Rees' Tears", Littlefinger would probably be even more flustered.

Gao Yuan is looking forward to seeing his expression when he hears the news, and he doesn't know if he can maintain his current calm appearance by then.To be honest, Gao Yuan still admires his little finger's courage. If Gao Yuan was his little finger, he would have run away on hearing the news in this situation.

Not to mention that all his plans over the years will be in vain, even his little finger himself may be doomed.According to King Robert's temperament, after learning that he killed the former Prime Minister, he will definitely let him go. If the evidence is convincing, he will be sentenced to death immediately. won't give it to him.

"Of course you know what I'm referring to, Lord Gao Yuan!" Petyr Baelish seemed to be pretending to be mysterious, "I forgot to introduce myself, I am the treasurer of the Imperial Council today"

Gao Yuan waved his hand and interrupted the other party: "I know who you are, Lord Petyr Baelish! I have heard your name many times from others, whether it was in the Eagle's Nest City in the Vale of Arryn, or In this city of King's Landing, Lord Petyr Baelish, you are a well-known figure."

"You can call me Petyr."

"Or call you Littlefinger!" Gao Yuan replied quickly, the smile on his face had disappeared at this moment, "You and I are not familiar with each other, at least not enough to call each other by name. I don't want to Let you disturb my happy mood at this banquet, so stop playing with those crooked things, please just state your purpose for coming to me tonight."

"Master Gao Yuan, you can call me whatever you want. I just want to be your friend when I come to chat with you tonight." Naturally, Little Finger will not reveal his real purpose in public. Wan just wanted to come here to test it out, to see if Gao Yuan could be wooed by him, or if he could be bought off.

Since Littlefinger is unwilling to speak out about his purpose of coming to him tonight, Gao Yuan is not going to pay any attention to him anymore, but focuses all his attention on the delicious wine and food in front of him.

Seeing that Gao Yuan ignored him, Littlefinger no longer made fun of himself, but turned his attention to Sansa Stark who was on the side.

"You must be her daughter." Littlefinger said to Sansa suddenly. Although there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, his gray-green eyes did not smile. What is the purpose of Stark's conversation, "You look almost exactly the same as your mother when you were young, and you have the beauty of the Tully family."

"I'm Sansa Stark, Lord Baelish, what you just said may be my mother, or my little aunt, Lady Lysa." Sansa Stark said with some embarrassment.

As early as when Gao Yuan was talking to Lord Baelish, she had already noticed him.Judging from the conversation between the two, Lord Baelish must have no good intentions in finding Duke Gaoyuan, but he doesn't know why he found himself after hitting a wall with Duke Gaoyuan.

"It has been an honor to have known her daughter, and it has been an honor to have known you, Miss Sansa Stark." Littlefinger wore a heavy cloak with a fur collar, fastened by a silver mockingbird, though he kept it He has a natural and elegant aristocratic air, but he still looks a little abrupt.

"Lingtang used to be the queen of love and beauty in my heart, but unfortunately I lost her in an important duel." Littlefinger leaned over and whispered in Sansa's ear, his breath accompanied by the smell of mint. Taste, "Your thick burgundy hair and clear sky blue eyes are inherited from my former love."

After saying that, Littlefinger stretched out his hand to pick up a lock of auburn hair next to Sansa Stark's ear, but before his fingertips touched the strands of hair, his hand felt like an electric shock. Generally received back.

I saw a dragon bone dagger standing between him and Sansa. The owner of this dragon bone dagger was Gao Yuan, and he scolded: "Little finger! Duke Hoster raised you in Riverrun!" Didn't I tell you that women's bodies can't be touched at will?"

"Or is it that you have always been like this when you were in Riverrun, and you often like to take advantage of other girls?" Gao Yuan sneered at Littlefinger, "Miss Sansa Stark is Lady Stark's daughter, speaking of it It should be your Littlefinger's niece. You didn't even spare your own niece, no wonder Duke Hoster Tully expelled you from his castle."

(End of this chapter)

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